By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are widely touted as the best way to lower your cholesterol and thereby prevent a heart attack. They’re recommended to people who have “high cholesterol,” those who have heart disease, and even for some healthy people as a form of preventive medicine. Statins are among the most widely prescribed drugs on the market, with more than 1 in 4 Americans over 45 taking them. This already inflated number is set to increase significantly due to draft recommendations issued earlier this year by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). This federal
By By Sarah Landers (NaturalNews) According to a new report by the University of Rhode Island, maple syrup may be considered a superfood – joining broccoli, blueberries and fish, among others.It is thought that the sticky liquid that is produced by boiling sap from the maple tree, is high in… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) It’s no secret that the United States is filled with obese people; it’s estimated that over one-third of adults are obese, as are approximately 17 percent of the country’s youth. That’s a lot of folks walking around with stomachs spilling over their waistbands, tired… …read more Read more here: Natural News
Huge Chinese wooden ships as large as Noah’s Ark sailed around the Indian Ocean in the 15th century …read more Read more here:
By Ariana Source: 6 Easy Solutions to Say Bye to Fruit Flies Forever For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Fruit flies can be a huge nuisance in the kitchen and around the house. If you are tired of them taking over, try these effective remedies. Unfiltered apple cider vinegar First, remove the cap from the bottle and cover the opening with plastic wrap, securing it with a rubber band. Poke a [&hellip Source: 6 Easy Solutions to Say Bye to Fruit Flies Forever Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more
The Church of England faces at least another three decades of decline as its elderly population is dying off faster than young people are coming into the church. In an attempt to reverse the trend, the Church’s leadership is pinning its hopes on its “Renewal and Reform” drive, designed to make the clergy less male and less white. In January, figures from the Church’s annual attendance survey showed that weekly attendance had dropped below the million mark for the first time, with Sunday attendance now at an all-time low of 760,000. The numbers made sobering reading for a church which
By Admin – Orissa Nurses who prefer to wear required face masks to avoid taking the flu shot. Image courtesy of Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines Facebook Page. by URGENT WARNING FOR INDIANA HOSPITAL EMPLOYEES Forced Vaccination for all Passes Senate Unanimously OPPOSITION NEEDED IMMEDIATELY IN HOUSE We contacted you a couple of weeks ago to ask for your help to oppose a bad bill, SB 162, which implements vaccine mandates for all hospital employees having patient contact starting in 2017. SB 162 is authored by Sen. Patricia Miller and Sen. James Arnold. …read more Read more here: Health Impact
We answer the questions: Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? And, is the order of creation important? …read more Read more here:
By Admin – Orissa “omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the asthma-protective effect of unprocessed cow’s milk” by Orissa Mora-Kent Health Impact News Could the consumption of processed dairy products be a leading cause of childhood asthma? That is a question researchers in Europe recently looked at, and their results were just published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Significant reduction of risk for developing childhood-onset asthma is related to continuous consumption of unprocessed cow’s milk, according to these European researchers. The longitudinal study looked at 1133 children from birth to age 6 years living in rural areas of
A walnut-rich, higher-fat diet results in favourable changes to lipid levels associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease in overweight women. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Ken Ham As I wrote in my blog last month, secularists are trying to get Darwin Day recognized as a national holiday here in America. Right now, both a Senate and a House resolution are trying to accomplish this. Really, this is just another sign of the growing secularism in our culture. The religion of this age is naturalism (which is essentially atheism)—that’s what’s taught in our public schools and colleges. This religion is being forced on our culture in the name of “science.” But, really, it’s just an interpretation of the evidence, based on a belief …read more
By Ariana Source: Grow Your Own Wildflower Garden For Spring For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL One of the most exciting aspects of spring are the wildflowers that come into bloom. Creating your own wildflower garden can be fun and easy! Why grow wildflowers? Wildflowers bring beauty and color into any garden. They also attract birds, bees, and butterflies. A wildflower garden is easier to maintain than a [&hellip Source: Grow Your Own Wildflower Garden For Spring Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Sandeep Godiyal Chronic pain, whether because of joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, back injuries or muscle disorders like fibromyalgia, is a huge problem in this country. It sends people flocking into emergency room departments and doctors’ offices to find some relief. And from mild, over-the-counter treatments like aspirin or ibuprofen to more heavy-duty opiates like hydrocodone or Vicodin, there are plenty of pain relievers to choose from. The problem is that all of them come with a cost. Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, can cause irreversible (and sometime fatal) damage to the liver. Oxycodone has a high
Namib desert beetles collect faint water droplets on their exquisitely designed outer surfaces so they can survive in their dry environments. And polar bears keep a tight grip on smooth ice using precisely designed footpads. Engineers have copied these exquisite designs to make useful tools. More… …read more Read more here:
By Amy Goodrich It is an established truth among natural healers and medical professionals alike, that when your body encounters too much acidic compounds, then it’s not a healthy body. Acidity is an imbalance and this imbalance makes the body susceptible to numerous diseases. More than anything else, though, you have to know that acidity can actually lead to cancer. Cancer has always been a feared disease. It takes so much away not only from the one who is diagnosed but also from the loved ones of the patient suffering from it. Otto Heinrich Warburg, The Man Who Discovered The
By Admin Is Your State Being Targeted by a Medical Monopoly? by Alliance for Natural Health It may be—if a secretive, private, and powerful organization called the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) gets its way. State-based Action Alerts! For years now, we have been reporting on the machinations of the FSMB, especially their most recent efforts to pass their Interstate Medical Licensure Compact in as many states as possible. Don’t be deceived. While this is supposedly a private federation of all seventy state and territorial medical and osteopathic boards, the real forces behind it are …read more Read more
By Heather Callaghan By Catherine J. Frompovich Consumers purchase bottled water for many reasons. One, perhaps, is they think they are buying spring water that is not contaminated with fluoride. Well, think again!… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Creation Moments Today on Creation Moments we bring you a bit of old news. I mean really old news. Though this news is nearly a hundred years old, few people even today know that the massive stone heads on Easter Island are actually sitting atop tall stone bodies buried in the ground. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Julie Fidler Chipotle’s locations across the country shut down on Monday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to tune into a livestream from Denver to hear executives discuss their plans for preventing future food poisoning outbreaks. “Most of the new protocols are already in place, thanks to the hard work and dedication our excellent restaurant teams. Additionally, we have implemented unprecedented food safety standards with our suppliers, which make the food coming into our restaurants safer than ever before,” chairman and CEO Steve Ells said in a statement. [1] Ellis reassured more than 50,000 employees during the live broadcast
Someone recently asked if Sorbitol in gum was a safe sweetener. Usually I simply say it’s a sugar alcohol known to cause bloating, diarrhea and gas. However, the Internet is full of more indepth articles on the sweetener and other problems such as this one: If you google enough articles you will find deaths from too much of Sorbitol. What really concerns me is its added to gum with other sweeteners. On one Wrigley’s page, now owned by Mars, is this list: Acesulfame, Aspartame, Maltitol, Sucralose, Sorbitol, and Xylitol. Here is the web site: So I went to
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) America the police state has become a labyrinth of rules, regulations and mandates, the amount of which is impossible to know, let alone comply with. But you know, that ol’ “ignorance of the law is no excuse” excuse wielded by faceless, un-elected bureaucrats wins out… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Ariana Source: Tips For Building the Perfect Chicken Coop For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Do you want to build a chicken coop in time for the spring or summer? Here are some tips for building the best coop for your chickens. Keeping chickens can add many wonderful treats to your farm or garden. It is not very difficult to build a coop for your chickens. You [&hellip Source: Tips For Building the Perfect Chicken Coop Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Admin – Orissa Rhonda with her daughter Mariah. Photo supplied by family. Health Impact News – Mariah Mumpower is a ten year old little girl with cystic fibrosis (CF) who was taken away from her mother by the Oregon Child Protective Services (CPS) in September 2015 during a routine visit to the CF clinic in Portland, Oregon. The shelter order allegedly claimed that her mother, Rhonda Mumpower, was neglecting her child because she was underweight. The seizure of her daughter also occurred shortly after she complained about the services at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital CF clinic in Portland, and
By Ken Ham It’s been two years since my historic debate with Bill Nye “the Science Guy” here at the Creation Museum. And it’s still getting people talking! On Thursday I posted about this two-year anniversary on Facebook and it prompted many, many comments from supporters and skeptics alike. I praise God that people are still interested in the debate and that I was able to present the gospel three times—what an opportunity! After the debate (two years ago today), ABC TV aired a good summary of the debate, hosted by news anchor Dan Harris, which you can watch to
By Paul Fassa Source: Mega-Dose Supplementing Outperforms Psychiatric Drugs For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Orthomolecular Psychiatry shuns pharmaceuticals and uses mega-dose supplementation. It is much more effective than mainstream psychiatry’s pharmaceutical approaches. It works without the adverse physiological side effects of psychotropic pharmaceuticals and other psychological issues that often lead to more depression, anxiety, and ultimately suicides and murders. You may not know of this unique [&hellip Source: Mega-Dose Supplementing Outperforms Psychiatric Drugs Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Millions of spectators and athletes from over 200 countries will be gathering in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for this year’s Summer Olympics. And that’s in addition to the already over 6 million Rio residents! This is a tremendous opportunity to reach people from “all the nations” with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you can be part of this outreach effort! In less than 200 days, August 8–17, 2016, a team of 110 people from around the world will be hitting the streets of Rio with …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars to influence, “educate,” and entertain doctors around the world.1 According to ProPublica’s “Dollars for Docs” website, which you can use to find out if your doctor accepts money from the drug industry, 1,630 companies have made payments to more than 681,000 doctors, totaling more than $3.5 billion.2 You can also find out if your doctor receives payments from Big Pharma by visiting This site has tallied nearly $6.5 billion in payments since 2013.3 Drug companies have long tried to influence …read more Read more here: mercola