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“With a slew of new mRNA vaccines in the pipeline old vax fanatic Bill wants to make sure that any opposition to them is silenced.” Admin Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for members of the general public to be censored by artificial intelligence (AI) if they question the official narratives regarding “vaccines.” Gates, the Jeffrey Epstein-linked co-founder of Microsoft, made the call during a recent interview with CNBC. He was discussing the “threat” of “anti-vaxxers” and promoting plans for handling “vaccine hesitancy” using “real-time” censorship imposed by AI. Read More
“I copied this from an email I received from Dr. Sears.” Admin One of my favorite Bible verses this time of year is the story of the three wise men who brought gifts to the baby Jesus. New research reveals a Biblical gift from the three wise men could be a true miracle against cancer. According to legend, the Magi gave Jesus gold to symbolize royalty and myrrh to foretell His death. A third gift was given as a sign of His divinity. But this last present was so much more… Modern science now proves it may also be a [More]
12/23/24 “The mess the left has created in our service academies is just one more thing Mr. Trump has to deal with.” Admin As reported by TheBlaze, it is apparent that those in charge of the U.S. military are on a mission to destroy what is left of a once unmatched war-fighting capability that was earned by blood and sweat. As a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), I may be qualified to analyze recent events that had the commandant of midshipmen publish the “Diversity Education Program” as an USNA standing order on how to “foster a culture of inclusion across [More]
12/21/24 “This article highlights the tremendous problem Mr. Trump will have in rounding up all these illegals let freely in by the treasonous Biden regime. With so many criminals and gang members involved the situation could become explosive and violent to say the least. The year ahead could be a dangerous one for this country so keep praying for Mr. Trump and our country.” Admin “Border Patrol zones across Texas, Arizona and California had no agent presence for weeks and months at a time. Those who did not want to be caught could simply walk in. We have no idea [More]
Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor Story at-a-glance The U.S. Food and Drug Administration was originally created in 1906 to protect public safety, but food industry lobbyists gradually gained influence and forced out its first leader Harvey Wiley, who had fought against harmful food additives Under the FDA’s “Generally Recognized as Safe” (GRAS) designation, many potentially harmful food additives have been allowed into the food supply, with nearly 99% of new food chemicals since 2000 exploiting this loophole The FDA has consistently opposed natural therapies like DMSO (a chemical shown to help with pain, neurological conditions, and injuries), raw milk, and certain [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance When using supplements, choosing the right ones for your need is only a part of the equation — taking them at the right time, with or without food, is also essential to maximize their effectiveness Water-soluble vitamins are best taken with food during daytime, while fat-soluble vitamins need to be taken with meals containing healthy fats, either in the day or evening Minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc also have specific timing requirements — calcium works best in divided doses, magnesium before bed and zinc during daytime with food Fitness supplements, like beta-alanine, beetroot [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Microplastics mimic hormones like estrogen, leading to health issues such as infertility and breast cancer due to their endocrine-disrupting properties These particles are linked to increased risks of heart attack and stroke, highlighting their broader impact on cardiovascular health Plastic production is projected to increase by 70% by 2040, exacerbating pollution and human exposure to microplastics Microplastics accumulate in organs, causing inflammation and immune disruption, which leads to chronic health conditions Strategies to reduce microplastic exposure include using reusable items, avoiding plastic packaging and implementing legislative measures like plastic bag bans Microplastics and nanoplastics [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Recent data shows autism rates increased 26% from 2018 to 2020, with 1 in 30 children ages 3 to 17 diagnosed, and higher prevalence among Black, Hispanic and Asian children The economic burden of autism is staggering, with lifetime social costs per individual at $3.6 million and total U.S. costs projected to reach $5.54 trillion or more by 2060 Research links high levels of linoleic acid metabolites in cord blood to increased autism severity, raising concerns about processed foods and seed oils in modern diets Studies reveal that infant gut microbiome composition, particularly decreased [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Alzheimer’s disease affects over 50 million people worldwide, with poor sleep being a significant risk factor Disrupted circadian rhythms are common in Alzheimer’s patients and exacerbate cognitive decline; when your melatonin levels are balanced, you support the synchronization of your brain’s internal clocks, which enhances overall brain function and resilience Clinical studies show melatonin supplementation improves cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients, with decreased melatonin levels serving as an early indicator of the disease Melatonin functions as a powerful antioxidant, supports immune system health, aids reproductive success, reduces post-operative pain and has anticancer properties; it [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 9.7% of Americans, causing depression during winter months. It’s classified as a major depressive disorder with symptoms like sadness, fatigue and appetite changes Vitamin D from sunlight is crucial for mental health. People living far from the equator are more susceptible to SAD due to limited sun exposure during winter Light therapy (30 minutes of 10,000 lux light exposure each morning) helps treat SAD symptoms and offers fewer side effects than antidepressant medications Exercise, especially outdoor activities, helps combat SAD by releasing endorphins. Studies show walking, jogging, strength training [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Recent studies challenge Prozac’s safety for young people, revealing concerning data about increased suicide risks and questioning the drug’s effectiveness in treating adolescent depression Clinical trials showed only minimal improvement (4%) in depression scores, while participants experienced physical side effects including weight loss and heart rhythm issues Research indicates serious reporting inconsistencies in trials, with suicide attempts and other adverse events being omitted from published studies Nondrug alternatives, including psychotherapy, have emerged as safer and more effective treatments for youth depression Natural approaches including gut health optimization, vitamin D, GABA, magnesium and lifestyle changes [More]
12/12/24 “Mr. Trump will have his work cut out for him to reign in this explosion of debt.” Admin “Interest rates are the most manipulated price in the world—and it’s pushing us toward financial catastrophe,” cautions Dr. Ron Paul in a no-holds-barred interview with Daniela Cambone. Paul dismantles the illusion of control over America’s $36 trillion debt, warning that rising interest payments funded by endless money printing are setting the stage for runaway inflation and economic collapse. “This isn’t sustainable,” he asserts, likening the situation to a “crack-up boom” where currency devaluation accelerates uncontrollably. Paul also takes aim at central [More]
It’s a U.S. Food and Drug Administration rule that most Americans know little about, yet gives corporations the license to add potentially harmful ingredients to foods without regulatory oversight or public notice. For decades, the FDA’s “generally recognized as safe,” or GRAS, designation has allowed food makers to decide for themselves whether certain novel ingredients are safe or not — even without providing evidence to agency scientists. Consumer advocates claim the system has allowed companies to add harmful chemicals, including suspected carcinogens, to such products as cereals, baked goods, ice cream, potato chips and chewing gum. Read More
“I think there is more than enough data already out there to know these shots are extremely dangerous. They should be asking for a BAN not a moratorium on them.” Admin A new peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons has renewed calls for a moratorium on mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the Pfizer-BioNTech shot, citing serious safety concerns, incomplete data and long-term risks. This call aligns with a growing number of scientists and organizations that have criticized and questioned the widespread use of these so-called vaccines, as troubling evidence continues to surface. Read More  
A celebrated Australian medical professor has issued a powerful warning about the devastating surge in “turbo cancers” he’s seeing among the Covid-vaccinated. Professor Ian Brighthope delivered an emotional critique of the global Covid mRNA “vaccine” program. Dr. Brighthope delivered remarks during a debate with government officials about the Covid mRNA injections. Read More
12/10/24 “I’m sure this is occurring in other Dem controlled states as well. Lying, stealing and cheating is just business as usual to them.” Admin While Republicans around the country heaved a sigh of relief that Democrats were unable to cheat and steal the presidency from Donald Trump again, many remain convinced corrupt actors still manipulated the results of four Senate races in battleground states and some other down ballot races. In Arizona, Kari Lake allegedly lost to Rep. Ruben Gallego by about 81,000 votes, even though voters around the state frequently admitted to pollsters they had no idea who he was. He even [More]
12/9/24 The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let stand a ruling that subjugates parental rights to school politics. The ruling that had come out of the 7th U.S. District Court of Appeals in a Wisconsin fight claimed that parental rights were not affected when schools secretly encouraged children to be transgender, so the parents had no standing to bring the case. Justices Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas would have granted the petition, according to the court announcement, as it’s an issue that is coming up more and more. Alito explained, “This case presents a question of great and [More]
Jeff & Erica welcome back nurse Anne to discuss what she is seeing in the hospital she is currently working at and more. Listen Here
12/5/24 Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Dec 4 The citizens of Earth have been lied to by destructive climate activists who are using arguments about climate variability to redirect spending, control the growth of nations, and weaken the free world. The lies have come thick and fast and are used to cripple the traditional energy industries and force populations into rationing food, water, and, eventually, the very air we breathe. The Lies of Climate Change CO2 is bad and must be cut back to “net zero.” “97% of scientists agree Solar and wind energy saves money Polar Bears are dying [More]
With the inauguration less than two months away, many are now asking Robert F. Kennedy Jr. specifically where they can see the evidence to back his claims about the U.S. public health system being corrupt and in need of major reform. Well, the evidence is in, and it comes in the form of a simple infographic. “The Big Logic” (@TheBigLogic) on X / Twitter shared the following infographic showing the corporate capture of public health. It depicts a top-down pyramid of control, aka Babylonian style, that decides everything for the American people whether they like it or not. At the top [More]
12/3/24 A major new study has found that surface temperatures in Greenland have been falling for the past 20 years. The discovery directly conflicts with the “climate emergency” and “global boiling” narratives being promoted by the corporate media and green agenda advocates. Unfortunately, the study has been completely ignored by the legacy media. The study was conducted by a leading group of Thai scientists and mathematicians. Read More
A Pfizer clinical trial on pregnant women has revealed a staggering 420% increase in congenital abnormalities and developmental delays among newborns linked to COVID vaccines, raising serious concerns about their safety during pregnancy. The recently updated Pfizer clinical trial, “To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 Against COVID-19 in Healthy Pregnant Women” (ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT04754594), has sparked renewed scrutiny after revealing a significant increase in congenital abnormalities among newborns of vaccinated participants. The study assessed outcomes in 348 healthy pregnant women randomized to receive either the COVID-19 vaccine or a placebo during their third trimester. Findings indicate that children born to vaccinated mothers experienced a 4.2x higher [More]
11/22/24 “Excellent but tragic reporting from N. Carolina about the ongoing disaster caused by hurricane Helene. Lots of information and videos to watch documenting how useless FEMA has been and ways you can help. The odious Biden/Harris regime has plenty of money to provide for illegals already here with more coming and billions to send to Ukraine but apparently can do little or nothing for these desperate folks in NC.” Admin There are scenarios we all try to prepare for, like long-term power outages, terrible storms, or other disastrous events. But as Western North Carolina demonstrates, there are some things [More]
Experts in the Philippines are sounding the alarm as the nation continues to suffer a surge in excess deaths since the rollout of Covid mRNA “vaccines” while birth rates are falling far below sustainable levels. Official government data shows that the country’s population has plummeted by almost 1.3 million people since the mass vaccination program emerged in early 2021. The alarming figures were revealed in data from the Philippine Statistics Authority. Read More
Analysis by Ashley Armstrong Story at-a-glance Grass fed and grain-fed cattle follow dramatically different paths after their first 7 to 9 months. Grass fed cattle continue grazing naturally until 20 to 28 months, while grain-fed are moved to feedlots and fattened rapidly with corn and soy-based diets until 15 to 18 months Conventional feedlot operations expose cattle to numerous chemicals including antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides in feed, and routine vaccinations — with pesticide residues in animal feed allowed to be up to 100 times higher than what’s permitted in human-consumed grains Grain-fed beef can contain higher levels of phytoestrogens and other [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Most people need about 0.8 grams of protein per pound of ideal body weight daily, with animal-based sources typically providing the best protein quality Protein powders can aid in weight management, muscle growth, and convenient protein intake, but are not necessary for everyone and should supplement, not replace, whole foods About one-third of the body’s protein is collagen, so including collagen sources or supplements in protein intake is beneficial for skin, bone, and joint health While whey protein is popular for muscle building, recent research suggests it may have negative long-term health effects, making [More]
11/12/24 A fight involving a Christian broadcaster based in Medford, Oregon, reaching out via radio and television, holds the potential now for a significant ruling that federal bureaucracies are supposed to do what Congress tells them to do – not more. It is theDove Radio & Television that is contesting demands by the Federal Communications Commission that it start monitoring, recording, reporting and even publicizing the makeup of its employees, their race and sex. It’s a type of fight that has come up before, and will come up again: Bureaucrats decide that Congress has given them an authority so they try to impose requirements [More]