By Dr. Mercola In this interview, Dr. Thomas Levy, a cardiologist widely known for his work with vitamin C, discusses his most recent book, “Magnesium: Reversing Disease.” In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, which was in full swing at the time of this interview, March 24, 2020, our discussion also includes some other strategies you can use to prevent and treat this and other respiratory illnesses. Personally, I believe the fear of the pandemic and collapsed economy leading to depression and increased suicides will be more harmful than the disease itself, …read more Source: mercola
04/14/20 “Read this article and ask yourself if you have ever heard any president say the things President Trump said publicly regarding Easter and Christ, it’s gratifying to know he is in the WH at such a time as this. Let’s join him in asking God to give us victory over this virus and that we may become a more united and Godly nation after this is over.” Admin In an Easter message from the Oval Office on Good Friday, President Donald Trump focused on the resurrection of Christ while expressing gratitude for our front-line workers in the battle
By AdminM By Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Chairman Children’s Health Defense Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy. Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology. Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to …read more Source: Health Impact News
04/14/20 By Thomas Perry Source: The IRS Website Where You Can Track Your Stimulus Payment For more content like this visit The IRS announced Friday that a website will launch on April 17 that will allow people to check the status of their stimulus payment. The information provided will include the date payment is scheduled to arrive and also the bank account or address that the money will be sent to. The IRS is calling it the […] Source: The IRS Website Where You Can Track Your Stimulus Payment Learn more at …read more Source:
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM The big fat “fat gene” accounts for less than 1% of the differences in size between people. …read more Source:
By Sara Tipton Urban and first-time gardeners are gravitating toward easy-to-grow garden staples! If you can, why not start planting these garden favorites that only need 60 days or less to mature? Trust me, you could start this now. It’s important to get creative to save money and make this work especially if you are working with a limited budget. As well, one of the best advantages to planting fast-maturing plants (other than quicker harvests) is that these plants will need less water and fertilizers before they are harvested. These are also vegetables that were recommended for victory gardens during
By Dr. Mercola While a limited number of drugs have been enlisted in the treatment of severe coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection, a number of nutritional supplements have risen to the forefront for their apparent usefulness. In addition to quercetin, zinc and vitamins C and D, vitamin B1 (thiamine) may be vital to protect against infectious respiratory illness. Thiamine is also part of Dr. Paul Marik’s sepsis treatment, which calls for 1,500 milligrams (mg) of intravenous ascorbic acid every six hours, 200 mg of thiamine every 12 hours and 50 mg of hydrocortisone every …read more Source: mercola
The hospitals are eerily quiet, except for Covid-19. I have heard this sentiment from fellow doctors across the United States and in many other countries. We are all asking: Where are all the patients with heart attacks and stroke? They are missing from our hospitals. Yale New Haven Hospital, where I work, has almost 300 people stricken with Covid-19, and the numbers keep rising — and yet we are not yet at capacity because of a marked decline in our usual types of patients. In more normal times, we never have so many empty beds. …read more Source: Sott health
As many as 4,000 seriously ill coronavirus patients in New York are being treated with the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine, state health officials say. President Trump has touted hydroxychloroquine as a potential life-saver, although there is no widespread scientific evidence to date showing it helps battle COVID-19. But Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month said health care providers in the state would be using the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax, or azithromycin, for some last-ditch cases, based on potentially promising research. …read more Source: Sott health news feed
By Dr. Mercola Remember last year when Washington Post reporters were boldly declaring that vitamins C and D could not (and should not) be used against respiratory infections? The information I was sharing about their use was deemed so dangerous to public health that I was branded as a “fake news” site by self-appointed, pharma-owned arbiters of truth like NewsGuard. How times have changed. After having defamatory lies published about me, vitamins C and D are now (finally) being adopted in the conventional treatment of novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. That just goes to show …read more Source: mercola
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Do you suffer with heartburn? It may finally be time to look into natural techniques for relief and skip the medication altogether. This isn’t just because the drug side effects of popular heartburn medications can cause headaches, constipation and insomnia – to name a few unwanted side effects. It’s because a major class of heartburn drugs are about to be pulled off the shelves entirely! In a breaking press release dated April 1, 2020, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is calling for an immediate recall of all ranitidine drugs (best known
04/12/20 “What a statement by the “Hulkster” Hulk Hogan. A lot of truth in what he said.” Admin One of the most popular professional wrestlers of all time is calling for a Christian revival. Terry Gene Bollea, also known as Hulk Hogan, posted a message to Facebook this week commenting on the coronavirus pandemic. Amid all the death and suffering caused by the crisis, Hogan saw one silver lining. “In three short months, just like He did with the plagues of Egypt, God has taken away everything we worship,” Hogan said. Read More: Hulk
By Thomas Perry Source: Delta, United Airlines Sending Planes to Desert For more content like this visit Ninety miles south of Phoenix is an airport located in the middle of the Arizona desert just off of an isolated strip of I-10. With only one runway and no passenger terminal, Pinal Air Park doesn’t see commercial airline service but it is home to some of the most iconic aircraft ever to roam the […] Source: Delta, United Airlines Sending Planes to Desert Learn more at …read more Source:
A well known medical researcher and biophysicist answers questions related to efficiency of Vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of Coronavirus as currently employed by the Chinese to successfully control its spread. This article has been translated from a Romanian site. See the full text below. In the context of increasing preoccupation with Coronavirus, and a lot of confusing rumors, ActiveNews talks to well known medical researcher & biophysicist Virgiliu Gheorghe, on the topic of vitamin C. …read more Source: Sott health news feed
By Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (NaturalHealth365) Are you consuming a “one a day” type supplement? For many people, the taking of a multivitamin/multimineral (MM) supplement is to “cover all the bases,” trying to make sure no significant vitamin or mineral deficiencies occur among the vitamins and minerals commonly considered to be the most important. This is a perfectly reasonable goal, especially for the individual without the money, time, or motivation to take a wide array of more highly-dosed supplements and nutrients throughout the day. By the same token, achieving such a “lack of deficiency” should not lead you to
By Dr. Mercola Drug resistant infections are on the rise, the novel coronavirus COVID-19 is spreading rapidly and research has demonstrated you may be participating in activities that exacerbate the issue. Preventing the spread of contagious disease is the best option as there is no cure for viral infections and COVID-19 isn’t a simple virus. However, the key to prevention is to be smart about it. One of the primary ways is using proper handwashing techniques with safe products. Unfortunately, many still work under the assumption that antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer will get the job done safely and correctly.
As the world continues to freak out about COVID-19, the advice from the authorities about what to do seems disproportionate to the the panic they’re stoking – wash your hands, don’t go out unless you have to, avoid crowds. It seems like a recipe for making people panic. While the MSM have continually poo-pooed any and all alternative therapies in protecting or treating coronavirus infections, they’ve ignored actual evidence from the very people who have experience with what the rest of the world is currently experiencing; namely Wuhan China. Specifically, doctors who were on the front lines in China during
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Magnesium is an essential mineral you need large amounts of in your diet for optimal health. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency isn’t talked about often … even though it is a common problem. And, here’s the “tricky” part: even if you’re eating a healthy diet packed with magnesium-rich foods, soil depletion means that produce today doesn’t contain as much magnesium as it did several decades ago. Bottom line, we need to careful about avoiding a deficiency. Through the years, various symptoms related to multiple psychological disorders have been linked to a magnesium deficiency. In fact, we
By Dr. Mercola As a medical journalist for BBC in the U.K., Dr. Michael Mosley has put a number of different health strategies under the proverbial loupe, including the ketogenic diet, which I interviewed him about in 2014. In this BBC program, “The Truth About Sleep,” which originally aired in 2017, Mosley investigates the health ramifications of insomnia, which is a problem he shares with many others in the world. In it, he reviews the hazards of sleep deprivation, and shares a variety of methods found to improve sleep quality and quantity. About 70% of Britons …read more Source: mercola
04/12/20 Bitter Winter, a magazine focused on human rights in China, reported Chinese authorities have prevented Christians from accessing live-streamed church services. A pastor of an unofficial house church explained, “Our first and only online gathering was blocked by the government soon after it started.” The report said a pastor’s online service in the eastern province of Shandong was stopped less than 20 minutes after it began on Feb. 9. A few days later, he unsuccessfully attempted another online platform. Read More: China ramps up campaign against online church services – WND
By Michael By Elias Marat While the role played by honeybees and wild bees as important pollinators is well known, the bumblebee also plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and viability of crops such… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By S.D. Wells (Natural News) Are you genetically modified for …read more Source: Natural News
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Wild caught salmon is a well-known source of protein, healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and nutrients including selenium, vitamin B12, and potassium. Compared to their farm-raised cousins, salmon caught in the wild are also generally lower in contaminants. But, now, GMO salmon presents a whole new set of concerns for health-conscious consumers. Obviously, wild caught fish tends to be more expensive – which is why restaurant owners (and grocery stores) find ‘farm-raised’ or GMO salmon to be so attractive. But, do most people fully understand the health impact of this change in our food supply?
By Admin Undisclosed Financial Conflicts of Interest: Risk to Pregnant Women & Unborn Fetuses? by Vera SharavAlliance for Human Research Protection The inordinate undisclosed influence brought to bear by drug companies on medical practice is undermining the credibility of recommended medical practice. Case in point: new recommendations for the treatment of pregnant women would increase their ingestion of powerful drugs. Despite lack of adequate evidence of safety from serious risks of harm, the influential National Partnership for Maternal Safety, is promoting expanded indications for initiating treatment for depression and the prevention …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Isabelle Z. (Natural News) When you’re taking a medication, …read more Source: Natural News
By Dr. Mercola Table of Contents What are sesame seeds? Sesame seeds may have health benefits The various culinary uses of sesame seeds How to grow and store sesame seeds in your own home Before using sesame seeds, reduce their lectin content first Cooking with sesame: Easy sesame seed chicken recipe Recommended uses for sesame seed oil Remember to use sesame seeds and oil in moderation Sesame seeds are popular for culinary preparations, but they can have a host of benefits as well. Discover interesting facts about these seeds, as well as their many uses. What are sesame seeds? Sesame
By Guest Contributor By Kara Stiff While the United States has halted much of its usual business due to COVID-19, my day-to-day life is pretty much unchanged. We never did eat out often … Read the rest The post How the Economic Crisis Affects Homestead Decision-Making appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper