By Beverly Entin A flat stomach is not just about looking good, it’s super important to get rid of your belly fat. Here are some reasons: For avoiding high blood pressure People who are with more belly fat tend to be more prone to developing high blood pressure, means they will have a higher chances of getting heart attack and stoke. To prevent diabetes Too much belly fat is one of the top reasons for type 2 diabetes. According to Gerald Bernstein, MD, director of the diabetes management program at the Gerald J. Friedman Diabetes Institute at Beth Israel Medical
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your current weight, you probably know the drill. Eat right, exercise and get a handle on your stress levels. But there’s another factor that many people overlook; it’s insidious and can sabotage even the most determined among us: sleep. Or, more specifically, lack of sleep. This presents a hurdle to weight loss and maintenance in a number of ways, including affecting your food cravings. Trying to eat right when you’re sleep deprived is like trying to dry off in the rain; it’s very difficult. When you’re
Higher serum levels of magnesium may reduce the risk of hypertension by almost 50% and the risk of coronary artery calcification by 42%, says a new study. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Sasha Brown Advice that is given to adults suffering with mental or physical ailments is to go outside and get some fresh air, and exercise if able. It is about time that this advice is suggested for children as well. Not only will it aid in taking care of some small issues seen immediately, it will also help to mold them by providing the domain to interact with other children and learn social skills that will stay with them as they grow older and interact with larger groups. Vision In a study done by Optometry and Vision Science, it
Parents have been told that kids as young as four will be given classes on transsexualism and encouraged to “explore” their sexuality, provoking a series of complaints. Several parents have vowed to withdraw their children from a Church of England primary school in Hartfield, East Sussex, during an upcoming “transgender day”. The Christian Institute has warned that children should not be targeted in order to “satisfy adult political agendas”. Read More: Now Kids As Young As 4 Are Getting Transsexual Indoctrination — Charisma News
For more than a decade, I’ve been warning that those who came out of the closet—meaning, gay activists—want to put conservative Christians in the closet. I’ve been saying that, in the LGBT activist lexicon, “tolerance” means the intolerance of all views but their own, “diversity” means their way or the highway, and “inclusive” means the exclusion of all opposing opinions and values. Day by day, we are watching all this unfold before our eyes. Read More: As Predicted, Here Come the Gay Bullies — Charisma News
If there’s one thing we all learned from the crash of 2008, it’s that any one of us could be dragged down into poverty. No one is really immune to that anymore. In the Western world, economic prosperity has been crumbling for years, and stability is rapidly disappearing for a variety reasons. Truth be told, you’ve probably read about countless disasters and survival situations on this website, but the one situation that is most likely to affect you, is a financial calamity in your family. And if that happens, one of your most pressing concerns will be food. Every resource
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) If the Food and Drug Administration and Congress get their way, it will become much easier for the mainstream psychiatry community to utilize unregulated, dangerous electroshock therapy, even though it has been proven to be ineffective and mentally damaging in the past… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Geary Andrew Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as “superbugs,” are becoming more numerous and more virulent thanks to continuing overuse of antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotics is creating stronger germs. Some bacteria are already “resistant” to common antibiotics. When bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, it is often harder and more expensive to treat the infection. Herbal medicine offers an alternative to these increasingly ineffective drugs. 7 Herbal antibiotics that can fight against bacteria and viruses Garlic Is an antibacterial herb, garlic is more effective against several types of bacteria than penicillin. Garlic is also friendlier to the body than antibiotics because it
By Sasha Brown Amethyst is the rarest form of quarts, and is close to being the most popular form of quartz. It is a hard gem and has six sides, and may also be found within geodes around the entire world. Generally, it is available in crystal form or as a mass. Purple, lilac, and lavender in color, amethyst is associated with royalty. This stone has been used to treat a variety of conditions through the ages, from sleep disorders, pain, alcohol addiction, and mental dysfunction. Data has yet to show that the crystal actually decreases the symptoms associated with
By Ariana Source: Five Reasons to Grow Food, Not Lawns For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Why keep a green lawn when you could be growing delicious healthy food instead? These five reasons prove that urban farming is the most important movement of our time. Imagine living in a community that sprouts tomatoes, pomegranates, spinach, kale, figs, zucchinis, strawberries, almonds, garlic, onions, apples, and more! Communities like this [&hellip Source: Five Reasons to Grow Food, Not Lawns Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By By Jennifer Lea Reynolds (NaturalNews) Could mimosas, the champagne and orange drink mixture that’s enjoyed at many brunches, holiday breakfasts and celebratory events, actually be a health drink? Turns out, the answer is a definitive, “yes.”First of all, it’s no secret that oranges are a health-boosting… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“The movie started playing in theaters on 03/15/16, check your local listings for times and locations.” Admin Christy Beam discusses the miraculous true story of her daughter’s freak accident, healing from an incurable disease, and heavenly encounter that inspired the new movie “Miracles from Heaven”.
By Christina Sarich Wendy’s has more than 6,500 franchises in the US alone. It’s the world’s third largest fast food hamburger chain, servicing millions of customers annually. A group of employees known as the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is calling for a boycott of the hamburger titan, kicking off a demonstration to communicate its displeasure with a 12-day Workers’ Voice tour earlier this month. The CIW doesn’t boycott companies very often. The Wendy’s boycott will be the second such event. The first was against Taco Bell 15 years ago. The boycott is being called for because Wendy’s has stopped
By Admin – Orissa Dr. Waney Squier. Copyright Photo by Les Wilson. Photo courtesy of Daily Mail. Health Impact News Editor Comments The medical theory of “shaken baby syndrome” (SBS) is quickly losing credibility, with many doctors, scientists, and attorneys now speaking out against SBS and the fact that innocent parents have been falsely accused of child abuse. Courts are now re-trying some cases based on testimonies from these doctors and professionals, and some cases have recently been over-turned. The medical profession is fighting back. The reasons are quite obvious. …read more Read more here: Health Impact News
By Christina Sarich In an effort to eradicate all food wasted in its stores and distribution centers, Tesco says that it will work with 5,000 different charities in the UK in order to give all unsold food to those who need it most. Credit: Philippe Wojazer/Reuters Figures recently released by the company suggest that this new program could save 55,400 tonnes of food that were thrown away at its stores and distribution centers across the country in 2015. The plan is part of a program called the Community Food Connection, which will start with 14 pilot stores, to kick off
By Alex Jordon With the escalating cost of medicine, you may be among the growing number of people who are taking back control of their health naturally. A simpler way to do this is to get back to basics by finding herbal remedies to provide relief for disease vectors that most commonly affect you, such as viruses. Viruses can cause the common flu and cold but they are also responsible for more dangerous diseases like pneumonia and meningitis. Herbal antivirals resist infectious invasions before they can bring you down or help your body to heal faster when you succumb to
By Paul by Paul FassaHealth Impact News The Potato Diet What would motivate a relatively healthy man to undergo a 60 day diet of potatoes only? In 2010, Chris Voight began his successful 60 day potato fast to prove the health merits of potatoes. His inspiration was ignited by the federal WIC (Women, Infants and Children) low-income assistance program’s decision to remove potatoes from the list of vegetables that were being provided. After all, Chris was at that time the executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission. So he had a point to prove. Due to his losing weight
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By Sasha Brown Many times when someone is feeling stressed out or depressed, they are not sure what to do to feel better. Whether it is short term or long term, it is never a great feeling. These are some suggestions that include very little outside input or resources to aid in relieving stress and depression in a way that does not include seeing a doctor for medication. Exercise One of the more well-known methods for relaxation to soothe stress and depression, exercise benefits both the mind and the body. Exercising can increase levels of norepinephrine, the chemical that helps
By Paul Fassa Source: Quality of Sleep Is More Important Than The Amount For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA According to the National Sleep Foundation‘s Sleep in America Poll, nightly hours of sleep in America are not so far off on average. Just under 7 hours weeknights and a half hour under 8 weekend nights looks pretty good on paper, compared to the recommended 8 hours nightly. But it was determined [&hellip Source: Quality of Sleep Is More Important Than The Amount Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Ariana Source: Make a Profit From Aquaponics: 7 Tips For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Are you interested in pursuing a commercial venture using aquaponics? These 7 tips will help! Before considering a pursuit in commercial aquaponics, it is important to understand that there are some major differences between a home based system and a commercial system. It is important to do your homework before heading [&hellip Source: Make a Profit From Aquaponics: 7 Tips Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By By Sarah Landers (NaturalNews) There a many, many benefits to using nature as your dermatologist. As explained in a post at, the chemicals found in mass-produced skincare products can actually exacerbate, if not cause, skin problems. Your skin is very sensitive and can… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Christina Sarich Americans waste a lot of food. So much, that it adds up to about 62 million tons every year. With such wastefulness, it’s time to get serious about a solution. Fortunately, a new comprehensive report released by Rethink Food Waste Through Economics and Data (ReFED) has some helpful suggestions for saving more than 1.8 billion meals from being tossed in the can (or 1.3% of our Gross Domestic Product simply wasted.) From the ReFED website: “The Roadmap to Reduce U.S. Food Waste by 20 Percent is the first ever national economic study and action plan to reduce
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) The following study was accepted in August of 2014 and first published online as an open-access article in the September 2014 edition of the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Industrial hog operation workers in North Carolina were shown to carry multi… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Heather Callaghan By Nadia Prupis Senate bill would have banned state-mandated GMO labeling measures. The U.S. Senate on Wednesday rejected a controversial bill that would have made labeling genetically modified… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’re still on the fence wondering if Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) crops are a good thing or a bad thing for the environment and human health, a look at this company’s sordid past may help make up your mind. While Monsanto refers to itself as a “sustainable agriculture” company delivering products that support farmers, be aware that they’ve spent many years to try and rehabilitate their image. Prior to their foray into the seed business, Monsanto was (and still is) a producer of toxic chemicals responsible for widespread death and suffering. One such