Yulia Hicks’ mother Chrissy joins Stew to detail the successful kidney transplant for her daughter and the discrimination they endured at the hands of the Covid tyrants at Duke University hospital. Thanks to stories in alternative media spaces Americans gave their hard earned money for Yulia’s kidney transplant. Duke University hospital refused to put her on a transplant list because she did not want to take the Covid-19 death jab. Thankfully, the ECU Health Medical Center agreed to do the kidney transplant surgery. However, right before the surgery took place Duke University Hospital allegedly tried to steal the donor
“These people [powers that be] don’t want us to be self-sustaining,” concluded Dr. Naomi Wolf in front of a live audience at a recent VAC family event. “They want us to be dependent and scared.” What self-sustaining quality are they targeting most? Our ability to reproduce, attested Dr. Wolf. Watch/Read: Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents – DailyClout
“I don’t necessarily agree with everything in this video but it does give an excellent look into the mindset of these madcap globalists and their desire to act like little gods over humanity.” Admin Stew Peters Show: From the Directors of Died Suddenly’: Final Days’ Exposing the Scientific Technological Elite and their desire to become gods. The Covid pandemic was the test run for an even more sinister plot to come.
We respond to a question about the out-of-Africa hypothesis, Mitochondrial Eve, and consider the implications for the way we value human beings. …read more Source: creation.com
What happens to those who never get to hear the Good News of salvation? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham Are Muslims going to hell? Okay, so some of you may gulp at my asking that question so bluntly. But actually, that question was asked of me! I was being interviewed by a reporter with one of the secular news media about the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum attractions, and the first question the reporter asked was, “Are Muslims going to hell?” That caught me a little off guard, but I’m sure that was the reporter’s intention. I’ve had quite a lot of experience dealing with the secular media and realize that the majority of times I’m
The Spike Protein acts as a “Flare” causing infiltration of leukocytes via complement activation to attack infected tissue. Read More: A Lethal Beacon: Spike Protein Endothelial Disease is also Spike Protein Neuron Disease
California’s dental director and his team of researchers intentionally omitted data from a study seeking to undermine the forthcoming National Toxicology Program report linking fluoride exposure to neurodevelopmental damage in children, according to documents released last week. Read More: Researchers Hid Data Showing Fluoride Lowers Kids’ IQs, Emails Reveal • Children’s Health Defense
Atheists say that the universe and life began with no adequate cause, contradicting rationality. …read more Source: creation.com
Jeff & Erica – Australian Doctors And MSM Suddenly Hail Ivermectin As A Miracle Cure! The WHO Pandemic Treaty power grab. Listen here
Independent medical scientists who are not dependent on a Big Pharma salary or research grant, a minority of medical scientists as Big Pharma reportedly is the source of 70% of medical research grants and provides support to friendly medical schools, have provided conclusive evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” is responsible for many deaths and health issues. The unprecedented phenomenon of vaccinated children dying in their sleep, of athletes and entertainers dropping dead on the field and stage, along with the same happening to people in all ages of life is being dismissed by the medical establishment at work covering
World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory is now running a full-time CV19 vaccine injury practice. With more than 675 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections in America alone, he has a lifetime of work ahead of him. Kory says, “We live in a country where there is a humanitarian crisis unfolding, and it’s being kept a secret. . . . Most of society is just humming along thinking vaccines are ‘safe and effective,’ and they don’t understand that these vaccines were a humanitarian catastrophe. Read More: CV19 Vax Catastrophe is Murder – Dr. Pierre Kory |
They call it innovation because they are confident that our pain and desperation will some day give birth to an innovative new solution. Watch: US Climate Czar Announces War Like Effort To Shut Down American Food Supply
By Ken Ham In 2004, a team led by Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue—red blood cells, blood vessels, and collagen—in the femur of a T. rex. Yes, unfossilized soft tissue that was supposedly 65 million years old! How could soft tissue last that long? Well, evolutionists have been searching for that answer for nearly two decades now—and they may have finally discovered the answer! Or have they? Well, a recent popular science article asks, “How are dinosaur tissues preserved in deep time?” To answer this question, the authors appeal to older research from Dr. Mary Schweitzer regarding iron, and
By Ann Gauger On this episode of ID The Future, host Jay Richards concludes a two-part conversation with Ann Gauger about her newly edited volume God’s Grandeur: The Catholic Case for Intelligent Design. Part 1 of their discussion focuses on the philosophical and theological arguments for intelligent design presented in the book. Gauger holds that Darwinism has no adequate explanation for natural beauty or the ability of human beings to appreciate beauty for its own sake. She also argues that we have no reason to expect human uniqueness or intelligibility in the universe outside a design paradigm. This is Part
Analysis by Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH and Lionel Milgrom, Ph.D., RHom, MARH STORY AT-A-GLANCE A major research conference took place at London’s Royal Society of Medicine that confirmed the therapeutic effects of extremely small doses (nanodoses) of homeopathic medicines Two Nobel Prize-winning scientists and other esteemed researchers from across the world presented compelling evidence that medicinal agents not only persist in water, but they retain therapeutic effects in these nanodoses Our bodies’ hormones and cell-signaling systems also operate at this super small nanodose level Professor Vladimir Voeikov asserted Russian scientists had known for decades that tiny doses of medicines have
By Ken Ham One of the questions Christians have debated through the ages is, “What happens to people who die but have never heard the gospel?” The same question is asked about young children. Personally, I believe those children are a separate category for which the Bible doesn’t really say much but provides a hint through David’s comment at the death of his son, “I shall go to him, but he will not return to me” (2 Samuel 12:23). Regarding both categories, we should always remember what Abraham said to God, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do
Ben Armstrong Show: If you have any doubt that covid-19 and the vax are a bioweapon, just watch this video, and you will never doubt it again. Watch: 100% Proof That COVID-19 and The Vaccine are Bio-Weapons From The European Parliament Floor – The New American
Jeff & Erica – More On Little-Known DNA Plasmids and the horrific effects they have. Listen here
Amish communities rejected Covid vaccines, refused to wear masks, and went about their normal daily activities while the rest of America was turned upside-down. According to the CDC and mainstream media, the Amish were set to suffer from excess death due to Covid. In reality, the exact opposite happened. The mainstream media will not touch this story because it completely dismantles the entire establishment narrative. It shows that all the COVID interventions were completely unnecessary. While mainstream America was suffering through lockdowns, school closures and mask-related madness, the Amish returned to normal in May 2020. Read that
“This just proves how much we were lied to right from the start about the effectiveness of these shots. Of course this doesn’t address all the deaths and injuries caused by these shots which proves how unsafe they actually are. The whole “safe and effective” mantra spouted by the establishment was one BIG lie.” Admin A study done during the COVID pandemic, preliminary at the time, charged that people actually were more likely to get COVID if they’d had multiple vaccine doses. But it was dissed widely by political leaders and health industry officials because it had not
One of the hallmarks of good science is to formulate a cogent theory based on the physical evidence. For example, if the physical evidence (e.g. a fossilized human footprint trail or a fossil human footbone) does not agree with the time of the appearance of humans according to accepted theory, then the theory must be adjusted—no matter how significant or painful that might be. This is also true with the discovery of bird fe… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Simon Turpin Should we be surprised that after the flood Noah did not act so righteously and fell into sin when he got drunk and became naked? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Many times over the years, and often on social media, I’ve been accused of being judgmental because I speak against the teaching of Christians who compromise Genesis with evolution—often naming names and calling those teachers to repentance for their compromise. I also get accused of judging people when I show clearly from Scripture that sexual conduct outside of marriage is sin, that abortion is murder, and so on. And when discussing issues of transgenderism and abortion, Christians who stand on God’s Word are often accused of being judgmental and using supposed hate speech. So, should Christians judge
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Microbiologist Kevin McKernan — a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project — has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. In 2002, the Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year The level of contamination varies depending
The United Nations World Health Organization is plotting monumental assaults on liberty, self-government and national sovereignty under the guise of global “health” that will affect everyone on the Earth, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Between the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations to the negotiations for an International Pandemic Accord, the WHO power grab is breathtaking in scope. Fortunately, a growing alliance dubbed the “Sovereignty Coalition” including members of Congress and powerful U.S. organizations is gearing up to fight it. Meanwhile, at the state level, efforts to nullify the
Farmers and ranchers in the United States and across the world are under assault. Globalists are targeting their efficient practices, their land, and their way of life. But this war goes beyond ag producers — it is a war on food, and thereby a war on you. In this episode of The New American TV, we expose the globalists’ assault on food and talk to John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn about what we need to do to win. In the second half of the show, The New American magazine senior editor Veronika Kyrylenko interviews attorney Tom Renz, who discusses mRNA in the food supply. Watch