“Just one more provocation by NATO to take us a step closer to war.” Admin Of the many moves by NATO to increase their military presence in Eastern Europe, none has been so onerous to Russia as the European missile defense system. Late this week, NATO is making some significant moves in that regard. Thursday, the system officially went online with the opening of a base in Romania. One day later, ground will be broken on a major additional base in Poland, which will also hold significant missile defense assets Read More: NATO Targets Russia With Planned Missile Defense Expansion
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) In recent days, the Federal Trade Commission claimed another alternative medicine victim, as it fined Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D., more than $5 million because he dared to sell a health treatment solution to the public that did not rely on the government’s tainted and compromised… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org
By Michael By Jon Rappoport As the truth about horrendous vaccine-damage to babies emerges and spreads, doctors need advice on how to avoid blame. So this article is offered as a public service to the medical… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Christina Sarich Clinical psychologist Julie Rucklidge explores how important nutrition is for mental health in an important TedX talk. She says ‘nutrition matters,’ and that poor nutrition is a ‘significant and modifiable risk factor for the development of mental illness.’ Mental illness is on the rise. But why? There has been a four-fold increase in the number of people who are on disability as a direct consequence of being diagnosed with a mental health disorder. With a 20-fold increase in international rates of ADHD, a 30-fold increase in autism, and similar increases in bi-polar and other disorders in children,
By Ariana Source: Improve Clay Soil and Improve Your Garden For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Clay soil can be a gardener’s worst nightmare. Learn how to improve clay soil and grow a happier garden. For gardeners, growing with clay soil can be extremely difficult. They can either be too wet, or too dry. Clay soils are slow to warm in the spring, and they are also slow [&hellip Source: Improve Clay Soil and Improve Your Garden Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com
By Admin by Barrie Davenport – LiveBoldandBloom.com Healthy relationships are based on trust, mutual respect, and security. Each person must feel they are valued and loved unconditionally, accepted for who they are, and safe to expose their vulnerabilities and flaws. This is the ideal foundation for a good relationship, but of course all of us fall short of this ideal from time to time. We might use passive aggressive tactics to express our pain or get our way in a disagreement. We might tell white lies or throw out hurtful barbs to protect ourselves and cope with our own pain
What makes a Laktokhan a best-selling probiotic different from other products on the market? Even the name indicates what sets the product apart from the rest. Lacto comes from the word Lactobacillus, meaning “strain,” and khan meaning “great.” When combined, Lactokhan means “great/good bacteria.” …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Heidi Kristoffer Pineapples are made of several individual berries that connect together around the center, which makes every pineapple fruit a nutritious berry fruit. In fact, pineapples are part of the bromeliad family, and one of the few bromeliads to create edible fruit with medicinal properties. Treats Illnesses and Infection Studies have demonstrated that the juice of pineapple can relieve a cough and can be five times more effective than over the counter cough syrup. This is because the fruit contains bromelain, a chemical that is rich in medicinal properties that eliminate microorganisms and help fight diseases, cancers, bacterial
By Ariana Source: Important: Read This Before Using Plastic Mulch For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL Plastic mulch is used by many farmers throughout the world. This important info will change the way you see these materials. Many organic farmers use plastic mulch to encourage proper growth and to protect their crops. There are many positives and negatives that come with using plastic mulch. Positives Plastic [&hellip Source: Important: Read This Before Using Plastic Mulch Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com
“Mr. O brags about what he’s done for the economy but what he’s really done is set us up for the biggest financial collapse in our history. By the time he leaves office he will have run up the national debt by 10 trillion dollars! By far and away the worst performance of any president regarding increasing the national debt. This is his real legacy which of course he never talks about.” Admin In the six months that have passed since then-retiring House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cut a budget deal with President Barack Obama
“Great article on the idiotic thinking of the neocons in DC. If a warmongering loon like Hillary should get into the WH you can bet WWIII will be inevitable.” Admin The Wall Street Journal is reporting today that NATO is preparing to deploy four battalions — approximately 4,000 troops — to Russia’s western border. US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work was in Brussels today to announce the Western military escalation on Russia’s border, which he claimed was in response to Russian military exercises near the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. According to Deputy Secretary of Defense Work,
The structures of medical propaganda are cracking. The Washington Post (“Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States,” May 3) reports on a new Johns Hopkins study. I’ll give you the Post’s explosive quotes and then analyze them. “…a new study by patient safety researchers provides some context…Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday [‘Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US,’ 03 May 2016], shows that ‘medical errors’ in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly common and may now be the third leading cause of death in the
By Mike Barrett Following the results of 2 clinical trials, the Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings for diabetes medications containing saxagliptin and alogliptin. These medications have been shown to increase the risk of heart failure, especially for those who already suffer from heart or kidney disease. An FDA statement notes: “Healthcare professionals should consider discontinuing medications containing saxagliptin and alogliptin in patients who develop heart failure and monitor their diabetes control. If a patient’s blood sugar level is not well-controlled with their current treatment, other diabetes medicines may be required.” The trial focusing on saxagliptin found that 3.5%
By Ariana Source: 10 Tips For Growing The Best Tomatoes For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by ARIANA MARISOL The keys to growing savory, delicious tomatoes from seed are simple yet often overlooked. These 10 simple rules will make all the difference. Tomatoes are a common crop found in most gardens. There is nothing like a fresh tomato from the garden, but sometimes growing the perfect tomato can be more [&hellip Source: 10 Tips For Growing The Best Tomatoes Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com
By Beverly Entin It is well known that lemons contain a bountiful amount of vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function normally. Lemon has plenty of vitamin C, which is used as an antioxidant to support the immune system and it consists of vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin B1 as well. Due to all these nutrients lemon juice is added to water to create a beneficial nutrition drink for the body. Some of the benefits you can receive from drinking lemon water are: 1. Improved Digestion: To be healthy we need good digestion, because bad digestion can
Breast milk is the gold standard in infant nutrition. Nothing can compare and nothing can replicate the nutrient density perfectly and naturally customized for an infant. New research underlines the beneficial effects of breastfeeding on short-term child health. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Alexandra Preston The 6th most common form of cancer in the world, liver cancer has gained attention recently for being responsible for taking David Bowie’s life. While surgery is currently the only effective treatment recognized by conventional medicine, new research has revealed exciting new ways to wipe out liver cancer cells without harming healthy cells – a fish oil component known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), encapsulated in the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) infamous for cholesterol transportation. [1] “This approach offers a potentially new and safe way of treating liver cancer, and possibly other cancers. The method utilizes the cholesterol carrier
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Surprise! The Environmental Protection Agency is not actually protecting underground drinking water supplies (one of its primary functions) from contamination by oil fields and, in a number of instances, has actually allowed companies to dump dirty wastewater into aquifers… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Admin BY SEBASTIAN EGUEZ – LifeHack.org Everyone strives to be a great person, kind, caring, and compassionate. But for some people, that’s not always the case. There are many behaviors or ‘bad habits’ that people have that make them seem unattractive, annoying, or someone that no one wants to be around with. A few of these harmful characteristics are offered for you below, and if you happen to realize that you embody any of them – quit! You might find your circle of friends grow once you do. 1. You are Self-Absorbed Many people do this …read more Read
By Prof. Hesin Yogurt is now the fastest-growing food segment in America. Yogurt is considered a superfood. Yogurt is filled with countless numbers of beneficial bacteria that help digestion and kill harmful viruses. It is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, whey protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin D, vitamin K2, enzymes and probiotics. Homemade Yogurt Recipe Ingredients: -1 Half gallon of milk -2-3 Tbs of plain yogurt Equipment: -1 8-10 Qt stock pot -1 4-5 Qt pot with lid -1 Metal or plastic spoon -1 Dial thermometer with clip -1 Heating pad Instructions: -Create a double boiler using the
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola “Imagine a situation where all the antibiotics of last resort — which are propping up public health everywhere in the world — become useless.” This is a statement made by Patrick Holden, farmer and director of Sustainable Food Trust in an interview with Civil Eats.1 It sums up one of the most pressing issues facing industrial meat production and, consequently, the larger public. Eighty percent of the antibiotics used in the U.S. are used by industrial agriculture for purposes of growth promotion and preventing diseases that would otherwise make their concentrated …read more Read
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org
By Admin by Ethan Huff – NaturalNews.com The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again annihilated the business of a reputable dietary supplement company by arbitrarily declaring its primary product to be an “unapproved drug.” Those who now try to purchase the all-natural, human growth hormone (hGH)-promoting Trans-D Tropin formula are greeted with a lengthy message notifying the public that the formula is no longer available, thanks to the tyrannical actions of a rogue government agency. According to the Trans-D Tropin website, the FDA sent a letter to the supplement’s manufacturer on April 26, 2013, notifying it that
By Sherice Asthma is an inflammation of the airways or the bronchi and it affects either the way in which air enters or goes out. This inflammation can make breathing difficult for the individual suffering from the condition, and can often result in an asthma attack whereby it becomes very difficult for the sufferer to catch their breath. Lemons are a favourite all over the world and an essential food in kitchens everywhere. Raw lemon juice is well known for its antioxidants and anti-cancer properties and has been used for centuries in order to cure many ailments and cleanse the
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Can vaccines trigger autism? This is the topic of the film “Vaxxed”, which was originally scheduled to be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival, but was pulled from the lineup on March 26. The decision has created so much blowback and publicity that whoever was pushing for its removal may have cause to regret it, because it has given the film a much higher public profile than if it had simply been screened as scheduled. The Tribeca Film Festival was started by Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro and producer Jane Rosenthal in 2001 in
By mcshane The liver is a vital organ that is essential to human vitality and health. The key functions of the liver are to detoxify your blood and to enhance your digestive system by creating bile, which helps to break down the fats that you consume into small pieces, making them easier for your small intestine to absorb. Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of liver disease can save your life. Causes for liver damage -Inherited disorders of iron and copper metabolism -Diseases like liver cancer and fatty liver caused by obesity -Various viruses including many typee of hepatitis -Reactions