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By Dr. Serge Gregoire In this high paced world, it seems that for most people, the solution for everything is to just pop some new fad drug; however, there are great, non-addictive, natural alternatives to dealing with stress, anxiety, and insomnia that does not require you to spend even more time at the pharmacy (1). There is a wide range of affordable, easy to use natural products that can help you get the relief that you need. Natural products can come in a variety of methods for helping you to ease tension and get to sleep ranging from Aromatherapy products, [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Scurvy is an illness that is brought on by vitamin C deficiency. This condition is most commonly associated with early sailors who went on long sea voyages and didn’t get sufficient amounts of this important nutrient. Centuries ago, the only option for vitamin C was from fruits and vegetables, and sailors were not able to take enough of these provisions to last on their longer journeys. Many of the sailors affected by scurvy died from the condition. Avoid scurvy: Problems with gum …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Vermont dairy is synonymous with two things: cows grazing on green pastures and Ben & Jerry’s. The iconic ice cream brand was started in Burlington, Vermont, in 1978 and to this day claims to be as devoted to stewardship to the environment as it is to creating new ice cream flavors. Their environmentally friendly image has helped propel the brand into one of Unilever’s, their corporate owner, rising stars. With revenues close to $600 million a year and growing,1 they’re perfectly poised to become a champion to the environment, and easily hold enough weight [More]
By Connie Rogers When we uncover what can be toxic to our immune, respiratory, digestive and endocrine systems, we can remove these from our living environment. My thoughts are, the only way to choose health is with proper information and awareness. Find out if you have cancer causing toxins in your home. 1- Your cloths may be tox-sick. Research states synthetic materials, thermoplastics and wrinkle free cloths can be filled with formaldehydes. Formaldehyde is viewed as a carcinogen for humans and respiratory cancer.(1) Additionally, exposure to paint, lacquer, glue and cleaning products which contain formaldehyde can increase risk for nasal [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola There’s been a lot of discussion about certain essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. But lately, researchers are beginning to recognize that one often-misunderstood vitamin goes unnoticed. In fact, a large percentage of the population is deficient in this essential nutrient. What is it? Vitamin K. Rather than being a single nutrient, vitamin K is a group of vitamins of similar composition; principally vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). One of the world’s leading authorities on vitamin K, Cees Vermeer, Ph.D., a renowned vitamin K2 scientist …read [More]
You’re about to hear first-hand testimony and see video of an unprecedented Christian revival happening in parts of China. What is unique about this story is how God is moving among communist-controlled government churches.   CBN News traveled to southern China and obtained exclusive, never-before-seen images, from inside these churches.   When God Shows Up in a Communist Church   It’s Thursday evening in Fujian Province, southeast China. Scores of men and women are dancing, waving flags, blowing shofars, singing and worshipping God.   You might think these images come from a charismatic service in the United States. But they’re [More]
“Is this what the Russia bashing is really all about, an excuse to take over the election process to insure that the desired outcome the establishment wants always occurs? Whether it is or not nonetheless that’s what has happened. Hopefully Trump will undo this treasonous power grab.”  Admin   This is a coup: the Homeland Security takeover of US elections   On a scale of importance from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most important, this breaking development is a 500.   by Jon Rappoport   January 8, 2017   On Friday, the traditional day of the week for [More]
By Don Wrightman (NaturalNews) It’s no secret that San Francisco …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Heather Callaghan By Makia Freeman The Biotech industry assures the public that GMOs are substantially equivalent to their non-GMO or near-isogenic counterparts. In fact, the whole idea of substantial equivalence has… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Admin Taking saunas may not be a new practice, but the health benefits saunas are creating quite a stir in the world of holistic healing and natural health. If you are looking for a new method for burning calories, try sweating it out at the sauna. Perhaps you would like to improve the overall health and appearance of […] The post The Health Benefits of Taking Saunas appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com     
By Admin Health Impact News Health care entrepreneur and activist Dr. Patrick Gentempo, teamed up with Dr. Beau Pierce, CEO of “Circle of Docs” and award-winning documentary filmmaker Jeff Hays to announce the release of Vaccines Revealed. This compelling, controversial and riveting docu-series hits the internet live on January 10th. Each of the carefully chosen subjects for all 9 episodes will be shown free via the internet. Each episode will be available daily over the 9 day period. Footage and content features conversations with a CDC whistleblower, interviews with research scientists, medical professionals, parents of vaccine injured children and the [More]
“The sad reality is the US has taken in very few Christian refugees, less than 2 percent of the total. It appears our self-proclaimed Christian prez, Mr. O, does not want Christian refugees, strange don’t you think. Let’s hope Trump will change this regrettable policy.”  Admin Muslim “refugees” from the Middle East have become a worldwide issue, with Germany plagued by sexual assaults, Scandinavians and Brits wondering what happened to their cultures and the United States suffering “lone-wolf” terror attacks. Despite the concerns, many Western governments have gone to great lengths to open their doors to the Islamic migrants. But [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Heather Callaghan By Amando Flavio A fake and poisonous rice has been discovered by officials; smuggled into the Nigeria by unscrupulous businessmen. This goes in the record year of seizures of food and drink products… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By GROW test Source: This Little Weed is one of the Most Useful Medicines on the Planet For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by JESS SMITH You’ve stepped on it, ignored it, and tried to eradicate it from your lawn. However, this innocuous little weed is one of the most useful medicines on the planet, just begging to be harvested. There are two major types of plantain in BC, Canada: Lance and Broadleaf. Generally, all 200-plus varieties […] Source: This Little Weed is one of the Most Useful Medicines on the Planet Learn more at <a target=_blank …read more [More]
By JD Heyes (NaturalNews) Bill and Melinda Gates, via their …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By REALdeal Source: Incredible Way to Grow Potatoes For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Do you have limited space to grow so you figure you must limit yourself to herbs and the like? Well wait until you learn the method explained below. You won’t believe how many potatoes you can get out of a tiny area by following these steps: You can see what a harvest looks like growing […] Source: Incredible Way to Grow Potatoes Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Ariana Source: Hassle Free Gardening: 10 Plants to Avoid Growing For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Want carefree summer gardening? Here is a list of decorative plants that are not worth the trouble for those who have limited plot space, time, or both! Having to worry about plant toxicity, garden bullies, or demanding divas is a time-consuming issue many gardeners would rather avoid. Skip the following plants if you want to avoid the […] Source: Hassle Free Gardening: 10 Plants to Avoid Growing Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The toxic chemicals perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) have been found in alarming levels in drinking water around the United States. In fact, they exceed safe levels that have been set by the Environmental Protection Agency, and are threatening the health of over 6 million people around the country. This disturbing news was uncovered by research teams from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and published August 9 in …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Happy New Year! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? About half of Americans make them, but by the time February or March rolls around, many have already abandoned their efforts. Overall, it’s estimated that 92 percent of Americans fail to achieve the goals they commit to on New Year’s Day.1 For this reason, I propose making a commitment to simply make healthier choices and live better this year. Changing your lifestyle is an ongoing process, and not something you can achieve overnight or even in a few weeks. Rather, it’s …read more [More]
By Amy Goodrich (NaturalNews) To have the partner cut the …read more Read more here: Natural News     
“Is all this Russia bashing a prelude to war before Jan. 20 to stop Trump from taking office? I don’t know but it’s for sure the globalists and their government stooges (which would include Obama, McCain, Graham and other uber warhawks) see Trump as a major threat to them. Would they dare to stage a false flag event, blamed on Russia of course, to start a war, one which could easily go nuclear? We really need to pray earnestly over the next 2 weeks that God would prevent any such plans, if they exist, from happening.”  Admin   Paul Craig [More]
By Admin Health Impact News Articles published on our Medical Kidnap website dominated our top most-read stories in 2016. Four of the top ten stories read involved infants taken away from their families at or near the time of their birth. One of them later died while in state custody. In terms of total traffic to our network, the HPV Vaccine and Gardasil continued to dominate the most traffic over any other topic. Two of the top 10 articles from 2016 involved the HPV Vaccine, including the story of a 19 year old girl who died from complications of the [More]
By REALdeal Source: Your Depression is Not Caused by a Chemical Imbalance! It is an Allergic Reaction to Inflammation For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. By ANYA V Did you know that antidepressant drugs represent a $10 billion dollar market in the U.S. alone? These drugs are based on the chemical imbalance theory presuming that low serotonin levels can cause anxiety and depressive disorders. However, the chemical imbalance theory as a cause for anxiety and depressive disorders never was true. […] Source: Your Depression is Not Caused by a Chemical Imbalance! It is an Allergic Reaction to …read more [More]
By The Yardener Source: DIY: A Vegetable Garden That Waters Itself! Build It Easily, for Free For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. Regular watering can become a burden for even the most avid gardener. Automatic sprinkler systems are available, but the cost defeats the purpose for those who are growing their own food to save a buck in the first place. This tutorial is going to save you so much time and money. John and Jonathan will […] Source: DIY: A Vegetable Garden That Waters Itself! Build It Easily, for Free Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Scott C. Tips, NHF President & General Counsel Codex Lazy Monkeys Codex Nutrition Committee Condemns 90% Of World To Poor Health At the beginning of this week December 5-9, 2016, the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Heidi Kristoffer There are many ways to lose weight naturally and safety. Certain foods have power to speed up the fat-burning process and help you get your ideal weight, one of which is parsley. Is Parsley Really Good For Losing Weight? Parsley is not only packed with nutrients, it’s also high in fiber and low in calories, makes it a nutritious addition to your weight-loss diet. Parsley is low in calories A 1 cup serving of parsley contains 22 calories 0.47 gram fat 34 milligrams of sodium This low-calorie, low-fat, low-sodium vegetable can help you lose pounds if you [More]