By Steve Ham Christian Martyrdom is a solemn and powerful witness of those who are assured of an even more powerful message of Good News. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Admin – Orissa by Alliance for Natural Health – USA They’re being decimated by an incurable fungus. Some scientists think they have an answer—genetic engineering—but will it be tasteless “frankenfruit”? Action Alert! When most people speak of bananas, they’re thinking of a single variety—the yellow Cavendish banana found in almost all grocery stores. But the popularity of this banana has made it susceptible to a fungal disease known as Tropical Race 4 (TR4), which is quickly spreading across the globe and is likely to hit South America, where 80% of Cavendish bananas are grown. The effort to quarantine fungus-ridden
By Edgar Agorist Source: 6 Diseases Your Lack of Sleep Could Be Causing For more content like this visit We’re committed to offering our readers the best possible information to help everyone live and enjoy a happier and healthier life. This means that we’re always searching for the next solution for any of life’s many problems and exploring it in a way that best applies to your everyday life. Sometimes, there is content that’s [&hellip Source: 6 Diseases Your Lack of Sleep Could Be Causing Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Heather Callaghan By John Vibes A state of emergency has been declared in California due to a massive gas leak in Los Angeles County that has been seeping for over 2 months. This Wednesday, California Governor Jerry… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Creation Moments Evolutionists never tire of taunting creationists with the statement, “If creationism is scientific, why are there no papers from creationists published in peer-review publications?” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Julie Fidler Tropicana Pure Premium products and 4 other PepsiCo brands will soon bear the Non-GMO Project butterfly seal. The emblem will start appearing early next year. PepsiCo has been one of the biggest opponents of state efforts to require labels on such foods, though now it seems the company is making extra effort to grapple the consumer market seeking organic and non-GMO foods. “Consumers today have a desire for transparency from brands, and that desire is only going to increase,” said Björn Bernemann, vice president and general manager for the Tropicana brand in North America. In 2013, the
The government in Scotland is putting cab drivers through a new training course in which they are told they must spy on children they drive to schools – even getting out of the cab and going in to talk with teachers in the schools if they hear something that is concerning. It’s all part of the…
By Joel Leineweber When someone first sees the Answers in Genesis logo, we want the person to engage with the truth of God’s Word, the authority of it, and ultimately the gospel. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Michael By Amanda Froelich Behold, Australia’s first carbon-positive pre-fabricated home, which is packed with a number of eco-friendly features and is absolutely gorgeous. The contemporary and cozy… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Edgar Agorist Source: 14 Signs That Your Headaches Are Dangerous For more content like this visit You’ve spent the last hour listening to your kids whine, spent the day listening to your family member with the annoying high-pitched voice, or tried to cut caffeine out of your diet. No matter what triggered your headache, it’s here now. There are many natural ways to treat headaches, but it is important to know [&hellip Source: 14 Signs That Your Headaches Are Dangerous Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Not even a day seems to go by anymore without some whack job in academia, a public health department or even the entertainment industry spewing pseudoscientific nonsense in defense of vaccines, pharmaceuticals or government-run healthcare. And the year 2015 was notably… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Ken Ham Our many talented speakers and I clearly show how observational science confirms God’s Word. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that supports the Bible, many people still reject biblical creation. Why do so many, including scientists, fail to see the truth of the history of God’s Word? Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, the newest addition to our research staff here at AiG, shared in a recent interview why he thinks so many scientists reject biblical creation, despite the evidence that confirms God’s Word: I believe surveys say around 97% of professional scientists hold evolution. Understandably many people want to
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) Nearly every person who lines up for the flu shot is given no information about the vaccine. If people were given the vaccine insert to read, for example, they’d learn that it’s never been scientifically tested at all.GlaxoSmithKline’s FluLaval insert states that… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Mercola Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. More than 3,750 magnesium-binding sites have been detected on human proteins,1 and it’s required for more than 300 different enzymes in your body. In short, magnesium plays an important role in a wide variety of biochemical processes, including the following: Creation of ATP2,3 (adenosine triphospate), the energy molecules of your body Action of your heart muscle Proper formation of bones and teeth Relaxation of blood vessels Regulation of blood sugar levels Activating muscles and nerves Helping digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats Serving as
The Bible explains that people were extremely corrupt and violent prior to the Flood. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Christina Sarich An appeal by two environmental groups to Canadian Federal Courts to halt the production of genetically modified (GM) salmon has taken a beating. Hundreds of thousands of consumers will now have to figure out if their stores are selling the GM fish. [1] The Ecology Action Centre of Halifax and the Living Oceans Society in B.C. filed the appeal against AquaBounty and the federal ministers of health and environment. The court dismissed both the allegations that the environmental groups made, including: That the Environment Minister failed to comply with the Environmental Protection Act with the publication of
By Ariana Source: Chaga: The Superfood You Should Know About For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL This little-known, anti-aging superfood can help prevent cancer, lower bad cholesterol, support the immune system, and much more! Chaga, otherwise knowns as Inontus Obliquuus, is a wild mushroom that grows on birch trees in extremely cold regions. Chaga can be found in the Baltic regions, Scandinavia, Siberia, Alaska, and northern Canada where [&hellip Source: Chaga: The Superfood You Should Know About Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Michael By Alex Pietrowski There is a good reason why diet and exercise don’t work like they used to, and that’s because food is not at all what it used to be. Ninety percent of grocery store shelf space is… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Creation Moments A long-time friend of Creation Moments, Richard Rothermel, recently shared his thoughts with us about the worldwide flood of Noah’s time and why this historic event is so important for creationists to defend. Here is what he had to say. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ariana Source: Methane Gas Leak Devastates Millions in Los Angeles and Around the World For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL One of the worst environmental disasters of the decade is happening near Los Angeles in California. Methane-rich natural gas has been leaking into the air at an estimated rate of nearly 1,300 metric tons per day over the past two months. This has become known as the climate version of the [&hellip Source: Methane Gas Leak Devastates Millions in Los Angeles and Around the World Learn more at …read more Read more here:
By By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) The birth of a baby should be a joyous occasion for a family. However, over the past decade, over 130,000 babies in the United States have been born with drug addictions, making the experience anything but happy. Many times, the babies – if they’re lucky enough… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Is being human just a matter of accumulating qualities that humans have, even if evolutionists could find a way that ape-like creatures could have done so? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Pope Francis just released his first video message Tuesday, calling for all faiths to come together. Subtitles on the bottom of the footage claim “most of the planet’s inhabitants declare themselves believers”, suggesting that based on that belief, there should be a dialogue between people of different religions. The pope is shown requesting collaboration with “those who think differently”, but meet God in “different ways”. The video, complete with patriotic sounding music, shows Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Jews declaring “I believe in love” and then coming together as they proclaim their belief in God, or “confidence in
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You spend about one-third of your life sleeping; that’s a lot of time spent with your body snuggled up against your mattress. This sanctuary should not only allow you to get proper rest, but should do so in a pure fashion without exposing you to unnecessary risk. Unfortunately, most mattresses are anything but pure. As of July 1, 2007, all U.S. mattresses are required to be highly flame retardant to the extent that they won’t catch on fire if exposed to a blowtorch. This means they may contain flame-retardant chemicals. …read more Read more
By Frost Smith Creationist scientists Drs. Tomkins and Bergman came up with an overall DNA similarity between humans and chimps of around 81%—quite a difference! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By evangelistusmanraza A trampoline is the easiest way to have fun, all you are required to do is bounce around in the area and even if you get dizzy doing so, generally you’re having fun, and that’s what matters. Deciding What Kind to Buy There are a number of trampoline manufacturers in the market that even the online shopping community has been selling them to save families from the hassle of having to go to the store and carry it all the way back to the house. Online shopping makes it easier to have what you need right at your