When the tarsier opened its mouth and no sound could be heard, people thought it was simply yawning or stretching. How wrong they were. …read more Read more here: creation.com
By Sandeep Godiyal Constipation is not something that most people like to talk about – though almost everyone will experience at one time or another in their lives. And while an occasional bout of constipation is not going to do any serious damage, if this condition becomes chronic, it’s another matter. People who have fewer than three bowel movements a week or have difficulty passing stools are putting themselves at a much higher risk for colon cancer, which is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of this disease in America today. Most people have been told that drinking more
Although room temperature is one of the best ways to store fruit and vegetables in the short-term, due to our busy lives it is often difficult for us to preserve them without using a refrigeration source. Read these pro tips on storing the most popular produce so you can enjoy them when you want to while preventing spoilage. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
As bad as the month of January was for the global economy, the truth is that the rest of 2016 promises to be much worse. Layoffs are increasing at a pace that we haven’t seen since the last recession, major retailers are shutting down hundreds of locations, corporate profit margins are plunging, global trade is slowing down dramatically, and several major European banks are in the process of completely imploding. I am about to share some numbers with you that are truly eye-popping. Each one by itself would be reason for concern, but when you put all of the pieces
By Creation Moments What tiny shrimp-like creature is a bright iridescent blue one moment and then – in the blink of an eye – invisible the next? It’s the Sapphirina copepod, also known as the “sea sapphire.” Though the sea sapphire is only about a tenth of an inch long, it is surely one of the most amazing creatures in God’s creation. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Heather Callaghan By Marisa Brenizer Stop lights, warning labels, poisonous berries… It’s no surprise that red is generally considered to be a “negative” color. It’s even rumored that red cars get more speeding… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Edgar Agorist Source: When Your Doctor Suggests Regular Mammograms, This Is What You Need To Say Back For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Video Transcript: Mammograms Cause Breast Cancer Dr. Ben Johnson: I wrote a book for women, The Secret of Health Breast Wisdom because we, as a medical society, are giving women breast cancer with our demanding that they get mammograms. Mammograms cause breast cancer. Period. So mammograms are not healthy for women. Women should not be getting [&hellip Source: When Your Doctor Suggests Regular Mammograms, This Is What You Need To Say Back Learn …read more
February 4, 2016, is the two-year anniversary of Ken Ham’s debate with Bill Nye …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) In a move that further reinforces the wave of health-consciousness that’s sweeping the nation, a newly-acquired North Dakota grain terminal has its sights set on creating and maintaining a fully non-GMO facility.Captain Drake, LLC’s million-bushel grain terminal… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Heather Callaghan By Amanda Froelich Farmer’s Fridge sells restaurant-quality salads and snacks and donates all of the unsold food at the end of each day to a local food pantry. The trend to eat clean is growing… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Stacia McKeever We know that we are “fearfully and wonderfully” made. So how does a child with a genetic disorder (or any “problem”) fit into this worldview? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Edgar Agorist Source: 8 Symptoms of Mold Poisoning You Should Never Ignore (and what to do about it) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Mold symptoms are one of the greatest threats to our households today. Your health is your greatest gift—no matter how cheesy that sounds, it’s absolutely true Without your health, nothing else matters. Toxic mold is a serious health problem that can rob you of your physical strength and leave you wracked with physical illness. Find [&hellip Source: 8 Symptoms of Mold Poisoning You Should Never Ignore (and what to do about it) Learn …read
By Edgar Agorist Source: Warning: This Device You Use Every Day Increases Your Cancer Risk By 500% For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Did you know spending a lot of time on your mobile device increases cancer risk? Cell phone usage is so common nowadays that people consider you strange if you don’t have a cell phone. In some circles, not having a smart phone can make you seem behind the times. However, cell phone technology is still [&hellip Source: Warning: This Device You Use Every Day Increases Your Cancer Risk By 500% Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow"
Whoever said the human brain is the most highly organized collection of matter in the universe was more correct than they could have known. New research modeled tiny structures within nerve cells and discovered a clever tactic brains use to increase computing power while maximizing energy efficiency. Its design could form the basis of a whole new and improved class of computer. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
By Edgar Agorist Source: Protein Found In Tomatoes Can Prevent Age Related Muscle Loss For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Age brings lots of things with it, but not all of them are as welcome – like age related muscle loss. Aging is associated with muscle weakness and loss. To some degree, this is inevitable. However, the more muscle you lose and the more muscle strength you lose, the greater risk you are at for [&hellip Source: Protein Found In Tomatoes Can Prevent Age Related Muscle Loss Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read
By Edgar Agorist Source: How I Lost 12 Pounds in One Week With This Weird Egg Diet For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Losing weight can be a struggle, so why not use this egg weight loss diet to help you out? One of the hardest parts is trying to find accurate advice or quick weight loss tips. Here, you will find both. This egg diet for weight loss is easy to follow and I lost a total [&hellip Source: How I Lost 12 Pounds in One Week With This Weird Egg Diet Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow"
Journalists at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) should refer to the Islamic prophet, Mohammed, as “the Prophet”, according to the corporation’s in-house style guide. Under the section labelled “Muhammad”, the guide says: “For the founder of Islam, our style is the Prophet Muhammad; at second reference Muhammad or the Prophet.” This advice is repeated in the sections on “Arabic names” and “Islam”. The assertion that Mohammed is “the Prophet”, with a capital P, will likely cause controversy. While followers of Islam believe him to be the last prophet sent by God – Christians, Jews, atheists and followers of other religions
By Edgar Agorist Source: 6 EASY REMEDIES TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE BUG-FREE (WITHOUT CHEMICALS) For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Most people do not enjoy having spiders and other pests around their house but they also do not enjoy using chemical insect repellent. Sometimes, just seeing a spider is enough to give you the willies. If you have recently noticed an infestation of spiders or other bugs, you can relax – there are plenty of [&hellip Source: 6 EASY REMEDIES TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE BUG-FREE (WITHOUT CHEMICALS) Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read
By Creation Moments Considering the decades of evolutionary indoctrination going on in schools and the media, you might think that most Americans no longer believe in a Creator. But that’s not what a recent survey from LifeWay Research reveals. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Admin – Orissa Peter Falk – Columbo. Image source. The Court’s Guide To Covering Up Elder Abuse: No Longer Rare Occurrences by Dale TheresaHealth Impact News Two of our readers Diane Wilson and Sarah Harvey wrote to us about their experience with finding proper medical care for their Baby Boomer family members. They fought for the return of guardianship much like Laredo Regular did for his grandfather, Julius Corley. Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com has previously published the tragic story of Julius Corley who was medically kidnapped in New York. (See: World War II Veteran Medically Kidnapped in New
Citi strategist warns of ‘Oilmageddon’ (Photo: Twitter) NEW YORK – The selloff on Wall Street continued Friday, with the Dow closing down 211.75 points, ending at 16,204.83, off 1.29 percent. A CNBC article posted Friday as the top headline on the Drudge Report warned that the global economy is trapped in a “death spiral” dubbed by Citibank strategist Jonathan Stubb as…
By Heather Callaghan By Catherine J Frompovich Recently, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and editor at Natural News, ran an article about science genetically engineering laboratory monkeys to present autism symptomology to… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Christina Sarich The city of Seattle now adds its name to 5 other major US cities that are suing Monsanto over PCBs. Perhaps a tide of similar legal action will finally break Monsanto for good. [1] Activists may have a tough time shutting down Monsanto for poisoning the planet with GM foods and engaging in the corrupt chemical whirl-go-round that seems to be ruining every conceivable aspect of the natural world, but Monsanto’s karma is catching up, and quick. Though most of us know Monsanto for creating the best-selling herbicide Round Up and contributing to the creation of Agent
By Ken Ham When you browse your local Christian bookstore for a new Bible study, how do you know if the material you’re picking up is truly biblical? How do you point out the differences between the religions of your neighbors and friends, and true biblical Christianity? Our culture, and sometimes even the church, is filled with false teaching and dangerous lies. These teachings and lies are usually cleverly camouflaged with emotional arguments and half-truths. Sadly, many Christians are lacking in discernment to see through the deception and to discover what …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
A rendering of the cross that’s set for construction in Corpus Christi. America’s largest Christian cross is set to be built in Texas – in Corpus Christi, the city with the name that means “Body of Christ.” The Corpus Christi Cross Project kicked off with a groundbreaking at the Abundant Life Fellowship campus off Interstate 37.…
“I’m convinced we are in the early stages of the “Last Days” and great spiritual warfare is going on. We can expect it to intensify in the years ahead with increased wickedness in the world and greater attacks against Christianity.” Admin The unprecedented influx of Muslim migrants into Europe is fueling civil unrest as well as government repression directed against the native population, say experts who warn similar crackdowns on criticism of Islam could be coming to America. In recent days, police in the Netherlands questioned and threatened to charge citizens who made Internet posts protesting government…
By Edgar Agorist Source: This Is What Happens When You Take Vitamin C And Stop Running For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Research has found that getting a healthy a dose of vitamin C can be just as effective as exercise. If you are obese or overweight, the vitamin C can mimic some of the effects of exercise. There is hard scientific evidence to support these claims. The key to using vitamin c for vascular health comes from [&hellip Source: This Is What Happens When You Take Vitamin C And Stop Running Learn more at REALfarmacy.com …read more Read