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By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalHealth365) When it comes to environmental toxins, most people would recognize the dangers associated with pesticides, exhaust fumes, and contaminated water. But, even to this day, the general population is not aware of the toxic metals in our food supply – mainly because there are no labeling requirements. In reality, one of the greatest threats to our health is the overabundance of toxic metals found in our food such as, lead, arsenic and cadmium – which can damage the central nervous system and many organ systems. Although heavy metals seem to be everywhere, there are many things [More]
By Dr. Mercola The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many fragile industries to the breaking point and highlighted systemic problems in others, including the industrialized, centralized food system in the U.S. Major meat processing plants have emerged as hotspots for transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Prior to the Defense Production Act, which compels meat plants to stay open in order to protect the functioning of the U.S. meat and poultry supply chain, being invoked in April 2020, many were forced to shut down. As threats of meat shortages emerged, farmers were faced with the grim prospect of killing [More]
By Rhonda Cowan, staff writer (NaturalHealth365). There are two nutrients that many Americans are not getting nearly enough of that can help you to avoid serious heart health issues and poor overall energy. Can you guess what they are? Vitamin B4 and K2 are vitamins that can help you keep calcium out of the “bad” places in the body, like your arteries, and help to supply the mitochondria, those important batteries that power up every cell in our body for optimal health and vitality. Important heart health news: Where to find vitamin B4 and K2 in nature Vitamin B4, also [More]
By Dr. Mercola May 31, 2020, I posted an interview with three vitamin D experts in which we discuss the importance of vitamin D for preventing COVID-19 infection. A few days earlier, May 27, CNN published a report1 that could have deadly consequences if believed, claiming taking vitamin D supplements “can hurt a lot.” The article was written by Sandee LaMotte — a medical producer and writer for CNN and executive producer of video at pharma-biased WebMD. Three other CNN reporters, Emma Reynolds, Shelby Lin Erdman and Rob Picheta, also contributed to the story. …read more Source: mercola     
By Karen Berrios When I first started my journey I had never even heard of kale, I know it sounds funny but it is true. I always thought my family and I ate pretty healthy but we would just stick to regular lettuce as our greens of choice. I’m honestly a bit embarrassed to tell you the truth but I had not heard of Kale until I started learning about plant-based diets. Kale looked very weird to me and I would always skip it in the produce section of our local market. The taste is way stronger than …read more [More]
By Thomas Perry Source: Woman Arrested For Taking Kids to Playground For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. She said they just wanted to play. The arresting officer refused to provide his name or badge number. Watch what happened… Follow us Share this article Source: Woman Arrested For Taking Kids to Playground Learn more at REALfarmacy.com. …read more Source: realfarmacy.com     
By Selco by Selco Begovic Protests, as I stated more than once, have their own force. It can be a sharp devastating physically destructive force, or it can be a long … Read the rest The post SELCO: What Actually Happens When You Defund the Police? appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
By Dr. Mercola The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the biggest funder of vaccines in the entire world and, according to Gates, its COVID-19 vaccination effort “dwarfs anything we’ve ever worked on before.”1 Indeed, Gates push for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination — and investment in those vaccines — is historically unprecedented. In an April 30, 2020, GatesNotes post,2,3 Gates even states he “suspect[s] the COVID-19 vaccine will become part of the routine newborn immunization schedule.” In other words, a novel vaccine that alters your DNA and RNA — turning your …read more Source: mercola     
By Tess Pennington While many are planning exciting summer outdoor water adventures like kayaking and whitewater rafting it is equally as important to plan for things to not go exactly as planned. Sometimes, even the most experienced rafters, kayakers or even those enjoying a day by the river can fall in and find themselves in a very dangerous situation, and an exciting day filled with adventures on the river can have fatal consequences. Statistics indicate that far more drowning victims are male than female. Perhaps this is so because, worldwide, more men than women participate in water sports or are [More]
By Lori Clarkson, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) Breaking new research, in an extensive report released on behalf of the Society of Toxicology, reveals how toxic elements are affecting our gut microbiome. One of the toxic contaminant findings was particularly disturbing, and it’s in our tap water. Over 286 million Americans access their tap water from a community “health” system and this should be a major public health concern. (as you’ll soon see!) Research in the microbial bacteria field has skyrocketed over the past 10 years. We now understand more about the microorganisms in our body that outnumber our human cells by [More]
Chances are you’re probably thinking about food right now in some capacity. Maybe it’s close to dinner and you’re wondering what you are going to eat. Maybe you had a really good lunch and are fondly reminiscing about your BLT, or whatnot. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re thinking about not eating food for a while. If you’re thinking about the latter, researchers at MIT have discovered that fasting for 24 hours flips a metabolic switch in mice, causing their guts to enhance their intestinal stem cells. Intestinal stem cells are what powers the intestine, and as people age this powerhouse [More]
06/16/20   “If they actually carry through on this major cities could become full fledged war zones. Will 2019 be the last “normal” year in the US, only time will tell.”  Admin   Insurrection is rising in the United States of America. Hawk Newsome, the chairman for black lives matter (BLM) in New York, has declared war on all police officers. In an exclusive interview with DailyMailTV, Newsome warns that the BLM is currently “training our people to defend our communities” and “mobilizing” an army to fight authorities. He said the BLM is developing a highly-trained “military” arm to challenge [More]
06//16/20   Rev. Franklin Graham said Monday in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling that makes sexual orientation and gender identity protected classes, the Court overstepped its authority by “making law.”   “Today the U.S. Supreme Court enacted a new law that adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the 1964 Civil Rights Act as ‘protected classes,’” the Christian leader posted to Facebook with a link to a Rolling Stone column titled, “Supreme Court’s Landmark LGBTQ Employment Decision Is Even Bigger Than Marriage Equality.”   Read More: Graham: SCOTUS Transgender Ruling Erodes Religious Freedoms
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to claim lives, stall the economy and dominate the headlines, another health issue – antibiotic resistance – continues to surface worldwide. The World Health Organization characterizes antibiotic resistance (in which ordinary infections become impervious to certain drugs) as an emerging global public health crisis, with the CDC reporting that “superbugs” claim the lives of 35,000 people every year in the U.S. alone. But, research dating back over a decade shows that black cumin seed oil can strongly inhibit dangerous drug-resistant pathogens, providing a potential weapon against this growing threat. [More]
06/15/20   “When you read the entirety of this short article you’ll see that our future as a free republic is in serious jeopardy.”  Admin   A Gallup poll published Monday found that only 20 percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 29 are “extremely proud to be an American.” This is the lowest percentage of any demographic, falling 23 percent since 2017.   According to the poll, this is the sixth consecutive year of decline in American pride across all demographics, and the first time “extreme pride” among whites fell below 50 percent. American pride among nonwhites [More]
06/15/20   “Read this and you’ll know why Antifa is a terrorist group that we don’t want operating in our country.”  Admin   U.S. Attorney General William Barr has blamed Antifa — a militant “anti-fascist” movement — for the violence that has erupted at George Floyd protests across the United States. “The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly,” he said.   Barr also said that the federal government has evidence that Antifa “hijacked” legitimate protests around the country to “engage in lawlessness, [More]
By Franz Walker (Natural News) Shortly after the Wuhan coronavirus …read more Source: Natural News     
By Sara Tipton Summer is upon us! As I helped to ready the garden this weekend, I actually started to feel warm. When I went inside, I immediately grabbed a glass of ice-cold water. I was craving some herbal tea but didn’t feel like making any because it was so warm. But, as it turns out, hot tea is beneficial even when the weather is warmer! You can also enjoy teas made with some of your favorite summer flowers and fruits like calming chamomile tea, peach-citrus tea, hibiscus tea, or even a berry citrus tea. Hot tea has a natural [More]
By Michael By Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Amazingly, most users of Google still don’t understand the powerful spell that the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) holds over their minds and behavior. When… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond #FluorideTrial: Experts Admit Fluoride is a Pesticide The first week of the historic water fluoridation trial wrapped up on Friday afternoon after four… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola Fear, anxiety, loneliness and financial uncertainty have collided to make the COVID-19 pandemic a stressful time for many. A poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association in March 2020 revealed that 36% of Americans felt coronavirus was having a serious impact on their mental health, while 59% felt it was seriously impacting their day-to-day lives.1 Top concerns included the possibility of the pandemic having a serious negative affect on finances, which was cited by 57% of respondents, along with fears of running out of food, medicine or other supplies. Another 68% feared that coronavirus would lead to [More]
By Lori Clarkson, staff writer (Naturalhealth365) What do brain disorders like autism, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s have in common? New research reveals a shocking link. Caring for a loved one with any of these “incurable” brain abnormalities can be heart-wrenching. Whether it’s a parent who can’t remember their child or a child unable to communicate their emotions with a parent, brain disorders have a considerable effect on families and their communities. Conventionally speaking, the qualities that Alzheimer’s, autism, and Parkinson’s have in common are that they are “incurable,” and little research can prove a direct cause and effect for [More]
By Michael By Samantha Keene I am not a good sleeper. I will never be one of those people who can boast the ability to sleep anywhere, at any time. But unlike many other sufferers of occasional insomnia, I… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote last week about Malibu police’s ticketing Point Dume surfers $1,000 apiece for using the ocean during the… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By AdminM Federal Lawsuit Could Limit Fluoride in Drinking Water by Olga Naidenko Ph.D., VP, Science InvestigationsEnvironmental Working Group A landmark federal lawsuit that went to trial this week in California could change the longstanding practice of adding fluoride to the drinking water supplies for 200 million Americans. The lawsuit, brought against the Environmental Protection Agency by groups including the Fluoride Action Network, Food and Water Watch and Moms Against Fluoridation, would compel the agency to require local water utilities to stop adding fluoride to tap water. The suit claims fluoridated drinking water …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Medicine has changed. We used to be a calling that catered to the public welfare, and our prime consideration was the patient. Now we are a business, and some of us practice as impersonal corporations, with the bottom line the profits, not the well-being of the patient.” — From The Doctor, by Dr. Edward E. Rosenbaum, 1991 The most shocking thing about the neoliberal health care model is not that it bankrupts and murders hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, but that vast numbers of physicians continue to support it. The insatiable depravity of the anti-single-payer virus has metastasized [More]
By Dr. Mercola The so-called “digit ratio” could be a strong indicator of men’s vulnerability to COVID-19, as it serves as an indicator of testosterone exposure in utero. Higher testosterone levels, in turn, are deemed protective due to their effects on the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). The finding comes from researchers at the U.K.’s Swansea University, who delved into why more men than women are dying from COVID-19. It’s been suggested that men may be twice as likely to die from COVID-19 as women,1 and since the length of men’s ring fingers may be related to testosterone levels, the researchers [More]