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Mothers give advice for each season of raising children. Read More
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The epidemic number of people with diabetes has the pharmaceutical industry scrambling to identify interventions; the most recent FDA-approved drug is in short supply despite side effects that include pancreatitis, depression, confusion, kidney failure and thoughts of suicide Scientific evidence in animal models and human trials show ginger can help lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance; combined with behavior modification to help you eat less and exercise more, it may be all that’s needed to achieve your goals Ginger helps lower the inflammatory response in your body, a hallmark of [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3) has a number of medicinal uses and benefits. It’s commonly known to have alkalinizing, antacid and electrolyte replacement properties Studies have shown drinking baking soda solution can help pregnant women who are having a slow or difficult labor to avoid C-sections in about 20% of cases by neutralizing acid in the womb Research funded by the National Institutes of Health suggests baking soda may be a safe and effective treatment for autoimmune diseases by priming your immune system against inflammation The data suggests drinking baking soda-infused water activates [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Floaters are small black dots, squiggly lines or cobwebs inside your eyes that float across your vision. They are a nuisance, but when they appear quickly in combination with flashes — light flashes like lightning or a camera flash — it requires immediate medical attention The tiny specks move as your eye moves, so as you look at them, they seem to float away. They are more obvious when looking at a light background and develop when the vitreous fluid in the back of the eye loosens from the retina, causing collagen strands to [More]
? “Wi-fried” on ABC 2016 from damien curtis on Vimeo. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to many experts, chronic, heavy exposure to wireless radiation is likely having severe repercussions for our health, especially that of children, who are now being exposed even before birth While a number of different devices contribute to the overall radiation burden, those kept closest to your body on a regular basis, such as your cellphone, are of greatest concern Your body has natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs), as many of your bodily processes involves the transmission of electric signals, and external interference can disrupt [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In February 2021, Pfizer launched a randomized, placebo-controlled, observer-blind study to evaluate the safety of its COVID-19 shot — BNT162b2 — in healthy pregnant women The injections were set to take place between 24 and 34 weeks’ gestation, with participants randomized 1-to-1 to receive a COVID-19 shot or placebo The study was initially set to enroll 4,000 women, but Pfizer only signed up 349, then stopped enrollment entirely The CDC’s widespread endorsement of COVID-19 shots for pregnant women before the study was completed may have negated the need for the trial Pfizer stated that [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Since mRNA shots contain several novel technologies, they should be subject to more controls than conventional vaccines. Yet they aren’t. In fact, they’re not covered by any specific regulations mRNA COVID shots are gene therapy, but not regulated as such. By slapping a fraudulent “vaccine” label on gene therapies, they are being developed outside of the regulatory framework that governs them An alternative framework that could regulate mRNA shots would be Type1A pro-drug regulations, but they’re not being regulated as such either Per the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s definition, gene therapy covers two [More]
Dr. Denis Rancourt’s research has shown that the vaccination campaign in India caused the deaths of 3.7 million fragile residents. And, “in Western countries, we quantified the average all-ages rate of death to be 1 death for every 2,000 injections, to increase exponentially with age … We estimated that the vaccines had killed 13 million worldwide,” he said.   Denis Rancourt has a PhD in physics. He held post-doctoral research positions at prestigious institutions in France and The Netherlands, before being a physics professor and lead scientist at the University of Ottawa for 23 years. He has written over 30 scientific reports relevant to [More]
Critics of the biblical Flood have argued that the implications of the Flood make its reality implausible. For instance, Bill Nye has argued that there are some 16,000,000 species on the planet today.1 If there was a Flood only 4,000 years ago, only 7,000 representative species on the Ark to start with, and all of the planet’s other species were wiped out by the Flood, those 7,000 representative species would have to turn into 16,000,000 species in only 4,000 years. That would mean that 11 new species have evolved every day over the last 4,000 years since the Flood. Does such [More]
The most important feature at the Ark Encounter is that we teach millions of children and adults that the Bible’s history is true. Read More
New research shows just how many Americans are now living alone. This can be somebody’s individual choice, but on a medical level, it’s not healthy.   Having few or no friends and living alone harms your physical and mental health, taking years off your life. Let’s take a look at this sad crisis.   Read More: Loneliness is Impacting Americans at a Record Rate – The Conservative Brief
Flowers aren’t just pretty trinkets we enjoy for a moment. They’re among the most remarkable structures in nature. Read More
Jeff & Erica – They first talk about how the vax causes problems with iron in the blood, then problem with antibodies produced by the body against the spike protein, they then talk about overcrowding in hospital ER’s, then they talk about how the jab has affected babies and then read testimonials of those with iron problems. Listen here
In a new comprehensive study, presented by VSRF founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated, typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.   Across America, the current population of Amish people is quickly approaching 400,000.   The largest concentrations of Amish citizens are 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio.   Amish communities have settled in as many as 32 U.S. states.   Families have an average of 7 kids so the Amish population is growing rapidly.   The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christians [More]
Is there a link between COVID-19 vaccines and Multiple Sclerosis?   2021 April – 35 year old UK nurse Rachel McKinney developed Multiple Sclerosis a few weeks after getting her first 2 Pfizer mRNA jabs in Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021, and was dead by April 2021.   Rachel was among the first recipients of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in England, receiving 1st dose in late Dec 2020 and 2nd dose in Jan. 2021.   Weeks after her 2nd dose in February 2021, Rachel started having slurred speech and feeling confused. She was hospitalized and soon became paralyzed and lost [More]
No randomized trial data are available for use of the COVID-19 shot in pregnant women, and Pfizer cut its pregnancy trial short.1 But this doesn’t stop the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from recommending COVID-19 injections for everyone 6 months and older, including “people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or those who might become pregnant in the future.”2   “Not having any good data didn’t seem to bother the CDC,” Dr. Martin Makary, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, wrote in Tablet.3 He and a team of scientists petitioned the U.S. Food and [More]
When you see a headline like this one, “Humans’ ancestors survived the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs,” what do you picture as a “human ancestor”? Read More

Chasing and capturing fireflies is a simple joy of childhood. But for evolutionary entomologist Christopher Heckscher, that joy never left. He has been publishing papers on fireflies for almost 20 years but has never acknowledged that they have been designed by the Creator.

Fireflies are not actually flies. Rather, they are beetles (Coleoptera). Heckscher told the Smithsonian “finding [fireflies] inspires awe.&rdqu... More...

A recent scientific study came out addressing the genetic flexibility of a group of invertebrates called the crustaceans (crabs, barnacles, shrimp, and lobsters).

In the rock record, The lowest appearance of crustaceans “are known from Cambrian rocks”1 and are 100 percent crustacean. Their evolutionary relationships are highly questionable with five zoologists stating, “Crustacean phylogenies using mo... More...

"The LORD on high is mightier

than the noise of many waters,

than the mighty waves of the sea."

Psalm 93:4 NKJV

ICR July 2023 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this month's image for free by clicking the format option links below and saving the files to your device.

Marriage is the foundation of the family and a picture of Christ and the church. Read More

Octopi are incredible and intelligent creatures—they are mesmerizing to observe and study. Some of octopi’s interesting features include the ability to change colors and blend in with surroundings, an ink defense that allows them to escape predators, a beak for a mouth, zero bones, and eight arms with suckers that allows them to grab, taste, and smell. Octopi are poikilotherms (cold-blooded). As a result, their brains are expose... More...

How our partnership with Children’s Hunger Fund has helped to feed millions of children. Read More
God’s Word is clear: he created us male and female and designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. Read More
So, do I believe in UFOs? Yes, I do. There certainly are unidentified flying objects! But do I believe these UFOs are piloted by extraterrestrials? Read More
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Exposure to microwave EMFs, like cellphones, causes massive mitochondrial dysfunction due to damage done by free radicals from peroxynitrite that also cause single and double stranded breaks in your DNA Excessive free radicals triggered by low-frequency microwave exposure from cellphones and Wi-Fi networks have been linked to chronic diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, anxiety, depression, autism, Alzheimer’s and infertility Excessive calcium signaling produced by EMF exposures also has important roles in producing pathophysiological effects of EMFs including each of the effects listed above Strategies that may help reduce the harmful effects of EMFs [More]
Critique of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins The evolution-based attack on God by ‘new atheist’ Richard Dawkins (2006) was a best-seller, but do its arguments stack up? Read More