Jeff & Erica – More Airline Pilots Suddenly Dead, Mental And Emotional Brain Damage Of The Vaxed, dangers of spike protein in the brain, more on shedding plus testimonials Listen Here
06/17/23 “Are the numerous reports of UFO’s and space alien sightings that have occurred lately leading to a “Great Deception” planned by the Globalists to advance their agenda of total control? This article delves into that subject.” Admin In beginning this story I’ll admit right out that I certainly don’t know all of the answers to the questions which I’ll pose within it, but a lot of the information that I’ll be bringing forth here is part of what led me to start this lifelong journey of a search for truth in this ‘empire of lies‘ we’ve been
Can the biblical framework offer a better account for the data?
Stew Peters Show: For every optimistic technology we get from biotech advances, there are five dystopian ones. Karen Kingston is here to report her latest findings on the evils of synthetic biology. In March of this year Congress invested 100 billion dollars to research synthetic biology. The goal of synthetic biology is to take biological lifeforms and turn them into technology. Lab grown meat is a form of synthetic biology and is a precursor to more advanced applications like directed evolution. The elites are going to attempt to sell the world on the benefits of this transhumanist agenda. Lab grown
06/16/23 In the last few months, Congress has held hearings on the implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), ranging from its possible positive use to its already nefarious attributes, such as hackers’ abilities to use AI software to steal the voices of your family members and use them to manipulate you into believing they have been kidnapped. Plus, the almost equally as devastating news that AI has been used to recreate John Lennon on the latest Beatles album. Even Elon Musk, who tends to champion technological advancements as beneficial to humanity, has warned that AI could have devastating consequences for society. However, not
We need to make sure we understand what God has instructed for the roles of the man and woman in marriage and the methods and priorities for raising children. Read More
How an early relationship with the Bible matured and led to saving faith in Christ Read More
There are few animals more nightmarish than an 8-foot sea scorpion! Although, they were not true scorpions, their fossils display a menacing and formidable creature. The discovery of a giant fossilized claw from an ancient sea scorpion indicates that when alive it would have been about 2.5 meters [8.2 feet] long, much taller than the average man.1 We all can breathe a sigh of relie… Read More…
To be spatially capable creatures, humans need their brains to tell them 1) where things are in relation to themselves and 2) where everything is in relation to everything else—the so-called allocentric map of space. To navigate an environment, the brain seems to generate a mental representation of its surroundings. This is often called a cognitive map.1 In 1971, neuroscientists John O’Keefe and Jonathan Dost… Read More...
As God invented everything that enables a rainbow to exist, God obviously owns the rainbow. God owns everything. Read More
Many people like spending time outdoors to relax. But if you’re a prepper, you know that things can go wrong even when you are in a peaceful location. Learn survival skills like how to find water, how to build a shelter and how to start a fire so you can survive while you wait for rescue if you get lost in the wilderness. (h/t to If you get lost while hiking or camping, these will help improve your chances of survival if you are separated from your group. Read More: Prepping for beginners: Top 3 wilderness survival tips
In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA, Linda, a woman with years of experience in the funeral industry, shared her unique observations and insights into the trends of death during the pandemic. Linda discusses how implementing lockdowns led to unexpected surplus deaths, with suicides and drug overdoses surpassing Covid related fatalities. Furthermore, Linda brings attention to a troubling pattern of heightened mortality rates among demographics traditionally considered less susceptible, including infants. These concerning developments appear to coincide with the timeline of vaccine campaigns and the introduction of booster shots. Read/Watch: Funeral Insider’s Account of Rising Suicides and Death
Stephen “Steve” Wenger, a longtime construction project manager in the telecommunications industry and former volunteer firefighter who was in excellent health, was “dead set” against receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. But when faced with an ultimatum from his employer — get the vaccine or lose his job — Wenger reluctantly got vaccinated. Within days, he found himself unable to stand up or move around. He crawled on his “hands and knees” into a hospital emergency room, he said. Read More: Exclusive: ‘We’re the Dirty Little Secret Nobody Wants to Talk About,’ Says Man Injured by COVID Vaccine • Children’s
How should Christians respond when we see overwhelming evil permeating the government and culture? Read More
06/09/23 “Lunatic fraud Biden and his handlers are doing everything possible to bring destruction on this country … promoting perversion, wrecking the economy and quite possibly provoking a nuclear war with Russia. We may not survive until next years elections.” Admin Joe Biden is to host the White House’s largest Pride celebration “in history” as Americans struggle to pay for groceries and mortgage payments as inflation continues to soar, not to mention the billions of dollars being sent to Ukraine. The LGBTQ+ Pride celebration hosted by Biden will be the largest of its kind “in history” for
Why the Bible calls Jesus the last Adam rather than the second Adam. Read More
Nature has intrinsic value because it was made by God and he cares for what he’s made. But it isn’t more important than people who bear God’s image. Read More
Interview with plate tectonics expert Dr John Baumgardner. Read More
One of the hallmarks of good science is to formulate a cogent theory based on the physical evidence. For example, if the physical evidence (e.g. a fossilized human footprint trail or a fossil human footbone) does not agree with the time of the appearance of humans according to accepted theory, then the theory must be adjusted—no matter how significant or painful that might be. This is also true with the discovery of bird fe… Read More...
PETA recently asked ChatGPT (an artificial intelligence chatbot) to rewrite the book of Genesis and make it a “vegan interpretation.” Read More
06/08/23 With a series of photographs showing the life of Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson, the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded, announced his death on Thursday at the age of 93. He had started out with a local Virginia station back in the day, and finished with the global CBN Read More: Pat Robertson, CBN founder, dies at 93
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 2011 and 2016, only 40% of infants under the age of 6 months were being exclusively breastfed, worldwide Thanks to growing awareness of the science behind the “breast is best” slogan, breastfeeding rates in the U.S. have risen from a low of 24% in 1971 to 81% in 2016 The global goal is to get 70% of infants exclusively breastfed for the first six months by 2030. To achieve that, the World Health Assembly introduced a nonbinding resolution in early 2018 to encourage breastfeeding and stress
Last year the global population hit eight billion. Now, you might think that’s a lot—but it’s really not if evolution’s true! Read More
“The following was copied from an email I received. Thought I would pass it along.” Admin Hi , Many of our NaturalHealth365 subscribers have been injured by the COVID shots … and they ask us – on a daily basis – for effective protocols to help them to regain their health. Well, here they are: Download This Gift eBook Today, created by Jonathan Otto – a long time supporter of my NaturalHealth365 Programs and a natural health researcher/filmmaker. In this gift eBook, you’ll discover: Heavily censored, yet lifesaving medicines from top experts The horrific impact of these COVID shots on reproductive
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Pairwise, an agricultural biotechnology company, created Conscious Greens Purple Power Baby Greens Blend, the first CRISPR-edited food available to U.S. consumers The company used CRISPR, or Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat, to edit mustard greens’ DNA, removing a gene that gives them their pungent flavor The greens are first being rolled out in restaurants in St. Louis, Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, before heading to U.S. grocery stores — beginning in the Pacific Northwest In 2022, researchers with Boston Children’s Hospital revealed that using CRISPR in human cell lines increased the
Jeff & Erica – Video on how the bioweapon disables the body’s symptom generating “alarm” system which is how people can be dying and not know it. Watch here
Carved as the waters of Noah’s Flood retreated—and not by the bursting of a later Ice Age dam. Read More