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By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Norma Erickson In March 2015, a Danish national television station (TV2) aired a documentary focusing on girls who suspected they had been injured by the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Immediately after the airing of the show, girls with similar experiences started coming out of the woodwork. Virtually all of the girls had the same story to tell. They began to have serious new medical conditions shortly after using Gardasil, so they would go to the doctor. According to Luise Juellund, the vast majority of doctors would tell them the HPV vaccine has no serious side effects and [More]
“Unfortunately the truth is sometimes “offensive” to certain people but the truth is what it is whether someone likes it or not.”  Admin A leading Northern Ireland Muslim who praised Islamic State is set to be called as the main prosecution witness against a Christian preacher charged with making offensive remarks about Islam. In legal documents seen exclusively by the Belfast Telegraph, Dr Raied Al-Wazzan of the Belfast Islamic Centre is named as the chief witness in the prosecution case against Pastor James McConnell. The evangelical preacher faces up to six months in prison if convicted over a sermon last [More]
By By Derek Henry (NaturalNews) As the dog days of summer approach and the sun starts to beat down, it becomes vitally important to know how to use the sun effectively. Far too often people use it in ways that create negative consequences, and as a result, they become jaded, afraid, and end up blocking… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Catherine J. Frompovich Do Americans like to eat? Do Americans want to eat genetically modified organisms or foods? What are your answers? If you are like most Americans, you answered a resounding “yes” to the first question, but a determined “no” to the second one. Actually, 93 percent of Americans want GMOs labeled! So, what are you going to do about that? Well, are readers aware that U.S. House of Representatives member Mike Pompeo (R-KS) introduced HR1599, the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, which is nothing but a shill piece of …read more [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: MUST WATCH Documentary Incoming: MegaVitamin Man For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN There’s a new health documentary in the works promising to ‘change the face of healthcare across the globe.’ Trevor King of Rochester New York has put together an Indiegogo campaign to earn funds for the film, entitled MegaVitamin Man. The film he is proposing will investigate a type of high-dosage multivitamins that supposedly [&hellip Source: MUST WATCH Documentary Incoming: MegaVitamin Man Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Most everyone, including many conventional physicians, have begun to appreciate the importance and value of vitamin D. Few, however, recognize the importance of vitamin K2, which is nearly as important as vitamin D. Dr. Dennis Goodman,1 who was born in South Africa and trained at the University of Cape Town, has multiple board certifications in cardiology (and several subspecialties) and holistic integrative medicine. After his internship at the Grootte Schuur Hospital—where Dr. Christian Barnard did the first heart transplant in 1967—he came to the US, where he did his cardiology fellowship at the at [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By April McCarthy Fasting has long been recognized as a powerful spiritual discipline and one of the simplest ways to detox the body of toxins. Now new research by the University of Southern California (USC) shows that periodically adopting a diet that mimics the effects of fasting may yield a wide range of health benefits. If it’s one small thing that you can do in your diet in order to improve longevity, reduce oxidative stress, improve your metabolism, and even lose weight, it’s fasting. Athletes who practice intermittent fasting actually increase muscle mass, decreased …read more Read [More]
By Anthony Gucciardi A new and highly-needed scientific review has found that there’s no real evidence linking water fluoridation with cavity prevention, further proving that the IQ-damaging substance known as sodium fluoride truly does not have a place in our water supply. It was back in 2012 that I shared with you the results from a major Harvard study that revealed the dark relationship between IQ levels and sodium fluoride consumption. Specifically, the Harvard researchers detailed the fact that children who lived in areas with high sodium fluoride content had ‘significantly lower’ IQ than those in areas with less added [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Comfy Tummy “Why do I keep waking up at 3am?” I couldn’t figure it out. It was driving me crazy. I would go to bed exhausted, usually some time between 11:30pm and 1am, sleep a few hours, and then wake up with a mind full of stress, worries, anxiety, negativity, etc. When I looked over at the time, it would be around 3am. It was happening just about every night. It got to the point where any time I woke up, I was like “Oh, it must be 3am” and sure enough, when I looked at [More]
By Contributor Fluoride is undoubtedly one of the hardest toxins to avoid completely as it appears in both drinking water and countless food items. Fluoride is also present in popular prescription drugs i.e. Prozac, among other places such as swimming pools and hot tubs. So what is one to do? You can certainly take measures to avoid fluoride exposure, but that isn’t all; try utilizing one of the 4 fluoride-detox solutions below. Considering fluoride is known to increase risks of hypothyroidism, calcification of the pineal gland, artery hardening, and even death (in severe cases), flushing out fluoride from your body [More]
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Your God-given right as a parent to choose the best and safest medical interventions for your children is under attack by a Democratic congresswoman from Florida. Representative Frederica S. Wilson from Florida’s 24th District (North Miami) recently introduced the “Vaccinate… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
The rodent feed used for control groups in laboratory studies — including studies on the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides — is widely contaminated with those same GMOs and pesticides as well as toxic metals and PCBs, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Caen in France and slated to be published in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers analyzed 13 separate dried rodent chows produced on five continents, testing for traces of 4 heavy metals, 17 dioxins and furans, 18 PCBs, 22 GMOs and 262 pesticides. They found that every feed tested [More]
It was not long ago that headlines were made by Michelle Rowton of Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines during a live interview with David Knight of infowars.com. The nurse turned whistleblower spoke of the callous, daily operating procedure she witnessed happening in the hospital she worked at. Her admissions were yet another log on a fire lit long ago burning for people’s right to have medical freedom and choice. In that viral interview, Rowton went on record to state: “I think what a lot of people don’t realize in a closed space like NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is that they’ve [More]
“Article includes video of his interview where he makes these comments. As I said in another post this issue is going to separate the wheat from the chaff.”  Admin Former President Jimmy Carter, a professing Christian who teaches Sunday School at a Baptist Church in Georgia, asserted this week that Jesus would approve of same-sex “marriage,” and really, “any love affair.” “I believe Jesus would. I don’t have any verse in Scripture,” he told the Huffington Post on Tuesday. “I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage, but that’s just my own personal belief. I think Jesus would encourage any love [More]
By MRHEALTH (Ethan A. Huff) The hidden details of a treasonous new “trade” agreement currently being negotiated between the U.S. and 11 other countries in secret continue to be leaked, with new evidence pointing to the further […] The post Obama’s secret TPP scheme will criminalize saving seeds, push biotech patent monopolies appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News     
By Prof. Hesin It is found that a mixture of Honey and Cinnamon cures most of the diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Ayurvedic as well as Yunani medicine have been using honey as a vital medicine for centuries. Scientists of today also accept honey as a very effective medicine for all kinds of diseases. Honey can be used without any side effects for any kind of diseases. Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, if taken in the right dosage as a medicine, it does not harm diabetic patients. 10 Health [More]
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article24913978.html#storylink=cpy See the amounts Big Pharma directly lobbied: here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article24913978.html#storylink=cpy …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Ginseng is one of the most popular herbal supplements in the US, perhaps most well known for its traditional use of boosting memory and energy levels. However, it has many other uses. For starters, ginseng is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps your body to withstand mental and physical stress. Delving further into the benefits first requires understanding the different types of ginseng available. There are three major varieties, each with unique attributes, although only two are actually ginseng: American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius): This tan, gnarled root contains ginsenosides, which are thought to [More]
By Angelique Johnson Imagine. You’re sitting on a bench enjoying the summer sun and suddenly your legs begin to itch and burn. You begin to scratch and the pain is excruciating, and you look down and your skin is blistering and red. This may sound like a nightmare to some, but to about 7.5 million in the United States (according to the American Academy of Dermatology) this is a reality. It’s called psoriasis, and it can affect anyone, but more commonly individuals between the ages of 15 and 35. Psoriasis is not contagious, nor are the lesions infectious. The actual [More]
By Shelby Hall Do you love clouds or just want something neat to do with the kids? Why not make your own cloud, it’s pretty amazing. Using just a few ingredients and things found in your home you can make your own cloud. This is really awesome and everyone will be impressed! Watch the video below thanks to […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co     
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) The federal government has granted its approval for a new unmanned pesticide drone that reports indicate will soon start dumping chemical herbicides and other crop-related substances from the sky.The helicopters, designed by Yamaha Corp. U.S.A., have an empty weight… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Berberine is a yellow-colored alkaloid compound found in several different plants, including European barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, Oregon grape, phellodendron, and tree turmeric. Berberine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing properties. It’s effective against a wide range of bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. It can be used topically on cuts and other wounds, and it’s perhaps most commonly used to treat gastrointestinal issues, including traveller’s diarrhea and that from food poisoning. However, what newer research is uncovering (and what traditional medicine has likely known for centuries) is that the benefits of berberine extend far beyond its …read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Your birth month may have a significant impact on your risk of developing certain diseases throughout your lifetime. In a study of 1,688 different health conditions, 55 were significantly dependent on birth month.1 While 19 of these associations were previously reported in medical journals (such as asthma and short-sightedness), and 20 were for diseases with close associations to those already reported, 16 new connections were revealed – including nine different types of heart disease. Overall, those born in May had the lowest disease risk while those born in October had the highest, but there [More]
By By Jennifer Lilley (NaturalNews) For people trying to fight the system over the fact that their once-healthy child developed a vaccine injury, it’s bad enough that they’re often faced with missing medical records and lies. Then there’s the fact that they could go to jail. It’s absurd, but it’s true… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By MRHEALTH Costco Wholesale seems to have quietly surpassed Whole Foods to become the biggest organic grocer as it courts a younger demographic, according to one investment bank. In an earnings call last week, chief financial officer […] The post Costco Surpasses Whole Foods As Largest Organic Grocer appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News     
Britain has witnessed a rapid rise in sharia marriages with many of them polygamous, a leading lawyer warns today. Aina Khan, a London solicitor who specialises in sharia, told Frances Gibb, legal editor of The Times, that there are now as many as 100,000 sharia marriages in the UK. The problem with them is that they leave the women in particular with little protection in law, especially if they get divorced. A previous report by the charity AURAT which helps victims of so-called “honour” based violence found that two-thirds of sharia marriages were polygamous. The report also found that some [More]