By Toby Cowern by Toby Cowern The Five Strategic Rs comes from the original Urban Preparedness Workshops I used to teach many years ago. The Five Strategic R’s focus is to get people … Read the rest The post The 5 R’s: These Strategies Are Essential for Resilience appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By AdminM Largest US Retailers Reject GMO Salmon as Court Pressure Builds by Sustainable Pulse Walmart, Costco, Albertsons, Kroger, Ahold, Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, H-E-B, Hy-Vee, Sprouts, Giant Eagle, Meijer and Target have affirmed their commitment to not sell genetically engineered AquAdvantage® salmon ahead of AquaBounty Technologies planned first-ever harvest and commercial sales in the U.S., planned for this fall. The news comes following the court hearing last week, in which a federal judge in California looked poised to rule in favor of environmental groups afraid of GMO salmon’s potential to blunt wild salmon populations, thus blocking the FDA’s
The release of previously repressed studies shows that if you substitute saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats, this INCREASES the risk of cardiovascular disease. My fellow doctors need to accept the evidence. Whilst we are in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, it seems that all other diseases have been relegated to a position of complete irrelevance. Should this be happening? According to the British Heart Foundation, cardiovascular disease kills four hundred and sixty people each and every day in the UK. That’s just shy of 170,000 every year. Since the start of 2020, Covid-19 has killed 40,000 in the UK,
Since 1900, there’s been a dramatic 74% decline in mortality rates in developed countries, largely due to a marked decrease in deaths from infectious diseases. How much of this decline was due to vaccines? The history and data provide clear answers that matter greatly in today’s debate about vaccines as the race to find a vaccine for COVID-19 pushes us towards a vaccine that might be mandated for everyone. Since 1900, the mortality rate in America and other first-world countries has declined by roughly 74%, creating a dramatic improvement in quality of life and life expectancy for Americans. The simple
By Jeff Less screen time and more green time are associated with better psychological outcomes among children and adolescents, according to a study published September 4 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
The odds of suffering from infection or illness goes up in a survival scenario such as a long-term grid-down disaster. During that period, getting much-needed medical care will be difficult. Knowledge of natural antibiotics is therefore crucial for ensuring survival. Here are a selection of natural antibiotics you can usually find in the kitchen. Read More: Survival tips and tricks: 5 NATURAL antibiotics in your kitchen
“When you read this article you’ll see just how Orwellian things have become in Victoria.” Admin Yet another shock video out of Australia shows police enforcing coronavirus rules by arresting an elderly woman sitting on a park bench for not wearing a mask. “This is unlawful, on what grounds am I under arrest?” asks the woman. An officer then walks around the back of the bench and snatches her friend’s phone away, preventing her from filming the encounter. The woman is told that she is being arrested for failing to provide her name and address.
By Divina Ramirez (Natural News) For a lot of people, …read more Source: Natural News
By Michael Controlling fresh and waste water is part of Technocracy’s domination over energy and economic activity. Fresh water can be metered and allocated while sewage can be sampled for the presence of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
This really should be one of the biggest scandals in public health, but it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved. The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out. While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor
While the US and UK governments and their mainstream media adjuncts are still pushing the COVID ‘pandemic’ narrative, more public health experts are breaking ranks, and are sharing their factual findings with the public. Despite the UK government’s claim that the coronavirus ‘R’ rate is rising, Professor Carl Heneghan from Oxford’s Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) is taking a more optimistic approach to the COVID crisis, and believes that the ‘pandemic’ is more or less over now and that society should really be trying to get back to normal, and that parents should be sending their kids back to
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) If you struggle with depression, you have plenty of company. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 40 million Americans currently suffer from the condition. In fact, depression is so widespread that experts predict that about half of the population will experience at least one episode of depression in their lives. Clearly, there is a need for effective natural interventions for depression. Fortunately, recent research supports the ability of simple lifestyle changes and natural nutrients and supplements to complement conventional antidepressant therapy. For ten of the most effective natural …read more
Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that “The standard tests are diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus… Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left”. My analogy would be the testing of a Motel 6 room for DNA samples, a month after a crime had been committed in it. Just
“I agree with the conclusion in this article, people should be going to jail for suppressing this safe, cheap remedy thereby causing much unnecessary sickness and death all to protect Big Pharma profits.” Admin A recent letter published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has once again indicated the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the COVID-19 virus. JAMA published a research letter titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Community Health Workers in India Before and After Use of Face Shields,” on Aug. 17. The author, Dr. M. Emmanuel Bhaskar, performed the research about face
By Cassie B. (Natural News) China has been forcibly collecting …read more Source: Natural News
09/08/20 American civil society is facing a serious domestic threat: Marriage is declining and family stability with it. Between 1962 and 2019, the percentage of women ages 15 to 44 who were married fell by nearly 30%, according to a recent report from the Social Capital Project of the congressional Joint Economic Committee Republicans. The number of children born outside of wedlock grew from just 5% in 1960 to 40% in 2019. Read More: Experts lament collapse of marriage in America, warn of deadly consequences | News | LifeSite
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther “I’ll just pull out my Glock/HK/Ruger and deal with those punks. Once they see their buddies drop, they’ll back off soon enough.” “We could end this by … Read the rest The post Escalation of Force: How to Choose the Appropriate Response to Potential Violence appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM What do 56 randomized clinical trials involving nearly 100,000 people between the ages of 18 and 107 show vitamin D can do to our lifespan? And what is the safe dose of vitamin D supplementation to get most of the population to the optimal level is 2,000 IU a day? …read more Source:
EXCLUSIVE LIMITED-RUN 9-PART DOCUSERIES Finally, A series That Uncovers The Real Risks Of Vaccines; The Safety Risks (And Real Health Damage) They’re NOT Telling You About… This exclusive documentary series is about to be unveiled for free. This entire series is available to view for free, you get one new episode every day for the next 9 days with a full 24 hours to see each episode. (You can buy the series later, if you want). For now, join us in sharing this important series worldwide free event! You’ll discover the most cutting edge news and just released evidence —
By Ethan Huff (Natural News) Some interesting news has emerged …read more Source: Natural News
Should you get a PSA test to screen for prostate cancer? What are the advantages and disadvantages of screening? Do the potential benefits outweigh the potential harms? Those are the questions we will seek to answer in this article. Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in men. About one in 41 men die of the disease. This has led to efforts to find a way to screen for prostate cancer and discover it before it has a chance to spread in the body, when there is still a chance to cure. The problem is that
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Pistachios are nutrient-dense nuts that offer plenty of fiber, protein, and antioxidants, and they’re also an excellent source of healthy fats. Adding these tree nuts to your daily diet offers a number of health benefits, and they may even be instrumental in preventing cancer. One study found that eating pistachios daily was linked to a lower risk of lung cancer, and may even help prevent other types of cancer, too. As cancer continues to be a disease we’re working hard to prevent and treat, finding new, natural ways to fight the disease is important.
By Linda Kordich Loveday (NaturalHealth365) The liver is our largest organ in the body, outside of the skin, so that is the first indication that it’s vital to have healthy liver function. If you do have trouble with its function, your skin can be dry, itchy, yellow or riddled with a skin disease. Technically speaking, “liver failure” tends to take years to develop and can be caused by hepatitis B, C, long-term alcohol consumption, cirrhosis and, of course, poor nutrition. A quick guide to healthy liver function Everything we eat and drink has to be broken down into different chemicals
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther Like a lot of frequent travelers, I’d been itching to get back on the road after months of lockdown. A couple of months ago, I drove from … Read the rest The post Sometimes Survival Is Not About WHAT You Know – It’s About WHO You Know appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Michael By Sayer Ji, The fear mongering Covid Cultists are projecting scary new figures and trying to coerce governments to continue draconian mandates to push through their agenda. This… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Franz Walker (Natural News) On Tuesday, Sept. 1, health …read more Source: Natural News
By Franz Walker (Natural News) As government agencies look at …read more Source: Natural News