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By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By REALdeal Source: Take This 2 Ingredient Sleep Recipe Before Bed to Never Wake Up Groggy Again For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JESSE ALVARADO We all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep, but in recent years, the average amount of sleep we get has been steadily decreasing. In both men and women, the average amount of sleep has dropped from 7-8 hours a night to 6-7 hours. While this might not seem [&hellip Source: Take This 2 Ingredient Sleep Recipe Before Bed to Never Wake Up Groggy Again Learn more …read more [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Plants in the area around Fukushima, Japan are widely contaminated with radioactive cesium, which is producing mutation and death in local butterflies, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa and published in the journal… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin – Orissa Senator Paschal Mooney by SaneVax.org Senator Paschal Mooney calls the Irish HPV vaccination program a national disgrace condemning the national health authorities for ignoring the basic right to informed consent and ignoring pleas for answers from families affected by adverse health after Gardasil injections. He is putting forth a resolution aimed at forcing the HSE (national health agency) to meet with affected families and answer their questions. He also mentions how the packet insert for the Gardasil vaccine lists 21 side effects, and that this information is not being passed on to the parents and girls [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Claire Bernish San Bernardino National Forest — “The Story of Stuff Project, the California-based Courage Campaign Institute, and the Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit this week… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Christina Sarich If you love to eat sushi, and particularly the green mustard with a kick which comes with most Japanese dishes – wasabi – then you could very well be fighting one of the most deadly types of pancreatic cancers around. Otherwise known as Japanese horseradish, wasabi has been shown to kill human pancreatic cancer cells with accuracy. Specifically, the active compounds of wasabi: “. . .showed that compounds 6-MITC and I7557, but not I7447, inhibited viability of both PANC-1 and BxPC-3 cells. Morphological observation showed mitotic arrest and apoptosis in 6-MITC- and I7557-treated cells. These two compounds [More]
By cormac84 When you are busy with the preparation of a new person into your life as well as your family, you might sometimes overlook the need of keeping a maternity journal. Nevertheless, you will notice the importance of maintaining a pregnancy journal after you have encountered your pregnancy. Before you have any regrets of not recording your experiences down, which you can cherish for the many years to come especially as your child grows it is highly advisable to maintain a pregnancy diary. So grab a pen and diary and begin jotting down everything you feel during your pregnancy. [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Color blindness is said to affect about one in 12 men and one in 200 women worldwide.1 However, most of these sufferers aren’t completely color blind, which is actually a condition called achromatopsia, and refers to people who can only see in black and white or shades of gray. More common is “color vision deficiency,” which refers to the inability to distinguish between certain shades of color (usually shades of red and greens, but sometimes blues and yellows). While people with normal vision can distinguish about 100 color hues, someone with color vision …read [More]
By By Kristina Martin (NaturalNews) If you Google ways to increase your breast milk supply, you’ll find a wide range of advice, not all of it healthy. Ideas range from prescription medicines to drinking Gatorade, and most of them are poor choices. Many advocate increasing refined sugar intake through sugary… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By timesandle Today’s razors have all kinds of features that supposedly give you a better shave: multiple blades, rotating heads,and even vibrating handles. The truth is, you don’t need any gizmos or doodads to get a clean and close shave; after all, men have been using straight razors to shave since men began shaving thousands of years ago. If a straight razor was good enough for men like Julius Cesar, George Washington, and Neapolitan Bonaparte, then it’s good enough for you. If you didn’t learn to shave with a straight razor, the prospect of using such a naked blade can [More]
“Sadly, these types of incidents in Germany will most likely get much worse.”  Admin Islamic gangs in Germany have broken into schools and churches and plundered collection boxes, crosses and other valuable and sacred objects used in church services, according to prosecutors. From the schools, the men stole laptops, money and a cash card, which they used to finance ISIS jihadist fighters seeking to topple the regime of Syrian president Bashur al-Assad, alleged chief prosecutor Nadja Gudermann. The pilfered churches were in the area around Cologne, a city known for its many historic and beautiful churches including a soaring cathedral. [More]
A Ukrainian journalist who traveled by train with some of the hundreds of thousands of Mideast migrants seeking asylum in the West is warning that many are not the peace-loving job-hunters the new host nations desire. A fluent speaker of Arabic, Aida Bolivar said she overheard them openly speak of robbing and raping fellow travelers. A Hungarian television channel broadcast the interview with Bolivar, who was traveling Aug. 31 from Budapest to Vienna on one of the trains virtually taken over by migrants flooding Europe, ostensibly because of war in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Bolivar explained she lived for a [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Former Reagan budget chief David Stockman has warned that the global markets are dangerously close to collapse and that, were it not for artificial forces, the world economy would suffer a $100 trillion market implosion.Stockman, a former Republican congressman from… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) European nations are leading the world in rejecting genetically modified organisms in food and crops, with two more countries recently joining the list: Italy and Austria.As reported by Nation of Change, Italian ministries have opted to utilize the newly created… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By REALdeal Source: This Is What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Ear For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Dr. Mark Sandomirsky is making waves in the medical community. The doctor has begun to recommend to his patients an unlikely treatment to relieve stress. It’s a simple technique that is proving to be effective. Many people experience stress for a variety of reasons. Stress can even manifest as physical pain in different parts of the [&hellip Source: This Is What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Ear Learn more at REALfarmacy.com …read more Read more [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: Here’s How to Get the Minerals Required for Optimum Health For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA U. S. Senate document number 264 says that due to agricultural topsoil depletion, most Americans are deficient in minerals and/or trace elements. What’s shocking is that this study was reported in 1936! So what kind of shape are we in now, almost eight decades later when soil conditions are worse? Document 264 [&hellip Source: Here’s How to Get the Minerals Required for Optimum Health Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) More and more people are flocking to new media nowadays to find out how the world really works. Keeping up with the latest news on health, freedom and natural living can be overwhelming at times, but a few tools pioneered by NaturalNews.com — an advocate of new… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Prof. Hesin Pain is something that we avoid but that we all experience from time to time, whether as a nagging headache, period pain, muscle ache or joint inflammation. Painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are commonly used to soothe our daily aches. Many individuals use opiates for pain relief and lot using these drugs are doing more harm than good to your body. These medications work well for awhile, but eventually the body adapts to them and develops a tolerance. Therefore more and more people are seeking natural alternatives to ease pain and our ancestors also were used these [More]
By Admin – Orissa The Giwa Family. Image courtesy Fox 26 Houston. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Earlier this year, in May of 2015, we reported on the story of the Giwa family in Houston, who had their 19 month old son medically kidnapped by Texas CPS. Randy Wallace of Fox News Houston broke the story. See our original coverage of this story here: Texas CPS Kidnaps 19-month Old Child for “Failure to Thrive” Ahmed Giwa, the father of 19-month old Ali, contacted Health Impact News and MedicalKidnap.com at that time about publishing their full story. This was the [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) As published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal, the 2011 measles outbreak in New York has been confirmed to have originated from a fully vaccinated woman, according to a study conducted by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Westchester… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
  A mass of refugees flooded into Slovenia on their way to Austria in the last 24 hours, but their gender and sheer crowd size led some observers to note: It looks more like an invading army than a peaceful flight of the downtrodden. As Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiatve and of Stop Islamization of America, wrote on her blog, PamelaGeller.com, in reference to a video of the scene: “Watch the video. It’s all men – looks like an army going off to war. And actually, that’s exactly what it is.” Gateway Pundit picked up on [More]
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) Scientists from the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka have a new recommendation for how to lose weight, according to a report released by ABC News late last March. No, it’s not eating more fruits and veggies, and no, it’s not adding more exercise to your daily… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
No one really knows the true cause of autism, but the numbers are rising, with approximately 1 in 50 school-aged children in the United States diagnosed with autism (2011). Taking into account that in 2007 this ratio was at 1 in 87 children, by 2025 it is predicted that half of United States children will have autism. Effective treatment for autism is desperately needed, but the medical establishment has been largely unsuccessful. This is why parents of autistic children, such as Kerri Rivera, often have no choice but to take matters into their own hands when learning to cope with [More]
By Admin – Orissa by John P. ThomasHealth Impact News It was in December 1990 when I first learned that the silver-gray amalgam fillings I had in my teeth were highly toxic. I was watching a CBS 60 Minutes episode on the dangers of amalgam fillings. [1] These fillings contain up to 50% mercury by weight. Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive substance on the Earth. Was this really in my teeth? The American Dental Association, which owns patents for various formulas of mercury amalgam, says that when mercury is mixed with other metals such as silver, copper, zinc, and [More]
By Christina Sarich If you or someone you love has a major surgery planned and they are taking one of the many ‘beta blockers’ often prescribed to those who have high blood pressure, you’ll want to know about the additional risk of these pharmaceutical drugs. Beta blockers are the subject of some serious medical inquiry. In a recent Forbes magazine article, it was pointed out that hundreds of thousands of people have died from beta-blockers in the past several years. The Forbes article references a study published in JAMA which suggests that beta blockers may not improve outcomes for heart [More]
By Alijuina Herw Kombucha is a fermented tea that is naturally carbonated. Research shows that foods that are fermented are very good for you. It has a 2,000-year history as a cancer fighter and immune booster and Chinese even called it “the Immortal Health Elixir.” Kombucha contains b-vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and a high concentration of acid such as acetic, gluconic, and lactic. 15 Health Benefits of kombucha Elixir Detoxification Kombucha has probiotics and enzymes that promote detoxification. One of the main jobs of the good bacteria in your gut is to detoxify. By adding more beneficial bacteria to your gut, [More]