By Heather Callaghan By HTN Lemon balm is also known as Melissa officinalis and by the folk names Bee Balm, Melissa, Heart’s Delight, Dropsy Plant, Balm, and Paracelsus named it “Elixir of Life”. It is used in… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By REALdeal Source: A Shipping Container Costs About $2,000. What These 15 People Did With That Is Beyond Epic For more content like this visit A luxury home doesn’t always necessarily mean thousands of square footage, towering great rooms and gilded toilets. Take these homes for example: to begin building one of these epic houses, all you need is $2,000. That $2,000 will buy you a shipping container. What you do with that shipping container… well, that’s completely up to […] Source: A Shipping Container Costs About $2,000. What These 15 People Did With That Is Beyond …read more
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Recent mumps outbreaks in the U.S. have health officials and regulators considering the addition of a third MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine to the recommended childhood vaccine schedule. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently recommends that children get two doses of MMR vaccine; the first dose is recommended between the ages of 12 and 15 months, and the second dose between 4 and 6 years.1 In the U.S., vaccination rates for MMR are high, with more than 91 percent of 19- to 35-month-olds having received one or more doses.2
By Michele Boyer We all run into situations where we end up using chemical products we don’t want to use. So, it’s nice to know there’s a safer alternative. Trusty old vinegar, especially white vinegar, can solve many of those problems without side effects. Here are nine ways to use it at home. White Vinegar vs Cider (or other) Vinegar vs Cleaning Vinegar Not all vinegars are equal. One reason why I specify white vinegar rather than apple cider or other kinds of vinegar is price. White vinegar only costs about $2.50 a gallon. Another is because other vinegars have
By Tru Foods Nutrition By Karen Brennan, MSW, NC, BCHN, Herbalist You may opt to go gluten free for various health reasons. Avoiding gluten means avoiding gluten containing grains which are wheat, rye, barley, and spelt (and oats if it does not say gluten free). Many people who avoid these grains substitute with gluten free products. While I don’t recommend this substitution due to the still high processed carb and sugar content, there are also other reasons to be concerned. Are you Getting too Much Arsenic in your Diet by going Gluten Free? Many gluten free products contain brown rice
By Paul Fassa Source: If You’re Taking an Oral Vitamin D Supplement Without this Essential Nutrient You’re Seriously Jeopardizing Your Health For more content like this visit by PAUL FASSA Shockingly 80% of Americans are Vitamin K2 Deficient! Anyone with a vitamin K2 deficiency is extremely vulnerable to serious and even life threatening health problems including: brain disease, heart disease, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis, heel spurs, kidney stones and heart attack. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the essential and outstanding, health […] Source: If You’re Taking an Oral Vitamin D Supplement Without this Essential Nutrient You’re …read more
By Admin – Orissa by Paul Fassa Health Impact News Mega-dose vitamin C treatments may someday become the standard of care in hospitals and E.R.s, but don’t expect this to occur without pharmaceutical drugs in the mix. A recent study discovered a combination of vitamin C, thiamine, and hydrocortisone resulted in increased recoveries from sepsis and septic shock under hospital conditions. Sepsis and septic shock represents an outcome of an infectious pathogenic overwhelm or the immune system’s overreaction leading to a cytokine storm. Either way, the blood becomes toxic and organ tissues become damaged. Incidents of sepsis or …read more
Supplements all use some form of filler. However, which fillers are used and the quantity of fillers used can make a huge difference in the final product. You can find a complete list here, but we want to focus on Dimethicone and Magnesium Stearate/Stearic Acid. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Howard Roark (Natural News) We are drowning in a …read more Read more here: Natural News
Not many people are aware, but the human body functions the best at a pH level that is slightly on the alkaline side. The body’s pH levels can range from 0, or completely acidic, to 14, completely alkaline. Ideally, the body’s pH levels should sit around 7.35 to 7.45 in order to function properly. Unfortunately, the majority of people consume a highly processed diet that is high in sugar. This causes the body’s pH to become acidic. Therefore, most of the people walking around today have pH levels that are not stabilized and are acidic. An acidic pH level can
By JD Heyes (Natural News) A state judge in New …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Ariana Source: Three Genetically Modified Potatoes Approved By U.S. For more content like this visit Three types of genetically engineered potatoes have been approved by the U.S. According to federal officials, these three types of genetically engineered potatoes are able to resist the pathogen that caused the Irish potato famine. Officials say that they are safe for the environment and safe to eat, yet there has not been enough […] Source: Three Genetically Modified Potatoes Approved By U.S. Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Heather Callaghan By Sayer Ji H. pylori infection may be treated effectively with two ancient food-based remedies, new research suggests. Natural solutions for H. pylori are gaining increased attention due to the… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Tru Foods Nutrition Ginger (Zingiber officinale) 12 Reasons Why You Should Be Consuming It by Karen Brennan, MSW, NC, BCHN, Herbalist The underground portion of ginger is used. The flesh of ginger may be white, yellow or red depending on the variety. It has a light brownish skin. It has a aromatic, pungent and spicy smell and taste. Ginger has been used for thousands of years as an herbal remedy. Modern medicine and research has proven that ginger possesses several therapeutic properties. Benefits to Using Ginger Antioxidant Rich. And you only need a small amount to reap its benefits.
By Dr. Mercola The idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day has long been the subject of contentious debate. In one camp, there are those that extol the benefits of eating breakfast. Then there are the detractors – these skeptics argue that you are better off skipping breakfast. In my opinion, the salient issue is what you are eating for breakfast. The standard American breakfast choices like cereals, bagels and muffins, are literally the worst foods you can eat. They contain highly processed grains and sugar that can wreak havoc on your health. There is no
By Tru Foods Nutrition Millet: 10 Reasons to Add this “Grain” to your Diet By Karen Brennan, MSW, NC, Herbalist, BCHN ® What is Millet? It is a gluten free grain that is tiny in size and round and may be white, gray, yellow or red. Technically millet is a seed not a grain but it is categorized with grains from a culinary perspective. It is thought to have originated in North Africa and has been consumed since prehistoric times. What are the Benefits to Eating Millet? Heart protective: The magnesium and fiber content is what makes this such as
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The antioxidant benefits of vitamin C for fighting and protecting against infection, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are already well established. Vitamin C can be particularly potent when taken in high doses of 1 gram per day or more. Now another study is showing that vitamin C can help to prevent gout as well. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that is very common in men with the autoimmune disease; however, gout can occur in women as well. Gout involves the formation of tiny uric acid crystals in the joints, …read more Read
By George Zapo Micronutrients and macronutrients help to supply our bodies with a supply of raw materials to maintain our immune system, blood circulation, bones, muscles, nerves, skin, and brain. We need an ample supply of macronutrients, which are made up of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. On the other hand, we only require having a small number of micronutrients — minerals and vitamins. However, not getting even those small quantities of minerals and vitamins can practically guarantee disease. The Value of Micronutrients Our bodies cannot manufacture about 30 vitamins and minerals in sufficient amounts. These vitamins and minerals are called
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here:
By S.D. Wells (Natural News) A sexually transmitted disease called …read more Read more here: Natural News
By Heather Callaghan By Catherine J. Frompovich On March 7, 2017, State Senator Patrick Colbeck (R-Canton), Michigan, testified before the Michigan State House Energy and Technology Committee regarding House Bill 4220… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
By Heather Callaghan By HTN Medjool dates are fruits of the date palm tree. They have deep brown color and a caramel-like flavor and can be consumed fresh or dried. So why are the Medjool dates healthiest natural… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze
The Chinese herb XingPiJieYu has been found to reduce the effects of chronic unpredictable stress, while also improving learning and memory, says a new study. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease
By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) In the 1970’s, comic duo Cheech and Chong had fun with their dead-on impressions of two chronically stoned “potheads.” But, in 2017, it appears that marijuana is beginning to lose its “Cheech and Chong” associations. The use of medical cannabis is currently legal in 28 states, and proponents say the herb is changing lives by granting relief to people suffering from such problems as chronic cancer pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, anxiety and sleep disorders. In fact, according to medical marijuana expert Dr. Rachna Patel, scientific studies have supported the effectiveness of cannabis-derived …read more Read more
By The Yardener Source: 40 Edible Plants That Will Grow in Partial Shade For more content like this visit by ALICIA BAYER We all know that most garden crops want as much sun as possible. Tomatoes, melons and peppers will positively pout if they don’t get oodles of light. What you may not realize is that many other garden crops will do quite well with limited sunlight. Which plants will put up with […] Source: 40 Edible Plants That Will Grow in Partial Shade Learn more at – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here:
By Thomas Dishaw (Natural News) Typically when we order fast …read more Read more here: Natural News