By Jesse Herman Source: Leaked Document Reveals The US’ Favouring of Big Pharma For more content like this visit by J HERMAN According to recently leaked documents, U.S. officials fought to benefit the profits of large drug manufacturing companies, pushing forward laws related to intellectual property that would benefit large companies by reducing the risk of smaller companies producing cheaper generic versions. The document also reveals that recently proposed protections might even be granted [&hellip Source: Leaked Document Reveals The US’ Favouring of Big Pharma Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Jesse Herman Source: Try These Natural Antibiotics For Curing Infections For more content like this visit by J HERMAN Far too often, when we get sick or face an infection, we choose to use an antibiotic or rely on manufactured medicines to help us feel better. Not that they don’t work; they do a fantastic job at killing bacteria that can lead to a whole host of problems. But for smaller, [&hellip Source: Try These Natural Antibiotics For Curing Infections Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In the US, nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes while 86 million have pre-diabetes, a precursor to the full-blown disease.1 Rates have been on the rise since 2010, a trend that’s being echoed worldwide. The largest analysis of health trends around the world from 1990 to 2013 revealed a striking rise in diabetes.2 The data spanned 188 countries and revealed a 45 percent increase in diabetes prevalence from 1990 to 2013. In the US, the rise was even more striking – 71 percent. The majority of the rise was …read more Read more here:
By Robert Harrington The World Health Organization recently pronounced that the insecticide Lindane is directly linked to increased rates of cancer – specifically Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The organization also reports that DDT is ‘probably carcinogenic to humans.’ What is interesting about the recent pronouncement is that it took place after lindane was banned by both the U.S. and EU. For some unknown reason, it took the WHO a half a century to come to the conclusion that lindane causes cancer. As officially reported by The Lancet: “In June, 2015, 26 experts from 13 countries met at the International Agency for Research
By Paul Fassa Source: Pharmageddon: Proof Conventional Medicine is a Killing Machine For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Although Americans have been repeatedly told that heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death in the US, in fact conventional medicine is the leading cause of death today! Carolyn Dean MD, ND, and Trueman Tuck, a Legal and Political Rights advocate, authored the no-holds-barred book in 2005: Death [&hellip Source: Pharmageddon: Proof Conventional Medicine is a Killing Machine Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By REALdeal Source: A Nasty Little Secret Hidden in Your Crock Pot That Will Surprise You! For more content like this visit by ANYA V Crock pots containing lead was the subject of an investigation that began in Salt Lake City with KUTV’s Bill Gephardt. After his investigation about lead in ceramic glazed plates, bowls and mugs and finding high a content of lead in them, his focus turned to ceramic glazed crock pots after a viewer [&hellip Source: A Nasty Little Secret Hidden in Your Crock Pot That Will Surprise You! Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow" …read
By Robert Harrington Not only did Novak Djokovic handily just win the French Open against the number 2 player in the world, he won after adhering to a gluten-free diet. While such an accomplishment has become standard for Djokovic, going gluten-free after a lifelong diet of wheat food products was entirely new. Having been diagnosed with celiac disease by his doctor, the world’s top tennis player knew that he would have to make the diet adjustment sooner or later. “It did change my life,” he said this week at Roland Garros. “Ever since 2010, I have been very much evolving
“Fascinating interview well worth watching” Admin Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez talks about what really happened to actor Steve McQueen with his cancer. He also talks about his success with curing cancer patients. Questions I asked Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. 4:23 Can you tell us your background as a conventionally-trained doctor? 11:03 You spent years investigating the work of Dr. Kelly. What kind of results did you find from his practice? 19:01 Can you tell us the story of treating Steve McQueen’s cancer? 24:05 What are some of the success stories you have? 37:02 Do you still adhere to Dr. Kelly treatments? 43:13
“This type of heavy handed treatment for Christians disagreeing with pro homosexual policies is just getting started. I’m sure it will only get worse.” Admin A former contractor for Ford Motor Company has filed a federal lawsuit against the automotive giant and its affiliated employment service for allegedly firing him last year when he disagreed with the company’s views on homosexuality. As previously reported, Thomas Banks has worked as a design and release engineer for Ford since 2011—that is until last August when he was fired on an accusation that he had violated the company’s “anti-harassment” policy for responding to
By REALdeal Source: 35 Creative Backyard Designs That Add Interest to Landscaping Ideas For more content like this visit Plain and boring backyard designs can be an eyesore. The creative garden decorations and backyard designs that follow will inspire you to create unique installations, vertical gardens or fence decor, turning your backyard landscaping ideas into art projects. Adding fun to backyard designs takes only creativity, patience and enthusiasm, and you can turn dull and [&hellip Source: 35 Creative Backyard Designs That Add Interest to Landscaping Ideas Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more
“Christians should start boycotting the companies listed in the article. Once they started losing millions of dollars they would quickly change their ways.” Admin The “Wall Street wing” of the Republican Party is working with Democrats and LGBT rights activists to pass sweeping legislation that would make it a federal crime to discriminate against homosexuals and transgenders in housing, education and the job market. WND reported in earlier this month that the LGBT movement would not be content with the Supreme Court’s June 26 decision legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states. The real goal of the activists, with the
1. In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system like a freight train. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down. 2. 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment.) Read More THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS ONE HOUR AFTER YOU DRINK A CAN OF COKE-COLA.
By By Sandeep Godiyal (NaturalNews) Diabetes is a serious public health problem, not only in the United States but all around the world. In America alone, the number of diabetics is estimated to be around 30 million and those numbers are expected to rise in the coming decades. Diabetes can not only be… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By MRHEALTH (John Vibes) Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr, son of Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy, and nephew of John F Kennedy has been speaking out strongly against big pharma in recent public appearances. Robert Kennedy is a long […] The post Kennedy: 70% Of News Advertising Revenue Comes From Big Pharma appeared first on Healthy Debates. …read more Read more here: Healthy Debates News
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) The cholesterol theory of atherosclerotic disease is one of the biggest medical hoaxes of our time, as is the widespread administration of statin drugs as “treatment” for high cholesterol. Published science has verified that lowering cholesterol with statins does absolutely… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Getting regular sun exposure on your bare skin is one of the best health choices you can make. You’re probably aware of the importance of vitamin D, and that sun exposure is the best way to keep your levels where they need to be. Sunlight also offers many benefits beyond vitamin D production, including mood enhancement, benefits to skin diseases, melatonin regulation, protection against melanoma, and even changes in your circulatory system. The key to reaping all of sunlight’s benefits – and none of its wrath – lies in the dose. Start out with
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola There are many reasons to feast on asparagus, like its impressive concentration of vitamin K and B vitamins, including folate. Folate helps your body make dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which is why asparagus is a “feel-good” veggie that may support your mood. Asparagus is also high in glutathione, an important anti-carcinogen, and contains rutin, which protects small blood vessels from rupturing and may protect against the damaging effects of radiation. Asparagus is also a good source of vitamins A, C and E, potassium, and zinc. In addition, asparagus is a veritable superfood for digestive
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Once in your body, mercury, a neurotoxin, can harm your nervous system to differing degrees, depending on how much mercury you’ve accumulated in your body. At above-average doses, brain functions such as reaction time, judgment, and language can be impaired. At very high exposures, mercury can affect your ability to walk, speak, think, and see clearly. This is why, back in 2006, scientists issued a worldwide warning about eating mercury-tainted seafood, which can expose you to about 2.3 micrograms per day.1 Yet, a single amalgam filling may release as much as 15 micrograms of
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) For the first time, scientists have announced the genetic modification of human embryos (germline modification), in a study conducted by researchers from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, and published in the journal Protein & Cell.Previously, scientists… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By By Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) If ever there was a vaccine injury case so compelling as to convince every on-the-fence parent out there to wholeheartedly reject vaccinations for their children, no questions asked, it’s the incredible horror story of Jodie Marchant.This now-23-year-old girl from… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“Just another indicator where we are headed as a society, to have something like this occurring in years gone by would have been considered unthinkable.” Admin At least 100 people attended the unveiling of a Satanic statue depicting Baphomet being flanked by children on Saturday—a statue that was originally intended to be placed at the Oklahoma state capitol and now may be the subject of an effort to erect it next to a Ten Commandments monument in Arkansas. As previously reported, the New York-based Satanic Temple had scheduled the unveiling for July 25th in Detroit, Michigan. The group says that
By By Carolanne Wright (NaturalNews) Testosterone levels in American men are falling at an alarming rate. According to Healio Endocrine Today, we have witnessed a dramatic decline in the hormone over the last two decades. Even more worrying, these decreases are independent of age. In the past, it was normal… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“A lost of good info on chemo that most people are completely unaware of.” Admin presents an exclusive interview with the late Nicholas Gonzalez, MD – one of the finest examples of a true physician (teacher) and healer. Dr. Gonzalez reveals the unspoken history of chemotherapy; news about its side effects that Western medicine has ignored for decades and, most importantly, what you need to know about its success rate – unreported by the mainstream media. Learn how to REVERSE cancer naturally.
By By Elisha McFarland (NaturalNews) You can make a variety of non-dairy “milks” at home by blending raw nuts, seeds, or grains with filtered water. A partial list of nuts and seeds that can be used to make milk includes: Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, coconuts, hazelnuts, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, macadamia… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By By Jennifer Lilley (NaturalNews) What’s it going to take for GMO proponents to realize that efforts to alter food are not only damaging to health but are wasting millions of dollars… money which could otherwise be spent on preserving the planet instead of destroying it?Sadly, it’s a routine that… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Admin Glyphosate damages DNA, says World Health Organisation expert Glyphosate is “definitely genotoxic”, says Prof Chris Portier, a co-author of the report by the World Health Organisation’s cancer agency, which classed glyphosate as a probable carcinogen by Excerpts: Prof Christopher Portier, one of the co-authors of the recent report by the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which determined that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen, said at a scientific briefing today, “Glyphosate is definitely genotoxic. There is no doubt in my …read more Read more here: Health Impact News