By Ariana Source: Important Greenhouse Tips For Optimal Crop Growth For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL If you are thinking about building a greenhouse for your garden, here are a few important things you should know. The environment within a greenhouse is very different from that of a backyard garden. You can control temperature, humidity, soil aeration, soil moisture and drainage, fertility levels, and light in a [&hellip Source: Important Greenhouse Tips For Optimal Crop Growth Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Julie Fidler When I was a young adult, unmarried, living at home, and trying to balance life as a night owl with a day job that started before 9 a.m., I regularly dumped 2 full spoonfuls of sugar into my coffee at a time, and my mother would look at me in horror and gasp, “That’s too much!” And she was right. But that ain’t nuthin‘ compared to the amount of sugar you get in a Starbucks specialty drink – which, once upon a time, was a regular “treat” for me. The British campaign group Action on Sugar (AoS)
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Most people equate a high-fiber diet with digestive health. While it’s certainly useful for that purpose, this by no means gives the full picture of fiber’s health benefits. One eye-opening report found, for instance, that if U.S. adults over the age of 55 with heart disease took psyllium dietary fiber daily, it could save nearly $4.4 billion a year in health care costs and more than $35 billion in cumulative health care costs between 2013 and 2020.1 Another study revealed that every 10-gram increase of fiber intake was associated with a 15 percent …read
By Ariana Source: Learn How to Grow Peanuts in Your Spring Garden For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Peanuts are not actually nuts, they are a vegetable that belongs to the legume family. Learn how to grow peanuts in your garden and enjoy the benefits of this hassle free, delicious crop. Peanuts are native to South America and take about 120 days tomature. The plant is hardy and can [&hellip Source: Learn How to Grow Peanuts in Your Spring Garden Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Julie Fidler Findings of a study on the link between sucralose and cancer that caused uproar when they were presented at a cancer conference in 2013 have finally been published. The food industry dismissed the results of the study when they were presented in London, but they are now available for the world to see in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. In response to the study, the consumer group The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is recommended that people avoid consuming sucralose, more popularly known as Splenda. The study found that: “sucralose
By Heather Callaghan By Jeremy Seifert Our Daily Dose is a 20-minute short film by Jeremy Seifert that lays out the real dangers of public water fluoridation. Hailed by the Centers for Disease Control as one of the top… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Alex Jordon Sprouted garlic not only helps keep cancer at bay, but also has other amazing benefits. Here are more reasons sprouted garlic is good for you besides kills 14 types of cancer cells. (Read my previous article-Don’t Throw the Sprouts Away: Sprouted Garlic Is A Great Cure That Kills 14 Types Of Cancer Cells) According to a research (S1) , sprouted garlic has stronger benefits than unsprouted ones. Keep reading to find out how the sprouted garlic help you: 1-Sprouted garlic has stronger antioxidant activity According to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (S2), garlic sprouted for
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Studies have conclusively proven that the popular herbicide Roundup causes birth defects, and an increasingly robust body of data linking the toxic chemical to cancer is also emerging. One of the most disturbing findings of this research is that the chemical may be carcinogenic… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Americans spend $18 billion a year on deodorant and antiperspirant in a quest to cover up body odor and reduce sweating.1 For many, applying deodorant is a regular part of their morning routine, but it hasn’t always been this way. The first deodorant, which killed off odor-producing bacteria, wasn’t introduced until 1888. The first antiperspirant, which reduces both bacterial growth and sweat production, came about 15 years later. Even then, however, most people were wary of applying such products to their underarms. …read more Read more here: mercola
By P. S. Orr Cooking with stevia may be something you’ve been thinking about trying for a long time, but aren’t sure if foods, especially desserts, will turn out to be very tasty. Granted, many sugar-free foods aren’t very inviting, because, hey, when you remove the real sugar taste, it’s not much of a dessert, is it? But today’s innovative, smart use of organic stevia has changed all that. What is Stevia? Even though stevia has become very popular in recent years, the green, leafy herb from South America has been used for centuries as a sweetener for teas and
By Prof. Hesin Vanilla is a flavor derived from a Mexican species of orchid called flat-leaved vanilla. This plant favors the hot, sticky, and wet climates in Central America and Mexico. According to scientific studies conducted over the past two decades, vanilla has cancer-killing potential, helps cure depression, and acts as an aphrodisiac for those in need of love. But, what you might not know is there is a plethora of health benefits to Vanilla essential oils. Many Health Benefits Of Vanilla Oil Natural Antioxidant Antioxidants eliminate free radicals or harmful toxins that build up inside your body, as a
By Christina Sarich Pharmaceutical companies have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 2016 presidential election cycle. Guess which presidential candidate accepted far more campaign cash than any other from Big Pharma? The money went to…drum roll please...Hillary Clinton. What’s more, Clinton says she’s proud to have drug companies as her enemies. Those who think you can’t buy position in America are sorely mistaken. If there was truly any democracy left in this country, then I’d like for someone to show me. If we are supposed to be a system of government by the whole population or all the
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
Hostility toward religion in America has expanded dramatically in recent years, with florists targeted, bakers punished, nuns coerced and even retail companies facing discrimination for their faith, according to a new report from First Liberty Institute. The new report, titled “Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility to Religion in America,” reveals a list that admittedly is not…
U.S. Marine veteran John Kevin Wood and his wife, Melissa A U.S. Marine veteran has gone to court asking a judge to overturn a school’s decision to banish him from a public school campus because he objected to the Islam indoctrination to which his daughter was subjected. The fight has been going on since 2014, but…
By Heather Callaghan By John Vibes Two former executives with the bankrupt Freedom Industries were sentenced to one month in federal prison for their responsibility in the chemical spill that poisoned water supplies in… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By By Amy Goodrich (NaturalNews) Kraft’s mac and cheese may be a convenient, easy, and cheap dinner alternative, but if you are feeding your family this simple and quick dinner, you may be slowly poisoning them.Only recently, Kraft had to recall over 6 million boxes of their macaroni and cheese… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“California showing it’s disdain for the pro life message, hardly a surprise.” Admin A federal judge in California has become the fourth to deny an injunction against a state law that requires pro-life pregnancy centers to provide information on government abortion programs. “The act does not ban speech or otherwise prohibit plaintiffs from discussing their message with patients,” wrote San Diego Judge John Houston. “Instead, the act requires medical providers to advise their patients of various types of treatment available so patients are fully informed when making decisions regarding their pregnancies.” “The state clearly has a legitimate interest in ensuring
By Christina Sarich Sure, consumers are concerned about eating glyphosate. Wouldn’t you be? If 75% of air and rain samples tested contain glyphosate, it is highly likely that the ‘probable’ human carcinogen is also in our food supply. Now that the World Health Organization is calling a spade a spade, it appears the US Food and Drug Administration is forced to start testing food for glyphosate. [1] The American public has been practically begging the agency to stop using the people as guinea pigs with a likely carcinogen. But only after the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) rebuked the FDA
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) Throughout history, religious leaders and so-called prophets have warned that the mark of the beast is imminent, that a time of great strife and suffering is near, that the end of the world is coming. These time-based prophesies, fervently believed in, can become self… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Christina Sarich If you haven’t yet heard of the “Single Origin Verified” food label, that’s because just one company is leading the industry with a new level of transparency for our food, with a hope that others will follow, of course. The Real Co. is launching the “Single Origin” food label to tell consumers exactly where their food comes from. Even companies with good intentions have had a difficult time ensuring that food is Non-GMO Verified, and others have used the label to promote their goods that were FULL of GMOs. Colin Carter, the owner of The Real Co.,
By Christina Sarich After a six-year legal battle GMO crop contamination, organic farmer Steve Marsh has lost his bid for a higher court to hear his case and the appeal which would have allowed him the chance to argue his side one final time. Michael Baxter, Steve Marsh’s neighbor in Australia, grew genetically modified canola on his farm, but it wasn’t long before his crops contaminated Steve Marsh’s organic farm. Baxter says that the two men could have just had a conversation over the fence, but now it seems this legal battle is coming to a close, in Baxter’s favor.
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) Humans have partaken in alcohol consumption for as long as we can remember; in fact, scientists traced the origins of brewing back to 10 million years ago after discovering that “our primate ancestors evolved the ability to metabolize alcohol,” according to the Los Angeles… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Adem Gunes A recent study has revealed that ginger contains a potent agent that can kill cancer cells at the very beginning of the malignancy with 10000 times more efficacy than traditional chemotherapy. According to the latest study published in PLoS, an active ingredient of ginger known as 6-shogoal attacks the cancer cells at their primary stages (known as cancer stem cells) with more affinity than chemotherapeutic agents. Cancer stem cells give rise to various types of cancers except breast cancer for which they are termed as parent cells. They grow and divide to produce a cluster of
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many studies support the belief that having an upbeat and positive attitude will translate into living a longer, healthier life, and conversely, that a pessimistic outlook promotes ill health and can shave years off your life. For example, in one study,1 the tendency to always expect the worst was linked to a 25 percent higher risk of dying before the age of 65. Perhaps one of the most well-known forerunners of “the science of happiness” was Norman Cousins, who in 1964 was diagnosed with a life-threatening autoimmune disease. After being given a 1 in
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum), commonly known as Cilantro or Dhania, is a powerful herb with many health benefits. This plant is rich in micronutrients and nutritional elements. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease