“As these facts show things are getting worse not better for most people in this country. You can expect 2016 to continue this trend.” Admin The world didn’t completely fall apart in 2015, but it is undeniable that an immense amount of damage was done to the U.S. economy. This year the middle class continued to deteriorate, more Americans than ever found themselves living in poverty, and the debt bubble that we are living in expanded to absolutely ridiculous proportions. Toward the end of the year, a new global financial crisis erupted, and it threatens to completely spiral out of
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial. Nearly ten years ago, on December 20, 2005, Judge John E. Jones ruled in Kitzmiller v. Dover that intelligent design is religion and not science. His decision was based on faulty reasoning and misrepresentation of intelligent design. As we approach the 10 –year anniversary of Dover, listen to a recent lecture by Casey Luskin who covered the trial for Evolution News in his role as then Science Education Policy Program Officer. In this first segment of a three part series Casey recaps how
If you follow the news about health research, you risk whiplash. First garlic lowers bad cholesterol, then–after more study–it doesn’t. Hormone replacement reduces the risk of heart disease in postmenopausal women, until a huge study finds that it doesn’t (and that it raises the risk of breast cancer to boot). Eating a big breakfast cuts your total daily calories, or not–as a study released last week finds. Yet even if biomedical research can be a fickle guide, we rely on it. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Brooke Cade A hot tub is a wonderful investment that will not only provide you with a place to relax after a long day, but can benefit your health as well. As you move forward with investing in a hot tub, there are 3 things you need to consider before installing: Indoor vs Outdoor. The location of your hot tub is important and will not only affect the longevity and durability of your spa, but the overall aesthetics of your home or backyard. In addition, depending on if you decide to place your hot tub indoors or outdoors will
By Ken Ham It seems every year at Christmas atheist groups around the country put up billboards to encourage people to forget Christ this Christmas. Well, this year’s billboards, set up in North Carolina and Colorado, feature a jolly Santa and the words, “Go ahead and skip church! Just be good for goodness’ sake. Happy Holidays!” The president of American Atheists, David Silverman, explained, “Last year’s billboard showed a child writing a letter to Santa, telling him that all she wanted for Christmas was to skip church . . . This year, Santa wrote back.” Of course atheists, with their
By Heidi Kristoffer A study published in Nutrition and Food Science showed those who eat pears are less likely to be obese. According to the study, people who ate pears were 35% less likely to be obese as just one pear can fills people with rich fiber and just under 100 calories. A medium sized pear contains about 25% of the daily recommended intake of fiber. Fiber is important for several reasons: It aids in digestion; it makes us feeling fuller longer, thus helping to stave off food cravings. This fiber-riched fruit is also an excellent source of vitamin A,
Pesticides are responsible for a number of diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, birth defects, body burden, cancer, diabetes, endocrine disruption, learning/developmental disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and sexual/reproductive dysfunction. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By mcshane Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the growth and repair of various tissues in the human body. Oranges are great for vitamin C there are 65 milligrams of vitamin C in a medium orange (4.5 ounces), just over 100% of the daily value. Studies show that consuming vitamin C can’t actually prevent colds, loading up on the nutrient may help slightly shorten the length of time you’re sick and reduce the severity of your symptoms. 11 Foods With More Vitamin C Than Oranges Cauliflower On cauliflower, its vitamin C content reached 50 milligrams per 100 grams, similar
By Avery Foley Based on their evolutionary beliefs, secular researchers believe ancient diversification of the cocoa plant resulted in delicious varieties within the species. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Amy Goodrich Agriculture has a huge impact on the lives of people around the world. As the main source of food for the general public, how our agricultural systems work is related to how healthy the world’s population will become. At the same time, the agricultural sector dictates how strong the economies of most countries will be. In more ways than one, all kinds of critical flaws have been exposed in the farming system. As such, alternate approaches to farming have emerged, with the 2 most popular ones being local and organic. So what’s the difference and which of
By Christina Sarich HR Bill 1599, also known as the DARK ACT (Monsanto’s favorite bill that would effectively ruin the food supply and halt GMO labeling initiatives) has been stopped cold in Congress. After thousands of letters and activists railing against this dangerous legislation, no anti-GMO labeling provisions were allowed in the must-pass Omnibus spending bill. What’s even better? A provision requires the FDA to develop labeling guidelines before it’s sold in America. Though Bill 1599 was titled the ‘Safe and Accurate Labeling Act,’ it is nothing short of a way for Monsanto and Big Food companies to keep Americans
By Sherice People have been taking aspirin for many decades now. Daily use of aspirin is not only ineffective, but it’s dangerous. It leads to a plethora of other problems and gastrointestinal issues while doubling the risk of strokes without reducing fatal heart attacks. However, there are much safer and natural alternative that perform well or better without the negative side effects. Common Dangers of Aspirin Heart failure Asthma Stomach ulcers Bleeding or clotting disorders Diabetes 8 Natural Substitute Of Aspirin That Grows From Plants Kratom Kratom an herb that is both fast and natural for pain relief is unknown
Richard Dawkins styles himself as the Devil’s Chaplain and expends much energy pushing evolution with religious fervour. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By araza It has long been known that when consumed daily, green tea provides many benefits. This has, in a way, overshadowed the benefits of consuming black tea on a daily basis. Green tea and black tea come from the same shrub called Camellia Sinensis, but they are processed in different ways. The black tea leaves are withered, then they are rolled and heated, fermented, and then they endure a final heating process. To fully enjoy the benefits of black tea, it is recommended to have 2 cups per day with no additives like sugar or milk. Antioxidants Black tea
By edwinhenry You’re alone, naked, and climbing into a light-tight, sound-proof, eight foot long tank. Meditation comes easy with the world filtered out. The tank is filled with water that’s saltier than the Dead Sea. And the temperature is the same as your skin. You float on the top of the water with an effortlessness that’s remarkable. The water itself feels slippery from the salt, and only very faintly scented. When you close the door, the light disappears and sound vanishes. You can hear your heartbeat, your lungs fill with air, but that’s nearly it. Your fingers stick out of
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Stress often starts in your head with a worry or a fear, but those feelings of anxiety, and perhaps even panic, don’t stay there. When you feel stressed, your body ramps up production of the stress hormones cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine. This triggers the start of the stress response, and, like a snowball rolling down a mountain, it gains traction and speed until you’re ready for the proverbial attack. Adrenaline, for instance, increases your heart rate, causing your heart to beat faster and ultimately raising blood pressure. Cortisol can interfere with the function of
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, Casey Luskin discusses how the recent complete sequencing of the gorilla genome has challenged conventional thinking about human ancestry and explains what neo-Darwinists are doing to try to minimize the impact of this new information. Says Luskin: “There is not a clear signal of ancestral relationships that is coming out of the gorilla genome once you add it into the mix.” Tune in to hear about this interesting development! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read
“Some good news for a change.” Admin Activists who object to representations or examples of Christianity in just about all public settings have lost a round in their fight to censor Air Force Academy football players who take a knee – Tim Tebow-style – for a prayer before their football games. According to a report in the Washington Times, Academy officials investigated the…
“A short primer on Executive Orders and how Mr. O is illegally abusing them and unfortunately getting away with it. It appears he intends to ramp up his use of them to further his Marxist agenda to the max in 2016” Admin “Though defensive violence will always be ‘a sad necessity’ in the eyes of men of principle, it would be still more unfortunate if wrongdoers should dominate just men.” – St. Augustine The truth of Scripture has never been more obvious in American history when it comes to any one administration than the present one when it…
“As the article notes Mr. O’s lofty sentiments mean nothing without any real action to help Christians who are suffering mightily. You would think our supposed Christian prez would be at the forefront of helping persecuted Christians but instead he does nothing but offer platitudes while extending a hugh welcome to Muslim refugees. Given Mr. O actions and what he has said about Christianity vs. Islam I think we know what religion he really follows.” Admin I guess you could call it progress … On Christmas Eve, Barack Obama issued a statement denouncing the persecution of Christians in the Middle
By Edgar Agorist Source: Why You Should Never Opt For A C-Section (And The Dangers Of Having One) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was republished with permission from Family Health Freedom Network. You can find the original post here. It seems like many women today are in favor of C-Sections. Almost everyone knows someone who has either gotten one or will get one in the future. Between 1996 and 2009 C-Sections increased by 60%, but for [&hellip Source: Why You Should Never Opt For A C-Section (And The Dangers Of Having One) Learn more …read more
By Admin Cervarix changed my life by Christina Berry-McIntosh from Margate, Kent – UK SaneVax.org Our daughter Ellen was a happy healthy 12 year old girl who loved to swim competitively and take part in charity runs; she was enjoying secondary school taking part in the school band as well as representing her school at swimming and running events. On 14 January 2010 Ellen had the first Human Papillomavirus vaccination, Cervarix, and the second one on the 25th of February. Since those vaccinations our family lives have been turned upside down. Ellen is no longer a healthy confident …read more
By Ken Ham In today’s day and age, many people don’t believe the good news of Jesus Christ because they don’t believe the Bible is true, and they don’t believe the Bible is true because our culture has so indoctrinated people to discount the “stories” in the Bible (like the account of Noah’s Ark) as mere fiction. But I’m praying that people will see the account of Noah’s Ark as it’s written in Genesis brought to life at the Ark Encounter and that they’ll walk away being challenged by and believing the truth of God’s Word from Genesis …read more
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Hope you are not hungry while you read this. A Christmas dinner without bees would be a minimalist lifestyle in the worst way possible. According to University of Reading… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Ken Ham Does your pastor address difficult topics from the pulpit? Probably not, according to research of US pastors. According to George Barna of the Barna Group, “a vast majority of theologically conservative pastors believe the Bible speaks to societal issues, but fewer than 10 percent of these pastors are teaching people what the Bible says on these topics.” American Pastors Network says that even though these pastors know what God’s Word teaches, they don’t want to touch on topics like homosexual behavior, abortion, politics, adultery, and pornography and, I would add, the book of …read more Read more
By Admin GM Chicken Approved “For Medicinal Purposes”! Are Humans Next? by Alliance for Natural Health The floodgates are open for more genetically modified animals—possibly even humans. Last week saw the approval of another genetically modified animal— this time a chicken genetically altered to produce a drug in its eggs. The drug is designed to replace a faulty enzyme in people with a rare genetic condition that prevents the body from breaking down fatty molecules in cells. The genetically engineered (GE) chicken is not approved for human consumption, but it is the third so-called “farmaceutical” approved in the US market.
By Ariana Source: Never Drink Fluoride Contaminated Water Again: Distill Your Own Water For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Droughts across the world have caused many people to suffer from lack of clean drinking water. As we face a new era where clean water has become a privilege, it is important that we learn how to do things ourselves. Here, you will learn how to collect dirty water and turn it [&hellip Source: Never Drink Fluoride Contaminated Water Again: Distill Your Own Water Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more