By (Activist) Duo Neil Young & Institute for Responsible Technology’s Jeffrey Smith Take On Monsanto With Summer Tour By Jefferey Jaxen A longtime staple and founding father of the non-GMO movement, Jeffrey Smith is practically a household name for anyone that values food, farming and community empowerment. He and others sounded the alarm about the “settle science” surrounding GMO crops trumpeted by scientists purchased by agrochemical money. Smith has stood steadfast while challenging captured regulatory regulatory agencies, during debates against paid GMO mouthpieces on the Dr. Oz Show and through ridicule at the hands of Jon Stewart and crew
By (Activist) By Kristen Anderson We have all heard the old adage “you are what you eat”, but science is discovering even more of a connection between our digestive tract and our overall health. Commonly referred to as “gut health”, the gut microbiota, which consist of trillions of microbes, may influence more than bowel regularity and metabolism. These bacterium make up a 6-pound ecosystem inside of every human and produce hormones, communicate directly with our brain via the vagus nerve, and can even produce neurochemicals which influence behavior. Stomach bacteria and mood are connected in ways we never knew
By Phyllis Mango fruit is one of the nutritionally rich fruit with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and thus promoting health benefits to human’s .This is also called as super fruit. Mango is one of the delicious tropical seasonal fruit and believed to be originated in the sub-Himalayan plains of Indian subcontinent. The bark of the mango tree contains 16 – 20% tannin and also mangiferine. It acts ad stringent and is believed to possess a tonic action on the mucous membrane. It is anathematic, useful in hemoptysis, hemorrhage, nasal catarrh, diarrhea, ulcers, diphtheria, rheumatism and for lumbrici. It is also
By Shelby Hall Are you tormented every night due to your insomnia? Have you eve thought that maybe your insomnia might be induced from a vitamin deficiency? Most people have a deficiency of some sort, this causes many people to get sick regularly and some of us end up having to live with mood disorders we aren’t aware […] …read more Read more here:
By Christina Sarich There are many multi-purpose plants and herbs out there one can utilize for achieving total wellness. One of those natural medicines is black seed, otherwise known as Nigella sativa or black cumin. In fact, black seed health benefits are so far-reaching that it has been deemed the ‘remedy for everything but death.’ Read on to find out 10 ways that Nigella sativa can help invigorate your body and heal you: 1. The most shocking thing that black seed has been proven to do thus far is reduce lung cancer cells by 89 percent. The Asian Pacific Journal
By jen nifer Did you know drinking canned soda can shorten your lifespan by 5 years? Read below to find out what your doing wrong! Drinking sugar-sweetened soda and other sugary drinks on a regular basis has been linked with weight gain, diabetes and heart attacks among other health problems. Can soda can actually shorten your life though. […] …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup, is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world. An estimated one billion pounds a year is sprayed on our food crops,1,2 resulting in the average American eating several hundred pounds of glyphosate-contaminated food every year. How might that affect your health? Dr. Anthony Samsel is an expert in this area, and in this interview, he reveals a number of glyphosate’s adverse effects. Armed with this understanding, you’ll likely be far more motivated to eliminate this pernicious toxin from your diet—and to take
By Shelby Hall As I’m sure you already know your immune system is very important. Without it you are vulnerable to well, everything. This might be more dangerous if you work with children or the elderly because if your immune system isn’t up to par and you’re around people who are frequently ill you are more likely to […] …read more Read more here:
Although vitamin A deficiency is a common problem in low and middle income countries, recommendations for high-dose vitamin A supplements by the World Health Organization (WHO) has come under criticism by many researchers for its overall effect on the immune system. Researchers have now confirmed that too much vitamin A shuts down the body’s immune memory and leave its defenses open, says study. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Shelby Hall It is finally summertime, that means you’re probably wearing flip flops, sandals and open toed shoes. But are your feet up to par? Maybe spending a little time rejuvenating your feet wouldn’t be a bad thing. After all they have been cooped up in boots and tennis shoes all winter. Of course they’re going to […] …read more Read more here:
“Please remember to keep pastor Abedini in your prayers. Unsurprisingly our fake Christian prez Mr. O did nothing to secure his release but since Mr. O loves Islam so much that may account for his indifference to the pastor’s plight.” Admin A legal organization that has been fighting for the release of an American pastor imprisoned in Iran says that the pastor is now facing new danger over the recent U.S.-Iran nuclear deal. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) outlined in an update on Thursday that after word of the agreement reached the ears of those incarcerated in
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By (Activist) By Laura W. Smudging – or the ceremonial and ritual burning of medicinal and fragrant herbs and resins of specific plants for spiritual cleansing, is an ancient practice that has been honored and carried out the world over in cultures spanning the centuries. It is also one that is finding a great surge of added popularity in many non-indigenous cultures and circles in the modern world. The basic concept is that by burning particular plants parts and resins, the energetic blueprint or spirit/intelligence of that plant is released, producing a medicinal smoke. The smoke is then utilized
By REALdeal Source: 10 Most Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue For more content like this visit by ANYA V Conventional medical wisdom only recognizes the most extreme version of adrenal fatigue known as Addison’s disease. Often connected to a severe autoimmune disease, about 4 out of 100,000 people are diagnosed with Addison’s, making it extremely rare. A more subtle version of the disease called non-Addison’s hypoadrenia, or adrenal fatigue, is not [&hellip Source: 10 Most Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By (Activist) By Jefferey Jaxen Somewhere along the line, it become profitable for corporations to engage in genetic damage. To alter the DNA and genetic code of our species has easily surpassed the tech boom of the 90’s. The food, medical and pharmaceutical industries share one massive, money making secret….they all engage in damaging the genetic code of human beings. Using flimsily cover stories, fraudulent research and unending lobbying, the business of genetic damage is a clear winner for any investor or company looking for the big money home run. Yet, as with most investing cycles, once the secret
By Erica These evasive maneuvers are usually performed by someone trying to escape a bee or mosquito. Not only are the latter irritating, but in some areas, they pose a real health threat because they carry diseases. Mosquito repellents usually work to mask your scent. This is because mosquitoes smell their food — they can smell carbon dioxide from more than 150 feet away. We all love summers with its good weather and great sun light. However, one of the biggest nuisance in the summers are mosquitos that swarm our homes in hundreds. Using anti-bug vaporisers or mosquito zappers is
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Across the US and much of the world, farmers are planting Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) “Bt corn,” which is equipped with a gene from the soil bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). It produces Bt toxin—a pesticide that breaks open the stomach of certain insects and kills them. In addition to Bt corn, Monsanto also created Roundup Ready corn and soy, which are engineered to withstand contamination with otherwise lethal doses of Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup. Yet, genetic modification isn’t only being used to create plants with built-in pesticides and herbicide tolerance. Plants and animals alike are
By Chloe Paltrow Dr. Lynn Mielke of California is one among the most recent medical doctors who spoke against mandatory vaccination, and California lawmakers’ attempt of removing the vaccine exemptions that exist. She recently offered her opinion about the CA Bill SB277 in the meetings of “California Senate Health Committee”. Dr. Mielke, M.D., has founded the “Developmental Spectrums clinic“ that provides biomedical treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). She did graduation from “Indiana University School of Medicine”, as well as completed Psychiatry residency in the Neuropsychiatric Institute of UCLA. After completing the residency, she worked for many years as a
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Compelling research shows that your brain has great plasticity, which you control through your diet and lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, the American public has been grossly brainwashed by the sugar and processed food industries into believing that sugar is a perfectly reasonable “nutrient” that belongs in a healthy diet. A piece of fruit, or even a treat like ice cream, isn’t going to cause you too much trouble… provided it truly is just that – a treat and not something that you overindulge in. Most Americans, however, are overindulging – and that’s putting it mildly.
By GMI reporter Almost overnight, measles went from being characterized as a natural rite of passage necessary for strengthening immunity to a deadly infection against which we have only one hope against complete destruction: 100% vaccine uptake. The truth is that measles and other childhood infections may actually protect against life-threatening conditions like cancer and heart disease. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info
By Jesse Herman Source: How to Make Quick and Easy Worm Compost For more content like this visit by J HERMAN Do you have a ton of compost but not enough space for a compost bin? Maybe a worm bin would suit you better! Hear me out before you get all squirmy and keep reading to learn how you can build a worm bin yourself with a few simple, easy steps. First, you’ll [&hellip Source: How to Make Quick and Easy Worm Compost Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By cormac84 We spend far too little time outdoors these days. The way that we work and our modern workplace has resulted in what is called “nature deficit disorder” by experts. By not spending enough time outdoors, we develop depression and other kinds of problems. Our lifestyles based around the office have a tendency to not truly create the type of lifestyle that will allow us to really benefit from things like sunshine and fresh air. However, becoming more aware of what these benefits are and spending more time outdoors, especially during the work day and when you are working,
The global race for an Ebola drug or vaccine is on, with hundreds of millions of dollars of resources invested, but could our best bet already be hiding in plain sight within our spice racks? A new study published in the journal In Vivo titled,”Curcumin Suppression of Cytokine Release and Cytokine Storm. A Potential Therapy for Patients with Ebola and Other Severe Viral Infections,” has raised an intriguing possibility: that one of the world’s most prized spices could provide an effective treatment against deadly viruses like Ebola that have no known conventional treatment to date. Turmeric is about 3-5%
“Sadly I have to agree with Dr. Roberts assessment. The US has morphed from the Godly nation it was founded to be to a murderous state wrecking havoc around the globe. Unless there is a major spiritual revival in this country involving not only the people but the government as well our future looks grim. As the Bible says “God is not mocked whatever a man (and I believe this applies to nations as well) sows that shall he also reap”.” Admin The Pentagon has released its “National Military Strategy of the United States of America 2015,” June 2015. The
By Barbara Minton Ladies – have your periods become irregular? Is stress getting harder to cope with? Would you rather take a nap than engage in sexual intimacy? If so, chances are you’ve entered a new passage in life known as perimenopause – the transition period between the fertility of youth and the end of fertility that is known as menopause. As early as the age of 30, a woman can find herself entering perimenopause. This is the time when the loss of major steroid hormones begins. It is also the most dangerous passage women experience in their lives, because
By Christina Sarich London’s first subterranean farm, ‘Growing Underground’ is about to harvest pea shoots, radishes, celery, and other produce amounting to 2.5 acres of fresh food – all from 100 feet below ground level. Created in a remaining WWII tunnel, and carrying the name of Michel Roux Jr, a Michelin-starred chef, along with entrepreneurs Richard Ballard and Steven Dring, the crops are grown in a clean room with very little energy utilizing a sophisticated, hydroponic irrigation system, and advanced LED lighting. The grow-room looks like the set of a movie, and nothing like a traditional farm at all, but
“The question is what will the Fed and the US government do about this obvious threat to their financial monopoly. Is this perhaps why Texas was labeled a “hostile” state in the Jade Helm 15 military exercise.” Admin The State of Texas is setting up a gold-backed bank that will allow depositors to bypass the controversial Federal Reserve System and its fiat currency in banking and commerce, according to the state representative who authored the recently enacted law. Under the measure, passed overwhelmingly by lawmakers and signed in mid-June by Republican Governor Greg Abbott, Lone Star State officials will establish