“How this is supposed to be good for the military eludes me. This is just one more step in Mr. O’s plan to destroy America as we’ve known it.” Admin The Obama administration on Monday took the next step, following former Attorney General Eric Holder, toward permitting open transgenderism in the U.S. military’s ranks, prompting a family group to declare that soldiers are supposed to be “defending out country against enemies,” not playing at a social experiment. The abrupt departure from generations-old standards was announced by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. He issued two directives. One set up a study
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org
By jen nifer Everyone needs things in their life that make everyday chores or routines easier right? Check this article out to see what you can do to make life easier! 1. Scientists use Calvin Klein’s Obsession perfume to attack cheetahs, lions and tigers in the wild. 2. Predict the weather with a cup of coffee. High atmospheric […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
By jen nifer Coconut water has many benefits to your body! Read this article now to find out what all you can do to live a healthier life! Coconut water can be enjoyed as a stand-alone beverage or combined with another liquid product. There is no hard and fast rule regarding the amount that should be consumed on […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
By Shelby Hall What sort of deodorant do you use? Do you know if it is dangerous or not? Usually when we think about trying to use more natural things, maybe homemade soaps and shampoos, but we don’t usually take our deodorant into consideration. It might not seem bad but years of research has shown that the ingredients […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
By Shelby Hall Ever heard of energy balls they’re an awesome snack packed with lots of energizing nutrients. These delicious little balls are easy to make and store, They are a great way to curb your hunger quickly especially after a workout. While these might taste like a dessert they are still packed with ton of health benefits. […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
By jen nifer Having some hormonal issues or think they might be the cause to some health problems? You will never believe how much your hormones affect your body! What do your hormones do? Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body coordinating complex processes like growth, metabolism and fertility. They can influence the function of the […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) Natural Blaze The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) has denounced the federal government’s proposal to allow exceptions to Health Canada’s safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) foods. The new policy would accept a “low level presence” (LLP) of contamination in food imports from GM products that have not yet been assessed for safety by Health Canada, if the GM food has been approved in a foreign jurisdiction that Health Canada judges trustworthy. “This trade policy is unjustifiable from a health and safety perspective,” said Lucy Sharratt of CBAN. “Health Canada’s assessment of GM food safety should be
By Christina Sarich Are you ready for modern-made ‘GMO’ bacon? With the near-future possibility of gene-modified pigs coming to your local grocery store, this may be yet another biotech reality. Molecular biologist Jin-Soo Kim at Seoul National University showed off pictures of hogs in the publication Nature just weeks ago. These genetically modified pigs were made to have bizarrely large backsides, considered the most edible part of the pig. In the article, Kim’s team, from Korea and China, looked at a mutation in an extremely muscular variety of cattle called the Belgian Blue wherein a gene that ordinarily inhibits muscle
By Anthony Gucciardi Will activism once again turn the tide in the political battle for GMO transparency? Following millions of concerned individuals speaking out over Monsanto’s monopoly of the food supply, the White House has officially announced that it will be rolling out a new ‘GMO regulation’ plan that could radically change the current food supply. In a recent announcement that you probably missed, as it was released just before the Fourth of July weekend on the White House website, the White House finally declared that a new review on the current GMO regulation laws is being launched. Regulation laws
“Later in the article it states: “This change would also respect the right of religious chartered organizations to continue to choose adult leaders whose beliefs are consistent with their own.” We’ll see how long that lasts. There is an alternative organization to the Boy Scouts, Trail Life USA, which is based on Christian values.” Admin The executive committee of the Boy Scouts of America has unanimously approved a resolution that would drop the group’s blanket ban on openly gay leaders, a key step that puts the organization on the verge of its second historic shift in three years. While the
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Heather Callaghan The UN’s World Food Program, funded by world governments, NGOs and corporations like Yum! Brands and Cargill, postulates that there’s just too much hunger in the world, so no one should protest a novel form of genetic engineering that involves blipping out genes which in effect can modify plant, animal and human genomes. That’s right – just like in the last five decades WFP has been around to receive billions for aid, there’s a crisis of hunger and overpopulation that requires urgent action – no time for testing. This time it is genome sequence
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Carey Wedler Though authorities have added fluoride to public water supplies for decades under the guise of providing indisputable dental benefits, a startling new study reveals there is little scientific evidence to support this claim. The Cochrane Collaboration, a group of doctors and researchers known for compiling comprehensive reviews of medical data, compiled every study on fluoridation they could find. After teasing out studies that lacked sufficient reliability or efficacy, the researchers analyzed the collective results. Tellingly, they could find only three studies since 1975 that were well-designed and high-quality enough to be included. …read more
We are a nation of dieters and we’re attracted to foods promoting health and fitness because we love the promises of fast and easy weight loss. However products flogging fitness may encourage weight-conscious consumers to eat more and exercise less — leading the scientists behind the research to call for closer monitoring of sports nutrition marketing practices. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By jen nifer Are you using a Q-tip to swab out your ears after a shower? If you answered yes to that question, you need to stop, and here is why! Your ears are not intended for cleaning. Our ears have their own process and when you put foreign objects into your ears you are disrupting the natural […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
“As world economic conditions become more unstable you can expect governments to become more oppressive in their laws and behavior.” Admin Spain has shown that it is fully on board with the Brussels authoritarian direction of ending democracy. Those in power have simply convinced themselves that the people do not understand what is good for them so they must impose their will upon the people but raw force. How does this differ in any what from the justification of imposing communism?This is the death of all freedom and it is upon our doorstep. Here are the new laws in Spain:
By Cristy Leeona Today, most of the doctors are presently having their nurse practitioners attend the patients during the busy schedules. Nurse practitioners will help these doctors to attend patients while they are busy. This has become a necessity for everyone, who hasgot involved in the medical profession. So, the doctors are in several needs to get provided with medical malpractice insurance. Even the counselors, physical therapists, massage and holistic practitioners and the travelling nurses who would be visiting their patients at home have equal chances of being sued as doctors. So, here, they would necessarily require malpractice insurances. Nurse
By By Michael Ravensthorpe (NaturalNews) Few beverages divide the natural health world quite like coffee. For every one expert who proclaims that coffee is one of the healthiest drinks we can consume, there seems to be at least one other expert who proclaims the exact opposite: that quitting coffee is a prerequisite… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Robert Harrington Kidney cleanses have been utilized since ancient times to keep the kidneys free of calcium deposits. These calcium accumulations can sometimes increase to the size of a kidney stone. You’ll usually know when you have a kidney stone because the pain can be excruciating. Thankfully, both kidney cleanses and consuming essential foods for kidney health are sound ways to prevent complications. The kidneys are very delicate organs which filter the blood — 24/7 — over the course of a lifetime. Therefore, it really helps to conduct a regular cleanse either by way of one’s diet or through
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many are not aware that in the US there is a federally operated vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) that Congress created under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. The US Court of Federal Claims in Washington DC handles contested vaccine injury and death cases in what has become known as “vaccine court”. The VICP is a “no-fault” alternative to the traditional civil court lawsuit and was established in 1986 after a string of high-profile lawsuits had slammed vaccine manufacturers. At the time, parents were suing vaccine manufacturers after their children were brain injured or
By Anthony Gucciardi Will GMOs ever be banned? And if so, how will it happen? These are the questions that I am asked by thousands of concerned eaters on a routine basis. They are great questions, and ones that require a bit of explanation to truly ‘answer.’ As part of a new Q&A video series, I delve into the question and detail the factors that are required for Monsanto’s GMOs to hit the ‘ban’ list in the United States. In order to delve into the possibility of a full-fledged ‘ban’ on GMOs, of which biotech juggernaut owns 90% of the
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) As with many cities, water fluoridation has become an emotionally charged topic in Austin, Texas, as doctors, scientists, activists and members of the community continue to push back against the city’s long-time practice of medicating the public against their will.Hydrofluorosilicic… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“The article notes that solar cycle 26 peaking around 2030 will lead to conditions similar to those of the Maunder Minimum which would be catastrophic to say the least. Based on what’s said in the article cycle 25 peaking around 2022 should have us see colder winters than we’ve been having but not to the extreme that will occur in cycle 26. We have some interesting times ahead!” Admin A new model of the Sun’s solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun’s 11-year heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the
By Shelby Hall Ever heard of the film My Dinner With Andre? It came out back in 1981 and made some very valuable observations! This film is definitely very artistic, intelligent and unusual. This film provided a window to the future that we are living in now. Speaking on subjects like media brainwashing, the death o our intellect […] …read more Read more here: organichealth.co
By noreply@blogger.com (Activist) By Chris Savage AT the No Jab No Pay No Way rally in Brisbane Qld Australia former Sergeant of Police Chris Savage explains how police and doctors who are brainwashed blame parents for vaccine injury and death. Hat tip: Jon Rappoport Image: Anthony Freda Art …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
Fasting has long been recognized as a powerful spiritual discipline and one of the simplest ways to detox the body of toxins. Now new research by the University of Southern California (USC) shows that periodically adopting a diet that mimics the effects of fasting may yield a wide range of health benefits. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Andrew Chamomile is an annual herb found in Europe, North Africa and northern Asia. Chamomile comes from the Greek words chamos meaning ground and milos meaning apple. Chamomile scent is like that of an apple and grows about a foot from the ground and so comes the name. Chamomile has long been used since ancient times for its medicinal and health benefits. Chamomile is used to treat sleep disorders, digestive problems, pain reliever and many others. 8 Great Health Benefits of Chamomile Herb Heal Wounds Infused with great healing properties, chamomile tea accelerates the healing process of minor wounds