By Creation Moments It is common for evolutionists to dismiss a lot of great work by creationists, saying that their papers do not appear in their own peer-reviewed journals. But now, editors of the two most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals have gone on record as saying that the peer-review process doesn’t mean much anymore. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Paul Fassa Source: WHO, CDC, and Media Maintain Vaccine Danger Denial For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Carl Bernstein, one of the journalists of Watergate fame, once cautioned in a TV interview that what isn’t printed in the news is worse than inaccurate reporting. Not only is important data omitted, the omissions are unnoticed by almost everyone. Lately, much of the mainstream media has indulged in malicious omission of [&hellip Source: WHO, CDC, and Media Maintain Vaccine Danger Denial Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
Ireland has stripped away laws which protected the rights of people to freedom of religion when in conflict with gay rights. The move comes just weeks after the first Irish gay weddings went ahead, following a referendum to allow gay marriage earlier this year. Following the landslide defeat for opponents of same sex marriage – the referendum was lost by 62 per cent in favour of gay marriage to 38 per cent against – Ireland’s Parliament has been busy with a slate of reforms designed to cement the rights of gay people within Irish law, Pink News has reported. On
“Just shows that Mr. O and the Dems are being deceitful on this subject which of course is nothing new for them.” Admin On December 3, The Washington Post reported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shootings in gun-free zones; WaPo claims those shootings are on the increase. According to WaPo, “In 1993, there were seven homicides by firearm for every 100,000 Americans. … By 2013, that figure had fallen by nearly half, to 3.6 [per 100,000].” Breitbart News previously pointed to this decline and explained it correlated with a massive
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) A small voice inside your head may be telling you that natural remedies are not effective for your current health crisis. And, that’s understandable, when you consider the amount of people that believe pharmaceutical drugs are the ‘only way’ to treat chronic health problems… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“This is insanity! Besides new houses there will be needed new schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure plus at least initially (if not longer) they will all be on government handouts of some kind. Who is going to pay for all of this, the average taxpayer, that’s who.” Admin Almost half of new homes built in the next five years will go to migrants, Whitehall estimates revealed yesterday. Soaring immigration means that England will need nearly 100,000 extra properties a year to house newcomers, said the Department for Communities and Local Government. However, the calculations may severely underestimate demand
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Rice, in one form or another, is one of the most important staple foods in the world and has been for possibly thousands of years. Today, it supplies around 20 percent of the world’s food energy. The Asia-Pacific region of the world produces and consumes 90 percent of the rice on the planet, and in the U.S., rice is a $2.2 billion -a-year-industry in exports alone. Today, basmati rice from India, jasmine from Thailand, and Arborio from Italy are growing in popularity among the more than 40,000 types, including long-, medium-, and short-grain white,
“It appears the NY Daily News has assumed the role of “attack dog” for the lunatic left. This is the classic tactic used by the Nazis in the 1930’s to ridicule and demonize Jews so they could round them up later on. Lets hope people aren’t dumb enough to fall for it.” Admin The New York Daily News evoked outrage with its headline about the San Bernardino shootings. (Twitter) Franklin Graham, whose roles include executive leadership positions at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as well as Samaritan’s Purse, a ministry in the middle of efforts to deliver more than 11
The University of Tennessee desires to be one of the top 25 public research universities in the United States. We should commend them for that goal. But it seems some in the administration believe that goal cannot be met as long as there is a “lack of diversity” at the university. And when university educrats strategize…
Earlier this year, New Horizons flew past dwarf planet Pluto and its sister Charon, rapidly capturing data. That information continues to trickle in, revealing a surprisingly smooth heart-shaped plain called “Tombaugh Regio.” The countless craters expected from billions of years’ worth of impacts are nowhere to be found. More… …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Unbeknownst to many Americans, the majority of soybean, corn, canola, and sunflower seeds planted in the U.S. are pre-coated with neonicotinoid pesticides (neonics). The chemicals, which are produced by Bayer and Syngenta, travel systemically through the plants and kill insects that munch on their roots and leaves.1 However, you can’t cover a plant seed with poison and expect it to be free of unintended consequences. These pesticides are powerful neurotoxins, and have been blamed for decimating populations of non-target wildlife, including important pollinators such as bees and butterflies. This occurs because the pesticides …read
What is ‘creationism’? How is the word used in the creation vs evolution debate? …read more Read more here:
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) In the 1930s, American science and health professionals figured out that smoking causes lung cancer. There was irrefutable evidence. At that exact time and place in our history, there were many advertisements in journals and magazines featuring doctors endorsing their… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Christina Sarich With the ink barely dry on the FDA’s approval of GM salmon, and several watch-dog groups threatening to sue, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Connecticut, joins consumer groups wary of the genetically modified fish. The Senator joined consumer groups who voiced concern on Capitol Hill last week, stating: “I believe strongly that the consumers have a right to know.” Cindy Tian, a professor at the University of Connecticut’s Animal Science Department, argues that labeling GMOs would scare the public away from an ‘extensively studied’ practice and that the internet is full of misinformation about GMOs causing cancerous tumors
In addition to a valuable source of nutrients including omega-3 fats, copper, manganese and many others, walnuts have incredible health benefits including prevention of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and even diabetes. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Julie Fidler The federal government has decided that Americans don’t need to know what’s in their food. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said recently that it would not require labeling of genetically modified plants that have been approved for sale. “The agency is not aware of any valid scientific information showing that foods derived from genetically engineered plants, as a class of foods, differ from other foods in any meaningful way. GE (genetically engineered) foods don’t present greater safety concerns than foods developed by traditional plant breeding,” the agency said. “However, if a food derived from a
In a high-level meeting on religious persecution in Brussels, the President of the European Parliament (EP) said that Europe cannot afford to continue ignoring the fate of Christians, who are “clearly the most persecuted group” in the world. In Wednesday’s meeting, EP President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians is “undervalued” and does not receive enough attention, which has also meant that it “hasn’t been properly addressed.” Schulz’s concerns were echoed by EP Vice President Antonio Tajani, who warned that Europe sometimes “falls into the temptation of thinking we can ignore this task,” referring to the protection Christians
“Anyone with half a brain in their head can easily see this was a well planned and carried out terrorist attack. Exactly what planted the doing of this deed in their minds is seemingly not known yet but that it was a terrorist attack is obvious.” Admin The husband and wife who carried out a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California, began erasing their digital footprint a day in advance of the attack – deleting email accounts, disposing of hard drives and smashing their cell phones, according to law enforcement sources involved in the investigation. Officials are still working
“Sounds like the Adventists hold some of the same beliefs Jehovah’s Witnesses do. Both are wrong.” Admin Despite the numerous Scriptures warnings given by Jesus himself, Seventh Day Adventist and presidential candidate Ben Carson told The Washington Post that he does not believe in hell. “I don’t believe there is a physical place where people go and are tormented,” he stated. “No. I don’t believe that.” As previously reported, Seventh Day Adventists believe in the “annihilation of the wicked,” rejecting the doctrine of eternal torment out of their assertion that the Bible doesn’t teach about a permanent place called Hell,
By Creation Moments Many people – especially those who believe in creation – avoid watching science shows on TV because these programs are usually saturated with unscientific claims favoring evolution. However, even Darwinian soapboxes like Nova can be worth watching, just as long as you do so with a discerning eye. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Mercola “Statin Nation II: What Really Causes Heart Disease?” is the sequel to the documentary “Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-up.” However, it stands well on its own, even if you didn’t see the original film. For many decades, the idea that saturated fats caused heart disease reigned supreme, and diets shifted sharply away from saturated animal fats such as butter and lard, toward partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and margarine. However, as people abandoned saturated fats and replaced them with trans fats, rates of heart disease continued on a …read more Read more here:
“After reading this you can only come to one conclusion, that Mr. O is deliberately trying to greatly weaken military performance and readiness, a treasonable act without question.” Admin Secretary of Defense Ash Carter on Thursday said he is opening all positions in the U.S. military to women, in conflict with a months-long Marine study that found the “fastest, most fit, most physical, most lethal” soldier is “a man.” The Washington Post reported that Carter announced his arbitrary end to a three-year period of research…
By Ken Ham You probably know that the Grand Canyon is one of the best places on earth you can visit to view powerful evidence that confirms the biblical account of Noah’s Flood. When you grew up and went to school, you may have been taught the false view of the Canyon’s formation in your sciences classes, namely that over millions of years, the Colorado River supposedly slowly carved out a part of northern Arizona to form the Grand Canyon. Increasingly, though, even secular geologists are beginning to agree with catastrophist creationists about the Canyon: a lot of water, over
By Heather Callaghan By ANH-USA We must stop this attempt to create a new and potentially even bigger monopoly. Action Alert! Monsanto recently reached a deal with Deere & Co. that could dramatically alter the US… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
“Just another reason the US hates Russia, our totally corrupt government is pushing GMO foods worldwide while Russia is taking a giant step in the opposite direction. Congrats to Mr. Putin on this sensible, bold course of action.” Admin Russia could become the world’s largest supplier of ecologically clean and high-quality organic food, said President Vladimir Putin on Thursday. He also called on the country to become completely self-sufficient in food production by 2020. “We are not only able to feed ourselves taking into account our lands, water resources – Russia is able to become the largest world supplier of
“Sounds like a Marxist takeover of education where the school basically controls all facets of childrens lives. Another way the evil Mr. O is transforming America. The US House is now set to vote on a bill implementing this, you can read about it here.” Admin Lawmakers and the Obama administration are plotting to unconstitutionally commandeer local schools and turn them into “full-service community schools” — government centers that will usurp vast new responsibilities over children that have traditionally been handled by parents and families. Under the plan, adopted in the Senate last month as part of a massive “education
“Whether one agrees or not with what Pastor Chuck says he always tells it like he sees it.” Admin I’ll say it straight out: Russia’s Vladimir Putin is the only one fighting a Just War in the Middle East right now. The United States, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel are fighting ongoing wars of aggression and are committing egregious acts of terrorism–and as such their leaders should be regarded as international criminals. Indeed, Putin is demonstrating remarkable calm and patience. A lesser leader with hundreds of ICBMs at his disposal would have already taken the