“Parents, this article shows why it’s imperative that you know what any college your son or daughter is preparing to go to teaches. You want to make sure it’s not a PC indoctrination center. After 4 years of “progressive” education they may be transformed into anti-God little anarchists which is the goal of the leftists in control of our educational system.” Admin Students at hundreds of colleges and universities are being systematically indoctrinated into the “New Civics” of social justice activism, according to a report released this past week by the National Association of Scholars. The report’s findings
By Ariana Source: New Organ Discovered in the Human Body For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. A new organ was discovered hiding in plain sight in the human body. It was described by the Italian polymath Leanardo de Vinci in 1508, but was ignored through the centuries until now! Known as the mesentery, this organ was previously thought to be only a few fragmented structures in the digestive system, but scientists have […] Source: New Organ Discovered in the Human Body Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com
By Admin by Renate LindemanHuffington Post Excerpts: Another big step was taken towards the mass persecution of children with Down syndrome. On November 10th, the French ‘State Counsel’ rejected an appeal made by people with Down syndrome, their families and allies to lift the ban on broadcasting the award winning “Dear Future Mom” video on French television. The ban was previously imposed by the French Broadcasting Counsel. Kids who are unjustly described as a ‘risk’ before they are born, are now wrongfully portrayed as a ‘risk’ after birth too. The video features a number of young people …read more Read
By REALdeal Source: Attorney General Admits Cannabis Isn’t a Gateway Drug, but That Prescription Pills Are For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a U.S. federal research institute focused on “[advancing] science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction … to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health. ” Though it admits “the majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, ‘harder’ substances,” it […] Source: Attorney General Admits Cannabis Isn’t a Gateway Drug, but That Prescription Pills Are Learn more …read more
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola No doubt, you’ve seen them — lists touting the amazing curative power of apple cider vinegar for an amazing number of ills. “ACV” (as it’s sometimes referred to in studies) has been praised for its ability to balance your pH, increase good gut bacteria and help control your weight, as well as many other beneficial things. Here’s the kicker: All those are true, and more besides. One of the most sensational is its ability to balance your blood sugar. A study1 at Arizona State University tested 11 volunteers with type 2 diabetes (diagnosed …read
By Heather Callaghan By Adonia Dennis, Natural Blaze Aging, illness, poor sleep, and mental disorders can all cause problems with your memory. If you’re experiencing memory problems that are severely interfering with… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By REALdeal Source: The Best and Worst Forms of Magnesium To Take As Supplements For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by MICHAEL RAVENSTHORPE According to the American Chiropractic Society, an estimated 68 to 80 percent of the United States population is deficient in the essential mineral magnesium. While our growing dependence on processed food is partly responsible for this alarming statistic, the real reason for it is that ongoing soil erosion has significantly depleted the […] Source: The Best and Worst Forms of Magnesium To Take As Supplements Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News …read more Read more
By Heather Callaghan By Real Farmacy Do you have limited space to grow so you figure you must limit yourself to herbs and the like? Well wait until you learn the method explained below. You won’t believe how many… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) With the advent of flu season, many Americans feel they have no choice but to brace themselves for an inevitable bout of coughing, aching, feverish misery. It turns out that the much-touted flu vaccine that is being pushed unceasingly by federal health authorities may not be so effective after all. (Not to mention its hefty helpings of neurotoxins and contamination with the weed-killer glyphosate) Thankfully, there is a better way: With an assist from a safe, natural plant-based compound, <a target=_blank …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365
By Twain Yobra Heel pain can be disturbing and can stop you from performing some activities. Research shows this pain can be caused by injuries, fractures, pinched nerves, sprains, being overweight, or wearing bad shoes. It can also be caused by plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, bursitis, fibromyalgia, gout, heel spurs, arthritis and heel spurs. Well, unless your heel pain is severe, you can use home remedies to treat it. Here are 10 ways you can naturally treat heel pain. 1. Soak heel in Epsom salt Soaking the heel in Epsom salt will reduce swelling and pain. Add 3 tablespoons of
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In the U.S., working around the clock is still glorified. According to the documentary “Sleepless in America,” 40 percent of Americans are sleep-deprived. Many get less than five hours of sleep per night. The cost is rarely considered, even though it includes reduced productivity and an increased risk of serious accidents. Tired drivers are as dangerous as drunk or drugged ones, and experts believe sleep deprivation may have played a role in the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the Staten Island ferry crash and the Three-Mile Island nuclear meltdown, just to name a few. …read
Reuters reports that 2,700 US troops accompanied by tanks are moving across Poland toward the Russian border. Col. Christopher Norrie, commander of the 3rd Armoured Brigade Combat Team, declared: “The main goal of our mission is deterrence and prevention of threats.” Apparently, the colonel is not sufficiently bright to realize that far from preventing threats, the force he is leading presents as a threat. And to no less a military power than Russia. What is the point of this miniscule force? It woud not constitute a threat to Russia if it were 100 times larger, perhaps even one thousand
By JD Heyes (NaturalNews) As more Americans become health-conscious and …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Heather Callaghan By Organic and Healthy Cracking Innovation from the man who came up with this genius design for a water purifier. The example in the video below just uses approximately 12ft of Copper Tubing and a… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By REALdeal Source: Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots! Simple Recipe To Supercharge Your Immune System For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by Natasha Longo One criticism often received by recipes involving cooked onions, garlic and other alliums is that the heating process destroys much of the allicin that leads to its protective effects. While this is partially true, knowing how to optimize garlic before eating it raw or cooked will maximize garlic enzymes and give them […] Source: Raw Honey Garlic Lemon Shots! Simple Recipe To Supercharge Your Immune System Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read more
“Let medicine be thy food and let food be thy medicine.” – Hippocrates In the fourth century BCE, the most famous Greek physician made the bold claim that disease was caused naturally, not by the gods. Environment, diet and living habits all played a part in the health of a person. The tools and techniques of modern science have allowed us to uncover many secrets of nutrition. But we’re still just scratching the surface of the complex ways in which food compounds interact with the body. As Mat Edelson wrote for Hopkins Medicine, the rise of corporatism
By Admin – Orissa Health Impact News The VAXXED film crew interviewed a family in Michigan where the 15 year old daughter spoke and told about her difficulties after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccines at age 13. She was an avid volley ball athlete before the vaccine, but soon became unable to compete. Her menstrual periods also stopped after taking the vaccine. Watch the full interview: Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com. Young women whose lives were destroyed by Gardasil. Iowa Girl Faces Death: Life Destroyed by Gardasil …read more Read more here: Health Impact News
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org
By Admin Original Article by Dr. Edward Group – Global Healing Center With additives and toxins found in food, pesticides sprayed on crops, and pollution all around us, some might say we live in a toxic age. Sometimes all that toxic buildup can take its toll on the colon, which encumbers digestion and overall health. When your […] The post Colon Cleanse and Colon Detox Health Benefits appeared first on Underground Health. …read more Read more here: undergroundhealth.com
Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a group of medications whose primary action is a to reduce gastric acid production. Prilosec, prevacid, and nexium are popular PPIs which help constitute a large percentage of the most prescribed medications in the world. In a population-based study from Scotland, PPIs were linked with an increased risk of intestinal infections with C. difficile and Campylobacter bacteria, which can cause considerable illness. The study adds to a growing body of evidence that the health consequences of PPI-based drugs are causing far more damage to the human body than previously published in medical literature. …read more Read
By Dr. Mercola Promoting healthy hair and scalp is best done without the use of toxic commercial shampoos and hair treatment products. One way to achieve optimal hair health is to rely on what nature has to offer, which is high-quality burdock oil. Learn about the origins, uses and benefits, composition and proper application of this oil to achieve shiny locks and other therapeutic effects. What Is Burdock Oil? Burdock oil — also known as Bur oil and burdock root oil extract — is extracted from the leaves and roots of the burdock plant (Arctium), a hardy perennial that is
By Heather Callaghan By Sayer Ji, Founder The aviation industry hangs its hat on air travel being “the safest way to travel.” The truth, however, is that it has harbored a dark secret since its inception:… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By JD Heyes (NaturalNews) You may not know this, but …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Every month, 1.65 billion people actively use the social media site Facebook. On average, each user spends 50 minutes using the site daily, which doesn’t sound like that much until you consider it’s more time than is spent on any other leisure activity except for watching TV.1 In the U.S., Americans spend just 19 minutes, on average, reading each day and just 17 minutes on exercise, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.2 So the nearly one hour spent on Facebook is significant; it’s about the same amount …read more Read more here: mercola
By Admin by Paul Fassa Health Impact News There are many chronic debilitating conditions that modern prescribed pharmaceuticals do not handle well, if at all. Most are autoimmune diseases. One of the 90 or so autoimmune diseases is rheumatoid arthritis, which affects at least 2 million Americans, mostly women. Under the pharmaceutical industry’s rule, mainstream medical doctors do not consider dietary solutions useful. Regardless, some have cured themselves of autoimmune diseases using nutritional supplements and dietary changes. Coconut oil should be considered a major part of both approaches. Autoimmune diseases are caused when a misguided immune system attacks healthy cells
By Howard Roark (NaturalNews) Health and nutrition information we receive …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Vaccines and pharmaceuticals are touted as the solution to illness and chronic conditions. However, the truth is that a healthy immune system is foundational to all aspects of health. Of all the vitamins and nutrients for improved immune system health, vitamin D is one of the most crucial. Adequate vitamin D blood levels are key to ongoing immune system health. Vitamin D is essential in preventing cancer, healing from infections, supporting heart and bone health, and fighting against autoimmune disease. …read more Read more here: Natural Health 365