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By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) An article in the journal Science casts doubt on how seriously the findings of any one psychological or other type of scientific study should be taken. In order to contribute to an ongoing debate about the reliability of psychological research, 270 researchers on five… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Julie Fidler The U.S. Senate unanimously voted recently to phase out the use of plastic microbeads in soaps, body washes, and other personal care products starting in 2017. The Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 was approved following House approval last week and is now headed to President Barack Obama’s desk. The bill was created to protect fish and wildlife that are ingesting the microbeads after they are rinsed down the drain and are eventually dumped into lakes and rivers. [1] In September, we reported on the environmental dangers posed by these tiny beads, 8 billion of which have already [More]
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) On November 30, police arrived at a Florida woman’s home to interrogate her in connection with a hit-and-run car accident. They were following up on a 911 call placed by … the woman’s vehicle.According to a Ford spokesperson, 10 million Ford vehicles already on… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin – Orissa by National Vaccine Information Center Action Needed By December 31, 2015 for Personal Belief and Religious Exemptions to be Grandfathered Dear California NVIC Advocacy Members, SB 277 – the bill eliminating all nonmedical exemptions for the 10 vaccines currently required before a child can attend public or private school, preschool or daycare – was signed by Governor Brown on June 30, 2015 and goes into effect on July 1, 2016. However, what everyone in California who is planning on using a personal or religious belief exemption needs to know to take advantage of the grandfathering of [More]
By REALdeal Source: French Court Finds Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Lorraine Chow An appeals court in Lyon, France has upheld a 2012 ruling against Monsanto, in which the agribusiness giant was found guilty of the chemical poisoning of a farmer named Paul François. The grain grower said that in 2004 he became ill due to Monsanto’s weedkiller, Lasso. François claimed he suffered from neurological problems, memory loss, headaches [&hellip Source: French Court Finds Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more [More]
Christian televangelist and 1955 Yale Law School graduate Pat Robertson said he was shocked when the school sent out a mailing asking him to read the Quran as a respectable “law book.” “The 700 Club” host told viewers Monday he recently received a booklet from Yale entitled “Reading the Quran as a Law Book.” The document was written after Joseph Lowry, an associate professor from the University of Pennsylvania, gave a lecture at the school Aug. 25. Like the reporting you see here? Sign up for free news alerts from WND.com, America’s independent news network. “This follows Yale’s decision to [More]
By Veronica Davis One of the most common questions gemologists are asked is how to determine if a given diamond is real or if it’s just a fake stone. Whether you receive a diamond necklace for Christmas, inherit gems or find a possibly good deal at a garage sale, here are some do-it-yourself home tests to help you determine a fake diamond from a real one… or at least whether it warrants a lookover from a professional gemologist. Use a Loupe to Look at the Diamond A loupe is a specialized magnifying glass you can obtain from most jewelry stores. [More]
By Rehan ijaz Every man has to shave, but the problem is they take it for granted and ignore the most important aspects about shaving. It is not about picking up a razor and dragging it over the face rather it need some other considerations and little know how about a perfect shaving. As every man wants to have a flawless shave and desires to look handsome for the reason they need to take extra care about this task. Shaving needs to begin with little preparation; one must soften his hair by cleansing them and after that apply a cream [More]
By Sam Cohen Part of an ancient system of practices collectively known as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal therapy is a growing response to the concern over the long-term impact of conventional Western treatments that rely on manmade drugs and dangerous surgical procedures to treat symptoms and body parts. Instead, Chinese herbal medicine takes a focus on the whole body and the way it interacts with the world in an effort to bring individuals a high level of overall wellness, and Western companies are beginning to discover the demand for a more natural method of treatment in their home countries, [More]
By Prof. Hesin Chronic pain is a blanket term used to describe pain that persists three to six months after recovery from the initial pain-causing health condition. Chronic pain affects 116 million American adults. That’s more than 1/3 of the US population. And by using pain killer, they can be addictive and produce side effects. Juicing can be a powerful way to combat the chronic pain caused by any conditions. A variety of delicious juice recipes are available to help you manage your pain. 4 Simple Juice Recipe That Safely Silence Chronic Pain Turmeric Juice Ingredients: 1 bunch of organic [More]
By shannon Photo by Shannon Stonger by Shannon Stonger Health Impact News Yogurt is one of the most recognized cultured foods in North America. Often over-sweetened and generally made with low-quality ingredients, it is one of the few fermented foods easily accessible at any grocery store. But it isn’t all it could be – not by a long shot. Good quality, probiotic-rich yogurt can be cultured fairly simply at home using the best milk available to you. Unprocessed cow’s milk, goat milk, and raw milk of all varieties can be used to make yogurt from thick to thin. It …read [More]
By REALdeal Source: The Cold Truth About Essential Oils that Nobody Talks About For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ANYA V Despite the fact that thousands of people report successful use of essential oils to help support various body functions, the mainstream community tries to dismiss their claims. Essential oils are everywhere; if you follow any blogs, you will find them in DIY, survival, natural health, and mommy blogs. So do essential oils [&hellip Source: The Cold Truth About Essential Oils that Nobody Talks About Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more Read more here: [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Ariana Marisol The tireless work of bees is one of the main reasons for the possibility of human development on earth. Without them, our planet would be a lot different and the conditions for… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Christina Sarich California state reservoir levels have been declared dangerously low, with residents being told to cut back their water usage drastically. There was concern that even aquifers would be milked dry, but this water crisis might soon be over due to a $1 billion dollar water desalination plant that was in the works for 20 years. The Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant began operations on Monday, churning out 50 million gallons of drinkable water each day. Taking in 100 million gallons of seawater every day from the adjacent Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the plant puts the water through [More]
 “It’s mind-boggling how much America has been transformed into a modern day Sodom and like them we will not have a happy ending.”  admin   In a series of new regulations, New York City human rights officials have threatened sanctions to landlords, employers, and businesses who prevent cross-dressing men from using the ladies’ room, under provisions against transgender discrimination.   Yet knowing who is cross-dressing and who is not has also become more complicated, since the same new guidelines also ban the gender “discrimination” of dress codes that require men to wear ties and women to wear skirts to the workplace. [More]
Some of the country’s leading secularists and agnostics have joined forces with a group of conservative Christians to defend free speech.   The Christian Institute and the National Secular Society have formed an alliance to fight the expected introduction of Extremism Disruption Orders next year.   They fear the “writing could be on the wall” for free speech if the orders go ahead.   Christian Institute director Colin Hart and NSS chief executive Keith Porteous Wood said the legislation could inadvertently turn millions of ordinary citizens into potential extremists overnight.   Read More: Leading secularists and Christians join forces to [More]
By Paul Fassa Source: Flint Michigan Needs to Get the Lead Out For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Lead poisoning even at low levels in children creates slow learners, lower IQ s, poor attention spans, and other negative neurological and behavioral conditions. Higher levels of lead toxicity causes low energy, stunted growth, liver and kidney damage, and perhaps death. Within the matrix of approved modern medicine, the long term effects [&hellip Source: Flint Michigan Needs to Get the Lead Out Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Edgar Agorist Source: 12 Things Your Tongue Is Telling You That You Can’t Ignore For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was republished with permission from The Science of Eating. The tongue is a very versatile part of the body, as it helps with communication, helps maintain the health of the mouth and helps us keep ourselves nourished. But what you may not know is that the tongue also holds information about your physical and emotional health. Simple knowledge of the tongue [&hellip Source: 12 Things Your Tongue Is Telling You That You Can’t Ignore Learn …read [More]
By Julie Fidler A Manhattan judge has tossed out a New York City Health Department mandate that preschoolers must get flu shots. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Manuel Mendez called the requirement “invalid and unlawful” in his decision, adding that the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene “lacked the statutory authority” to mandate the vaccines because they are not required under state law. Five mothers from Manhattan and Brooklyn – Clemence Rasigni, Magdalena Garcia, Lynn Rosenger, Michelle Carroll and Gabrielle Jakob – sued the city over the 2013 Bloomberg-era policy, using a similar argument to the one that was used [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: 15 Foods that Force Cancer Cell Death, Remove Toxins and Relentlessly Hunt Free Radicals For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was republished with permission from The Hearty Soul. This guest post was written by Elisha of My Health Maven. She is deeply passionate about educating people and empowering them to lead healthier lives. I encourage you to check out her blog. Research over the past decade has shown without a doubt, that what [&hellip Source: 15 Foods that Force Cancer Cell Death, Remove Toxins and Relentlessly Hunt Free Radicals Learn more at …read [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: 17 Signs Your Body is Too Acidic and 9 Ways to Quickly Alkalize It For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was republished with permission from The Hearty Soul. This guest post was written Elisha of My Health Maven. She is deeply passionate about educating people and empowering them to lead healthier lives. I encourage you to check out her blog. Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies. When the body is acidic, it creates an [&hellip Source: 17 Signs Your Body is Too Acidic and 9 Ways to Quickly Alkalize It Learn more at …read [More]
By Christina Sarich In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court of California has made it clear that consumers have a right to file lawsuits if a company claims their products are organic, but do so falsely. The decision overturned a lower courts’ ruling that consumers could not file lawsuits of this nature based on federal law which “supersede a state’s legislation.” Congress wanted only state and federal officials to police organic food violations in order to create a national standard for organic foods, a division of the 2nd District Court of Appeal decided in 2013. The state Supreme Court ruled [More]
By Christina Sarich Ohio is home to two institutions who are at odds, Mercy for Animals, and one of the largest and most influential restaurant chains in the world, Wendy’s. Mercy for Animals has started a petition telling Wendy’s to stop abusing birds used to provide eggs for the international chain. Reportedly, 305 million hens are used for their eggs every year, and though some are raised on sustainable, responsible farms, it is estimated that over 90 percent of them are subjected to despicable conditions. Though a growing number of their competitors and other food establishments have vowed to reject [More]
By Edgar Agorist Source: Turmeric’s Cardiovascular Benefits Found To Be As Powerful As Exercise For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. This article was republished with permission from The Hearty Soul. Nothing can replace exercise, but turmeric extract does a pretty good job of producing some of the same cardiovascular health benefits, most notably in women undergoing age-associated adverse changes in arterial health. Despite the general lack of interest by conventional medical practitioners in turmeric’s role [&hellip Source: Turmeric’s Cardiovascular Benefits Found To Be As Powerful As Exercise Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Stress is a significant health issue, affecting millions of people and contributing to health problems. Although most people refer to it as psychological stress, the effects are felt throughout your body, affecting your immune system and triggering systemic inflammation, which contributes to numerous different illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, insomnia, weight gain, and an impaired immune system. “Stress is not a state of mind … it’s measurable and dangerous, and humans can’t seem to find their off-switch.” These words of warning come from renowned author and award-winning neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky in the documentary “Stress: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola An annual mammogram is the conventional go-to “prevention” strategy for breast cancer. But, researchers increasingly agree that mammography is ineffective at best, and harmful at worst. Unfortunately, breast cancer is big business, and mammography is one of its primary profit centers. This is why the industry is so reluctant to admit its many flaws and dangers. The featured documentary, “Happygram,” reveals the oft-ignored side of breast cancer screening with mammography — the fact that more often than not, it fails to identify cancer in women with dense breast tissue. I’ve written many articles on [More]
By Christina Sarich The country of Venezuela, through its National Assembly, has approved a law that will ban GMOs and prohibit seed-patenting. Its aim is to promote sustainable agriculture and real food security. Grassroots efforts for years has finally culminated in the passing of a law that prohibits Monsanto, Bayer, Dow, Syngenta, and others from controlling the seed supply and poisoning the people. The new law also proposes: The creation of a national seed institution which will audit crops, and actively pursue those who violate the GMO ban. Peasant seed will be protected. It will not be hybridized through biotechnology, [More]