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By Anthony Gucciardi As McDonald’s continues to lose money each month as millions reject its GMO-loaded fast food, a company called Amy’s Kitchen is making an awesome move towards making real food more accessible than ever before. The company is launching the first 100% non-GMO, organic-based drive-thru that will offer a host of locally sourced meals. To me, this is an exciting step in the right direction when it comes to the future of food. I’ve always been about eating food that tastes good while still avoiding toxic additives. I’ve even released a book on the subject of organic, non-GMO [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Natural Blaze Eating up to 100 g of chocolate (one typical bar) daily linked to lowered heart disease and stroke risk Eating up to 100 g of chocolate every day is linked to lowered heart disease and stroke risk, finds research published online in the journal Heart. There doesn’t seem to be any evidence for cutting out chocolate to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, conclude the researchers. They base their findings on almost 21,000 adults taking part in the EPIC-Norfolk study, which is tracking the impact of diet on the long term health of 25,000 men [More]
Quick relief from acute heartburn and its chronic cousin GERD is a good thing. But is it worth risking a heart attack? …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Sayer Ji Boosting testosterone has become all the rage today, but unless you activate your body’s innate ability to do it naturally you will have to face the possibility of serious side effects. As men reach their mid-forties their testosterone levels begin to decline, with approximately 1% to 2% decrease in measurable blood levels annually, and then dropping off precipitously after age 60 into full blown “andro-pause.” This ever-increasing decline can have a wide range of adverse effects, both physically and psychologically, ranging from muscle loss to insulin resistance, low libido to depression. read more …read more Read more [More]
Even scientists now recognize the power agents that exist within some essential oils which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. Their disease-preventing ability is no longer doubted, especially for cancer. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Censored and heavily redacted emails[PDF] from U.S. government scientists and officials reveal that there were major concerns among American policymakers shortly after the devastating Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011 that there would be… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Christina Sarich French Environment and Energy Minister Ségolène Royal is sending a clear message to Monsanto – biotech maker responsible for Round Up chemicals, and the target of a class action lawsuit in California, soon to be the taken to the US Federal Court. Royal made the pronouncement this past Sunday that the weed killer Round Up should not be sold in garden shops since it is potentially harmful to human beings. She told France 3 television: “France must be offensive on stopping pesticides.” She did not articulate how she plans on enforcing the ban. Matthew Phillips, the lawyer [More]
By Pratik Year over year, China has seen an increase in international travellers making their way into China via plane, train, or auto. It is expected that in 2015 China will likely see over 30 million international visitors. The attraction of living, working, or visiting China is definitely real. It doesn’t matter whether it’s for money, adventure, career, teaching, nature, climbing, vacation, golf –China is booming. Needless to say there are a lot of newcomers checking China out for the first time and this post is intended to be a quick read resource for them. 10 Best Travel Tips for [More]
By REALdeal Source: This Woman Lost Her Leg From Using a Tampon and Her Story Will Shock You For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS Vice recently wrote an article about 24 yr. old Lauren Wasser, and her traumatic experience using tampons. Her period started October 3rd, 2012 and it was like any other she’s had, so she went down to her local drug store and bought the same tampons she normally used, Kotex Natural Balance. Lauren says that she typically changed [&hellip Source: This Woman Lost Her Leg From Using a Tampon and Her …read more [More]
“Just came across this site today. You can listen to Christian, news, sports and many other types of radio and TV stations from the US and around the world.”  Admin Streema is a free online radio tuner to discover, share, and listen to radio stations with your friends. Listen to more than 70,000 radio stations and watch more than 10,000 TV stations here at the Streema directory. For radio, we’ve made it unbelievably easy to find your favorite stations, listen to the music of your choice, find the top new songs and playlists, all in an easy to use web [More]
By Sayer Ji An alarming study published in the prestigious journal Vaccine finds that children in Africa are receiving inappropriately timed and spaced vaccines at epidemic rates. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Freedom isn’t really freedom unless it applies to everyone. And the recent push to eliminate vaccine exemptions across the country and force every child who attends public school to be vaccinated is a perfect example of freedom shrugged, as it violates not only the American… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
“Well the SC decided to ignore God and do what is right in their own eyes, another nail in our spiritual coffin. Mr. O said “Justice arrives like a thunderbolt”, well something else is going to arrive like a thunderbolt as well, Judgement. I can’t tell you when judgement will come but many have seen in dreams and visions what it will be, devastating.”  Admin The reaction by conservatives to the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage has been swift, livid, principled and, most of all, defiant. “I will not acquiesce to an imperial court any more than our Founders [More]
By Shelby Hall A study has been done recently showing that almost seventy percent of all the people on depression medication don’t even meet the criteria for clinical depression. Why is it then that all of these people are being treated for depression? These people are likely just going through the normal sadness of life that everyone experiences, […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By MRHEALTH (Nutritional Anarchy) One of the clear and present dangers in having such a highly industrialized, highly centralized food system in this country (a system where a whopping 96% of everyone relies on the other 4% […] The post Food “Safety”? All the Dangerous Recalls in Just the Last Few Days appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News     
By Anna McPhee There are many types of mushrooms that offer lots of health benefits, following are the most common eight types of mushrooms and what they can do for your health: 1.White mushrooms are high in selenium which not only aids weight loss but is showing to have positive effects on prostate cancer. 2.Shiitake is an excellent source of vitamin D and fighting infection. 3.Reishi has the following properties: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. 4.Maitake mushrooms for breast cancer- A half of a cup per day of maitake mushrooms is said to be able to sweep the system, [More]
By drdach Originally published on Jeffrey Dach MD. Aged garlic shows promising effects on reducing elevated coronary calcium scores while also acting as a gut-friendly antimicrobial. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info     
By Shelby Hall People go through a tremendous amount of pain when they or someone they care about is diagnosed with cancer. Cancer is a very common thing nowadays. We are knowingly exposed to way too many different dangerous chemicals on our foods, in our water, even when we buy a new car! What is so wrong with […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola I’m very excited to be partnering with an organization named CATIS-Mexico. CATIS-Mexico is a non-profit organization based in San Miguel de Allende, in Guanajuato State, in central Mexico. CATIS-Mexico’s mission is to work in partnership with economically limited communities to improve the lives of the people in these communities, and to help develop their health, economies, and sustainability of the environment by providing training and technical assistance. The Independence Watershed, in Guanajuato State in the heart of Mexico, has struggled for decades due to overexploitation and pollution. The region began drilling and extracting water [More]
By Shelby Hall Do you consume too much sugar? Sometimes it can be hard to cut back on sugar, sugar his highly addictive. Do you crave sweet things specific times during your day? As children, our parents would reward us with sweets, and this makes us associate them with something good. Dessert foods have always been a way […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By REALdeal Source: No Naturally Occurring Fluoride Is Added To Drinking Water. See What’s Really Added… For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARJUN WALIA The resistance against water fluoridation might be a different story if the naturally occurring element of fluoride was added to our water. Fluoride is found in all natural waters, levels can be very high in groundwater, depending on a number of factors, such as the types of rocks and minerals of that region. [&hellip Source: No Naturally Occurring Fluoride Is Added To Drinking Water. See What’s Really Added… Learn more at <a class="colorbox" …read [More]
By Andrew Egg shells are one of those things usually end up in the the garbage. Well I’m here today to tell you to NEVER toss them away again! They are like gold! I am always trying to find ways to waste less and reuse what I already have. Egg shells fit right into that category. Egg shells are full of calcium! Each medium sized egg shell has about 750-800 mgs of calcium plus magnesium, iron, manganese, sulphur, phosphorus,silicon, gelatin, collagen and zinc. That’s only a few of them; egg shells contain 27 microelements that are able to be absorbed [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: The Coolest Raised Bed Design Out There: Building A Keyhole Garden For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Anybody who’s ever grown vegetables in a raised bed garden knows how awesome they are at producing an incredible yield that eclipses that of a traditional garden. But no matter how productive your design has been, chances are that it’s not as productive as the one I’m about to share with you. What’s [&hellip Source: The Coolest Raised Bed Design Out There: Building A Keyhole Garden Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy …read more Read [More]
By By Jennifer Lilley (NaturalNews) It’s no secret that, compared to many parts of Europe, the United States is seriously lacking when it comes to protecting people from encountering harmful chemicals on a daily basis. For example, the synthetic chemical known as brominated vegetable oil (BVO) continues… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
“We should expect more of these types of false attacks on Christianity in the days ahead as spiritual darkness increases.”  Admin And, if you don’t believe that, you’re undoubtedly a racist. That’s what you’d learn if you were a student at the University of South Florida taking their Culture and Society in Africacourse to learn about slavery. Here’s the money quote from the textbook used in the course: “Anyone who is familiar with the history of black slavery will note that the strongest bulwark of the slave system was organized Christianity; or in other words, the various denominations of the [More]
Major packaged-food companies lost $4 billion in market share alone last year, as shoppers swerved to fresh and organic alternatives. Can the supermarket giants win you back? Try this simple test. Say the following out loud: Artificial colors and flavors. Pesticides. Preservatives. High-fructose corn syrup. Growth hormones. Antibiotics. Gluten. Genetically modified organisms. If any one of these terms raised a hair on the back of your neck, left a sour taste in your mouth, or made your lips purse with disdain, you are part of Big Food’s multibillion-dollar problem. In fact, you may even belong to a growing consumer class [More]
Note: The following represents some of the persecution Christians experienced at the hands of Muslims during the month of April, 2015 alone. After reading this, ask yourself how Western media, politicians, and other foolish talking heads would react if Muslims experienced the same sort and amount of persecution at the hands of Christians or in Western nations in just one month. Islamic State Slaughters 30 Christian Ethiopians Approximately two months after the Islamic State published a video depicting its members slaughtering 21 Coptic Christians in Libya, on Sunday, April 19, the Islamic jihadi organization released another video of more Christians [More]