Increased intakes of fermented foods are associated with significantly reduced risks of skin conditions, digestive problems and even autoimmune disease. Diets which have a high content of food enzymes and beneficial bacteria from lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages are highly correlated with better physical and emotional health. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Pratik Influenza: Influenza is commonly known as “Flu”. It is spread by influenza virus and is an infectious disease. Most flu outbreaks take place in the late fall and winter season. The flu can be passed on to other even before detection. A person is infected by three types of viruses-Type A, Type B and Type C. It is usually spread through the air by coughs and sneezes. It can also happen by coming contact with the contaminated surfaces and then touching eyes or mouth. The general symptoms of flu are headaches, body aches, fever, cold and cough. It
Now that the FDA has approved salmon as the first genetically modified animal for consumption, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have once again entered the spotlight. GMOs, organisms whose genes have been manipulated to change certain characteristics, are revered by some for their potential to be more resistant to stressors like extreme weather and for their ability to produce a higher yield, among other advantages. Others worry they will contaminate conventional populations or may pose major health concerns. In April, Chipotle fueled the debate by announcing its new GMO-free menu. Another major source of controversy is that the FDA doesn’t
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) The old way of ‘treating’ disease symptoms with toxic medications, produced by the pharmaceutical industry, has failed to successfully eliminate the true cause of most chronic health conditions – especially adrenal fatigue. Simply put, toxic drugs will only add… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola According to Margaret Chan,1 Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), antibiotic resistance is now a global health crisis. In a recent telebriefing she said the problem is “reaching dangerously high levels” in all parts of the world and may lead to “the end of modern medicine as we know it.” Already, multi-drug-resistant typhoid, tuberculosis, and gonorrhea kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. And it looks like it’s only going to get worse, until or unless dramatic and rapid changes in policy and public awareness about antibiotics occur. Scientists have been warning
“(see story of third witness) As the story notes, 2 witnesses say the shooters were three white men which certainly doesn’t fit the official story of who did this and there appears to be no investigation into this clear conflict of narratives. This whole thing is starting to smell of a possible false flag op and cover-up. If that’s the case then there may be more incidents like this coming down the pike to whip up tensions and more anti-gun frenzy.” Admin A triage center is set up for victims of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, Dec. 2,
By Veronica Davis Workplace stress is onset by a number of different factors. These stressors not only cause concern for overall worker health, but it also causes concern for overall workplace safety. A recent study has indicated that more than 1,400 workers have described what stressors they experience most often. The California-based company, Wrike, Inc, that conducted this study discusses how these stressful situations for workers diminish productivity levels. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Occupational health is a large concern for all, which is why the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health was created. The institute states
“Includes video interview with the witness. If what these individuals are saying is true we have false flag operation on our hands and the question now becomes who really did it and why.” Admin “It’s not him,” a third San Bernardino shooting witness proclaimed about Sayd Farook and his wife.The so-called “terror couple” have been accused of masterminding an ISIS terror attack on a Christmas office party where Sayd worked. Earlier this month, the attorneys for the Farook family maintained that they do not believe the suspects are the ones who carried out the attacks in question. Several eyewitnesses and
“The cost of the training and financial support that will be needed is going to be staggering not to mention the social problems that will certainly arise.” Admin Nearly two-thirds of Syrian refugees are illiterate, which leaves hundreds of thousands of new arrivals without the ability to get a job. Ludger Woessmann, a professor of economics at the University of Munich, tells German magazine Zeit 65 percent of Syrian refugees fail to meet international standards on basic reading and writing skills. Just 10 percent of the one million arrivals in the country this year have a college degree, which may force unemployment
By Heather Callaghan By Vic Bishop Argentinean “farm belt” communities with population of 12 million people know, perhaps more than others, the costs of becoming one of the early adopters of Monsanto’s biotech farming… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
Why is it that populations from specific geographical locations around the world thrive in terms of health and wellness while others do so poorly? Here are 15 secrets across the globe that may make you reconsider your approach to your daily routine. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By REALdeal Source: Why Magnesium is the Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Known to Man For more content like this visit by Mark Hyman, MD DEFICIENCY IN THIS CRITICAL nutrient makes you twice as likely to die as other people, according to a study published in The Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.(i) It also accounts for a long list of symptoms and diseases — which are easily helped and often cured by adding this nutrient. In fact, [&hellip Source: Why Magnesium is the Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Known to Man Learn more at – Healthy …read more Read more
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) The global warming being pushed on us by global governments is a science fraud. The satellite data purported to show a warming “trend” over the last hundred years has been fraudulently altered to show a warming trend where none exists.What the data really show are… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Despite the fact that last year’s (2014 to 2015) flu vaccine was a major flop with an abysmal 18 percent effectiveness rate, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publicly expressed unreserved confidence in this year’s (2015-2016) vaccine. In September 2015, CDC Director Tom Frieden said in a news conference, “Get vaccinated … That’s the best way to protect yourself, your family and your community against flu.”1 A CDC analysis also was used to reassure the public that the most common strains of influenza virus circulating in the …read more Read more
By Heather Callaghan By Natural Blaze New research has linked mitochondria health to psychological health and the response to stress. This connection is crucial for understanding the origins of certain disease and turns… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Heather Callaghan By Jesse Alvarado Ear reflexology, or Auricular therapy has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for hundreds of years. Like other forms of reflexology, ear reflexology can be used to… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
” Next year could be a wild one in many ways. Get right with God if you are not.” Admin On Monday, the price of U.S. oil dropped below 38 dollars a barrel for the first time in six years. The last time the price of oil was this low, the global financial system was melting down and the U.S. economy was experiencing the worst recession that it had seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. As I write this article, the price of U.S. oil is sitting at $37.65. For months, I have been warning that the crash
“Sadly it appears the crazies in DC won’t be happy until they drag us into a major war in Syria or worse a world war.” Admin A string of recent provocations against both Russia and Syria are meant to look like isolated incidents, but in fact constitute incremental “mission creep” into what may become full-scale US intervention in Syria. The Background It was clear in 2011 that the United States sought regime change in Syria, just as it did in Libya. It was clear that it had backed heavily armed sectarian extremists to carry out this regime change. What wasn’t
By By Natural News Editors (NaturalNews) An Alabama couple is afraid that they may never get their children back. All 7 of their children were taken by DHR (the state’s child protective services) after their not-yet diagnosed child with autism began wandering off. It is called “elopement” in the autism community… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Admin by Christina England Health Impact News Many of us either personally knows of someone who has been diagnosed with autism or know someone else who does. The number of children suffering from the condition appears to be on the increase, and although many of us believe that we know the real cause of autism, scientists from around the world blame the ever-increasing numbers on everything from cold parenting to the month of the year that the child was born. In 2009, Simon Baron-Cohen announced that autism was genetic and that, in the future, prenatal testing would …read more
Sunday schools, home schooling, youth groups, churches and even Christian festivals could face Ofsted inspections under new government proposals, the Evangelical Alliance is warning. The Evangelical Alliance is calling on its members to respond to a government consultation on extremism which will require educational groups outside school to register with the Department of Education and have regular Ofsted inspections. Churches, youth groups, holiday clubs, church camps, Christian festivals, Bible-reading groups, homeschooling events or training courses for those under 19, lasting six hours or more per week, would be subject to registration and inspection by Ofsted under the current proposals, according
By By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) The illusory notion that the federal regulatory agency known as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is somehow a public entity working on behalf of the people to protect us all from disease is simply laughable.The CDC, by definition, is a private… …read more Read more here: Natural News
The Air Force Academy is investigating the prayer practice of its football team after a prominent activist group that seeks to separate God from the military lodged a complaint. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) recently contacted the academy in stating that it had been been told by a number of cadets and faculty that the Air Force Academy Falcons have been praying on the field before each game. The team did so last weekend in playing against San Diego, lining up in a row as they took a knee. “It’s a putrid example of fundamentalist Christian supremacy, triumphalism and
University of Mississippi The University of Mississippi, located in the heartland of the South, in Bible-belt country, has changed the name of its annual “A Grand Old Christmas” to “Hotty Toddy Holiday” out of concern the “Christmas” reference might be seen as offensive. The school also changed its annual Christmas tree lighting event to reference “tree…
By Heather Callaghan By Ariana Marisol Everyone knows that growing plants inside your home can bring beauty, vitality, and life into any living space. Did you know that growing certain plants in your home can also have… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By REALdeal Source: Some Tea Bags Contain Frighteningly High Levels of Fluoride! Is your favorite tea one of them? For more content like this visit Most conventional tea brands such as Lipton, Allegro, Celestial Seasonings, Tazo, Teavana, Bigelow, Republic of Tea, Twinings, Yogi, Tea Forte, Mighty Leaf, Trader Joe’s, Tetley contain very high levels of toxic substances such as fluoride and pesticides. We’re not talking about calcium fluoride which is a natural element, but rather hydrofluorosilicic Acid, a toxic industrial waste by-product. These [&hellip Source: Some Tea Bags Contain Frighteningly High Levels of …read more Read more here:
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: