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By Melanie Grimes Gluten sensitivity now plagues many people. Eating gluten-free is now easy as many foods are being sold commercially for those on gluten-free diets. Wheat has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years, but many people are sensitive or allergic to wheat. This is caused by the gluten in the wheat and can be corrected by eating a gluten free diet. Even for people not allergic to wheat, eating wheat can lead to a variety of health conditions. Parts of the wheat plant other than its gluten, ca cause havoc with blood sugar, thyroid [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Norma Erickson Thursday, March 26, 2015, TV2 one of Denmark’s national television stations aired a documentary on HPV vaccines entitled, The Vaccinated Girls – Sick and Betrayed. It focused on the condition of 3 girls suffering from serious new medical conditions after being vaccinated against HPV with Gardasil. The one thing they have in common with thousands of other girls around the world is they were healthy before they got the vaccine – now, they are seriously ill. All three girls have been examined from head to toe with no conclusive diagnosis and no help with [More]
By Mike Barrett What would you get when you combine 2 of the largest chemical-biotech-seed companies on the planet? We may just find out soon enough, as biotech juggernaut Monsanto is reportedly looking to take over another big player in the biotech field, Syngenta. The merge would likely result in the further monopolization of the food supply – with GMOs and chemical pesticides at the crux. According to 2 individuals who have asked not to be identified discussing private information, Monsanto has approached Syngenta in recent weeks to discuss a takeover of the company. However, Syngenta does appear hesitant, citing [More]
Two wrongs can make a right, at least in the world of visual perception and motor functioning, according to two University of Oregon brain scientists. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
A significant portion of all scientific studies designed to establish “safety” for our food and medicine are paid for by the very industries they serve. The Food and Drug Administration says aspartame, best known by the brand names Equal and NutraSweet, is “one of the most exhaustively studied substances in the human food supply, with more than 100 studies supporting its safety.” Safe today in the name corrupt science, toxic tomorrow when the truth is exposed. Are we getting the message yet? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Cody TM Source: Make Bottomless Compost With This Ultimate Compost Bin For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by CODY TM Organic gardeners rely on compost to improve soil’s fertility and moisture management, nourish helpful soil microbes, and inoculate against destructive ones. This three-bin system is a compost factory that efficiently produces heaps of finished black gold in just weeks, rather than the months you wait for the hands-off approach to work. The [&hellip Source: Make Bottomless Compost With This Ultimate Compost Bin Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
“To be sure the Posse Comitatus act is a dead duck.”  Admin Only a year after the joint drills of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department and the US military raised eyebrows, the RCSD has once again announced that the department will be conducting drills that involve the joint training of civilian law enforcement and the US military. On May 8, it was reported by WLTX that the Richland County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting drills in conjunction with the 3rd Special Forces Group out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The exercises will take place at late-night and pre-dawn and will [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For those who are not familiar with minestrone, it’s a thick Italian soup cooked with young vegetables.1 One healthy way of cooking minestrone is by adding spinach, which is a very good source of vitamins and minerals that can boost your health. It is enriched with flavonoids that prevent cholesterol from oxidizing and protect your body from free radicals. Garnishing minestrone with basil leaves is also a good way to perk up your meal. Its sweet and earthy aroma will surely boost your appetite. Basil is loaded with an impressive array of nutrients that [More]
By Der ian Do you hate cleaning? Oh, I do more than anything. Most people would rather not be cleaning if they had something better to do. But there are a few people out there that do enjoy cleaning. They had come up with 17 hacks to help you and others who are not good at cleaning to […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
Optimizing liver function helps ensure the body can effectively rid itself of pollutants, heavy metals and various other toxins. Supporting liver health is paramount to our health and well-being. It becomes especially important as we age because liver function naturally declines. Herbs and nutraceuticals that improve liver health can help ensure it is working at peak capacity and no toxins slip through and damage our cells. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you overdo it on pizza, macaroni and cheese, chips, and ice cream, you might worry about what it’s going to do to your thighs or mid-section. But binging on junk food isn’t only a matter of weight gain. It might have far more serious repercussions than that. People who ate a diet focused on macaroni and cheese, processed lunchmeat, sausage biscuits, mayonnaise, and microwavable meals with unhealthy fats, for example, showed serious negative changes to their metabolism after just five days. After eating the junk-food diet, the study participants (12 healthy college-aged men) [More]
By Anna McPhee You always hear medical researchers tell you to apply your sunscreen before heading outdoors for some fresh air and sunshine, but what you do not hear enough of is how harmful chemical filled sunscreens can be for the skin. What you should be using to help protect your skin from harsh sunburns caused by the sun’s rays are natural oils Mother Earth provides. Not only are natural oils from Mother Earth chemical free, but they are beneficial to your skin and reduce signs of aging while keeping your skin well protect from other harsh environmental factors too [More]
By Debi Elison-Warsat Lower back pain is one of the most common ailments to date, around 31 million Americans experience this kind of pain. It is one of the consequences of being sedentary, or on the contrary incredibly active. No matter how you started experiencing the pain, the following stretches will help relieve the pain and keep your […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Der ian Did you know you could have worms inside your gut? Yes, you read that right, you do have worms inside your stomach but this can change. Worms find it worry-free to get into your body. Many people believe children and animals are the only people that can get worms but that is not true. Adults […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
I long ago made it a principle of my life to cultivate a positive frame of mind, to strive to project it and to share it with those I meet. It is a principle that has served me well. In setting this standard, I didn’t have to look very far for inspiration. My mother, Wilma Norris Knight, has dealt with countless hardships in her life and many dark clouds hanging above, yet she maintains such a bright outlook on life that she continues to this day to light up every room she enters and to enrich every life she touches. [More]
By greenmedinfo The Media and Vaccines The fact this interview even took place, let alone aired on television is pretty remarkable. There is a growing number of heavily promoted one sided interviews and biased news features promoting the do-no-wrong benefits of vaccines. For an interview questioning the benefits of any part of the vaccine program to see the light […] The post The Media and Vaccines appeared first on GreenMedTV. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
“Excellent article with a couple more to follow explaining what Jade Helm is: an unconventional warfare and psyops drill and how it ties into the plans of the globalists. Oathkeepers is an organization for military and law enforcement personnel who have sworn to uphold the constitution.”  Admin Editor’s Note: The following is an editorial written to express my personal perception of a compilation of various background facts relevant to the arising phenomenon called JADE HELM 15. As such, this should be considered only as my individual take on JH15. This article is not in any way intended to be an [More]
By Andrew New research has shown that a unique mint herb from Brazil can reduce pain as much as conventional painkillers, making a brew of mint tea an effective cure for stomach ache, headaches and period pains. The Hyptis crenata herb has long been used in Brazil to treat mild pain, but until now it had never been subjected to scientific testing. To find out if the herb really works as a pain reliever, researchers at the University of Newcastle consulted Brazilian healers to find out how they prepare the tea. They then made up a solution for mice containing [More]
By Robert Harrington Survivalist communities and preppers all over America have learned that properly tilled land can produce tremendous amounts of food. Well-balanced soil is quite generous and will give back much more than it receives. A few organic seeds, adequate watering, and some rich compost can provide even a novice farmer with a bountiful harvest. Ever since Big Agra took over the farming of America’s vast farmlands, most people are disconnected from the process of food production from seed to table. Agribusiness has so thoroughly monopolized farming and husbandry that many children in the cities think that the food [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Being “happy” is something that feels intrinsically good, but pinning down exactly what happiness is can be a challenge. Words to describe happiness include optimism, joy, success, and well-being, each which may play a varying role in your own idea of happiness. What makes one person happy is often different from the next, but one common theme prevails, which is that being happy is associated with better health. Happy people tend to eat healthier, exercise more, and get better sleep than those who are stressed out or depressed – all habits associated with health. [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Dr. Jack Wolfson Have you heard of POTS? POTS is an acronym for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. This condition is usually diagnosed in young women. Symptoms include palpitations, lightheadedness, and even fainting. I have witnessed this many times in my career as a cardiologist. I performed thousands of tilt-table tests to help determine the cause of a fainting spell. POTS, like most diagnoses, does not have an identifiable cause according to most cardiologists. Until now. A recent study provides a link to the Gardasil vaccine and POTS. 35 women developed this condition after the Gardasil vaccine. [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By now we have all heard about how dangerous GMOs, processed food, gluten, and pretty much all food products are terrible for us. There are so many scary stories and urban legends out there, you’d think we were still living in the days of Sinclair’s The Jungle. Here’s the truth: bad things do happen and there are companies out there (*ahem* Monsanto *ahem*) that care more about their bottom line than making sure that the food they mass produce is healthy enough for consumption. Here’s the other truth: there are lots of people out there who are [More]
With a progressively educated population becoming more aware of the inherent dangers of the conventional food supply, urban farming has become hugely popular. However, more people are also becoming aware of contaminated soil and how heavy metals pose potential risks to their food crops. As backyard gardening continues to explode in popularity, we must ask how contaminated is our soil? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
“The “War on Cancer” started by Nixon in 1973 has been a dismal failure as the statistics certainly show. The mainstream medical establishment and drug makers will never find a cure since it’s such a massively lucrative business, who wants to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. It also explains why alternative treatments are ignored or ruthlessly suppressed.”  Admin If you are an American, there is a 1 in 3 chance that you will get cancer during your lifetime. If you are a man, the odds are closer to 1 in 2. And almost everyone in America either [More]
“It should be obvious to everyone by now that we are being transformed into a police state surveillance society so it would only be logical that internet freedom and free speech in general should be targeted for control.”  Admin Federal Communications Commission (FCC) member Ajit Pai has made public his opposition to the federal government takeover of the internet dubbed “Net Neutrality.” Pai stated that in the foreseeable future, federal regulators “will seek to regulate websites based on political content, using the powers of the FCC or the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Pai spoke on a panel at this past [More]
Preppers are always looking to learn additional skills and methods for survival. In some cases knowledge comes from reading prepper blogs like the Prepper Journal. Other times, you can obtain training from reputable instructors in disciplines like self-defense, weapons training and first aid. Yet another source that many people use are books. Books are a great prepper resource in my opinion that you shouldn’t neglect as part of your prepping efforts. They might not replace skills you can acquire by other means, but they are something that you may be able to fall back on as a source of information. [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org