Horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia) is a natural antibacterial which contains compounds that could help detoxify and eliminate cancer-causing compounds in the body, a study has shown. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Ariana Source: This Condition Could Kill Your Crop in 10 Days For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Root rot is a condition can sneak up on crops, killing them before gardeners even know what has happened. Know how to identify the symptoms of root rot and take the correct steps to resolve the problem before it devours your garden. Plants growing in soils that are too dense for [&hellip Source: This Condition Could Kill Your Crop in 10 Days Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By REALdeal Source: Sperm Whales Found Dead In Germany, Stomachs FULL Of Plastic And Car Parts For more content like this visit by AMANDA FROELICH The whales’ deaths are symbolic of humanity’s shocking disregard for marine life. In January, 29 sperm whales were found stranded on shores around the North Sea, an area that is too shallow for the marine wildlife. Only recently were details of the animals’ necropsy released. However, scientists were deeply disturbed by what [&hellip Source: Sperm Whales Found Dead In Germany, Stomachs FULL Of Plastic And Car Parts Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read
By By S. D. Wells (NaturalNews) The AFI: The American Food Industry. What a shame that more than 90 percent of all conventional foods cause obesity, cancer, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, inflammation, fibromyalgia, brittle bones, strokes, lowered IQ and heart disease. One of the courses available… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Admin by Arthritis Foundation Generations of people have reported that cherries help keep painful osteoarthritis (OA) and gout flares in check. Now, scientists are putting this popular folk remedy to the test, with promising results. Researchers have tested different amounts of several varieties of cherries in almost every form, from juice to pills. And though most studies are small and the findings preliminary, evidence of the benefits of cherries is growing. Gout Management In a study of 633 participants, Boston University Medical Center researchers found that eating at least 10 cherries a day protected people with existing gout from
When the West was still moral, rational, and Christian, a core principle was ‘women and children first’. But the West is no longer any of these things, so we have declared that it’s every man for himself, and women and children can just take a hike. That is about as good a way as any of determining if a culture is in terminal decline. We have now officially declared that the well being of women and children does not mean beans. All that matters is for individual adults to do anything they like, and let everyone else be damned. We
By By David Gutierrez, staff writer (NaturalNews) Did you know that there’s a direct physiological response that leads from hugs and cuddling to better health? The link is the hormone oxytocin, also known as the “attachment hormone,” the “trust hormone” or even the “mama bear hormone.”Physiologically, oxytocin is… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“I like many was unaware of just how far Mr. O’s new directives go on what “transgenders” can have access to. It’s almost unbelievable! It seems Mr. O is a certifiable nut case who intends to do as much damage to this country as possible before leaving the WH in disgrace.” Admin If you, like 55% of U.S. parents with school-age children, oppose the POS’s latest stunt, ordering all schools, colleges and universities that receive federal financial assistance to allow so-called “transgenders” — a biological impossibility — to use the rest- or locker-room of their predilection, instead of in accordance
By Beverly Entin If you’ve had cancer in the past or knew a loved one that had it, chances are you researched on the Internet all sorts of alternative therapies, products and ingredients you can use to get rid of the cancer – or prevent it from happening again. One of the “recipes” you might have saw was something with lemon, honey, apple cider vinegar and baking soda. If you thought this sounded strange, think again. Baking soda can be used for all sorts of reasons and has an array of benefits. It can make your stomach and esophagus healthier,
By By Amy Goodrich (NaturalNews) Teri McCall, the widow of a prominent farmer from Cambria, California, has just filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Monsanto Co. Anthony Jackson ‘Jack’ McCall, 69, died December 26, of terminal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, after using Roundup weed killer on his 20-acre… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By REALdeal Source: The Top 10 Worst Food Ingredients to Avoid For more content like this visit by JIM HEALTHY Food companies use lots of unhealthful and dodgy ingredients to extend shelf life, add gaudy colors, and make us crave their products. You can (and should!) steer clear of these toxic, tacky ingredients to protect your family’s health. When enough of us say “no way,” these food companies will get the message [&hellip Source: The Top 10 Worst Food Ingredients to Avoid Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) If you’re someone who enjoys (over)indulging in fast food and pizza, there is more harming you than just the fare. According to new research, people who eat a lot of fast food are being exposed to 40 percent higher levels of potentially harmful chemicals, the Daily Mail… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Brian The cardiovascular system is a very important part inside of your body because it’s made up of arteries, veins, and your heart. Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system is crucial for… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Admin Amy Myers, MD shares her functional medicine approach to healing your gut. It’s called the 4R program: Remove, Restore, Reinoculate and Repair. If you suffer from a chronic illness such as chronic fatigue, autoimmune, cancer, fibromyalgia or a more simple issues such as acne, IBS, migraines, ADD, anxiety or depression — this is a must watch video. Heal your gut. A properly functioning digestive system (gut) is critical to good health. The post How To Heal Your Gut Naturally appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here:
By Christina Sarich Healthy soil contains billions of tiny microorganisms that help plants to thrive and our food supply to remain abundant. A paper, published in Nature Communications, used large-scale data comparisons of soil from 78 global drylands and from 179 locations across Scotland to study diversity of soil microbiota. The researchers found that diversity is absolutely imperative for supporting ecosystems. With high diversity of microbiota, the soil can function more efficiently and provide a multitude of services. This single factor turned out to be more important than annual rainfall, altitude, or temperature. Loss of microbial diversity resulted in reduced
By By Julie Wilson staff writer (NaturalNews) Worldwide, glyphosate contamination is rampant. Around 650,000 tons of the chemical, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, were applied globally in 2011. Unsurprisingly, the widely used weed killer is in our water supplies, soil and conventionally grown crops… …read more Read more here: Natural News
“Excellent commentary by Chuck on the US and it’s creation ISIS. If the warmongering loon Hillary gets in the WH new wars and very likely WWIII are almost guaranteed along with an ever increasing police state hostile to Christians and patriots. This is probably one of the most crucial elections in our history, make your vote count.” Admin Why isn’t the Mainstream Media (MSM) in America reporting the fact that Hillary Clinton admitted in public that the U.S. government created Al Qaeda, ISIS, Al Nusra, etc.? Why does the MSM refuse to tell the American people that the United States
By By S. Johnson (NaturalNews) As water shortages increase globally, reusing water for agriculture and household purposes is on the rise too. A recent study by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Hadassah Medical Center, discovered that consuming food… …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola History tells us it can take decades before a medical truth becomes accepted as fact, and recent headlines are a perfect example of this. Sixteen years ago, I read an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that stunned me. I was shocked JAMA published it. Although the article did not explicitly state it, the data was very clear. So I published my summary of the study, which revealed that doctors are in fact the third leading cause of death in the U.S.1 You likely …read more Read more here: mercola
By Ariana Source: DIY Compost Tea For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Steeping compost in water creates an all natural plant food known as compost tea. This method creates an even better batch that is cost affective and requires very little effort. For the organic gardener, compost tea is like gold. Not only is it cheap and easy to make, but it also provides [&hellip Source: DIY Compost Tea Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Heather Callaghan By Yvonne Holterman Discover the Secret Every Loving Couple Knows You can all have the deep, passionate, rewarding love you long for. All you need to do is what every woman and man in a successful… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Ariana Source: The Good-Mood Garden: Crops That Fight Depression Part II For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL How you feel is very much dependent on what you eat. These 5 crops can fight depression and keep you happy and healthy. Sunflowers Nutrition Sunflower seeds are a wonderful source of phenylalanine, an amino acid that turns into norepinephrine and can act as an antidepressant. Grow Sunflowers flourish [&hellip Source: The Good-Mood Garden: Crops That Fight Depression Part II Learn more at – Healthy News and …read more Read more here:
By Ariana Source: The Good-Mood Garden: Crops That Fight Depression Part I For more content like this visit by ARIANA MARISOL Fight off depression by growing your very own mood enhancing garden with these crops. The act of gardening itself is extremely therapeutic. Getting your hands dirty while gardening is so effective at combating depression that it is often used in “horticulture therapy” at psychiatric hospitals. Certain vegetables and herbs are very [&hellip Source: The Good-Mood Garden: Crops That Fight Depression Part I Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By none Recipe from Naturally Savvy Eating too much sugary food is unthinkable for people who want to lose weight or wish to improve their health. This is because most conventional sweets nowadays have high amounts of fructose that’s responsible for weight gain and higher risks of chronic disease. This isn’t the case for this Almond Butter Balls recipe by Naturally Savvy. Apart from being great snacks that you and your loved ones can eat at school or at work, they provide health benefits as well. This recipe uses almond butter that has a great ratio of proteins to fats
“If Hillary wins and the Dems take one or both houses of congress you can expect all sorts of laws like this enacted. Your vote is important, make it count.” Admin It’s an election year with a lot at stake, so don’t expect the Do No Harm Act, introduced recently by U.S. Reps. Joe Kennedy III (D-Mass.) and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) to gain much traction. But it should serve as a reminder of what is at stake in the November general election. If Democrats are able to regain control of Congress, you can expect it to move up to the
Earlier this year, St. John’s Lutheran School in Baraboo, Wisconsin, sent home a letter to parents telling parents and students that they expect students to live within Christian values while at school. The letter required parents to sign a handbook pledge and provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate to prove gender. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, based in Madison, Wisconsin, learned of the letter earlier this month and lodged a formal complaint with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, which forwarded the complain to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The atheistic “freethinker” organization says the school is discriminating
“I’ve never seen Europe in such a state of chaos and it looks like it’s only going to get worse.” Admin Italy rescued more than 2,600 migrants from the sea in just 24 hours yesterday, raising fears of another large influx this coming summer. Two weeks ago, the European Union (EU) claimed its £4.7 billion deal with Turkey had cut the number of migrants crossing the Aegean Sea by 90 per cent. However, the number of migrants crossing to Italy from North Africa is now starting to rise sharply. The Italian coastguard said had helped save 2,000 people floating in