10/21/22 “As I’ve mentioned before this Russia/China attack on the US has been seen by people in dreams and visions given them by God. It’s not if such an attack will occur only when.” Admin The Heritage Foundation has released a truly disturbing report that analyzes the strength of the U.S. military, which is being systematically dismantled by Democrat presidents like Obama (who was actually elected) and Biden (who was not elected). That report, linked below, reveals that the entire United States military has just 300 land missiles remaining in its entire arsenal. This number should set off alarm bells in the minds of
By Selco Urban survival vs. rural survival is a near-constant debate in preparedness circles. Those who live on acreage sometimes scoff at those who live in cities for reasons of business, education, or families. Those who live in the cities feel obligated to defend their choices. The truth of the matter is that there IS no perfect plan, and even if you had one, SHTF might have other ideas. You need both skillsets to survive, as Selco teaches. In this reality check, Selco explains how even the best survival plans can go horribly wrong when the SHTF. ~ …read more
Pastor Raymond’s brother George took the Johnson and Johnson shot despite his family begging him not to do it. Shortly after, he was found dead on his living room floor, dead of a heart attack.
Speaking in Ottawa, PM Trudeau tells Canadians: “people have got to get vaccinated.” Whether that’s a flu vax or a COVID booster, Trudeau says this will “reduce the danger of needing to take other health measures.” Watch: It’s still on – Trudeau tells Canadians: “people have got to get vaccinated.” – Investment Watch
The start with a general discussion of what is currently going on plus read vax death testimonials then interview nurse Anne (about the 18 min. mark) on the horrific things she is seeing in the hospital she works at. Listen here
A top London cardiologist who was one of the first to take the COVID-19 vaccine and promote it on British television is warning his colleagues and the public he has evidence tying the incidences around the world of “unexpected” cardiac events in otherwise healthy people to the COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Aseem Malhotra made the statement in a video posted on Twitter ahead of his scheduled testimony Thursday to the British Parliament. “It is my duty and responsibility as a consultant cardiologist and public health campaigner to urgently inform doctors, patients and members of the public that the COVID mRNA vaccine
During the interview they discuss the massive deaths and injuries the vax has caused, the corruption in government and medicine, the loss of trust in these institutions and much more. Great interview! Listen here
Dr. Ryan Cole – The Vaxed Can Quite Possibly Produce Spike Protein Which Will Kill Them For At Least A YEAR After A BioWeapon Injection Spike Is Being Found In Most All Deaths Of Vaxed Watch here
10/19/22 A War with the Mules who stuff ballot boxes is underway around the country as early voting has started, and activity around the ballot drop boxes has increased. One citizen organizer appeared on the War Room program with host Steve Bannon recently to explain her brilliant strategy on how to protect US elections by being a watchman over the boxes. Recent updates about her activity in one highly contentious battleground state is already great success exposing the dirty tricks and corruption around the troublesome ballot boxes. Melody Jennings, the founder of Clean Elections USA, whose mission
By Daisy Luther Are you concerned about the recent warnings of a possible nuclear attack? Do you know how to protect yourself and your family from fallout and radiation if a strike should occur? Do you want the real information instead of the scary stories? Then we have a guest who can help. My good friend Chuck Hudson has agreed to spend two hours with us to share his knowledge about nuclear attacks in a live webinar on Saturday, Oct. 22. (Don’t worry if you can’t make it – a recording will be made available.) A lot of people have
By Michael By B.N. Frank Research has already determined that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) including from cell phones, smart watches and other wearables, virtual reality (VR) headsets, and other sources of wireless “Wi-Fi” radiation (including 5G) is biologically harmful. In fact, manufacturers are required to provide… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
The collapse of the Covid injection narrative is accelerating and has now burst through the censorship into mainstream consciousness in Europe and the United States, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The house of cards underpinning the Deep State’s fraudulent campaign is collapsing. Read/Watch: Collapse of Deep State’s Covid Vax Propaganda Goes Mainstream – The New American
Thought you might enjoy seeing what I posted. How long do you think it will be up before they censor it? I saw this post on Nextdoor: Read More: My post on Nextdoor in reply to “the boosters are now available”
By Brian-Admin EU forced to begin Europe-wide Investigation into 700% to 1600% increase in Excess Deaths among Children since EMA approved COVID Vaccine for Kids thanks to Exclusive Investigation carried out by The Exposé by The Exposé An exclusive investigation carried out by the team here at The Exposé has forced the European Union’s official statistics department to begin a Europe-wide investigation into why there has been a significant increase in excess deaths among children aged 0 to 14 since the European Medicines Agency approved the …read more Source: Health Impact News
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE V-Safe, a database managed and monitored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a voluntary “after vaccination health checker” deployed to collect data on those who got the COVID jab. For the past 15 months, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) have fought a legal battle to get the CDC to release the V-Safe data The V-Safe data confirms suspicions that the COVID jabs are dangerous in the extreme Of the 10 million people enrolled in V-Safe, 7.7% (770,000 people) required medical care after getting the shot and 25% (2.5 million
This video, hosted by Bret Weinstein, is a must see. Bret Weinstein has 735K followers on Twitter. He made one of the most important tweets in his life almost 4 days ago and he got only about 323 retweets and just 58 comments. Do you think Twitter wants to let any of Bret’s followers know about this video? Two options: Watch: Military officers speak out about being forced to take “the vaccine” (Bret Weinstein interview)
By Michael By Neenah Payne Note: This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by a qualified healthcare provider. Dr. Bert Berkson is the author of Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough: The Superb Antioxidant That May Slow Aging,… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) In a culture obsessed with what lives matter and which lives are more precious, it’s time for someone to stand up and say, “Old lives matter.” And in truth, this should be given high regard because “old” comes in all colors, all genders, and all pronouns. And unless death takes you early, everyone will become a member of that “old” population eventually. Yet the elderly are some of the most overlooked, neglected, and abused human beings in the world today. Britain’s bleak and brutal policies for the elderly The British government has made …read more Source:
10/18/22 Watch the movie now and tell your friends. It’s free for 10 days (until Oct 27). Just register on the producer’s website for INSTANT access to the entire film. You can watch the trailer on the home page before you register. You are giving your name to the producer when you register, not to anyone else. I registered and got instant access. I’m watching it right now and it’s awesome. Drop everything and watch this now. Then tell your friends. Read More: The Fauci movie is available for viewing FREE (for the next 10
Florida’s State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has recommended against males aged 18 to 39 receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines owing to an 84% increase in the incidence of heart-related death within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. Here is the press release. Today, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has announced new guidance regarding mRNA vaccines. The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an analysis through a self-controlled case series, which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety. This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39
Gene editing has long been primarily used for research, treatment, and disease prevention. Currently, this technology is increasingly being applied to modify agricultural products to create more “perfect” species. More and more genetically edited foods are appearing on the market, including high-nutrient tomatoes and zero-trans-fat soybean oil. Some argue that gene-edited foods are safer than genetically modified (GM) foods (pdf). The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) specified in 2018 that most genetically edited foods do not need to be regulated. However, are these foods, which will increasingly appear on the table, really risk-free? Read More: More Foods Will Be Gene-Edited Than
The unexpected deaths of young Canadian doctors since the rollout of the compulsory vaccines there is getting worse by the day. Doctors in their 20s, 30s, and 40s simply dropping dead while exercising, or suffer heart attacks out of the blue.
The vaccine injured are being SHUNNED! Anissa Sain joins to expose how her life as a health care provider for special needs children changed forever after she took the J&J injection! Now, doctors are gaslighting her, trying to shut her up about the TRUTH behind the jab.
“This is why they still fanatically push these jabs. They want this crap in everyone.” Admin The vaccine is turning people into CYBORGS! Dr. Shimon Yanowitz joins to expose the dangerous formations he found in the thawed C-19 injections! He found worms, circuitry, and Bluetooth signals all coming from the jab!
By Guest Contributor The doomsday clock has been at 100 seconds to midnight for a few years. Food is being stored, equipment is being stashed, and people are gearing up to fight for their lives for the inevitable apocalypse. And there’s one prep you may not have thought of. A faithful, skilled, and well-trained canine companion could be the reason you survive another day. Humans have domesticated animals forever knowing that animals can do things humans can’t, saving time and energy. In a survival situation, both of these factors become precious. Here are some of the best jobs for dogs
By Michael By Jon Miltimore Going to college, like all things, has its pros and cons. For me, one of the benefits was simply getting away from home, which gave me a crash-course in “adulting.” When I moved into a house with a bunch of friends my… … …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Nearly three years into the pandemic, and it seems that another three-letter agency has joined the chat. After witnessing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and others handle (and mishandle) the coronavirus pandemic, it seems that yet another major agency – strangely, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – is at getting involved in vax production. Moderna’s revamped vax being produced by new biotech company led by leaders with links to FDA, CIA Pharmaceutical company Moderna, one of two companies responsible