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Talk about media arrogance. Instead of taking professional responsibility seriously, mainstream media – and even “less-stream media” – now only cover events and report stories that comport with their own political point of view. There was a time when citizens could look at print media – newspapers and magazines – and watch and listen to electronic…
The United States Supreme Court It’s a case in which the U.S. government has been accused of claiming the authority to “determine what is in fact a sin.” The critics, meanwhile, have accused the U.S. Supreme Court of tilting the playing field in advance. But the Little Sisters of the Poor case against the Obamacare law…
When atheists argue against creation, they mostly refuse to accept that they are taking an evolutionary faith position. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By By Sarah Landers (NaturalNews) Official data reported at the National Conference on Radiation Control shows that the U.S. has been experiencing a huge spike in radiation from Fukushima. Levels are considered to be far exceeding the federal regulatory limit, with nearly 1,000 times the normal amount… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By John Vibes Atlanta rapper Waka Flocka has taken his health in a positive direction recently, and he says all he did was start eating organic. Flocka’s page is seen by millions of people, and many… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) To a liberal – especially a climate change activist – there is no such thing as the rule of law when it comes to saving the planet. In fact, when the planet is at stake, then anything goes.That’s the only way to explain how a jury in one of the country’s… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Ken Ham The words below were spoken by Representative Brian Linder this afternoon on the floor of the State House of Representatives in Frankfort, Kentucky. Representative Linder represents House District 61 which includes Grant County, where the Ark Encounter is being built. He has been an avid supporter of the Ark project in the midst of opposition by secularists. After Monday’s ruling by a federal judge in AiG’s favor, Representative Linder shared the following with his colleagues this afternoon: In 2015, I filed House Concurrent Resolution 163, urging the Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet to reconsider …read more Read [More]
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) A diagnosis of cancer can bring immense fear, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. Most newly diagnosed patients and their family members will listen closely to what their physician tells them is the best avenue for treatment, then follow that advice, relying completely… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Scot Chadwick Our children should acquire an understanding of evolutionary theory, particularly as it contrasts with a biblical creation viewpoint. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Heather Callaghan By Zyana Morris Taking antihistamines is the most common way to ward off seasonal allergies; however, there are certain foods that can help you alleviate the symptoms of a runny nose, sneezing,… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By ANH-USA New evidence shows that members of a global vaccine committee may have been involved in a massive cover-up regarding the safety of the HPV vaccine. State-based action alerts! Earlier this… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
I, Michael Hudson, John Perkins, and a few others have reported the multi-pronged looting of peoples by Western economic institutions, principally the big New York Banks with the aid of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).   Third World countries were and are looted by being inticed into development plans for electrification or some such purpose. The gullible and trusting governments are told that they can make their countries rich by taking out foreign loans to implement a Western-presented development plan, with the result being sufficient tax revenues from economic development to service the foreign loan.   Seldom, if ever, does [More]
By Christina Sarich There is food scarcity everywhere – yes, even in the U.S. Recently, this problem reached a completely new level during the recent floods in Chennai, India, a city which experienced a deluge worse than any it had seen for more than 100 years of the annual monsoon season. Thousands were stranded without shelter or food, but a single man managed to feed 170,000 people in a bout of non-stop cooking and altruism. Santhosh Muruganantha emerged as one of many of Chennai’s local heroes to help feed the masses during their greatest time of need. Muruganantha owns a [More]
By Multimedia Biologist Michael Denton published the groundbreaking Evolution: A Theory in Crisis more than 30 years ago. On this episode of ID the Future, we will be giving you a special preview of biologist Michael Denton’s new book, Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis, and hearing from Denton and biochemist Michael Behe. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By Heather Callaghan Advocates demand reform of CDC Lyme disease program Washington, DC – WEBWIRE – Friday, January 22, 2016 On January 26 – 27, a different kind of telethon will take place when Lyme patients and… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Ken Ham Sadly, the next generation of American Christians is becoming increasingly secular. As I detailed in my coauthored book Already Gone , over two-thirds of American young people will leave the church, many of them never to come back. And those who do stay, as I showed in my new coauthored book Ready to Return, think more like the secular culture than God’s Word and are confused about what the Bible teaches! And this phenomenon isn’t just happening in America. We’re seeing this across the Western world. In Iceland, the church is “already gone.” According to …read more [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
Does Genesis imply a gap between verses 1 and 2 of chapter 1 into which Christians can fit long ages? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola WebMD is the most visited health site on the web. While the general belief is that it’s a trustworthy source of “independent and objective” health information, it’s become quite clear that WebMD is a shill, using its influence to primarily promote corporate-backed health strategies and products. Partnerships and sponsorships1 color WebMD’s recommendations across the board, and “passive” promotion techniques, where advertisements are designed to look more like editorials, have become commonplace. The pharmaceutical industry’s influence over WebMD has of course been evident for some time.2 As just one glaring example, back in 2010, …read [More]
By Dr. Gary Parker Reluctant and surprised, I finally concluded that what we read in God’s Word is the surest guide to understanding what we see in God’s world. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Admin – Orissa by Dr. Brownstein Holistic Medicine Do we need more cholesterol-lowering medications? Big Pharma thinks so. A new class of cholesterol-lowering medications called PCSK9 inhibitors is being unleashed on us. PCSK9 inhibitors are monoclonal antibodies. PCSK9 can bind to LDL-cholesterol receptors on the cell walls. Once the PCSK9 binds to the LDL-cholesterol receptor, the complex is absorbed into the cell and broken down. Therefore, circulating LDL-cholesterol cannot enter the cell and will rise in the serum. When PCSK9 inhibitors block this reaction, the LDL-cholesterol receptors will bind the circulating LDL-cholesterol, lowering serum cholesterol …read more Read more [More]
What is the relationship between God and logic? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Tea and coffee are among the most widely consumed beverages in the world. Tea is the most consumed beverage next to water, with 2 billion people drinking it every morning. Eighty-seven percent of millennials also report drinking it regularly.1 In the U.S. nearly 60 percent of adults drink coffee each morning, and 78 percent drink it at least occasionally.2 On the average, coffee drinkers consume about two cups a day. Both coffee and tea contain caffeine (although there are also decaffeinated varieties), which has been linked to adverse health effects …read more Read more [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: 5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Wearing Heels For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. The things we enjoy aren’t always the things that are good for us. Just look at high heels as an example—they can do serious, painful damage to your feet, yet many women choose to wear them day in and day out. If you have had a hard time letting go of your high heel habit, [&hellip Source: 5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Wearing Heels Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
Very few olive oils in the world are actually raw. The reason being relates to processing and oil extraction. Phenolic compounds in olive oil are of the highest grade when they come from sources which use minimal refining and heating. Many of these compounds beneficially affect gene expression linked to brain function says new research. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Creation Moments On a previous Creation Moments program, we told you about the elephant’s trunk with its 40,000 muscles. This is 70 times the number of muscles in your entire body! And that amazing trunk can bulldoze a tree or pick up a pin. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Edgar Agorist Source: 8 Reasons Why You Have Irregular Periods And The Surprising Ways To Make It Stop For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Menstruation or having a period, means the time of month when the uterus sheds its lining, causing vaginal bleeding. Frequently missed periods over an extended period of time is a relatively common condition that affects up to 5% of adult women at any time. Many more women experience irregular periods once and awhile, and it is these [&hellip Source: 8 Reasons Why You Have Irregular Periods And The Surprising Ways To Make It …read [More]