By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
Despite claims to the contrary, the meaning of yôm in Genesis is not in doubt. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Most of us wish for our children to be healthy and free of disease. We wish the same for ourselves as adults, too. But it’s time to critically examine and have an open conversation about whether multiple vaccines in early childhood should be our nation’s No. 1 disease-prevention strategy. In fact, such a conversation is long overdue. Many red flags have appeared that suggest vaccines not only have the potential for failure but also for harm. There can be little doubt that we need to review the safety and effectiveness of the current …read
By Lynn Griffith Forty-five percent of American’s make New Years Resolutions, twenty-one percent of these resolutions are with the desire to lose weight! Unfortunately, one in three have given up on their resolution by the end of January. (1) Forty-five percent of American’s make New Years Resolutions, 21 percent of these resolutions involve weight loss! If you desire to lose weight and keep your goal, try focusing on smaller behaviors, rather than the overall goal. Research tells us that we are more productive if we are focusing on behaviors, rather than the overall goal. Consider some of the following manageable
Parents, ask yourself this question: who has stewardship over your child — you, or the government? Think it’s you? Apparently, the federal government disagrees. In a draft policy statement jointly issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education, federal bureaucrats have — on their own initiative — subordinated parents to a secondary role in the rearing of their children. While the draft is neither finalized nor binding (yet), it serves as a clear shot across the bow of every freedom-loving parent who naively believes that his parenting principles, priorities and practices
By By Natural News Editors (NaturalNews) History is being made on how the world is responding to vaccination. Even long-term health professionals are refusing to vaccinate themselves in the face of continued injury and death being caused by the practice. Almost half of healthcare professionals are now refusing… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Creation Moments Did you hear the exciting news about the scientist who found a snake with four legs? Well, actually it wasn’t a snake. It was a fossil that British paleontologist David Martill from the University of Portsmouth discovered in an almost-forgotten box at a museum in Germany. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Helen Garvey Alcoholism is a disease whereby a person becomes dependent on alcohol. A person may be considered an alcoholic when some of the following characteristics occur: Excessive drinking Unable to stop drinking Becoming reliant on alcohol Cannot fulfill daily duties because of dependence on alcohol Health problems may to the excessive use of alcohol, and withdrawal symptoms occur. The use of such large amounts of alcohol can affect an individual’s heart, brain, liver, pancreas, and even their immune system. It is recommended that an alcoholic seek immediate help. There are several options available, but the first step is
By Heather Callaghan By Catherine J Frompovich What do cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters and other “smart” devices all have in common? They emit radiation, which no one wants to take seriously as having… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Ken Ham Many secularists claim that creationists can’t be real scientists and that teaching creation to children will eventually put the US behind technologically. But this is simply not true. As I showed Bill Nye “the Science Guy”—a secularist who often makes this claim—during our 2014 debate, many great scientists of the past and present were and are biblical creationists. Here’s a video clip, part of which you will likely recognize from the debate, that shows one such creation scientist. Dr. Raymond Damadian is an incredible scientist whose work inventing the MRI scanner has saved millions of lives, and
By Ariana Source: Get Strong, Beautiful Hair and Nails With This Vitamin For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Do you have brittle nails or thinning hair? This vitamin will strengthen your hair and nails while also developing new growth! Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is part of the complex B vitamins. Biotin helps the body metabolize fats and carbohydrates, improves hair health and maintains proper function of the [&hellip Source: Get Strong, Beautiful Hair and Nails With This Vitamin Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
Let me be clear: the situation in Oregon does not remotely compare to the events that took place at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. In Nevada, the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was the aggressor, which included a very real threat of violence against the Bundy family. The Bundy family appealed to their neighbors and friends for help. And help rightly arrived. The legal nuances of the Bundy situation notwithstanding, BLM gave the appearance of preparing another Waco incident that just could not be tolerated. Over 80 innocent Americans, including elderly men and women and small children, were murdered
By Ariana Source: Grow Your Own Sprouts For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Sprouts are a delicious and healthy addition to any meal. Learn how to grow your own sprouts in a few simple steps! Experts say that virtually 99% of all vegetation is edible in the sprout stage. This being said, it is important to avoid cultivating potato or tomato sprouts because they are [&hellip Source: Grow Your Own Sprouts Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
‘Superbugs’ are seen by some as evidence of evolution in action but the truth is rather different. …read more Read more here:
By Jessica Gerber The science of what to eat immediately after a workout is rather complicated. Thankfully, there’s consensus among most workout experts and nutritionists, in terms of the kinds and quantities of nutrients you need to infuse your body with, the right quantities, and of course, the ideal sources for these nutrients. If you want build your muscles with your intense workout regimen, you’d want to give a boost to the protein synthesis processes in your body, and would want to maximize nitrogen retention. Protein shakes have, almost inexplicably, won the post-workout foods market, despite their being other better,
By Ariana Source: Seven Cooking Oils to Use Instead of Olive Oil For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Every kitchen uses olive oil. Here is a list of 7 new healthy oils you can use in your kitchen to diversify your culinary skills. Avocado Oil Avocado oil is buttery and delicious. It also has many health benefits. Avocado oil has monounsaturated fat which is very heart-healthy because it can [&hellip Source: Seven Cooking Oils to Use Instead of Olive Oil Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By The Holistic Sanctuary The fight against addiction is often a grueling one with many falling at the wayside before overcoming the vice. It is a fact that drug addicts that do not get help as soon as they can end up losing everything they hold dear and even their lives in some cases. However, this does not have to be the case for every addict as some have successfully fought the addiction battle and emerged victorious. It does not matter how long you have been addicted to drugs such as heroin, cocaine or other well-known hard drugs, you can
By Dr. Danny Faulkner If you make New Year’s resolutions, why don’t you decide this year to get outside at night away from city lights more often to enjoy God’s beautiful creation? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By ash_stevens Essential fatty acids are all the rage. When they exploded onto the health scene they certainly had the potential to become the latest health fad, but their list of benefits keep on coming. This is definitely one health trend that’s here to stay. In fact, it’s even sneaking its way into dog health. Why Omega-3 essential fatty acids consist of alpha-linolenic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid (or for us simple folk ALA, DHA and EPA). Scientists are seeing a huge impact from these fatty acids with human matters like heart health, cancer, and arthritis. And the studies
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Adding herbs like parsley and thyme to your diet might help boost your brainpower, courtesy of apigenin. Apigenin is a flavonoid found in many herbs, including parsley, thyme, and chamomile, and certain other plants like celery and other vegetables. When researchers applied apigenin to human stem cells in a petri dish, something remarkable happened – 25 days later, the stem cells had turned into neurons (an effect that didn’t occur without apigenin).1 The synapses, or connections between neurons, were also “strong and more sophisticated,” which is crucial for memory consolidation, learning, and overall …read
By Maja Tisma It’s always great fun to change up our hairstyle every now and again. Getting a new haircut, availing a perm, or sitting out a hair coloring session are easy ways to give ourselves a little relaxation as well as a brand new look. And of course, who better to trust your hair with than the professionals at beauty parlors? However, while it is a great load of fun, we have to remember that it is not advisable for us to avail of hair treatments so often. The chemicals and products used in most of these procedures can
By Creation Moments Have you noticed how many of the most admired atheists come from a science background? I could name dozens – Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and Stephen Hawking, to name a few. Thousands of people are fans of the late Carl Sagan and his protégé, Neil deGrass Tyson. Some of these atheists are practically superstars with followers numbering in the millions. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) U.S. Navy sailors and Marines dispatched to provide aid to Japan following the massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 are now suffering a variety of rare and undiagnosed health problems, including many involving horrifying and visible changes to their bodies.After… …read more Read more here: Natural News
Two days after launching the UK branch of the pan-European anti-Islamisation movement PEGIDA, Tommy Robinson, the former English Defence League (EDL) leader, has been arrested and detained for an assault allegedly commit in prison in 2014. “The police told my solicitors I was going to be charged with battery. I was told this allegation was dropped and then two days after the Pegida UK press conference they say I’m going to be charged”, Mr. Robinson told the IBTimes tonight. Continuing: “Whatever this is all about, it’s a complete fabrication. It’s all to do with that press conference. The amount of
By Paul Fassa Source: Monsanto Considers Teenage Canadian Activist a Clear and Present Danger For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Sixteen year old Canadian Rachel Parent started her activism against GMOs when she was 12. Her class required a report on the topics of their choice. So after scanning potential topics, she became more interested in GMO realities and pursued that. Pursue is an understatement. She became an all out activist, giving [&hellip Source: Monsanto Considers Teenage Canadian Activist a Clear and Present Danger Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read
The Ark will feature several highly detailed dioramas and modern technology has allowed us to produce these scenes much faster than ever before. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“It’s no wonder our corrupt US gov hates this guy so much, the US is the biggest pusher of GMO’s worldwide.” Admin Putin is not a fan of Monsanto or bioengineered anything, which is why, in a new address to the Russian Parliament last Thursday, he proudly outlined his plan to make Russia the world’s ‘leading exporter’ of non-GMO foods that are based on ‘ecologically clean’ production. The Russian president harshly criticized food production in the United States, stating that Western food producers are no longer offering high quality, healthy, and ecologically clean food. “We are not