Despite being the victim of a popular vote landslide in the New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton is actually a winner when it comes to the number of delegates earned. The former secretary of state is leaving the Granite State with at least two more delegates than Sen. Bernie Sanders, even though Sanders won by…
Blaine Adamson (Photo: Video screenshot) Freedoms of religion and speech, protected in the U.S. by its Constitution and recognized widely in other parts of the free world in law and practice, are under attack again, this time in Kentucky where a local commission is demanding – at the request of a homosexual organization – that a…
By most accounts, it is a clever, funny commercial – but the fact that it clearly shows a baby in the womb is not a “clump of cells” has evidently offended abortion supporters. “I thought it was a clever ad; it was funny,” says National Right to Life Committee president Carol Tobias. “But what NARAL doesn’t like is that it showed the unborn child as a human being with a personality – and they want everybody to think this is just a clump of cells.” Read More: ‘Clever’ Super Bowl ad has pro-life fans
“I hope her analysis is wrong but sadly she’s probably right. To think the globalists will let Trump or anyone else not controlled by them win the WH is just wishful thinking.” Admin After the New Hampshire primaries last night, everyone who still believes in the ridiculously rigged presidential election process in this country is wondering how John Kasich managed to get 2nd place, and how Jeb Bush managed to stay in somehow even though he has been consistently trailing everyone this entire time. Well, here’s a big fat clue. It comes from the summer of 1999, just before Jeb’s
There is a simple reason why science has a very naive understanding of ourselves and our universe. It can only discover correlations, not causation. It does not have a concept of quantum measurements. It has no tools to measure quantum fields. Since everything in the universe happens at a quantum level, science as we know it is only able to breach concepts originating from how relationships function at a rudimentary level, but not why those relationships exist. Science and its conclusions are one-dimensional and there lies its greatest limitation and ignorance, and thus it will never supersede what humans already
By Heather Callaghan By Carey Wedler Though McDonald’s remains a powerful force in the global fast food marketplace, its recent PR disasters, from its ‘19 ingredients in the french fries’ fiasco to its use of abused… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Omega-3 fat is important for proper energy storage, oxygen transport, cell membrane function, and regulation of inflammation. It’s also critical for healthy development in utero, especially for eye and brain development, and plays a role in the length of gestation. Recent research has again confirmed the importance of omega-3 fats during pregnancy, and the danger of too much omega-6. The former you get primarily from fish, whereas processed vegetable and seed oils — staples in the standard American diet — are the primary sources of the latter. The ideal ratio between these two essential
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Can your mind heal your body? It may sound far-fetched that the power of your thoughts and emotions could exert physical, biological changes, but there are countless examples, both scientific and anecdotal, showing this possibility is very real. Science journalist Jo Marchant shared numerous such examples, from Iraq war veterans and many others, in her book “Cure.” She told Scientific American:1 “There are now several lines of research suggesting that our mental perception of the world constantly informs and guides our immune system in a way that makes us better able to …read more
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Raise your hand if you’re guilty of bringing home a new shirt or pair of pants from the store and wearing them, sans washing. It’s very common, maybe even typical, as many fabrics look pristine when they’re fresh off the rack. You probably assume they’re clean or at least relatively so, but tests conducted by Philip Tierno, Ph.D. director of Microbiology and Immunology at New York University, at the behest of Good Morning America, uncovered some disturbing compounds lurking on clothing. And this is only one reason to consider washing before wearing. Many clothing
By Admin by Alliance for Natural Health – USA “Diet Coke Is Healthier than Water!” This is according to a bizarre new Coca-Cola-funded study. Here we go again. We’ve reported frequently on the subversion of science at the hands of industry, but this one takes the cake. A new obesity study led by Prof. Peter Rogers, PhD, of the University of Bristol, arrives at the following conclusion: “Overall, the balance of evidence indicates that use of [low-energy sweeteners] in place of sugar, in children and adults, leads to reduced [energy intake]and [body weight], and possibly also when compared with water.”
By Christina Sarich Hippocrates, the ‘father of modern medicine,’ has known for his quote ‘let food be thy medicine.’ Many of us live by that quote, and even doctors are adopting a more natural, holistic approach in the medical field. One doctor in Houston, Texas takes that advice to heart. Instead of prescribing an infinite number of expensive pharmaceutical drugs to his patients, Dr. Garth Davis makes eating right the foundation for people’s health. Why such an out-of-the-box attitude toward healing? Dr. Davis has treated so many patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, knowing that diet could treat their
“Excellent expose on what Bush, Cruz and Rubio really believe in and support.” Admin Everything is connected and the education indoctrination coupled with technology is the glue that makes it work. Incompetent students make incompetent legislators. Mr Trump stated he thinks Obama might be allowing ISIS to flourish. He is correct. He questioned why so many Americans now believe in socialism and support Bernie Sanders. The answer to both can be found in the indoctrination in the schools. Please look at the school programs and the people behind them. I will highlight the most recent. Everything can be verified
“Dr. Ron Paul’s thoughts on the proposed mandatory “depression” screening.” Admin The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force wants to force health insurance companies to pay for the screening. Basic economics, as well as the Obamacare disaster, should have shown this task force that government health insurance mandates harm Americans. Government health insurance mandates raise the price of health insurance. Consumers will respond to this increase by either choosing to not carry health insurance or by reducing their consumption of other goods and services. Imposing new health insurance mandates
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Christina Sarich Senator from Vermont and Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been standing up for sustainable farming and non-GMO food. This piece isn’t meant to prop Sanders up on a pedestal but rather is meant to be a reminder to consider how your favorite presidential candidate will vote on GMOs once elected. Sanders helped to pass legislation that protects family-owned farms, not huge Agrichemical farms that monocrop our food sovereignty into oblivion with the Farm Bill in 2014. He also, on the surface, supports allowing states to require labels on foods containing “genetically modified organisms” (GMOs) based on the
By Heather Callaghan By Derrick Broze London, England — While many people are focused on the effects of genetically engineered food, concerns over genetically modified human embryos are also growing — and some fear the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In the featured video, Jeffrey Smith interviews Dr. Alex Vasquez, M.D., Ph.D., author of about 100 papers and 15 scientific books, and Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a Senior Research Scientist at MIT and author of about 200 papers, about the impact of glyphosate — the active ingredient in Roundup — on your mitochondria. As noted by Jeffrey, this is a very important topic, as mitochondrial dysfunction is an underlying foundational element of most diseases. Why the Health of Your Mitochondria Matters As explained by Vasquez, in addition to producing most of your body’s energy in
By Edgar Agorist Source: ADD 2 TBSP. OF THIS COCONUT OIL MIXTURE TO YOUR MORNING COFFEE TO BURN A TON OF CALORIES For more content like this visit The first time I’d heard about adding coconut oil and fat to coffee, I’m sure the look on my face was a mix between confusion and disgust. I mean, it’s not every day that you come across a drink containing coconut oil and butter! Especially in a society where we’re desperately trying to remove fat and calories from everything [&hellip Source: ADD 2 TBSP. OF THIS COCONUT OIL MIXTURE TO …read
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) After months of investigation, the CDC has now reached a conclusion that provides yet more support for the likelihood that Chipotle was the victim of corporate sabotage by the biotech industry, which targeted Chipotle because of its non-GMO menu.On December 23 of… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
When Portugal’s Rogerio Pacheco, 32, looked up and saw this stunning cloud formation, he knew it was something he had to share on his weather blog. “As soon as I saw the sky, I was immediately intrigued and I just had to grab my camera to take photo,” Pacheco said. And no wonder. The dramatic formation,… “Is God trying to tell us something about our future if we don’t repent of our wicked ways?” Admin
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola A runny nose, watery eyes, sore throat, sneezing and coughing are among the most common symptoms of the common cold. Yet, they’re also experienced by people with allergies. How can you tell the difference? One of the most obvious telltale signs is a fever. Symptoms caused by a cold (or flu) may come along with a fever, but those caused by allergies do not (even though allergies are sometimes called “hay fever”). The duration of the symptoms is another clue. Cold symptoms should resolve in two weeks or less, but allergies can hang around
By Christina Sarich Months after the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm declared the herbicide chemical glyphosate ‘probably carcinogenic,’ the state of California announced a move to place a cancer label on products containing the ingredient. That would include biotech giant Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up. Outraged about the news, Monsanto is now suing California to keep Round Up off the state’s list of carcinogens. Monsanto recently reported that it filed the suit against the state’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) and the agency’s acting director, Lauren Zeise, in California state court. This was the company’s response to
“We are certainly entering perilous times with this ratcheting up of hostile rhetoric and actions towards Russia. Is all of this setting the stage for the fulfillment of the many dreams and visions people have had of a Russian nuclear attack on the US? We shall see.” Admin NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced on February 2nd that he approves of US ‘Defense’ Secretary Ash Carter’s proposal to quadruple US armaments and troops in Europe, against ‘Russian aggression’. Secretary Carter said earlier that same day, in his announcement of America’s arming for war against Russia: We are reinforcing our posture in Europe
By Christina Sarich In a move that will likely upset Biotech’s long-term plans for Africa, the African country Burkina Faso has abandoned genetically modified Bt Cotton crops in order to phase out inferior quality GM crops for non-GM crops. The biotech industry has been claiming that Bt cotton would be an ideal crop for poor farmers, stating, “Bt cotton varieties have been adopted by commercial and smallholder farmers in several developing countries, including China, South Africa, and India,” all the while singing the crops’ praise. But a different tune has been developing, exposing the GM crops to be a bad
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many men have trouble discussing problems they may have with erectile dysfunction. But, while you may find it embarrassing, it can also be a signal of other underlying health related conditions, such as heart disease. The physical function of an erection occurs between a complex interaction of nerves, muscle, emotions, hormones, brain and blood supply. When the arteries undergo changes related to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, it is more difficult for the blood to pass through. The process plays out first in the smaller arteries of the penis, before it reaches the
By Christina Sarich The importance of heirloom, non-GMO seed has recently been made exceedingly apparent with an odd discovery at an archeological dig at the First Nation’s Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin. A clay vessel about the size of a tennis ball was pulled from the earth. After carbon dating, researchers found an assortment of seeds that they say are more than 800 years old. One of the seeds was a squash variety thought to be extinct. A group of Canadian students decided to see if the seeds would yield anything. When they planted the ancient heirloom squash seeds that