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04/20/23   “Just another step in the onward march of tyranny using the “climate change” scam as the pretext.” Admin   Remember the crazy right-wing conspiracy theory alleging that our food purchases will be tracked to reduce our CO2 consumption?   That one is turning out to be true!   Yesterday, New York City announced its plan to track the “food choices” of New Yorkers using credit card data from individual store purchases. According to the mayor, tracking individual food choices is a step towards “reducing the CO2 output” of New Yorkers.   Read More: New York City to Track Personal Food Choices Using [More]
04/19/23   Throughout America, parents by the millions send their precious children off to their local public schools, imagining their kids’ days will be filled with reading, writing and arithmetic, along with science, history, sports, music and group recreation, just like when they attended school decades ago.   However, they’re not only in for a shock – but for total betrayal. Today, what are still euphemistically called “public schools” (remember, “public” means “government”) have been transmogrified into far-left ideological, political and religious indoctrination centers aimed at reprogramming and transforming America’s children.   Sound far-fetched? Sadly, it’s understated.   Briefly step inside today’s “hallowed [More]
Enjoy a free Easter lesson from our Kids site, covering Palm Sunday through the crucifixion with crafts and games. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Barendse The new weight loss fad that has become all the rage in Hollywood is Semaglutide (Ozempic). It is a pharmaceutical drug designed to help those with Type 2 Diabetes. It has the off-brand side effect of weight loss which has become widely known and sought after even for those who are not diabetic. When you visit the main website for Ozempic, it pops up a warning as soon as it loads. This warning reads “Ozempic® may cause serious side effects, including Possible thyroid tumors, including cancer.” As it turns out, it has also been shown to potentially [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers warn the routine use of wet wipes appears to be a significant contributor to the rise in childhood food allergies Chemicals found in wet wipes can break down the top layer of skin, allowing the skin to absorb allergens that can trigger allergic reactions, especially if your child carries genes that alter their skin absorbency Wet wipes have also become notorious for clogging up sewer lines, costing municipalities millions each year. The wipes are also entering the environment, where they pose risks to wildlife similar to that of plastic pollution To clean your [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Your body does not produce iodine, so you must get it from your food. Iodine was added to table salt to reduce the public health threat, but recommendations for a low-salt diet have contributed to a rise in the risk once again Roughly 30% of the world is thought to be deficient. Physicians once prescribed drops of Lugol’s solution for iodine supplementation, but that fell out of vogue after two physicians misinterpreted scientific data in 1948 The subsequent addition of competing minerals — fluoride to the water supply and substitution of potassium bromate for [More]
What are the differences? Why embrace Christianity? …read more Source: creation.com     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE For the last couple of years, I’ve recommended not eating pork due to its high linoleic acid (LA) content, but there’s an even bigger reason to avoid it now. Since 2018, pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds The very first RNA-based livestock vaccine, a swine influenza (H3N2) RNA shot licensed in 2012, was developed by Harrisvaccines. The company followed up with an avian influenza mRNA shot in 2015. Harrisvaccines was acquired by Merck Animal Health later that year CureVac developed an mRNA-based rabies shot for pigs in 2016 The [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based “vaccines” on their herds since 2018, without telling the public All customized mRNA “vaccines” are untested. Only the mRNA platform itself has been approved According to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, “there are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States.” However, a lobbyist for the association claims to have “double-vaccinated” his own herd with an mRNA “vaccine” against bovine respiratory disease Iowa State University began trialing an mRNA “vaccine” against bovine respiratory syncytial virus October 1, 2021 Missouri House Bill [More]
Stew Peters Show: Hospitals across the country have been illegally labeling patients “Do Not Resuscitate”. Scott Schara joins Stew to discuss his lawsuit against Ascension Saint Elizabeth Hospital for murdering his daughter. The doctors and nurses involved in the death of Grace Schara are being sued directly. This is a landmark case and medical professionals need to realize they can be held accountable for implementing evil Covid protocols. The medical lobby has made it very difficult to sue hospitals and doctors. For this reason, many attorneys will refuse to represent clients who have suffered or died because of medical malpractice. [More]
Stew Peters Show: Pfizer knew their vaxx didn’t work, caused heart attacks, and they sold it to the public anyway. Dr. Naomi Wolf is back to talk about how 21 patients died during Pfizer’s vaccine trials and the FDA never asked about it. Tens of thousands of Pfizer internal documents have been released by court order. According to the documents, Pfizer labeled their Covid vaccine a ‘failure’ within a month of the rollout. More docs reveal the third most common side-effect was contracting Covid-19. Pfizer knew in May of 2021 that 35 minors had their hearts permanently damaged with myocarditis [More]
Can quantum mechanics allow life to evolve from non-living chemicals? …read more Source: creation.com     
04/19/23   “Things have certainly changed in “Higher Ed” since I went to college.” Admin The latest iteration of Michigan State University’s so-called inclusive language guide sparked divisive backlash for what it excluded and criticism that a woke language police had crossed the line. The indoctrination tool was designed to curtail the use of wide-spread, commonly-used words and phrases that leftists have deemed offensive. “The origins of seemingly innocuous idioms or words may be racist, sexist or ableist in nature,” the guide claimed, dinging phrases and words like “hold the fort,” “cake walk,” “bonkers,” “addict,” “founder” and “America” as examples of [More]
04/18/23 There are only two genders. Josh Alexander joins Stew to detail how he was suspended and arrested after standing for biblical truth. Josh stood up for the girls at his school who were uncomfortable that biological men were allowed to use the women’s bathroom. He then engaged in an online debate and triggered trans activists by using the Bible to support his belief that there are only two genders. Josh challenged the Catholic school staff to open their Bibles and rectify their pro trans policy. The school had Josh arrested when he attended class to stand up for his [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Exercising in cool water or under cool conditions on land can lead to an increase in post-workout calorie intake. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Ken Ham There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Many Christians have asked me what is happening in our culture concerning the dramatic rise in moral relativism and the increasing prevalence of the LGBTQ worldview. They’ve said, “We’ve never seen our culture like this before, nor have we seen the battle over transgenderism as we see it regarding children today. What is happening to our culture?” Many seem to think that what is happening is new. But it’s not new. We are just seeing it in ways we never have before in the West. Really, “there is [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The American Cancer Society (ACS) has projected that over 1,900,000 new cancer cases and approximately 600,000 cancer deaths will occur in the United States in 2023. As cancer rates continue to rise, prioritizing cancer prevention strategies is becoming increasingly important. Most people understand the role of healthy eating and exercise in reducing cancer risk, but one often overlooked food group can make a big difference: pulses. Despite their importance, pulses are not commonly emphasized in our diets. Keep reading to learn more about this overlooked food group and its cancer-fighting properties. Power …read more [More]
By Brian-Admin Original image source. by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently released its annual study of crashes on U.S. roads for 2021, and found that “The total number of accidents rose by an astonishing 16%.” This was “astonishing” because: “That was a year of COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions, when police groups nationwide reported that the smaller number of drivers on America’s roads were acting more recklessly than normal.” (Source.) MarketWatch reports: More Americans were …read more Source: Health Impact News     
How to discern where a school or teacher stands on biblical creation …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By none One of the greatest challenges I have faced throughout my medical career is having watched physicians on so many occasions push dangerous and unnecessary treatments on patients, assuring them that they are safe. Some of these treatments inevitably injure those patients. When this happens, if the patient asks about causation, the doctor will tend to insist that the injury had nothing to do with the doctor’s therapy and instead attribute it to some other cause like pre-existing anxiety. This dynamic is commonly referred to as medical gaslighting (summarized here), and one the most perplexing things about it is [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The American Cancer Society reports nearly two million new cancer cases will be diagnosed throughout the United States this year alone. It is common knowledge that poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and the use of nicotine cause cancer and other negative health outcomes. What is less known is the fact that Big Pharma’s mRNA COVID shots have the potential to catalyze the formation of turbo cancer. Big Pharma’s new problem of turbo cancer is an indictment of the pharmaceutical industry and mRNA technology Though the mainstream media certainly won’t shed light on the problem [More]
Jeff & Erica – They start by discussing the effects of the vax on the heart and other organs by discussing the vax caused death of a young Japanese girl. They then discuss an address Dr. Naomi Wolf recently at Hillsdale College about the vax dangers and play a portion of it. They then start reading a few more vax injury testimonials and discuss them. Good show. Listen here 
All fossilized footprints are always interesting. There is much information that can be adduced from their imprints. Recently, paleontologists in South Africa discovered fossilized footprints of a giant amphibian that supposedly predates dinosaurs by a quarter-million years. The evidence comes in the form of fossilized footprints that show the giant creature responsible for the footprints use… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
“Great story of all the lunacy that went on at his hospital because of the Covid “pandemic”. Admin   A trauma surgeon and surgical ICU physician claims that patients who were not vaccinated against covid, were “deliberately given a lower standard of care”.   He said he knew it he ‘had to get out’ when the local medical community started refusing to treat the unjabbed outside of hospital, and only provided a reduced standard of care within it.   Dr Miller shares his story   Read More: Doctor Says Unjabbed Patients Were ‘Deliberately Given A Lower Standard Of Care’ – [More]
By Daisy Luther Author of What to Eat When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course Sometimes it’s imperative not to look like a prepper or survival-minded person. Especially in this day and age, when people are jittery, you may not want to go around with items that could make you seem suspicious. Gray is the new black. Four of these items can be taken anywhere, even through metal detectors and on planes. The fifth is dependent upon where you’re headed. These are five discreet items that I always have in my purse. If …read more Source: Organic [More]
By Ken Ham Next month, the UK will host an event that will be watched by millions—the coronation of the King of England, Charles III. This event will be lush with pomp and ceremony, and virtually all the socialites of the British Commonwealth will be there, along with millions of other spectators. But all this pales in comparison to what’s coming when the King of all kings returns—then it won’t be millions watching—it will be billions, as every person will know the King has come. But whether Christ returns today or far in the future, we are to continue obeying [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Common knowledge tells us that heavy sunlight is harmful to human health and causes worrisome issues like wrinkles, sunspots, and skin cancer (with estimates showing that more than 5.4 million cases of basal and squamous cell skin carcinomas are diagnosed each year in the United States, affecting roughly 3.3 million people). Accordingly, in theory, we must avoid too much sun exposure (especially at midday), and we should cover ourselves in layers and sunscreen – never mind that many conventional sunscreens contain cancer-causing chemicals! But, what if we learned that sunlight has been shown to [More]