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Two catastrophic floods were responsible for separating the British Isles from Continental Europe. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Lynn Griffith Research has shown that inactivity and unhealthy diet can increase a person’s risk of cancer. We may not be able to change genetics but we can change our lifestyle. Factors such as getting to and remaining at a healthy weight, regular physical activity, and focusing on a plant-based diet can go a long way to protecting the body from heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. (1) Lifestyle factors such as healthy weight, regular physical activity and a plant-based diet can protect the body from heart disease, diabetes and cancer! What we eat and drink can impact our [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan Tried and true sleep hacks that work even with anxiety, obsessive or intrusive thoughts – one you’ve never heard of Since before Christmas, I’ve successfully… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
Many scientists have believed that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is passed through the family line and is genetic due to the possession of a particular set of genes, however research is showing the incidence is more correlated to excitotoxins and heavy metals which play a critical role in the development of several neurological disorders, especially in North America. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Admin – Orissa Zika Thoughts: No Panic Needed by Dr. Brownstein Holistic Medicine I was waiting to comment on the Zika virus until more information comes to light, but I have decided to throw my two cents in. As most of you know, in Brazil, there is an epidemic of microcephaly—infants being born with tiny heads and many health problems associated with it. An astute doctor in Brazil first recognized the connection between microcephaly and …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By Dr. Danny Faulkner The observations themselves merely tell us that green pea galaxies have unusual amounts of doubly ionized oxygen atoms, not an evolutionary story. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Judge Antonin Scalia Antonin Scalia, a stalwart of constitutionalism on a Supreme Court too often marked by a majority who believed they were the law of the land, is gone. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who loved him most – his family and close friends. But, truly, today Americans have reason to pray for…
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, we feature a short clip from The Biology of the Baroque: The Mystery of Non-Adaptive Order. This documentary is based on a novel and incisive argument from Discovery Institute biologist Michael Denton, in his new book, Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis. Evolutionists have good reason for demanding that we avert our eyes from biology’s delicate artfulness. None of that, after all, is explicable in light of the Darwinian theory that natural selection retains only what is useful from a “technical standpoint” of reproductive success. In the book and the video, [More]
By By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) File this as another “you can’t make this stuff up” story.McDonald’s, which has been facing dwindling sales and isn’t exactly known for churning out healthy foods, is now in the midst of its latest embarrassing debacle: selling mozzarella sticks (are you ready for… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola There’s nothing like the smell of freshly baked cookies. However, many store-bought varieties today are loaded with unhealthy amounts of sugar, preservatives, and processed grains. This is why it’s better to bake your own cookies at home. Mercola.com reader Meg Brock shares her Real Food Cookies recipe, which doesn’t use sugar and flour. It’s a healthy alternative to a snack time favorite! Ingredients: 1 cup mashed sweet potato, cooked (leftovers work well) 2 large ripe bananas (use 3 if your bananas are small) 1 16-oz. jar of unsalted and unsweetened cashew butter …read more Read more here: [More]
By Ken Ham Rainer believes that “church security” will become “the fastest growing ministry.” Sadly, this is probably already a major trend. Due to the sinful nature of fallen man, security is needed more than ever in our churches because of previous incidents and an increasing animosity towards the church (and a growing general lawlessness within the culture). As our society turns farther away from the morality grounded in God’s Word, security, even in churches, will become more important. Indeed, Christians are being increasingly looked on as the enemy in the Western world. Rainer also notes that the need for [More]
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) Just like with food, cheap, toxic chemicals are often used in cosmetics that pollute the body, the environment and even workers employed to manufacture them. Synthetic chemicals present in cosmetics aren’t the only concern, but such products can also be prone to bacterial… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Meghan Telpner Anyone who follows natural health magazines or social media sites knows that acidity is a topic that has been on a lot of peoples’ minds in recent years. This is because studies continue to uncover the fact that the typical American diet, which includes high amounts of animal proteins, sugar and hydrogenated fats, has a tendency to lower the pH of the body and produce an acidic environment. This acidic environment, however, can lead to long-term health issues: it has been linked to worsening of chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia and it also provides a [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD: MANY SCIENTISTS AGREE THAT IT’S NOT MEANT FOR HUMANS For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. (NaturalNews) Tufts University’s Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute (Timothy Wise) points this out[2] regarding GMO foods: There is no … consensus on the safety of GM food. A peer-reviewed study[2] of the research, from peer-reviewed journals, found that about half of the animal-feeding studies conducted in [&hellip Source: GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD: MANY SCIENTISTS AGREE THAT IT’S NOT MEANT FOR HUMANS Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By Heidi Kristoffer It’s important to keep your hormones balanced to keep you youthful and healthy, and hormone imbalance can destroy both our health and looks in different ways: it can lead to weight gain, depression, fatigue, infertility, low libido, insomnia, digestive problems and hair loss. So don’t underestimate the power of hormones, once you’ve realized the importance of the balanced hormones, you will know there are many ways you can do to balance hormones naturally. While the real healing happens at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yes, you can balance your hormones naturally through food. How to eat for hormonal [More]
By Ken Ham This study really highlights how, when you ignore the history revealed in God’s Word, you come to all kinds of silly conclusions. These conclusions are based on ice core records (that are based on many fallible assumptions) and lots of imagination. Since evolutionists assume that the ice has been slowly building up for tens of thousands of years, they believe ice cores capture climate and atmospheric history for some of Earth’s history. But the ice cores don’t show tens of thousands of years of winters and the slow accumulation of snowfall each year. Instead, they are …read [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: STUDY: CHEESE IS MORE ADDICTIVE THAN HEROIN For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. (NaturalNews) Anyone who read Andrew Weil’s groundbreaking 1970s-era book, The Natural Mind, is already familiar with the correlation between highly processed foods like a certain cheese and addictive drugs. Weil observed way back then that the refinement of natural sugars into pure white crystals, for example, can trigger addictive behavior patterns in humans that are [&hellip Source: STUDY: CHEESE IS MORE ADDICTIVE THAN HEROIN Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Geary Andrew Salt is a wonderful thing. Not only does it give our food taste and flavor—it also can work wonders for your health when used properly. Available in several shapes and sizes and emitting beautiful, rich colours, a Himalayan Salt Lamp not only looks warm and welcoming, but it has beneficial health properties. Salt lamps are blocks of pure Himalayan salt, so they come from the same region of the world. Also known as the ‘Vitamins of the Air’, they are made from the salt that came from ancient oceans, and serve as a perfect air ionizer. How [More]
By Frost Smith Since your body ultimately belongs to your Creator (and your spouse), what right do you have to give it to someone else? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Beverly Entin Beetroot is a powerful vegetable for cleansing, it contains a number of nutrients which support the liver function and cleanse the toxins out of the body: Betaine: helps the liver cells eliminate toxins Pectin: removes the toxins that have been removed from the liver to prevent them reback into the body Betalains: speed up the detoxification process due to it strong anti-inflammatory properties For eliminating the toxins from liver, it’s recommended to drink at least 8 ounces of beet juice, other ingredients such as cucumber, celery, ginger or lemon are all good option to add into the [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: STUDY REVEALS THAT VITAMIN C IS ESSENTIAL TO WEIGHT LOSS AND HEALTHY BLOOD PRESSURE For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Is there anything vitamin C cannot do? As more and more research comes out on this powerful nutrient, it seems like vitamin C is part of almost everything your body does. In fact, the latest research indicates that hitting your daily vitamin C intake can help you in your weight loss efforts. How Vitamin C [&hellip Source: STUDY REVEALS THAT VITAMIN C IS ESSENTIAL TO WEIGHT LOSS AND HEALTHY BLOOD PRESSURE Learn more at …read [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: 4 Natural Remedies to Treat Joint Pain Fast For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Think about all the stress your joints go through on a daily basis. Bending, squatting, lifting, and even just walking can all put quite a bit of strain on the various joints of your body. It’s no surprise, then, that joint pain and arthritis are so common in much of the population. Medications that treat [&hellip Source: 4 Natural Remedies to Treat Joint Pain Fast Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
This page will host all the relevant information from Europe’s unfolding migrant crisis. You can follow all the latest updates below. Newest updates will appear at the top of the page. * * * * * 12/02/2016 –SÖDERTÖRN, Sweden – 18 years for honour killingZirdest Edil, 53, beat his wife for wearing a sleeveless dress then later murdered her, mutilating and stabbing her with a knife in what has been called an “honour killing” by the prosecutor.The court heard the wife had wanted a divorce from her abusive husband. The sleeveless dress was found cut up at the scene of [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: WARNING: NOT EATING PROTEIN WILL CAUSE YOUR MUSCLES TO WASTE AWAY For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. You likely know that muscle mass is one of the most important parts of maintaining your strength and health. Unfortunately, muscle wasting is also a common and accepted part of the aging process. This is one of the reasons that elderly adults are more prone to falls, bone breaks, and other injuries. If you knew [&hellip Source: WARNING: NOT EATING PROTEIN WILL CAUSE YOUR MUSCLES TO WASTE AWAY Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear an excerpt of a presentation by Dr. Ann Gauger, recorded at a “Science and Human Origins” conference, sponsored by Discovery Institute in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on Sept. 20, 2014. In this segment, Ann Gauger discusses why there isn’t enough time in the fossil record to account for human/chimp genetic differences. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
By By Sarah Landers (NaturalNews) You’ve probably heard of Monsanto – the largest producer of genetically engineered (GE) seeds in the world, accounting for over 90% of the seeds planted globally.The U.S.-based agricultural biotechnology company is also the leading producer of Roundup –… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
The language you are introduced to affects the structure of your brain, influences how you see the world and who you are. But what if you speak two languages? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease