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By Michael By Karen Foster Scientists at the Institute of Cancer Research in London say the risks of taking the pills have been underestimated for years – and are actually 60 percent higher than thought…. …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
It appears that acupuncture may be a viable option for pain management when it comes to complex medical conditions, according to new research published by Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul, Minnesota. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) With over 29 million Americans currently suffering from diabetes – and a staggering 86 million with blood sugar high enough to be classed as “pre-diabetes” – this health issue has reached epidemic proportions. Even the slow-to-respond CDC states that 15 to 30 percent… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Anna Scanlon A new study published in Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) suggests that viruses are 10 times more likely to be successful at infecting their hosts in the morning. Research also found that those who had a disrupted circadian rhythm because of the pattern of their jobs, jet-lag, or disrupted sleep patterns in general may be even more susceptible to infection. The study infected mice with a virus at different points during the day and it was found that the virus was 10 times more likely to take when they were injected with the virus [More]
“Excellent commentary by Dr. Roberts on the Wolfowitz doctrine, WWIII, possible stolen election and more.”  Admin   Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held are responsible for a massive number of deaths and massive destruction in seven countries. Wolfowitz has announced his vote for Hillary Clinton. Does this make you feel reassured?   The real surprise would have been Wolfowitz’s announcement in favor of Donald Trump. So why was what was expected news?   Trump has said that he doesn’t see any future in the conflict Washington has initiated with Russia, [More]
For a self-proclaimed atheist, billionaire statist George Soros (shown) sure spends a lot of money on “Christian” causes and groups. But it is not because he is interested in spreading the Gospel, or even in helping the poor. Instead, hacked e-mails from his vast empire of shady tax-exempt foundations show that the radical “philanthropist” wants to change the views of Christians and churches around the world using deceit, manipulation, and money. His goals in showering money on Christian groups and churches include, among other policy agendas, legalizing the slaughter of unborn children in pro-life nations, promoting what he calls “racial [More]
By Anna Scanlon New research suggests that the first human to ever catch a cold may have gotten it from his or her camel. Scientists at the University of Bonn stumbled upon the discovery while investigating Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). A more aggressive and deadly virus than the common cold, MERS first appeared in humans in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Although camels most often carry MERS, it can spread to humans in rare cases. And when studying the virus, researchers found that it was incredibly similar to the cold virus in at least 6% of cases. [1] “In our [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Millions of Americans have long known that though there might be a federal agency that is supposed to oversee and regulate certain activities within the country, such oversight is often done poorly, improperly and inefficiently.Take as an example the Environmental… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Anna Scanlon Noting how much Americans love their sugary drinks, Virginia Tech took to studying the health-compromising beverages. What the researchers found was that cutting out just one sugary drink per day can give you a noticeable overall health boost. The study shows that extra calories coming from these highly sweetened drinks can be a big risk factor for obesity and type 2 diabetes, as many of us probably realize. Cutting out just one per day reduces the amount of calories ingested from added sugars, making more room for more healthful drinks, like water. According to the 2015 Dietary [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Many people feel an intrinsic pull to spend time in nature, and this makes perfect sense. Your brain and body are largely hard-wired to sync with the laws of nature — the rise and fall of the sun and the changing of the seasons, for example — not with the 24/7 work-a-day world. So it’s no wonder that when our senses get to take in nature at its finest — the sounds of a babbling brook, the scent of lush earth in a forest preserve or even the sight of a green oasis, a [More]
By Heidi Kristoffer The digestive disorders can be caused by many reasons, some of the common ones are: Eat too much foods high in sugar Drinking too much alcohol The antibiotic use Unhealthy lifestyle such as eating too quickly or overeating Too spicy foods Heavy smoking When you’re suffering from digestive problems, you may have some bad symptoms: Bloating and gas Acid reflux Constipation Gallstones Upset stomach Heartburn Abdominal pain Bowel issues Vomiting There are many effective and safe remedies for the digestive problems to help treat your unset stomach and improve the digestive functions. The combination of lemon juice [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The right of every patient to make decisions about their own bodies — including what filling material is implanted in their teeth — is enshrined in laws, policies and resolutions throughout the world. In the video below Charlie Brown, executive director of Consumers for Dental Choice and former attorney general for West Virginia, explains the importance of choosing a mercury-free dentist. This right is particularly important when it comes to making decisions about your teeth because amalgam dental fillings are 50 percent …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Amy Goodrich Low fat dairy might seem like the ideal choice to retain in your diet, but it’s far from being the healthy option. A Harvard scientist, David Ludwig, is urging individuals to be aware of the dangers of low fat milk. He claims it is better to go back to the full-bodied variety, and here are the reasons why. Obesity There’s word going around that full-fat milk can make you gain weight – which is why a lot of people are going for ‘skim-slim’ milk. Studies show, however, that this is not true. There’s actually a benefit in [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Monsanto has a long and infamous history of manufacturing and bringing to market such chemicals as DDT, Agent Orange, aspartame, Roundup and dioxin1 — chemical compounds from which society continues to feel the effects. In an effort to distance the current corporation from past deeds, Monsanto refers to the company prior to 2002 as “the former Monsanto” in their news releases.2 However, nothing has really changed aside from their PR machine. While Monsanto has branched into genetic engineering (GE) of plants, the sale of patented GE seeds simply feeds the need …read more Read [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Catherine J Frompovich I’ll bet you dollars-to-donuts that most readers are asking, “What’s a ZigBee radio transmitter?” Every person reading this probably has numerous ZigBees… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Heather Callaghan By Vandita In a country where Monsanto has control over 95% of cotton seed, and where the most hated bio-tech company of the century has caused a massive 291,000 suicides with its poisonous… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) When the criminal, corrupt government isn’t covering up high levels of lead in the public water supply, they’re forcing children to be injected with toxic mercury via flu shots. While the FDA occasionally forces recalls of high lead products such as contaminated turmeric… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Alice Salles The EpiPen is a useful device for individuals who suffer from severe allergies. So when news broke that Mylan, the sole maker of the autoinjector “pens” in America, had hiked the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have become increasingly popular as people are learning more about the health benefits of nutritional ketosis, which is achieved by replacing net carbohydrates (total carbs minus fiber) with high amounts of healthy fats and moderate amounts of high quality protein. Some of the health benefits of coconut oil relate to the MCTs in the oil. But MCT oil is a more concentrated source, so it tends to be more appropriate for clinical uses, which include:1 Appetite reduction and weight loss2,3 Improved cognitive and neurological function with possible implications …read more Read [More]
  The game is rigged. The fix is in. Has been for a while, we’ve just been bandied about and hoodwinked into thinking that we can change the fact that corporations in league with the corporate government really do not care about our health or our very existence other than our worth as worker bees and “consumers” of whatever garbage they want to put on our plates.   The “label it” campaign was a farce, ripe for deception. It did, however, prolong our hopes until a more deceptive form of genetic engineering would take the stage and flood the kitchen [More]
By Julie Fidler The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns in a new report that people who wear contact lenses and don’t care for them properly risk developing serious infections. About 41 million Americans wear contact lenses, and people get so used to having them in their eyes, they either forget about them or don’t believe they’re at risk for injury and infection if they don’t use them as directed. According to the CDC’s report, 1 in 5 lens-related eye infections reported to a federal database involved a patient who experienced eye damage. Michael Beach, Ph.D., director of CDC’s Healthy [More]
By Anna Scanlon A new study shows that mothers who use acetaminophen during pregnancy may increase their child’s risk of developing childhood attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other emotional and behavior issues. This new study was published in JAMA Pediatrics. Also known as paracetamol and Tylenol, acetaminophen is used to reduce fever and stop minor aches and pains like headaches or mild joint pain. The ingredient is also found in many other medications for things like allergies, colds, and insomnia. It’s extremely common, with more than half of pregnant women in the United States and Europe using it [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Christopher David A detailed review of over 1000 scientific studies has found sure evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk for at least 13 types of cancer. The study was conducted by a working group of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization. Prior to the study, strong evidence already […] The post Obesity Likely Cause of at Least 13 Types of Cancer appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Does wearing sunscreen prevent skin cancer? If you listen to public health officials that urge every man, woman and child to slather on sunscreen every day, you would think the answer is an unequivocal yes. Aside from those who use sunscreen for the purpose of preventing wrinkles, it’s a safe assumption that many people use it with the intent of preventing skin cancer. But here’s the rub: wearing sunscreen may not actually protect you from cancer and, in some cases, may actually increase your risk. Daily Sunscreen Use Versus Occasional Use: No Difference in [More]
By By J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Despite the fact that the Obama administration has made a number of pledges to improve the lives of U.S. veterans, far too many have slipped through bureaucratic cracks and remain in dire need of assistance.Even those who are still on active duty do not fare well… …read more Read more here: Natural News