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By Christina Sarich In line with Targets recent proclamation to offer more ‘green’ and ‘non-GMO’ foods to their customers with its Simply Balanced brand, global health care company Abbott will soon sell a GMO-free baby formula at Target called Similac Advance – the very first mainstream baby formula that will not contain genetically altered ingredients. With all the petitions circulating with thousands of signatures protesting genetically modified ingredients like soy and corn in baby formula, the announcement that a non-GMO baby formula will be available is a huge victory for our food supply and our smallest members of society. Considering [More]
In a survey of more than 250 brands of canned food, researchers found that more than 44 percent use bisphenol-A lined cans for some or all of their products. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Mounting research shows there’s a compelling link between a particular kind of protein and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. What’s so intriguing about that is this protein, called TDP-43, behaves like toxic and infectious proteins known as prions, which are responsible for the brain destruction that occurs in Mad Cow and Chronic Wasting Disease;1 two types of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Mad Cow Disease affects cows, while Chronic Wasting Disease is a neurological disease found in deer and elk. As explained in Scientific American:2 “Prions are …read more Read [More]
How many of us roll out of bed and get our daily dose of java before we’re even out of our pajamas? There is a perfect time to drink our beloved favorite beverage and to the surprise of most people, it’s not in the morning. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices. We believe that everyone has a right to know what’s in the food they’re eating and feeding their loved ones. Our Mission Our mission is to preserve and build sources of non-GMO products, educate consumers, and provide verified non-GMO choices. What We Do The Non-GMO Project works in several different capacities to ensure the availability of non-GMO products and to help support informed choice. We offer North America’s only third party verification and labeling for non-GMO food [More]
The American Medical Association (AMA) has, for over one hundred years, trained the American public to only trust their licensed medical doctors. But what happens when one of them – a cardiac surgeon of all things – charismatically fulfills the hungry consumer market for health information? He must be stopped! The AMA has launched a new campaign to cut down Dr. Oz of The Dr. Oz Show in order to preserve their medical dogma. In the process, they – with the help of the willing media – have called him a quack espousing “pseudo-science” (i.e. anything not Big Pharma-approved) and [More]
By Shelby Hall Have you ever had a stuffy nose? This could be the result of a sinus infection or a cold. You see when the lining of your sinus cavity becomes inflamed from irritations like bacteria or viruses. This causes your nasal passage to swell and create blockages making it really hard for you to breathe. While it usually takes […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Shelby Hall The production of food, today is terrible. We are not only producing GMOs we are also killing the environment and abusing animals with animal farming. These factory farms are terrible places. They house thousands of animals in disgusting conditions. These conditions are breeding grounds for many diseases and environmental degradation. Even though these factors are […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By REALdeal Source: Popular Oats Contain A Common Toxic Ingredient. Here Are The Only Types of Oats You Should Eat For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ANYA V As you know oats get a lot of praise from health organizations, especially from the American Heart Association. So how exactly do oats contribute to our health? Unprocessed oats contain manganese, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc and Vitamin E. Whole unprocessed oats are a very good source of fiber, especially beta-glucan. They are the only source [&hellip Source: Popular Oats Contain A Common Toxic Ingredient. Here …read more Read more [More]
You probably already know that the FDA has declared war on raw milk and even helped fund and coordinate armed government raids against raw milk farmers and distributors. Yes, it’s insane. This brand of tyranny is unique to the USA and isn’t even conducted in China, North Kora or Cuba. Only in the USA are raw milk farmers treated like terrorists. But now the situation is getting even more insane than you could have imagined: the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) have filed a petition with the FDA asking the FDA to alter [More]
The best part of experimenting with smoothie recipes is discovering the perfect combination that allows you to have more energy, focus and stamina for hours, without necessarily consuming a whole meal. This is the first smoothie I ever made that I could use to replace a meal. Normally, a smoothie just isn’t heavy enough – this one’s got nutritious grit. Below are the ingredients I used with an explanation of the benefits. I use a NutriBullet to blast the ingredients but you could use a quality high speed blender if it can pulverize carrots and beets. If using a juicer, [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Shelby Hall When people say they’re listening to their “Gut” by gut they mean intuition. Your intuition is the inner voice that tells you whether or not you should do something. While you don’t have to listen to everything that your intuition is telling you there are a few things you should never ignore. “I don’t feel […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By By Derek Henry (NaturalNews) It’s easy to appreciate why someone can become interested in looking for alternative forms of dairy. Conventionally raised cows have become riddled with the residue of antibiotics, hormones and GMO diets, and their milk has also been pasteurized, which removes any beneficial… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Sarah Warren St. Pierre Sciatica is one of the most common conditions I see in my practice. For reasons I’ll explain below, it often goes along with back pain, which 80% of Americans will experience at some point in their lives. Luckily, sciatica is typically relieved when the underlying cause—chronic muscular tightness—is addressed. What is Sciatica? The sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest nerve in the human body. Nerves exiting the spine between the fourth lumbar vertebra and the third sacral vertebra come together to form the sciatic nerve, which runs through the buttocks and all the way [More]
By Bette Dowdell It’s more than a little depressing when somebody smiles at your stomach and asks when your due date is, and you’re not pregnant. Especially if you’re a guy. And trying to explain about bloating isn’t much of a comeback, to tell the truth. These people also don’t understand when you moan about how you can’t believe you ate the whole thing, and you’re sporting a washboard stomach–a lesser-known form of bloating. Bloating is abdominal discomfort, with or without distention, a polite word for looking like you swallowed a watermelon. Whole. And odds are excellent you know exactly [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heidi Kristoffer Each day you experience exposure to dangerous toxins. Some of those toxins being heavy metals, and four of the most common and most dangerous metals being mercury, arsenic, cadmium and lead. Exposure to these metals occurs through the foods you eat, water you drink and daily household items you use. Sometimes exposure to heavy metals simply comes from dental and medical procedures too. Detoxifying your body from these poisonous metals is essential for keeping your free from chronic illnesses that could eventually become life threatening. . How do you detoxifying the body from heavy metals? You detoxify [More]
By Phyllis Food is expensive. If you do the grocery shopping for your household, you know that this is one of the highest costs related to your home and family. While it may be unlikely that you can completely eliminate your grocery bill, you can grow certain foods yourself. And, you can grow them from scraps that you would normally throw away. Composting requires warm temperatures at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 C.), moderate moisture, and space to turn the pile. You can really make kitchen waste composting as simple or as complex as you want. The end results are [More]
By Shelby Hall Are you constantly trying to lose weight? Do you feel like you are fighting a losing battle, exhausted? This is because your body may be full of toxins, these toxins can cause drowsiness, food intolerance’s, and all around functioning problems. Detoxifying your body is the best way to solve these issues. The easiest way to detox is […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Herw Anxiety is an awful disease that can make the everyday life a living hell, and affect it dramatically. It has a horrible physical and mental effect on our bodies and us. Anxiety creeps in like an unwanted weed, thwarting your emotional security and making your day tough to get through. It impacts our ability to reason and can have profound impacts on our health as well. Fortunately, this elixir we’re passing on is a great way to keep anxiety at bay. Of course, if your anxiety is particularly bad, see your physician about ways to mitigate it in [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: Uh Oh! Study Reveals Plants Know When They’re Being Eaten For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Animals and humans aren’t the only types of living organisms who are aware and avoidant of their demise; researchers at the University of Missouri have discovered that plants actually know when they are being eaten and produce defense mechanisms to protect themselves. People have been aware that plants possess a sort of [&hellip Source: Uh Oh! Study Reveals Plants Know When They’re Being Eaten Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By David Benjamin Source: The Wrong Lighting in Your Home is Disrupting Your Sleep For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by DAVID BENJAMIN Light plays an important role in our lives. We wake up to the sun shining and go to bed with the moon in the sky. Light has a cycle of its own and so does your body. Your circadian rhythm is your internal clock, your biological clock. This clock runs in unison [&hellip Source: The Wrong Lighting in Your Home is Disrupting Your Sleep Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: The 6 Best Plants To Fend Off Harmful Insects For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Having swarms of insects hover around your backyard is no fun. But not only is it an annoyance for you as you attempt to enjoy the outdoors – it can also be quite catastrophic for your plants. But fear not! There are several plants out there that actually fend off insects and [&hellip Source: The 6 Best Plants To Fend Off Harmful Insects Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: This is How The CDC Lies and Manipulates Statistics to Promote Vaccines For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has a mainstream media perception as the absolute authority for health matters. Only those who are interested in reality and truth are able to escape the mind lock from countless CDC pronouncements and announcements that are carried by the mainstream media (MSM). Add a [&hellip Source: This is How The CDC Lies and Manipulates Statistics to Promote Vaccines Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
“We should expect a war on cash, the Bible tells us the time will come when we will not be able to buy or sell unless we have the “mark” of the beast so indeed the time is coming when cash will be a thing of the past and all transactions will be electronic.”  Admin According to some, a very quiet stealth war on cash has begun. May your bank account, debit card and gold reserves be on guard… The world’s elite are meeting in secret this week at the Bilderberg meeting, set at a luxury resort in Telfs-Buchen, Austria. [More]