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By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Plant extracts, like quercetin, provide some of our most potent healing properties in the world. Compounds called flavonoids in certain vegetables and fruits can help to protect you against oxidative damage and stresses like environmental radiation and other toxins. Flavonoids can help fight diseases like cancer, diabetes, chemotherapy side effects, and cardiovascular issues. One of the most widely available and powerful flavonoids is quercetin. It is found in dark or brightly colored vegetables and fruits, leafy greens and other healthy foods. …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365     
Exercise benefits have long be known to benefit brawn and brain. Hundreds of studies have shown how almost any kind of exercise improves memory and other mental skills, also known as cognitive function. MRI scans now reveal that endurance runners’ brains have greater functional connectivity than the brains of more sedentary individuals. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Julie Fidler It seems like every time you turn on your TV, there is a vaccine ad promising to protect you from everything from HPV to shingles, to pneumonia to the flu. Vaccine controversy as a whole aside, I’m here to report how some scientists at the University of Aberdeen say they have come up with a mathematical method to prevent epidemics which actually involves vaccinating fewer people. [1] The method is called “explosive immunization” and it’s being hailed as the fastest and most efficient way of preventing the spread of disease. It involves analyzing data on how people [More]
By Admin The shocking story erupting over the last few days has been the DEA trying to classify all components of cannabis plant as a Schedule I substance. Specifically targeting cannabidiol (CBD), a compound that the UK calls a “medicine” and countless patients around the world use regularly to help a variety of symptoms. Schedule I drugs, […] The post DEA Schedules CBD & Other Cannabinoids Unlawfully appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Admin – Orissa Health Impact News The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed a nurse in California who has worked as a NICU nurse for nearly 30 years. She states in the interview that she is retiring early, because she can “no longer do what we were taught to do.” She goes on to state that her philosophy on vaccines has changed, because she does not believe they are safe. She explains how it is routine to vaccinate premature infants, and that even though she brought in documentation, including medical journal studies, explaining that they should not be vaccinating these [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial grade chemical used in epoxy resins, hard clear plastics and the protective lining of some food and beverage cans. The theory is that the BPA makes the products safer and easier to use, while in fact the chemical has demonstrated significant side effects that damage your health. Although it was first discovered in the 1890s, it wasn’t until the 1950s that chemists found it could be added to polycarbonate plastics to make them stronger and more resilient.1 Although exposure to BPA has demonstrable effects on the brain, behavior, [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola If you’re using e-cigarettes, there’s a chance you’re doing so to reduce your risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals, or to experience smoking without the risk of using tobacco. However, in either case, you may be putting yourself at just as much risk of dangerous health conditions. For instance, diacetyl is an artificial flavor used for adding a buttery taste to microwave popcorn. It has been linked to respiratory damage, including inflammation and permanent scarring of the airways, dubbed “popcorn lung,” in workers at a microwave popcorn plant.1 Diacetyl is just one of the [More]
The number of Brits who say they actively do not believe in any god or higher spiritual power has shot up five points, from 33 to 38 per cent in a single year despite the continuing ascendancy of Islam.   The annual poll of 1,595 adults, taken on December 18th and 19th, also found that people who voted against Brexit were much more likely to have no faith, with 45 per cent of not believing in any god or spiritual being, against 35 per cent among those who voted to leave the European Union.   Along with the increasing number of [More]
By Ariana Source: Study Finds Cannabis Can Drastically Help Opioid Addicts and Alcoholics Quit For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Mounting research conclusively demonstrates that cannabis is in fact, the opposite of a gateway drug. Studies have shown that drug users, specifically those addicted to opioids and alcohol, could benefit from using cannabis as a method to abstain from dangerous substances. A new study done at the University of British Columbia (UBC), suggests that addicts […] Source: Study Finds Cannabis Can Drastically Help Opioid Addicts and Alcoholics Quit Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read more [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News You may be familiar with the phrase “as California goes, so goes the nation.” California’s legislative innovations are increasingly becoming harbingers of medical tyranny over children and their families. California Senator Dr. Richard Pan pushed through the mandatory vaccine law SB 277 last year with financial backing from vaccine manufacturers to ban children from public and private schools unless most of the CDC vaccine schedule was completed. Previous allowable vaccination exemptions are no longer allowed, except for medical exemptions. However, one prestigious California pediatrician is being threatened with …read more [More]
The fact that there is a greater incidence today of Alzheimer’s disease than in previous centuries has not gone unnoticed by some observers who seek to account for its increased presence among the aging, one that occurs at great personal cost and with grave consequences for families and loved ones. A spiritual view of the inner world of Alzheimer’s disease casts light on its meaning and purpose, and the inner reorganization taking place as outer functioning diminishes. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Twain Yobra Most people deal with anxiety and depression after they’re diagnosed with cancer. In fact, research shows that 30 percent of cancer patients have mood disorders. The depression and anxiety only make things worse as some patients end up committing suicide, studies show. But all that can change if patients use psilocybin ‘magic’ mushrooms. Studies show that psilocybin mushrooms can reduce stress and anxiety in cancer patients. In fact, using them once can benefit you for months to come. Learn more about psilocybin mushrooms There are over 100 species of mushrooms rich in psilocybin. If you’ve ever hallucinated [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Sunlight is good for you. Seriously good for you. In fact, a new study shows that people, teens in particular, who spend time outside basking in the sun have better vision later in life. Conversely, those who don’t get a lot of sun when they’re in their teens or early 20s can expect the opposite. The types of vision problems the study1 showed improvement on included myopia, a type of nearsightedness. Researchers from King’s College London, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and other universities …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola For the first time in two decades, life expectancy has declined in the U.S.1,2,3Obesity appears to have a major role along with the rising rates of eight leading causes of death, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and dementia, the latter of which rose by 15.7 percent rise between 2014 and 2015. The latest data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) show life expectancy for both men and women in the U.S. dropped between 2014 and 2015, from 76.5 years in …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Heather Callaghan By Brandon Turbeville Researchers at the University of Missouri recently conducted a short-term study regarding bisphenol-A (BPA) in canned dog food. While BPA is known to cause a number of negative… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Ignacio D. Pena People use different kinds of chemicals to kill annoying pests, oftentimes forgetting the possible side effects. Most of the commercial pesticides, insecticides, and other kinds of chemicals can effectively shoo away pests. However, they might also be potentially destroying the environment and your health. Removing pests from your home There is no need for you to sacrifice the clean and healthy atmosphere of your surrounding just to get rid of the banes of your existence. There are many methods of killing pests without having to destroy the environment around you. Hence, this article will teach you [More]
By REALdeal Source: He Unzips His Luggage To Reveal Something Shocking! Everyone Should See This For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A TSA agent convicted of stealing more than $800,000 worth of goods from travelers said this type of theft is “commonplace” among airport security. Almost 400 TSA officers have been fired for stealing from passengers since 2003. Unfortunately most people learn about thieving baggage handlers when it’s too late to do anything about their lost […] Source: He Unzips His Luggage To Reveal Something Shocking! Everyone Should See This Learn more at <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read more Read [More]
By Ariana Source: Save Your Garden: Learn How to Predict Frost For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. If you live with frost, it is important to get your vegetables harvested in time. Here are some tips on how to predict the arrival of frost. Protect your garden from frost by learning how to predict when a frost will come. Be sure to look at frost dates for your area by clicking here for […] Source: Save Your Garden: Learn How to Predict Frost Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By REALdeal Source: Read This Before Ever Grooming Your Pubic Hair Again For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by KALEE BROWN Grooming your pubic hair today seems to be just as popular as cutting the hair on your head. Whether you’ve trimmed it, waxed it, sugared it, or shaved it, numerous people feel the need to remove or decrease the hair in between their legs, particularly women. The media and society encourage women to […] Source: Read This Before Ever Grooming Your Pubic Hair Again Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: [More]
By HealingwithoutHurting Are convenience meals causing ADHD & depression? We have all been there. We are running to a baseball game, and it appears easier to go through a drive-thru when your child is hungry, but have you ever really thought about what’s inside these “fast foods” targeted at kids? Move the free toy inside and take a deeper look. You will notice that the long list of neurotoxic ingredients in these “happy meals” cause everything from ADHD to depression to cancer. It is a long and confusing jumble of neurotoxic chemicals and carcinogens. What effects are these foods are [More]
By earthfoods Could powerful natural medicine already be in your spice rack right now? In Western culture, we typically look at our spice rack only as a means to flavor our meals. Elsewhere around the world, however, other cultures have known about the medicinal properties of these spices and have used them as such for thousands of years. “Let thy food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be thy food.” Those are the famous words from Hippocrates, who figured this out and healed people with these spices thousands of years ago. Let’s take a look at the top 10 [More]
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Polluted drinking water has been making headlines lately. The lead poisoning due to known but ignored faulty filtration from the water works in Flint, Michigan. Even high level state officials had been attempting to cover-up the damage to children for its toxic tap water for years. This was major mainstream news. But it isn’t only Flint’s highly publicized scenario. Several other municipalities have been attempting to cover up similar toxic levels from poor water supply infrastructures. Chlorinating or boiling water doesn’t get rid of chemical or …read more Read more [More]
By Admin – Orissa Health Impact News Dr. Suzanne Humphries joins Polly Tommey with the VAXXED film crew to discuss what vaccine manufacturer Merck reveals about their Gardasil vaccine from their own package inserts. These package inserts are supposed to be read by every physician who administers the Gardasil vaccine, and every patient is required to be informed of the side effects of the vaccine. Sadly, this almost never happens. Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com. Young women whose lives were destroyed by Gardasil. Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By James Torro Talk to any lad or gal in the gym these days, young or not so young, and you will find fitness goals as vast and individual as snowflakes on a snowy winter morning. Many come in with the goal of just wanting to stay fit and slim while others want to pack on as much beef as their genetic potential will allow. Whatever one’s fitness goals, when it comes to diet, there is always one common denominator: protein . Protein consists of those amazing building blocks we need for repair and growth: Amino Acids. THE ESSENTIALSThere are [More]
By Michael By Rosanne Lindsay Sometimes it is necessary to say goodbye to those things that no longer serve you, whether they be partners, friends, or theories. Remember that old adage, “the more things change,… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is among a coalition of environmental, medical and health groups urging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban the addition of fluoride to public drinking water supplies. The EPA has been served with a petition that includes more than 2,500 pages of scientific documentation detailing the risks of water fluoridation to human health. In particular, the petition notes, “the amount of fluoride now regularly consumed by millions of Americans in fluoridated areas exceeds the doses repeatedly linked to IQ loss and other neurotoxic effects.” The EPA is authorized, …read [More]
The evidence against the use of chemotherapy continues to mount, especially if you’re diabetic. Heart damage caused by chemotherapy is worse in cancer patients with metabolic diseases, according to a study presented EuroEcho-Imaging 2016. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease