For the first time, a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researcher has found a relationship between cognitive control and emotional eating behavior. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Paul by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., established his Burzynski Institute for cancer research and healing in Houston, TX, the same city that hosts the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center. Originally from Poland, Dr. Burzynski has been researching and developing a unique approach for curing cancer since 1976. His approach avoids the carpet bombing chemotherapy of conventional oncology that destroys healthy cells as well as cancer cells. Nor does it involve radiation or surgery, and there are little to no side effects. He has developed biochemical agents to “shut off” genes that promote tumors and
By Julie Fidler Early exposure to agricultural pesticides may harm children’s lungs – even more than secondhand smoke – researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, are saying. The study links organophosphate pesticide metabolites in the urine of 279 children aged 6 months to 5 years living in Salinas Valley with decreased lung function. The area is a hub for lettuce, grapes, orchids and many more crops. The children were part of the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas (CHAMACOS). The longitudinal study followed children from before birth up to adolescence. Researchers gave children a
By Admin We Take Too Many Prescription Drugs by Dr. Brownstein Holistic Medicine We take too many prescription drugs. A study in JAMA(2015:314(17):1818-31. Nov. 3, 2015) was titled, “Trends in prescription drug use among adults in the U.S. from 1999-2012.” The authors used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which included 37,959 adults. The authors found an increase in overall use of prescription drugs among US adults between 1999 and 2012. In 1999, 51% of U.S. adults reported using any prescription drugs and 59% reporting use in 2012. That is a 16% …read more Read more
“This is just the beginning folks, the real goal is banning gun ownership for everyone which if done will open the door for all out tyranny. If you’re not right with God folks get right, hard times are coming.” Admin Agents with the Federal Air Marshal Service (Photo: Transportation Security Administration) If the federal government doesn’t want the 47,000 people on its No-Fly List to board airplanes, those individuals should be banned from ever owning guns, President Obama argued in his Sunday address from the Oval Office – but if his proposal ever becomes law, America…
“Well the Repubs are on board with this transformation of education into an indoctrination vehicle and not about learning. Our country is on the fast track to destruction.” Admin By Carole Hornsby Haynes, Ph.D. The horse is out of the barn! Congress has admitted that Common Core now will be federal law and that it is not about academic learning but rather changing the beliefs, values, behavior and worldviews of students. In a nutshell, the government is conducting psychological profiling of our children. Like Obamacare,…
By Admin – Orissa by Alliance for Natural Health – USA After initially receiving the agency’s rubber stamp, a dangerous pesticide has been removed, at least temporarily, from the market. Following a lawsuit filed by a coalition of groups led by the Center for Food Safety and Earthjustice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that it is revoking the registration of Enlist Duo, a combination of glyphosate and 2,4-D. Approved a year ago by the agency, Enlist Duo was created by Dow Agrosciences for use on the next generation of GMO crops. The basis of the legal challenge was
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Most Americans have two positive experiences for every negative one, according to Barbara Fredrickson, a psychologist and positive-emotions researcher. This sounds like it would set you up for positive emotional health, but this 2:1 positivity ratio is only enough for you to barely get by. In order to flourish emotionally, Fredrickson’s research shows you need a 3:1 ratio.1 That is, you need to have three positive emotions for every one negative emotion. Flourishing mentally is described as being beyond happiness “in that it encompasses both feeling good and doing good.”<a class="colorbox" href="" …read more
By Paul Kemp Chronic Fatigue (CFS) is the Number One complaint that personal physicians hear from patients. The reason for this should be obvious, but most medical doctors are not trained in human nutrition, so they don’t know what to say. Doctors mean well. I’m not saying MDs are bad people, but they only know what they’ve been taught. The pharmaceutical industry, through its funding of medical schools, has a lot to say about the curriculum. They have a financial interest in teaching doctors to prescribe drugs, not find cures. Chronic Fatigue Remains A Mystery to Medical Doctors According to
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Julie Fidler On Monday, a group of U.S. scientists, The Center for Genetics and Society (CGS), and the activist group Friends of the Earth called for a global ban on gene editing of human embryos just a day before a major international meeting in Washington, D.C., to tackle the policy and ethical issues surrounding the technology. On the surface, the practice could sound like a potential solution to a myriad of health problems facing the planet. Human gene editing would allow us to create “designer babies” by editing out undesirable strands of DNA. Supporters of the technique say it
By REALdeal Source: This is Why Your Legs CRAMP Up at Night (& how to stop it from happening ever again) For more content like this visit by Bel Marra Health Leg cramps at night – nocturnal leg cramps – are pains that occur during the sleeping hours. They can cause a person to wake up and occur at night due to prolonged hours of inactivity. Nocturnal leg cramps commonly occur in the calf but can also cause pain in the thighs and [&hellip Source: This is Why Your Legs CRAMP Up at Night (& how to …read more
By Christina Sarich Not only is it possible that the US Food and Drug Administration’s approval of AquaBounty’s GM salmon will harm the environment, Alaska fishermen are concerned the GM fish could tank the fishing industry. AquaBounty’s salmon have been genetically altered to contain growth-promoting genes from Pacific chinook and an eel-like fish called the ocean pout. They are said to grow up to 4 times faster than regular salmon, which might seem like a boon to the fishing industry, but fisherman are concerned of another outcome which could damage their livelihoods. It is possible that the GM fish could
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) The debate about whether sunlight is good or bad for us, and how much we actually need, continues. Like many considerations related to our health, the key is “moderation.” Solar Power for Optimal Health, written by Marc Sorenson, says that not only is sunlight crucial… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By michael-s So, you thought that getting a dog would be all bunnies and rainbows (or at least that’s what they told you it would be like), right? You weren’t warned about all the potential hardships that would come along as part of having a dog join the family, such as dealing with excessive and annoying barking, were you? You go ahead and attempt to apply “common sense” in this situation, hoping that what once worked on someone else (like when your kids were yelling for no reason) will also work here, only to be bummed, disappointed and burnt out
By Chloe Paltrow If smoking e-cigarettes is regarded to be a healthier option, well then, here is the breaking news – E-smoking can make you more prone to alcoholic addiction. Based on the new research study that was published on Addictive Behaviors, e-cigarette usage is likely to show enhanced problematic behavior related to alcohol consumption. The authors of this new study consider it crucial to establish not only “ the direct health effects of e-cigarette use…but it’s vital to look at the secondary effects too.” E-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, according to Wikipedia definition, is a ‘battery-powered vaporizer’ that helps to
By Paul Fassa Source: Study Finds Strong Possibility of Coconut Oil to Fight Off Candida Yeast Infections For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Yeast infections stubbornly resist many attempts to permanently overcome. The most common yeast infection plaguing humans is Candida albicans or C. albicans. It’s usually the result of our standard American diet (SAD) that includes processed foods and beverages with lots of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and refined carbohydrates that act almost [&hellip Source: Study Finds Strong Possibility of Coconut Oil to Fight Off Candida Yeast Infections Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow"
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For most people, the topic of bowel movements is private and the actual mechanics of how stool is produced is rarely thought about. Unless, of course, you begin to experience constipation. According to research presented at the American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting 2015, at least 15 percent of the general population experiences chronic constipation. This is equal to approximately 63 million people in the United States. The study1 demonstrated a statistically significant link between people who suffer from chronic constipation and from other health problems, including colorectal cancer and gastric cancer. Researchers approached
By Heather Callaghan By Amanda Froelich Adam overcame a lifetime of depression, drug and food addiction, and low self-esteem by choosing to get proactive about his health. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Alijuina Herw Ginger is a pungent, fiery rhizome with many health benefits. While the taste of ginger is distinct enough to make it a main ingredient in some desserts, its ability to soothe an upset stomach has earned it some quiet fame with those who prefer to holistic healing at home. Tea made from ginger has high levels of vitamin C and amino acids, as well as various trace elements such as calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, and many others. Healthy Ginger Tea Recipe Ingredients: 4 to 6 thin slices of raw ginger 1½ to 2 cups of filtered water
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola As many as 8 out of 10 Americans struggle with back pain, and many resort to surgery as a solution. Unfortunately, this often does not resolve the problem, and in some cases simply worsens the situation. Dr. David Hanscom, an orthopedic surgeon with a practice in Seattle, is unusual in that he tells most of his patients they don’t need surgery. He’s written a book detailing his novel approach to chronic pain treatment, called “Back in Control: A spine surgeon’s roadmap out of chronic pain.” Spinal Fusions Rarely Cure Chronic Back Pain Spinal fusions
By Lynn One hundred and fifty years ago, cancer was nearly non-existent, but with the increased consumption of processed foods, low quality meat and dairy, and refined sugars, many new diseases have surfaced. Disease and sickness have become an epidemic. Mainstream medicine is just now beginning to point fingers to diet and lifestyle as precipitating factors that could lead to cancer. (1) Rise of processed foods, low quality meat and dairy and refined sugars have caused many new diseases to surface! For many people, conventional treatment is chosen to cure cancer but for 88 percent of all cancer patients it
By REALdeal Source: Research Reveals Nutrition Improves Mental Health Better Than Prescription Medication For more content like this visit by KASIM KHAN Clinical psychologist, Julia Rucklidge, delivers an enlightening TED talk on the importance of nutrition and it’s role in mental health. Julia reminds us of a time when Dr. Semmelweis was ridiculed and dismissed for suggesting that doctors wash their hands before touching pregnant women. She compares the radical reaction that doctors had then, [&hellip Source: Research Reveals Nutrition Improves Mental Health Better Than Prescription Medication Learn more at – Healthy News and …read more Read more
By Derek Henry Let’s be real. When the holidays come and all the gigantic meals and treats fill the table, we often can’t help ourselves. We truly intend on being “good”, but our eyes become bigger than our stomach and we end up overeating to the third degree. The good news is that you can offset the pain that often comes with this gorging, so that you don’t have to suffer with digestive distress such as heartburn and indigestion. Here are 3 easy tips. Before the Meal One of the best things you can do just prior to a meal
By Heather Callaghan By Dr Mark Sircus This essay is not about MMS (Magical Mineral Supplement), which I have written about before. MMS is not something that ever attracted me; certainly, it is hard to stand its smell…. …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Last year, an analysis revealed that more than half of the world’s obese people congregate in 10 countries: United States, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Obese Americans accounted for about 13 percent of the world’s obese people, while China and India together (with more than 700 percent of the US population) only accounted for 15 percent of the total. Now, US health officials report that obesity in America has inched up even more. Right along with it, drug prescriptions for hypertension, diabetes, and depression and other obesity-related illnesses are
By Heather Callaghan By April McCarthy Recent findings published in the journal Cell Metabolism show that bacteria in your gut control exactly when and how much you eat. Researchers have found that 20 minutes after a… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze