09/14/22 Stew Peters Show: Maria Zeee reporting. We know for a FACT that the COVID19 pandemic was planned. Now we have document proof that future pandemics are already in the making in Australia.
Living in a city is a well-known risk factor for developing a mental disorder, while living close to nature is largely beneficial for mental health and the brain. A central brain region involved in stress processing, the amygdala, has been shown to be less activated during stress in people who live in rural areas, compared to those who live in cities, hinting at the potential benefits of nature. “But so far the hen-and-egg problem could not be disentangled, namely whether nature actually caused the effects in the brain or whether the particular individuals chose to live in rural or urban
By Michael By Mike Campbell Months after Health Canada claimed it’s “disinformation” to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19, the American health agency is considering the drug as a “possible treatment.” Under “COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines,” the National Health Institute’s (NIH) website lists ivermectin as “an antiparasitic drug that… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
In an interview with RAIR Foundation USA, one of the co-founders of Freedom Fighters Canada explains how she knew from the beginning that the covid scare was not what it was purported to be. Bethan Nodwell, a nurse who formerly worked in a small hospital in rural Quebec, just a short drive from Ottawa, recounts the confusing early days of the pandemic. “Everything kept on changing,” she says. “It came in hard and furious. And when Trump suggested that hydroxychloroquine might work, there was immediate resistance. ‘No, it’s dangerous,’ we were told.” However, Nodwell knew hydroxychloroquine is used widely to treat
The UK Government has published official figures on deaths following Covid-19 vaccination and they reveal that 1 in every 482 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England sadly died within one month of Covid-19 vaccination, 1 in every 246 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England sadly died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people were dead by May 2022. Read More: Government publishes horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in 482 dead within a month, 1 in 246 dead within 60 days, & 1 in 73 dead by May 2022 – The Expose
09/13/22 “Copied this from an email I received from a local ministry. From what I’ve read a lot of foodbanks are experiencing unprecedented demand. If it’s this bad now think what it will be like next year when all the crop shortfall hits. Yes, I made a donation.” Admin In all my years with Metropolitan Ministries, I have never seen the situation this bad. Food is going out of our warehouses as fast as it’s coming in, which also tells me the need in our community is enormous and families are barely making it right now. That’s why I wanted
09/13/22 “Interesting speculation on what might happen in a few short days. It could be something catastrophic or it might be a non-event. We don’t have long to wait to find out.” Admin What in the world are they planning to do on September 24th, 2022? As you will see below, a member of the German legislature is openly warning that September 24th will be a day when everyone will remember “exactly where he or she was”. Needless to say, those days don’t come along very often. For those that were alive at the time, the death of John
Stew Peters Show: This guest works in the VA. She was formerly the head of a Covid Step-down unit at her facility and handled their inpatient care. She says that from the very beginning, the VA only cared about money, not the wellbeing of their patients. From the beginning, she saw a fanatical obsession with vaccinating everything in sight.
09/13/22 “It looks like the Dems are gearing up for another election theft.” Admin The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release 15 pages of documents explaining the Biden administration’s strategy to implement a “voter access” policy that is being coordinated with left-wing groups just weeks before the 2022 election. In March 2021, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting.” As Breitbart News noted: Read More: DOJ Refuses to Release Biden Administration Plan to Intervene in 2022 Election
Stew Peters Show: The British government has continually pushed this clot shot down upon its people. By their own admission, those with the vaccine are twice as likely to die in a month than a healthy individual. From the beginning, Dr. Judy Mikovitz has been warning that the real plan of the Covid shots was to alter people’s DNA to drive up cancer rates in the population.
The FDA is pushing more shots and lies! Dr. Jane Ruby joins the show to expose how the FDA is producing NEW vaccines packed with mRNA! Big Pharma LIED about the vaccine testing and more! Pharmacists are admitting the FDA pushes FAKE NEWS!
09/13/22 On the evening of the 2020 election, a full 3 hours and 15 minutes after the polls closed in Michigan, a white male dressed in a white shirt and black pants can be seen on drop box surveillance footage at the Heilmann Satellite Voting Center in Detroit working with a black male dressed all in black to load what appears to be thousands of absentee ballots into a minivan with Indiana license plates. The two men are seen rolling a flatbed filled with 13 postal trays used to transfer ballots in Detroit, 3 large (heavy) storage containers, and
09/12/22 For millions of good and decent Americans, President Joe Biden’s astonishingly dark “soul of the nation” speech on Sept. 1 – delivered while bathed ominously in red lights and flanked by two Marine guards – luridly evoked the angry rantings of history’s worst dictators. How is it possible, today’s Americans wonder, that the greatest and freest nation in history has so rapidly come under the almost complete control of such serially lying, deranged, power-mad sociopaths? Leaders with nothing but contempt for America, for its history, its Constitution, its Judeo-Christian culture and its people. How, they wonder, is
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) A sad statistic: nearly half of all Americans have at least one chronic health problem, according to empirical data shared in a 2018 study from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. This study defines a chronic health condition as “a physical or mental health condition that lasts more than one year and causes functional restrictions or requires ongoing monitoring or treatment.” It certainly sounds like something you want to avoid for yourself and your family, yes? If so, there are several things you can do without having …read more Source: Natural
Alarming data has continued to emerge concerning the side effects and contraindications of the Covid vaccine. Geller Report reports these findings. In response, Facebook has suspended our account. Whether this is at the behest of the Biden regime or Facebook’s own terrible, dangerous initiative is not known but the government has been colluding with social media platforms to silence those who dare report the facts. Read More: Facebook Bans GELLER REPORT For Posting New Data About Covid Vaccine Concerns – Geller Report
“In my area in FL a local ministry which runs a food bank recently requested donations since they were running low on food due to much increased demand. This will only get worse as time goes on.” Admin The food lines are back, and they are starting to get really long. But this wasn’t supposed to happen. We are being told that unemployment is very low, even though that is not actually true. And we are also being told that the inflation rate is still only in the single digits, and of course that is not exactly true either.
Jeff & Erica – It Seems AIDS In The Vaxed Is Transmissible To The Unvaxed Leading To Conditions Like Shingles & Cancer, they also talk about the new bivalent shots, their safety, and how the omicron variant may be a lab creation plus they read more vax shedding testimonials. Listen here
Experts are now warning that millions of children are suffering severe cognitive problems due to COVID lockdowns and mandatory mask-wearing. A New Jersey speech therapist says she’s recently seen a wave of infants and toddlers ‘unable to communicate’ after being born during the pandemic – one of several now-surfacing consequences of school and day care closures seen over the past few years. The phenomenon, speech pathologist Nancy Polow says, is part of a concerning trend in kids born during or shortly before the pandemic, who are ‘falling behind’ on key milestones due to a lack of social interaction
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large What we’ve seen during these COVID years is a reversion back to a pre-scientific era of immutable orthodoxy, much like the counter reformation in Europe during the Inquisition in the late 1500s and early 1600s. There was no due process then and there’s no due process now
Stew Peters Show: It’s getting harder and harder to cover-up the effects of the bioweapon clotshot pushed on us by our tyrannical government. Karen Kingston reveals that all of this was a coordinated attack that was planned many years ago. Plus propaganda aimed at kids to get the shots.
09/12/22 “These globalist maniacs fully intend to force their “Great Reset” tyranny on all of humanity and unless they’re stopped that’s exactly what they’ll do. However, the Bible tells us there will be a world government in the last days so if this is the early stage formation of it then perhaps it can’t be stopped. Only time will tell.” Admin Kid’s manipulated with bug eating PSYOP: ”Chips are great aren’t they, and these chips are even better, because I think they are better for you, did you know that? Yeah, that way you know, mum and dad might
By Michael By Tyler Durden Drought conditions expanded and intensified over the Northeast this summer, according to the latest report from the US Drought Monitor. Extreme drought plagues eastern Massachusetts, including Boston, and southern and eastern Rhode Island. A severe drought is more widespread, encompassing much of… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Michael By Tyler Durden More than six months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the global fertilizer crunch threatens to starve the planet as prices are too high for some farmers ahead of the next planting season. That’s the view of Maximo Torero, chief economist from… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Brian-Admin Image source. Millennials Experienced 84 Percent Rise of Excess Mortality Into Fall 2021: Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager by The Epoch Times Mirrored without Paywall Here Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager for BlackRock and the author of the upcoming book “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022,” has been analyzing data related to all-cause mortality since March 2021. Dowd is familiar with predicting trends and observing patterns, and became interested in studying CDC data …read more Source: Health Impact News
“There is much information on this blog about the dangers of these shots and links to many articles and videos on this subject. Go to the tag cloud on the right side of any page and click “COVID” to find all this info. Arm yourself with facts and you can refute all this theater training BS if the need arises for either yourself, a family member or friend.” Admin In a September 2, 2022, article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), authors discuss the health care industry’s latest intervention strategy to get the one-fourth of Americans
Stew Peters Show: The CDC is HIDING the deaths-by-jab, and appointing GAY Monkeypox Advisor! Dr. Jane Ruby joins to discuss the reports from the CDC masking how children are dying from the vaxx, and how the CDC’s new Satanist Monkeypox Advisor publicly dresses in bondage!
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Maddie de Garay signed up for Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trial when she was 12; previously a healthy preteen, her life has been forever changed due to health problems caused by the shots Maddie suffered a severe systemic adverse reaction to her second dose of the shot and struggled through 11 ER visits and four hospital admissions in the year and a half that followed Injuries from the shot have left her unable to walk or eat — she receives her nutrition via a feeding tube — and suffering from constant pain, vision problems,