By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin comments on some tips from an evolutionary anthropologist on “How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists” — which include the close-minded recommendation to ignore any scientific research that is affiliated with Discovery Institute. Listen in as Casey gives his own advice on how to approach controversial issues such as the Darwinian evolution vs. intelligent design debate. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast …read more Read more here: id the future
“URGENT WATCH: In Sept. of 2014 Rick Joyner had a dream in which he shared about ISIS coming to America and the “gates of Hell being opened”. He also had another dream in Feb. 2015 that is an update to the first video. You can watch them here.” Admin The SCUM has released a ‘Kill List’ and on that list they are including NUMEROUS Texas Cities.. THIS is what we know. Pentagon officials have responded to a ‘Kill list’ released by ISIS containing the names, phone numbers, and addresses of military personnel. Officials have urged law enforcement to
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Scientists from the University of North Texas have tested out a new radioactive bandage for the treatment of a relatively non-lethal form of skin cancer. The researchers presented the results of the small-scale trial at the 2015 American Association of Pharmaceutical… …read more Read more here: Natural News
Fluoride is one of the most dangerous health threats in our environment, and its widespread use makes it a challenging to avoid. On this website, we regularly discuss the health concerns associated with water fluoridation and believe that the prevalence of fluoride in our water supply is not something to take lightly. Fortunately, many in the health and science fields are working toward change and many of these individuals have voiced their concerns in the new documentary Fluoride: Poison On Tap. Watch: Fluoride: Poison On Tap Documentary – VIDEO
“Ah, the fruits of common core.. rotten.” Admin The 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress report, also known as The Nation’s Report Card, shows that U.S. educational achievement, to put it nicely, leaves much to be desired. When it comes to reading and math skills, just 34 percent and 33 percent, respectively, of U.S. eighth-grade students tested proficient or above — that is, performed at grade level or above. Recent test scores show poor achievement levels in other academic areas. Only 18 percent of eighth-graders are proficient in U.S. history. It’s 27 percent in geography and 23 percent in
“I think it’s obvious by now that if Mr. O is not a Muslim he is certainly a strong Muslim sympathizer. You can also read this article on 20 Obama quotes about Christianity and Islam that will doubly prove this point.” Admin The phrase “Houston, we have a problem” does not do justice to what this nation is experiencing at this moment. Rather we might say “AMERICA & THE WHOLE WORLD – we have a serious problem!” I suppose I should not be in shock, but I am. Did you hear the president Monday, condescendingly lecturing us about…
By Ken Ham What is the number-one perception of the Christian church today? No matter how you slice it, it always comes down to one word—hypocrisy. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Christina Sarich Three environmental groups are calling for a halt to the open field trials planned for GM moths at Cornell University. Thus far, trials for genetically modified moths have taken place in closed-screen cages, but open field trials are planned by early next spring. The Center for Food Safety, Food and Water Watch, and Friends of the Earth U.S., along with the Northeastern Organic Farming Association of New York, have expressed urgent concern ahead of the public comment period which is expected to open at the USDA, EPA, and FDA which would help determine policy for regulating the
By Admin U.S. President Barack Obama with U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack – REUTERS/Larry Downing – Image source. by BRANDON KEIM The Atlantic Excerpts: Late last year, Jonathan Lundgren, a South Dakota-based entomologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, submitted an article to the scientific journal Naturwissenschaften. It …read more Read more here: Health Impact News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola People who suffer from high-frequency hearing loss in both ears have typically been chronically exposed to loud noise, such as at work. The National Institutes of Health even states that about 15 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have high-frequency hearing loss related to noise exposure during occupational or leisure activities.1 While there are now government standards that regulate allowable noise exposures at work, prior to the mid-1960s no laws were in place to mandate the use of devices to protect hearing. Further, even with …read more Read more here:
Sneak peek of latest Creation magazine. As scientists digest information from Pluto, it’s obvious the planet is young and defies long-age expectations. …read more Read more here:
By Paul Fassa Source: How You Can Regulate Vital White Blood Cells to Prevent Disease For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA White blood cells (WBCs) or leucocytes are the defensive front line of the immune system. They are like valiant foot soldiers who selflessly protect their territory against all invaders or foreign bodies, including cancer cells. Problem is cancer cells are very dodgy, and WBCs often have a hard time spotting them. There [&hellip Source: How You Can Regulate Vital White Blood Cells to Prevent Disease Learn more at – Healthy …read more Read more
By Julie Fidler In June, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ruled that the there was “no convincing evidence” that glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide ‘Roundup,’ is an endocrine disruptor. The conclusion was based on an assessment of 52 chemicals and the likelihood that any of them could be classified as such. [1] This was great news for Monsanto, who, in March, took a hit when the World Health Organization (WHO) said that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic to humans.” “I was happy to see that the safety profile of one of our products was upheld by an independent
By Ken Ham Recently, Business Insider published a short video on its website called “How scientists discovered an ancient fish that went extinct 65 million years ago.” Now, this story is an old one—the fish was discovered in the 1930s. But it was the find of the century at the time and is still an amazing discovery today. The fish is known as the coelacanth (SEE-la-canth). It has thick scales and lobed fins, and it appears throughout the fossil record in rock layers that are typically dated from around 340 million years until its last appearance in rock layers laid
By Admin Malakai appears to be starving in foster care. Source: Help Save Malakai Facebook page by Health Impact News/ Staff A North Carolina grandmother is “horrified” at the condition of her 4 year old grandson Malakai. The deterioration in his health reportedly happened after Child Protective Services removed him from his family and placed him in foster care. She reports that he had previously been very healthy, with no medical problems. Now, the foster parents are collecting disability payments for him and he looks like he is starving. Kimberly Deese is fearful for her grandson’s life. She and her
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined as an excessive accumulation of fats, often accompanied by elevated enzyme levels, in your liver in the absence of significant alcohol consumption. While it’s normal for your liver to contain some fat, accumulations of more than 5 percent to 10 percent of your liver’s weight are problematic.1 Alcohol consumption is a leading cause of fatty liver, but in the case of NAFLD, it occurs in people who are overweight or obese, have high cholesterol, or high triglycerides, and who …read more Read more here: mercola
By REALdeal Source: Here Is What Happens To Our Bodies When We Look At Our Cell Phones Before Going To Sleep For more content like this visit “Sleep is the chain that ties health and our bodies together.” -Griff Niblack A couple of centuries ago people didn’t know anything about artificial light. Burning candles and going to bed with the sunset was the way of life. The sun was the main source of lighting, and people spent their evenings in darkness. We, [&hellip Source: Here Is What Happens To Our Bodies When We Look At Our …read more Read
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear the an episode of our ID The Future segment ID Inquiry, in which ID scientists and scholars answer your questions about intelligent design and evolution. Ask your question by sending an email to, and tune in to this episode as Dr. Robert Marks discusses information and how it relates to intelligent design. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode ID Inquiry Inquiring minds want to know about intelligent design. We get a lot of new readers and
“Down through the years many people have and dreams and visions from God about a Russian nuclear attack on the US. Mr. O is just playing his role in fulfillment of those dreams and visions.” Admin We have seen some very heinous events over the past years of the Obama administration’s rule. We have seen the hollowing out of our military command structure (everyone is familiar with the list of field-grade and general staff-level commanders purged by Obama). We witnessed the “mothballing” of TARS (the balloon system complementing NORAD). We watch, as this administration shuts down production of the Tomahawk
By Heather Callaghan By Growing Your Greens John from Growing Your Greens shares with you how he makes no-cook dill pickles fresh from the garden with just a handful of ingredients that are done less than a week! In this… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Christina Sarich A Supreme Court in Mexico recently denied biotech the right to push GM soy in the country, and the ramifications of the decision is helping to save Mayan beekeepers’ honey. Beekeepers in the Mexican sates of Yucatan and Campeche were concerned about GM contamination of their honey, but will now be protected. Previously, through a permit granted to Monsanto, they would have been able to plant 253,000 hectares of GM soy for an unlimited duration in seven Mexican areas, including the municipalities of Champoton, Hecelchakan, Hopelchen, Tenabo, Calkini, Escarcega, Carmen, and Palizada. The appeal ruling by the
By Ken Ham This is very different from the USA, where most professors don’t even want creationists on campus so students can actually hear information for themselves! In the USA there is an incredible lack of academic freedom as many professors want to brainwash students in the religion of naturalistic evolution. Dr. Snelling sent this report from Peru: Just finished a 2.5-hour program at first university. Lecture hall was standing room only. Packed with geology students and several professors. You could have heard a pin drop as the evidence demolishing radioactive dating was presented, evidence their professors don’t teach them.
Although 2014 was the shining year for numerous foods, many would attest that turmeric held the gold medal in ‘hottest foods of 2014.’ The spice is relatively reasonably priced, available, and boasts seemingly countless health benefits. One of those benefits is revealed in a study conducted relatively recently, one which found that turmeric may contribute to the regeneration of a ‘damaged brain’ and help with neurological disorders. Published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, this recent study both showcases yet another benefit of turmeric while providing evidence that the magic compound “curcumin” within turmeric isn’t the only compound
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Since its inception in 1928, the American Society for Nutrition (ASN)1 has become the most widely known academic institution in the field of nutrition, publishing three academic journals, including the well-respected American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. As a result, you’d expect the ASN’s advice to be on solid ground. Alas, as noted in a June 2015 report2 by Michele Simon, “The ASN has many problematic ties with the food and beverage industry.” These ties can “taint scientific objectivity, negatively impact the organization’s policy recommendations, and result in industry-friendly research and messaging …read more Read
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Superfoods are foods that stand out from the rest because of their unusually dense nutrient content. Superfoods generally have high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, for instance, and many also contain healthy fats, high-quality protein, and fiber. What superfoods don’t contain are added sugars, synthetic fats, and food additives, such as artificial colors and flavors. Most any food that is heavily processed will not stand up to superfood criteria – but once you’re eating primarily whole foods—foods that are as close to their natural state as possible—then basically everything you eat is a
From Archbishop James Ussher to modern times, Christians have tried to establish an approximate age for the earth based on the biblical texts. …read more Read more here:
By Heather Callaghan By Yelena Sukhoterina Essential oils, or volatile oils derived from plant material, have shown great benefits during the cold and flu season. Many essential oils have strong antibacterial and… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze