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By Dr. Mercola Who wants to talk about poop? Well, unless you’re 5, it’s likely not a daily topic of conversation. But, if you’re constipated, it may be on your mind nearly every minute of the day until you find relief. Your poop can tell you a lot about your health. Its color, consistency, shape and form are important factors that reveal information about your intestinal health. How often you go is also an indicator. Straining can increase your risk of bowel and pelvic problems, while how you clean up afterward may have an impact on your exposure to pathogens. [More]
By Tess Pennington In times such as these, we are all looking for simple, economic and surefire ways to sustain ourselves. Bread is the ultimate comfort food, but given the food shortages, bread and especially yeast have become hard-to-find items at the store. I realize that a lot of people are scared right now with the pandemic crisis, but if you look around your kitchen, chances are you have what you need to sustain yourself – you just have to get creative. Years ago, I wrote an article on 3 ways to make your own yeast and wanted to expand [More]
By Dr. Mercola Many who are working from home or otherwise isolated during the coronavirus pandemic are looking for some positive news. Well, there is some good news when it comes to controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus now termed COVID-19. It may be that UV (ultraviolet) light will help dampen this pandemic. UV light is currently used in medical settings,1 wastewater treatment plants2 and food processing.3 Now, as COVID-19 grows, there is increased demand from hospitals and medical facilities for conventional UV lights and variations on such lamps.4 According to Crunchbase News:5 “[S]tartups that disinfect items …read more [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) With weeks of “social distancing” now behind us, many of us are finding it hard not to feel overwhelmed by daily COVID-19 updates. As we enter April, the total number of worldwide cases is over one million, with nearly 60,000 confirmed deaths. With so much at risk, doctors are increasingly looking to high dose vitamin C as a potential therapy. Of course, the naysayers will claim that “believing” in vitamin C is a reckless pursuit or downplay its significance by saying it’s just a “snake oil” remedy. But, in reality, vitamin C has a [More]
By Dr. Mercola For everything there is a season, and that includes viruses. Whether it’s the common cold or flu viruses, in the U.S. the season begins in fall. By December, the viral spread is in full swing until it peaks in February. However, it’s different in the southern hemisphere where Africa, Australia and Brazil are approaching winter as the U.S. and most of Europe are sliding into spring and summer. For an understanding of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) currently spreading across the world, it helps to have some background on the virus that triggers flu. Interestingly influenza viruses1 and [More]
By Dr. Mercola In this time when many are seeking ways to disinfect their homes to avoid infection with COVID-19 and flu, some may be tempted to mix cleaning chemicals. Stress from the lack of disinfectants on grocery store shelves is compounded by daily headlines referencing the number who are infected or who have died from either of the viruses. It’s important to stay focused on what you can do to reduce your potential risk for infection. Cleaning surfaces at home and frequently washing your hands are two essential strategies, as you work to build your immune system to ward [More]
By Dr. Mercola Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, I’ve covered advice for how to effectively clean your hands and disinfect surfaces around your home, but what about food, like takeout and fresh produce? Could eating contaminated food cause you to contract the illness? According to News Channel 8,1 Virginia police are “warning of a ‘disturbing trend’ after a group of teens were caught on camera coughing on produce at a grocery store, then posting it on social media.” Shenanigans like this appears to be behind some of the fears and warnings about food …read more Source: mercola     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Time for the latest coronavirus update as of April 3, 2020: around the world, there are now over a million cases of COVID-19, the viral infection caused by a new type of pathogen called SARS-CoV-2. In addition, we have seen over 52,000 deaths, with over 6,000 in the U.S. (alone) and growing rapidly. On the brighter side: well over 200,000 confirmed cases have fully recovered. But, ultimately, to win this “viral war” – we much focus on better nutritional strategies such as, consuming enough selenium. No doubt, many healthcare experts are working …read more [More]
By Sharon Falsetto Making herb-infused oils at home is relatively easy – and a fun project to start out with if you are new to making natural care products. Even if you only have a few herb pots on your kitchen window sill, you’ll probably have enough material to get started in making your first herb-infused oil. Here’s a quick look at how to make herb-infused oils – and some suggestions on what you can do with your finished oil! Infusing Herbs Into Oil You need just a few basic materials …read more Source: Natural Living Ideas     
By Dr. Mercola Warts are benign skin growths that occur when a virus infects the top layer of skin. Viruses triggering wart growth are from human papillomavirus (HPV). Although warts are contagious, most come in contact with HPV repeatedly but only some develop warts.1 The common wart appears as a small, grainy skin growth, usually on the fingers or hands.2 It may take as long as six months to develop a wart after you’ve been exposed to the virus. The common wart is usually harmless and eventually disappears without any treatment. It’s more likely the warts will disappear in children [More]
By Sharon Falsetto Herbal salves are great products to have in your home apothecary. And they are easy to make! You will need just a few basic ingredients to make an herbal salve base. Use this base to make some home remedies that you’ll use time and time again. This is a quick guide to herbal salve making, followed by five recipes to try! What Is An Herbal Salve? A basic herbal salve is simply a blend of two ingredients, with the addition of essential oils and/or herbs. A true herbal salve will use an herb-infused oil (see below for [More]
By Robert Kulacz, DDS (NaturalHealth365) Heart disease – including a heart attack – is the number one cause of death in the United States. Although there are many contributing factors to the development of cardiovascular disease – inflammation is the critical factor. Inflammation drives the progression of atherosclerotic plaque within the arteries and is the critical factor in plaque rupture that leads to clot formation and a heart attack. In addition, contrary to popular belief, the root cause of a heart attack is not just cholesterol. What really causes a heart attack? Everybody knows that high cholesterol can cause a [More]
From the emergence of a spiky growth at the back of some people’s skulls to the enigmatic finding that our elbows are getting narrower, our bones are changing in surprising ways It all started with a goat. The unfortunate animal was born in the Netherlands in the spring of 1939 – and his prospects did not look good. On the left side of his body, a bare patch of fur marked the spot where his front leg should have been. On the right, his front leg was so deformed, it was more of a stump with a hoof. Walking on [More]
By Dr Wayne Most every pregnant mom experiences morning sickness and even afternoon sickness, night sickness or any time during the day. You see, nausea can be debilitating. And probably a billion pregnant moms are enduring nausea right now and are unfortunately mostly powerless to stop it or even prevent it, but it’s not because of the reason you think it is – it’s not because well, you’re pregnant, even though pregnancy would seem to be the most obvious reason. There is actually a bigger cause of nausea during pregnancy that is far less obvious, even though it is actually [More]
By AdminM by Vera SharavAlliance for Human Research Protection SWI, the Swiss Information channel, reported that there is scientific evidence that music helps nurture brain development in premature infants. Swiss neuroscientists reported documenting positive effects of specially composed and performed music on developing neural networks of premature babies. The musical selection provided a soothing background of bells, harp, and Indian punji (charming snake flute). Infants in the music exposure group listened to music five times per week. Medical imaging reveals that the neural network of premature babies who have …read more Source: Health Impact News     
An article (jamacardiology_navar_2019_vp_190009) in the June, 2019 edition of JAMA Cardiology was titled, “Fear-Based Medical Misinformation and Disease Prevention: From Vaccines to Statins. In this article,[i] the author states “fake medical news” as the reason that patients are exhibiting hesitancy about utilizing statins and vaccines. The author correctly points out that in 1963, before the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine was licensed, there were 3-4 million people who contracted measles each year. The immunization campaign which utilizes the MMR vaccine has decreased the incidence of measles. The author blames vaccine refusers for fueling outbreaks of measles. Yes, the recent outbreak [More]
‘Radical Postmodernists’ reject the concept of there being facts or truth, they tell us science is about a “power discourse”, each person’s “lived experience” is more relevant than scientific knowledge. writes Dr John J Marshall. Tom, aged 13, has barely made it to the end of the school term. He has been hyperactive all his life, impulsive, poorly organised, forgetful, easily distracted, and struggling to pay attention to his work in school. He fidgets continuously, wanders out of the classroom and teachers have to follow him to make sure he is safe. His problems wear down his teachers and peers [More]
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) New research from NASA has …read more Source: Natural News     
By Admin Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News There has been a debate going on in healthcare for more than 100 years. It started in the 1800s when two competing points of view were put forward to explain disease, and the cause of disease. French medical scientist Louis Pasteur wrote on the “germ theory” of disease, while his French contemporary, Antoine Béchamp promoted a theory of “terrain,” or sometimes referred to as the “cellular theory.” The following chart highlights some of the differences between the two theories: An objective, …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Scientists have found tantalising clues that the devastating condition motor neurone disease may be linked to changes in microbes that live in the gut. Studies in mice revealed that animals bred to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of the disease that affected the cosmologist Stephen Hawking, improved and lived longer when they were given an organism called Akkermansia muciniphila. Among other substances, the microbe secretes a molecule called nicotinamide which may slow the course of motor neurone disease by improving the function of muscle-controlling neurons in the brain. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
By Dr. Mercola Vitamin D plays a significant role in several health conditions. It might be one of the simplest solutions to a wide range of problems. Despite the name, vitamin D belongs to a group of steroid molecules that are metabolized by the body in the liver and kidneys.1 According to the Vitamin D Council, your body undergoes numerous turns this molecule into a hormone that undergoes numerous changes during that process before it’s actually put to work managing calcium in your blood, bones and gut, and in helping your body’s cells communicate with each other.2 Vitamin D is [More]
By Dr. Mercola 1 Which of the following supplements has been shown to improve skin elasticity, hydration and dermal collagen density in older women? Vitamin D2 Calcium Probiotics Collagen Oral collagen supplements have been shown to improve skin elasticity, hydration and collagen density in the dermis of older women. Learn more. 2 In 2011, when the U.S. Supreme Court indemnified vaccine makers against lawsuits for vaccine injuries, the Court also ruled that government licensed vaccines are: “Unavoidably unsafe” Congress officially acknowledged that vaccines can injure and kill in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, and the U.S. Supreme [More]
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther Unless you live in a neighborhood of rainbows and unicorns, it’s a good bet that either your family or someone you know has lost their job due … Read the rest The post What to Do If You’ve Lost Your Job Due to COVID-19 appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Tess Pennington To have a versatile food pantry you want to store foods that are affordable and easy to store so you can make use of every ounce of space in the pantry. In the article, “25 Must-Have Survival Foods: Put Them In Your Pantry Now,” I wrote about the 25 pantry food items I have in my pantry and how I have found multiple uses for them. Oats are on that must-have prepper pantry list and I have found they can be used in cooking, making dessert crusts, and even for bath and body uses. Read about these [More]
Briefly, the literature on Vitamin D’s role in immune health has exploded in the past 10 years, particularly in relation to viral infections and autoimmune disorders. Approximately 80% of the literature is new in the past decade and much of it has been published overseas. There are studies showing that Vitamin D sufficiency is important to reduce mortality in ventilated patients. There is a large and growing literature on Vitamin D’s role in preventing viral infections and reducing their severity. The populations at highest risk of severe cases of COVID-19 (the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) and the [More]
By S.D. Wells (Natural News) It’s hard to tell whether …read more Source: Natural News     
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As the confirmed cases of coronavirus continue to rise around the world – especially within the United States, experts continue to look for effective ways to treat the virus. As you may already know, clinical trials on a variety of potential treatment options – such as azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine – are already in progress, but it’s possible that something as simple as high amounts of vitamin C could be quite effective at avoiding the threat of COVID-19. For example, in some areas of the world, vitamin C is actually being …read more Source: Natural [More]