The Covid lockdown was ostensibly instituted to both “flatten the curve” and save lives, all evidence showing it succeeded in neither. What it has done instead is increase deaths and have a massively devastating effect on multiple levels of society. The economy, public health, education, the very social fabric of communities – all have been negatively impacted by the misguided (or devious) lockdown. On this episode of Objective:Health, we talk about the true cost of the Covid lockdown including suicides, domestic violence, mental health, delayed medical procedures and more. Join us for a scintilating conversation on how the “great reset”
Following a healthy diet keeps your body strong and healthy. But did you know that consuming antioxidant-rich superfoods like green tea can also help relieve anxiety and promote brain health? Antioxidants are compounds that help neutralize free radicals that can damage your cells. Your body naturally produces these compounds, but you can also get them by eating nutritious fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are crucial to your overall health because they boost your immunity, keep your skin looking young and promote cognitive and mental health. In The Anti-Anxiety Cookbook, Ali Miller, a registered dietitian, explained that eating the right kinds of
09/29/20 I’ve added the RSS feeds of articles and blog posts from the American Thinker site to my Alternative News Feeds 2 post. I’m sure you will enjoy their insightful news and commentary on important topics of the day. Check it out here:
“Just one more in a long list of studies to show how important it is to keep your Vit. D levels up.” Admin Hospitalized COVID-19 patients who were vitamin D sufficient, with a blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D of at least 30 ng/mL (a measure of vitamin D status), had a significant decreased risk for adverse clinical outcomes including becoming unconscious, hypoxia (body starved for oxygen) and death. In addition, they had lower blood levels of an inflammatory marker (C-reactive protein) and higher blood levels of lymphocytes (a type of immune cell to help fight infection). “This study provides
09/29/20 “It’s quite clear the only way the Dems can win is by massive cheating which I have already posted on. Pray that God will expose the Dems evil plans and bring them to nothing.” Admin Since Labor Day President Trump has entertained more than 240,000 supporters at his rallies and speeches. During the same period former Obama Vice President Joe Biden has entertained around 84 supporters at his events. Read More: MOMENTUM TRUMP – THIS IS NOT EVEN A RACE – Trump with Over 240,000 Attendees at His Rallies to Biden’s 84(!) Since Labor Day!
09/29/30 “We’ll see how this goes but if proven true it shows what the Dems are most likely doing in many states… cheating since they know that can’t win legitimately. We need to pray that God will bring their evil plans to light for all to see.” Admin The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court. Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they
“Dr. Ron Paul video where he discusses the newly released CDC Covid fatality rate stats and indeed they are a shock … they are ridiculously low and show how absurd these draconian measures being used are.” Admin The Centers for Disease Control have come out with a new estimate of the Covid infection fatality ratio and the numbers will shock you. No wonder the Florida governor has said “enough is enough” and decided to open his state up completely. We are told to trust the CDC, so why is the mainstream media ignoring this very important news? Is this
09/29/20 Environmentalists and wind energy opportunists (entrepreneurs who take advantage of overly generous tax credits and multiple other subsidies) want you to believe wind energy is as pure “green” as newly driven snow is white, and as cheap as Taco Bell. They never tell you about the costs – or the environmental destruction – that they have hidden from you for decades. But neither do most governments, news media or social media. Read More: Wind turbines generate mountains of waste | Watts Up With That?
09/28/20 “Who knows how much of this is going on in other parts of the country. Dems doing what they do best … cheating.” Admin The Minneapolis Police Department has confirmed that it is actively investigating allegations of felony voter fraud and ballot harvesting after a bombshell Project Veritas report revealed that Democrat campaign operatives connected to Ilhan Omar have been carrying out an industrial-scale harvesting operation. Campaign staffer Liban Mohamed can be seen in the sting openly boasting about possessing more than 300 ballots intended to elect Minneapolis councilor Jamal Osman in his car. Minnesota law
09/28/20 “Now outlawing signs critical of the governments Covid19 policies, police at the gates, guards patrolling corridors at student residence halls … all the hallmarks of a growing police state.” Admin Students at Manchester Metropolitan University were threatened with police action if they didn’t remove signs complaining about draconian lockdown restrictions that were placed in windows at their halls of residence. Students across the city have been placed under a new 2 week lockdown, meaning they are under de facto house arrest, cannot leave their homes and are forced to rely on food deliveries. Some reacted
09/28/20 “Something we all need to be doing: Praying for our nation in this most crucial election year.” Admin Tens of thousands of people poured into the nation’s capital from all corners of the country on Saturday to join evangelist Franklin Graham and other Christian leaders to pray and repent on behalf of the nation and ask God to heal divisions and strife. Vice President Mike Pence with his wife, Karen, by his side made a surprise appearance, urging the crowd of 50,000 to pray for those who serve in every branch of the government, especially those
By J.G. Martinez D by J.G. Martinez With the current situation in Venezuela, the people there may have to start looking for ways to get the fuel they need. Maybe it’s time they consider … Read the rest The post Here’s Why Biogas May Be the Best Fuel for Preppers appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Green smoothies are put to the test for the autoimmune disease SLE (lupus). …read more Source:
By Brian-Admin Dr. Ronald B. Brown by John C. A. This month, Dr. Ronald B. Brown had a daring paper published in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, conservatively entitled Public health lessons learned from biases in coronavirus mortality overestimation. “The subject of this article is disruptive, to say the least, although it is not as obvious from the title,” Dr. Brown told me in an email. “The manuscript cites the smoking-gun, documented evidence showing that the public’s overreaction to the coronavirus pandemic was based on the worst …read more Source: Health Impact News
By AdminM by Jon RappoportNoMoreFakeNews Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies. Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization? In no particular order—- ONE: Rework the definition of a “COVID case.” Presently, the CDC absurdly allows doctors to diagnose a person with COVID who has a cough, or chills and fever, and lives in an area where cases are being claimed. No test necessary. So change this practice, …read more Source: Health Impact
09/28/20 “It seems the Covid19 “pandemic” is just a stepping stone to a much larger agenda of complete societal transformation to some Orwellian monstrosity which tells us why the lunatic left wants Mr. Trump out of office so badly. Please pray that God will intervene to stop the Dems evil plans to steal this election.” Admin Liberal billionaire George Soros had said the pandemic was providing a “revolutionary moment.” Now Project Syndicate (PS), a group both Soros and fellow liberal billionaire Bill Gates fund, is peddling a tyrannical proposal. Specifically, the group is pushing an eco-extremist idea
“Must read article again documenting how important it is to have optimal Vit D3 levels and how this is necessary for T-cells to do their jobs. It also mentions that Dr. Fauci takes 6000 IU a day! Have you ever heard him suggest that the American people do that … neither have I. The article is a little bit technical in the beginning but not that bad.” Admin Thank you to Dr. Doshi for raising the profile of T-cells. Incidentally, German researchers found that a staggering 81% of individuals had pre-existing T-cells that cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 epitopes. This fits
Honeybees have long provided humans with vital tools for our survival like the pollination of fruits and vegetables as well as honey which has medicinal and antibiotic properties. A new study published this month in the journal npj Precision Oncology reveals that the role of honeybees in helping humans may have just taken a massive live-saving step forward. The results of the study, titled Honeybee venom and melittin suppress growth factor receptor activation in HER2-enriched and triple-negative breast cancer, showed that honeybee venom rapidly destroyed triple-negative breast cancer and HER2-enriched breast cancer cells. Lead researcher, Dr Ciara Duffy from the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research
By Daisy Luther by Daisy Luther When you live in an urban or suburban location and it looks like all heck is about to break loose, how can you prepare your place fast … Read the rest The post Prep Your Apartment or Suburban Home for Riots and Civil Unrest: How to Get Ready FAST appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
By Ramon Tomey (Natural News) Attorney General William Barr called …read more Source: Natural News
“This is part 3 of a series of articles delving deeply into the vaccines that are being made to combat Covid19. It covers such topics as what is in these vaccines, what they do once inside the body, what the leading candidates are and who’s making them and much more. If you want to know all about these vaccines then this is the series for you.” Admin Around 150 vaccines are being developed for the alleged* rona virus, but the ones that deserve the most attention are the ones winning contracts and/or being trialled already, because their success is almost guaranteed. Some people want them, some never think about it, and
“This is part 2 of a series of articles delving deeply into the vaccines that are being made to combat Covid19. It covers such topics as what is in these vaccines, what they do once inside the body, what the leading candidates are and who’s making them and much more. If you want to know all about these vaccines then this is the series for you.” Admin Many are wondering if the new vaccines will genetically modify the human race, or what else they could do to people. Geneticists themselves admit that permanent changes to the genome could occur,
“This is part 1 of a series of articles delving deeply into the vaccines that are being made to combat Covid19. It covers such topics as what is in these vaccines, what they do once inside the body, what the leading candidates are and who’s making them and much more. If you want to know all about these vaccines then this is the series for you.” Admin There’s a lot more to this ronascam than we first thought – I did a little digging, to understand the new vaccines, and it became clear that part of the ‘reset’ the
09/26/20 “We are plunging now into a deep mini ice age,” says British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, “and there is no way out.” For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder, on average, says Corbyn who holds a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Astrophysics. The jet stream will be wilder: there will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures. “The fact is the sun rules the sea temperature, and the sea
By Guest Contributor by John Woods Are you thinking of adding a new canine member to your family? If what you are really looking for is a survival dog, there are a few … Read the rest The post Not All Dogs Are Suited For Survival: 5 Suggestions to Help You Choose appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper
An investigation by academics, journalists and public interest researchers reveals a web of corporate money and industry-funded science surrounding the nonprofit organization International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). ILSI describes itself as a network of think-tanks, science societies and institutes that promote food safety and nutrition. However, as research group U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) asserts, ILSI is a “food industry lobbying group” that works to benefit its corporate donors despite its proclaimed mission of improving “human health and well-being.” Read More: Science Institute Protects Interests of Big Food, Not Public Health, Researchers Say • Children’s Health Defense
Although 38 Covid-19 vaccines are now undergoing clinical evaluation, a handful of candidates have been at the head of the pack from the beginning, including the vaccine developed by Oxford University in tandem with the British biopharma giant AstraZeneca. Helped along by a whopping $1.2 billion infusion from U.S. taxpayers and $750 million from two Bill-Gates-backed global health organizations, Oxford’s assertive grab for frontrunner status has been reinforced by a friendly media, such as CBS’s recent statement that the Oxford vaccine “is widely perceived to be one of, if not the strongest contender among the dozens of coronavirus vaccines in