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By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Dementia and other brain disorders are more than just health concerns – they have a profound impact on the lives of those affected and their loved ones. In the U.S. alone, over six million people currently suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, and this number is expected to skyrocket to 14 million by 2060. But here’s the good news: there is a strong connection between heart and brain health, and studies have shown that boosting your magnesium intake can benefit both. So not only can you take steps to protect your [More]
By Ken Ham Is it even possible for God to use evolution to create? Think about it for a moment—could God use millions of years as part of his creation of life? “Of course he can. He’s God—he can do whatever he wants!” is the response I’ve received from many Christians and Christian leaders who believe God did use evolution and millions of years. But the answer to that question is actually no—he couldn’t have! Can God Do Anything? It’s impossible for God to deny himself and go against his character. That statement might seem shocking. After all, God is [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Pfizer had a $171 billion market cap in the spring of 2020. At this point, the powers that be declared social distancing and COVID injections would “stop the spread” in a mere 15 days. Though this aggressive timetable for a return to normal never came to fruition, Pfizer’s stock certainly outperformed expectations. Fast forward to December of 2021, and Pfizer’s market cap jumped to $330 billion. In fact, if you remember, actor Woody Harrelson made waves about the profits recently when appearing on Saturday Night Live. The actor criticized …read more Source: Natural Health [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) While the COVID-19 pandemic was the first time most of us ever really heard of terms like mRNA and biotechnology, gene therapy has actually been around for decades. The first people ever to receive gene therapy – two sisters suffering from a rare genetic disorder – received this groundbreaking medical treatment in 1970 (it’s worth noting, however, that neither of the young girls benefited from the injections). Of course, the fact that gene therapy was incorporated into shots and then put into the arms of millions of people around the world after questionable “clinical [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Most people are shocked to learn the human body has 724 trillion cells. Of those tiny structures, blood cells are crucial. Evidence now reveals that the COVID-19 shot transmits a substance similar to graphene, eliminating essential blood cells. Though the human body replaces its cells once every seven years, physicians and scientists are concerned that the coronavirus shots cause lasting damage and even sudden death. Doctor claims COVID shot causes cellular damage and blood clots in uninjected due to shedding of graphene-like substance Doctors have proven that the COVID injection is shedding …read more [More]
How specified information in the universe points to the Creator. …read more Source: creation.com     
Jeff & Erica – The Endless Grief Of Myocarditis And Mercola On GM And Safe Foods Listen here
By Ken Ham Christians can have fun too! When we added zip line courses (the biggest and best in the Midwest) at both the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, some people mocked us, saying, “Why are you adding zip lines to a Christian attraction?” My answer? “Because Christians can have fun too!” Over time, we have added lots of fun things for families at both attractions, and we intend to add a lot more as we are able. Here are just a few of …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
How Jesus’ resurrection is the beginning of a new Genesis 1 creation event. …read more Source: creation.com     
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Before the COVID pandemic, Dr. Paul Marik became well-known for his development of a highly effective sepsis protocol using intravenous vitamin C, which resulted in a dramatic reduction in mortality rates In 2020, he cofounded the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and subsequently published one of the most comprehensive and effective protocols for treating COVID-19, called MATH+ While COVID mortality in Marik’s ICU was half that of his peers, the hospital banned the protocol from being used Marik sued to get MATH+ reinstated, at which point he was put through a [More]
Ben Armstrong Show: Australia has been the testing lab for the globalists war against the west. But their testing lab is also a source of evidence against them for the world to see.   Watch: Australia Proves The Vaccine Is a Bio-Weapon – The New American
Ben Armstrong Show: The Pfizer vaccine is causing “Anaphylaxis” and they still keep jabbing people. Watch the video for much more information.   Watch: Pfizer Docs Show Another Horrific Side Effect That Should Have Stopped The Jabs – The New American
04/16/23   (Natural News) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explained how top health and government organizations conduct pandemic simulations as a pretext to deprive people of their rights during actual health emergencies.   In a speech at Hillsdale College over the weekend, Kennedy explained how Event 201 was a tabletop exercise helmed by Bill Gates and the World Health Organization just months before the COVID pandemic broke out.   “[Event 201] was not a one-off. I found about 20 of these that they had been doing since 2001 and they’re all scripted by the CIA…each one of them is drilling the [More]
Alex Newman Show: The expensive and intrusive Big Government-Big Business ObamaCare “health” model is collapsing and is no longer working, but there are new emerging alternatives such as direct primary care and Christian medical-cost sharing ministries that can save the day, explains Dr. Chad Savage in this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Dr. Savage, who is a member of a Christian health ministry and operates his own direct primary care clinic offering members unlimited care for a fixed fee, outlines a new vision for healthcare that is patient centric rather than governed by faceless bureaucrats. It is [More]
04/16/23   Ben Armstrong Show: Christians in America need to prepare to stand strong. The persecution of Christians has only just begun. What should you do as a Christian?   Watch: Dr. Thomas Williams Says The FBI Has Made It Open Season On Christians – The New American
Squirrels may be common animals, often overlooked, but they are incredible creatures. From their agility to their climbing ability, from ground squirrels to flying squirrels, these amazing animals testify to the greatness of their wonderful Creator. Join Eric Lyons as he studies these alert and agile rodents.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Squirrels – Apologetics Press
04/15/23   Now it’s the “civility” of pro-life advocates that is acting as a trigger for radical abortion promoters who cannot tolerate even the idea of a debate on the issue.   It is constitutional expert Jonathan Turley who found an incident at Yale highlighting leftists’ new advocacy for totalitarian speech limits.   “This tirade at Yale against free speech captures many of these elements from the attack on civility to the view of opposing speech as harmful. Given the increasingly anti-free speech culture in our elementary through high schools, it is not surprising to see this rising generation of censors. These [More]
04/15/23 A restraining order has been issued against a street preacher threatening him with jail if over the next five years he offends someone by citing Bible verses that oppose the ideology of same-sex marriage. And that action is being challenged by the Rutherford Institute. It actually is an attempt “by the courts to silence individuals whose religious views may be perceived as intolerant or hateful,” the organization reported. At hand is a five-year restraining order against a street preacher who has been threatened with arrest “after citing Bible verses on social media to express his moral concerns about a [More]
“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 NKJV ICR April 2023 wallpapers are now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this month’s image for free by clicking the format option links below and saving the files to your device. — More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Below are some links to great articles on pet care, nutrition, grooming with many more on the blog of Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, DMV When Giving All You Can Becomes a Gift FDA Warning About Spot-on Flea and Tick Product Remains Your Pet Will Love This Crunchy, Colorful Treat Do Added Flavors Help Kitty ‘Make the Medicine Go Down?’ Is Your Dog at Risk for Bloat? These Mistakes Can Be Deadly 3 Must-Haves for a Pet Probiotic What You Need to Know When Your Dog Vomits The Joy and Meaning a Senior Dog Can Bring Into Your Life Talking Buttons [More]
By Ken Ham One doesn’t have to live long in this world to recognize that it’s a groaning creation, “red in tooth and claw.” Animals eat one another, parasites infect and slowly kill their hosts, and natural disasters wreak havoc with no regard for life or property. Why is it like this? Well, the Bible gives us the answer—but Christianity Today magazine (not surprisingly) doesn’t like that answer! Where Does Natural Evil Come From? In a recent cover story for Christianity Today, John R. Schneider, professor emeritus of theology at Calvin University (sadly a university that compromises God’s Word in [More]
The cost of injecting healthy people, “especially children,” with a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine “outweighs any claimed though unvalidated benefits,” according to researchers who analyzed adverse events data from more than 10 regulatory surveillance and self-reporting systems during the first two years of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.   “Our meta-analysis of both national and international vaccine adverse events emphasizes the importance of re-evaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups,” said the authors of a peer-reviewed study published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.   Read More: [More]
Ship makers are increasingly inspired by the amazing design of waterfowl …read more Source: creation.com     
04/14/23   The National Education Union (NEU), the largest teachers union in Britain, is calling for schools across the United Kingdom to bring in drag queens to groom children in every school.   NEU members voted in favor of a motion that promoting drag queens, along with all kinds of other LGBT indoctrination rituals, in order to combat the “heteronormative culture” pervasive in British schools.   “Initiatives like drag queen story time and inviting LGBT+ authors into schools can help challenge the heteronormative culture and curriculum that dominates education,” the motion stated.   Read More: Largest Teachers Union in United Kingdom Votes [More]
By Robert Shedinger On today’s ID the Future, science-and-religion scholar Robert Shedinger makes the case that a well-known biography of Charles Darwin, Darwin’s Sacred Cause, is deeply misleading. Specifically, the book by Adrian Desmond and James Moore holds that Darwin was significantly motivated in his scientific work by abolitionist sentiments; and Shedinger says, not so fast. He had spent considerable time reading Darwin’s correspondence and had seen no evidence of this thesis, so he reread Darwin’s Sacred Cause, this time tracking down all the key citations the book offered as evidence, and a pattern soon emerged. The sources the authors [More]
By Ken Ham Most people have enjoyed the classic Italian dish of a steaming pile of spaghetti noodles topped with sauce and a couple of meatballs. But would you tuck into that plate if you knew the meatballs were made with . . . mammoth meat? Wait—mammoth meatballs? Yes! Okay, what’s all this about? Well, an Australian cultivated-meat company took a DNA sequence from a mammoth muscle protein and filled in the gaps with genetic material from a living creature within the same created kind—the elephant. The next step for these scientists was to place this DNA sequence in the [More]
Why are researchers so awestruck by the spider’s silk webbing? Why would scientists love to recreate the amazing qualities of spider-produced silk? Are millions of years of mindless evolution the ultimate explanation? Or, is spider webbing God’s wonder material? Join Eric Lyons as he untangles the evolutionary web to show God’s amazing design.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Spider Silk – Apologetics Press