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During the time of the Parliamentary protest here in New Zealand, when the country was split asunder by governmental decree into two camps, the jabbed and the unjabbed, I chanced to meet a friend at the beach. I knew her to be a wonderful musician and, I thought, an intelligent person, and we exchanged pleasantries. Taking her question about my well-being at face value – “How are you doing?” – I replied, “Terribly. I’m not allowed to go to a cafe or restaurant, can’t get a haircut, can’t get into the gym I’ve paid my subscription to, and I never would have [More]
After she was injured by the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, Sheila Bath said doctors screamed at her and told her she was “nuts” for thinking the vaccine caused her injuries.   Sheila Bath, a 60-something chef and life coach from Connecticut, first suspected she’d been injured by the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine on April 11, 2021 — exactly 14 days after she got the vaccine.   In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Bath said her initial symptoms included a burning sensation running from her legs to her spine and numbness in her feet. The symptoms lasted for two [More]
09/20/22 “This is just one big reason why these midterm elections are so important. The Demoncrats are doing everything they can to destroy this country and if we don’t stop them in Nov. they will finish the job and our lives will never be the same. Please pray for these elections and that God will bring to naught any cheating plans the Demoncrats may have.” Admin   Democrats and the mainstream media are still trying to claim that 50 illegals dropped off on Martha’s Vineyard is a “humanitarian crisis” even as they ignore the more than 1,300 illegals who pour [More]
By everybodysfit Most people are well aware that fried foods are not good for your waistline or health. Yet, turning down French fries is an act of willpower and strength. The bottom line is that fried foods are high in fat, calories, and usually salt. As a result, consumption of these foods has been linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes. A piece of chicken loses its nutritional quality when cooked in hydrogenated oil to be fried. This type of oil is high in trans fats. The crunch and taste are great, but trans fats are known to raise bad [More]
09/19/22 “Many have been predicting a recession or worse, this may be a sign of its soon arrival.” Admin Do they know something that they aren’t telling us?  As you will see below, Walmart, Target and other major U.S. retailers are literally canceling billions of dollars in orders ahead of the coming holiday season.  I have never heard of such a thing happening before, and under normal conditions it wouldn’t make any sense at all.   The holiday season is typically the busiest time of the year for retailers, and at this time in 2021 there was actually a great [More]
By Brian-Admin Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News James Marvin Herndon, PhD., from the Transdyne Corporation in San Diego, and Mark Whiteside, the Medical Director of the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County, have just published a study in the “Advances In Social Sciences Research Journal” titled: Collapse of Earth’s Biosphere: A Case of Planetary Treason. Here is the Abstract: Earth’s life support systems are breaking down, including the stratospheric ozone layer, which protects all higher life on the planet from deadly ultraviolet …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News There have been no recorded deaths so far from those diagnosed with monkeypox, but we now have our first report of someone who died shortly following a monkeypox vaccine. Michael Mosher, a Hollywood makeup artist, has died 9 days after receiving a monkeypox vaccine, according to social media posts. He was reportedly vaccinated for monkeypox on August 25, 2022, and then “died suddenly” on September 3, 2022. <img loading="lazy" src="https://healthimpactnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/09/mosher-monkeypox.jpg" alt="" width="727" height="1280" srcset="/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/09/mosher-monkeypox.jpg 727w, /wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/09/mosher-monkeypox-170×300.jpg 170w, /wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/09/mosher-monkeypox-582×1024.jpg 582w" sizes="(max-width: 727px) …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Attorneys have filed three lawsuits against hospitals for forcing the use of Remdesivir and respirators to treat people for Covid-19, oftentimes against the wishes of the patients and their families. They claim that doctors, hospitals, and even states were given ample incentive by the federal government to use the ineffective and dangerous protocols instead of treatments that were more effective but less profitable.   Read/Watch: Bombshell Accusation: Hospitals Specifically Targeted the Unvaxxed for Deadly Forced Remdesivir and Respirator Protocols ? ? The Liberty Daily
Countless pilots across America who were injured by the Covid injections mandated by Joe Biden are too scared to come forward about their injuries because it would jeopardize their careers, warned US Freedom Flyers founder Josh Yoder in this interview with The New American’s Alex Newman on Conversations That Matter. This situation is endangering the safety of passengers, and the FAA is to blame, he said. The organization US Freedom Flyers, dedicated to fighting against mandates and other assaults on the individual rights of those in the airline industry, has used lawsuits and political pressure to preserve freedom. And yet, the feds are [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It is often said that you are what you eat. Those who eat organic fruits and vegetables along with other unprocessed food tend to radiate both in terms of skin and essence. Alternatively, those who eat fast food, processed “treats,” and other sugary and chemical-laden foods typically look fatigued and unhealthy. Thanks to academicians at Harvard University and Tufts University, we now have the science necessary to back up the optics of the connection between food, health, and personal aesthetics. Researchers at these two universities have identified a strong link between …read more Source: [More]
“Here’s a great site that has a lot of free videos on self defense you can watch like the One Shot Knock Out videos you can see at the link below. To see more of their free videos check out the archives on the right side of the page.” Admin   Hi, I’m Damian Ross, founder of the Self Defense Company, creator of the Self Defense Training System and the break through program ONE SHOT FIGHT ENDERS…   I want to thank you for finding us and as promised I’m going to show you how to end any attack with just one shot [More]
By Michael By John Anderer Parents, if you want your kids to have long, healthy, and active lives, make sure the kitchen pantry is always stocked with walnuts. An expansive new study covering decades of research reports people who eat walnuts early in life are more likely… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
I’m going to let you in on a few secrets.   One, there are many reasons you may want to drink aloe vera juice every day. Although not every one of them may interest you, chances are many of them will and that someone close to you may benefit from them as well.   Two, aloe vera juice can be very palatable, depending on how you take it. Although the juice can be a little bitter, mixing it with another liquid, such as coconut water, lemonade, or fruit/vegetable juices, can solve that issue tastefully.   Why Drink Aloe Vera Juice? [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) In just under two years, the mRNA COVID shots have had a shocking impact on the globe. Thousands upon thousands have suffered from vax side effects ranging from heart inflammation to autoimmune issues (according to the U.S. passive surveillance vax safety system VAERS). Meanwhile, we’ve all had to witness informed consent being tossed out the window as individuals have been coerced into taking this hastily-developed, gene-based concoction under threat of job loss and societal ostracization. Of course, it’s bad enough that these shots don’t even stop transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 [More]
Jeff & Erica – Exploding Spike Protein Killer Cancer And 100% Fatal Creutzfeld-Jacob (CJD) Hitting Millions and later on read some vax injury testimonials Listen Here
“Just found this site that has been documenting cases of people who have gone into hospitals for Covid treatment only to be murdered by dangerous hospital treatment protocols. You can read these cases and they even have a support group you can join. Check it out.” Admin   Millions of documents containing details about victims of the Covid19 Dark Time that began in 2019 still exist today. We are sponsoring a project to gather this information to preserve and protect it for future accountability and generations. Through the Covid19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, you can help make these victims’ records [More]
By Patrick Tims, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Those who have paid close attention to professional and college sports in recent years have noticed an uptick in athlete deaths. More specifically, a growing number of athletes are dropping dead of heart attacks and other heart-related disorders. The question begs: what is causing some of the world’s top athletes to pass away prematurely? Athlete deaths have spiked a whopping 1,700% in the aftermath of the COVID-19 vax effort. Could the exponential boom in athlete deaths have something to do with the coronavirus injection that became nearly mandatory for participation …read more Source: Natural [More]
Analysis by Dr. Meryl Nass This article was originally published here. On Wednesday, August 31, the FDA issued emergency use authorizations for new Pfizer and Moderna mRNA booster vaccines for COVID. The next day, September 1, the CDC’s advisory committee and CDC Director approved the immediate rollout of the new vaccines. They will be administered in the US starting this week. Fastest Vaccine Rollout in World History Surprisingly, more than a month before either agency had given its okay to the entirely new formulation, the federal government ordered 105 million doses from Pfizer and 66 million doses from Moderna. The desired composition of the [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data show vitamin B6 has a positive effect on anxiety and a data trend toward reduced depression, which researchers attribute to an increase in the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA Researchers found that vitamin B6 had the same effect on visual testing affected by GABA as the drug alprazolam, a benzodiazepine commonly prescribed for anxiety People with an anxiety disorder have a high likelihood of also being diagnosed with depression. Treatment for anxiety can include benzodiazepines and treatment for depression often includes antidepressants, initially approved for short-term use, although many continue to take them for years [More]
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker STORY AT-A-GLANCE Many pet parents tend to view dog walks as exclusively for elimination and exercise purposes, but there’s a third aspect to walks that is also essential for our canine BFFs: sniffing the environment The canine nose is a scientific wonder for many reasons, and it’s the sense that provides dogs the most and best information about their environment and everything and everyone in it Experts believe that not allowing dogs regular scent walks could be a form of sensory deprivation that robs them of information they need to figure out what’s happening in [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Federal officials in the Biden administration have held secret and illegal censorship meetings with social media companies to suppress Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech, and to ban or deplatform those who share unauthorized views about COVID and vaccines The evidence for this comes out of a lawsuit brought by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana (Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry) against President Biden, filed in May 2022 Monthly, a Unified Strategies Group (USG) meeting took place — and may still be taking place — between [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The sheer number of young, healthy adults dying “suddenly” has become so well-known now, that even the corporate media can no longer ignore these record number of deaths occurring among the working class ages between 18-years-old and 65. The correlation between these “sudden deaths” and the roll out of the COVID vaccines is indisputable, but because “correlation does not equal causation,” the corporate media and the government health agencies continue to deny that the vaccines are at …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The basis for forcing an experimental gene therapy on everyone was that it would end the COVID pandemic by preventing infection and spread. Real-world reality has since proven this to be a false justification Authoritarian rulers claim to act from deep concern for public health and the greater good of society. Historically, however, invoking “the greater good” principle has always been about disenfranchising citizens in order to consolidate and concentrate power Throughout the pandemic, governments, employers, NGOs and media have argued that the social responsibility to “protect others” is so paramount that it negates [More]
Jeff & Erica – Talk about the new bivalent boosters, more on shedding, upcoming mRNA jabs for the flu, some short audio clips of Dr. Meryl Nass and Dr. Brian Hooker regarding lack of vax testing and spike protein shedding vax, then vax injury and death testimonials are read Listen here
09/17/22 “Here is a list of the communist goals to take over America that Dr. Maringano mentions in the interview.” Admin Stew Peters Show: Dr. Martingano believes the government is executing a plan to change our way of life completely. The plan is, simply, this: Destroy the middle class totally, and take control of their children to shape as they wish. That means rewriting the history books and making our schools even more indoctrination-based than they already are.
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Astrophysicist and meteorologist weather expert Piers Corbyn was recently interviewed by a reporter in RT.com’s Moscow studio about the unusually hot weather seen in many parts of the world this year, with the reporter stating the standard corporate media line that this is a clear example of “climate change.” But Piers Corbyn replied: Well climate has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man. Corbyn is the founder of “Weather Action” and he began to explain that they predicted …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Big Pharma is BACK with a not-so-new vaccine by Novavax, made for CHRISTIANS? Dr. Jane Ruby joins to expose the lies of the non-fetal cell injection, which instead contains toxins and animal DNA, and marketed to religious groups! Is the Novavax just another bioweapon?