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By Brian-Admin The Future of Vaccines by James CorbettThe Corbett Report If the Gateses and the Faucis and the representatives of the international medical establishment get their way, life will not return to normal until the entire planet is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. What many do not yet understand, however, is that the vaccines that are being developed for SARS-Cov-2 are unlike any vaccines that have ever been used on the human population before. And, as radically different as these vaccines appear, they represent only the very beginning of a complete transformation of vaccine technology that is currently taking …read more [More]
By Dr. Mercola Open, scientific discussion is pivotal to progress in the medical field, but it’s something that remains elusive when it comes to vaccinations. Rather than address questions, concerns and inconsistencies head on via public debate and research, vaccine advocates often resort to name-calling, intimidation and threats against those who question the federal once-size-fits-all vaccine policy. Pediatricians may also belittle parents who ask questions about vaccine side effects, with many refusing to see patients who choose not to vaccinate or choose an alternate vaccine schedule. Yet, they manage to educate each other and …read more Source: mercola     
By Edit Lang, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) When the first diet sodas appeared on the U.S. market back in the 1950s, for many people, it was love at first sight. The low-calorie, zero-sugar beverages quickly captured the hearts of millions. Diet sodas offered an escape from their sugar-loaded counterparts. Today, about 20% of the U.S. population consumes diet drinks daily. Yet, sadly, the majority of them never realize that the zero calories come with a high risk to their health. If it was only about calories, it might make sense to enjoy diet drinks once in a while. But the truth [More]
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) One of the popular alternatives to face masks through the COVID-19 pandemic has been plastic face shields. Many people prefer them because they’re less restrictive, and they also allow the mouth to be seen, something that’s useful when speaking to individuals who may have difficulty hearing. But do face shields really keep you safe from the spread of COVID-19? One shocking new video revealed that a face shield doesn’t keep you protected from the coronavirus. In fact, the research behind the video – published in the Physics of Fluids journal, showed …read more Source: [More]
By Dr. Mercola Although they sound the same, and some people use the terms interchangeably, flavonoids and flavanols are different. Flavonoids are a family of plant compounds, of which flavanols are one subclass. You can find flavonoids in fruits, vegetables, tea, chocolate and wine. Evidence shows it’s flavanol-rich dark chocolate that improves cognitive performance and mood. The chemical properties of flavanols impact the bioavailability of the compounds and help determine their biological activity. As a family, flavonoids have antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and neuroprotective properties. Oregon State University reports there is evidence that some flavonoids can improve cognitive function, but it [More]
By Dr. Mercola Thomas Lewis, author of “The End of Alzheimer’s: The Brain and Beyond,” is a microbiologist with a Ph.D. from MIT. He’s done a lot of work on diagnostic testing, and in this interview, we explore how retinal assessment and other laboratory tests can be used to stratify your risk factors for chronic disease and COVID-19. Lewis recently published an excellent paper on this. We first met almost two years ago at the Academy for Comprehensive Integrative Medicine in Orlando, Florida, where he gave a presentation on how assessment of the retina can …read more Source: mercola     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) About 60 percent of you is made of water. Since your body needs water to perform hundreds of basic physiological functions, it’s imperative to continually replenish yourself through adequate fluid intake. Indeed, dehydration is a major health risk – particularly for older adults. Of course, as reasonable as it is to drink more water, many of us struggle to do so – anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of Americans aren’t drinking enough. By becoming more aware of the unexpected signs and consequences of dehydration – ranging from sleep problems to migraines – hopefully [More]
By Michael By Anthony McLennan Italian researchers have made a worrying discovery – the presence of microplastics in the placentas of unborn babies. The tests were carried out on the placentas of four healthy… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests have been used as the justification for keeping large portions of the world locked down for the past nine months. Not reliable hospitalization or death rates; just positive PCR test numbers — a large portion of which are from people who have no symptoms of actual illness — are the triggers behind the shutdowns. Experts are now coming forward in growing numbers denouncing mass PCR testing as foolhardy and nonsensical if not outright criminal. Why? Because we’re now finding that PCR tests rarely tell us anything truly useful, at least not when [More]
By Dr. Mercola With COVID-19 still dominating headlines, influenza (flu) has been conspicuous in its absence, especially during what is typically peak flu season. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks influenza (flu) and pneumonia deaths weekly through the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Reporting System. It also creates a preliminary estimate of the burden of seasonal flu, based on crude rates of lab-confirmed flu hospitalizations. Such estimates are intended to give an idea of how many people have been sick from or died from the flu in any given season — that is, except [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this presentation based on cutting-edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our leading causes of death and disability. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By JD Heyes (Natural News) America’s lead immunologist, Dr. Anthony …read more Source: Natural News     
Our guts operate on a quite separate nervous system. Learning more will help control gastrointestinal diseases Our huge gastrointestinal tracts operate their own nervous system, using neurons that follow different principles from those of brain neurons, according to recent findings: Our approximately seven-meter long gastrointestinal (GI) tract has its own functionally distinct neurons. Since this enteric nervous system (ENS) operates autonomously, it is sometimes referred to as the “second” or “abdominal” brain. While the ENS controls muscle movement (peristalsis) in the gut and its fluid balance and blood flow, it also communicates with the immune system and microbiome. Karolinska Institutet, [More]
Two Minnesota state lawmakers are the latest to call for an audit of death certificates citing coronavirus, saying COVID-19 deaths could have been inflated by as much as 40%.   State Rep. Mary Franson and state Sen. Scott Jensen, a physician, have released a video on their findings: In one case, she added, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system. Franson said at least 800 of the “death certificate data points” inspected by them indicated the virus was not the underlying cause of death.   Read [More]
03/30/19 Christian Concern is a great organization in the UK seeking to see Britain return to the Christian faith. You can visit their website to find out more about them. I urge you to sign up for their email news letter to keep up with the latest news concerning Christians in the UK. I copied the information below from their “about us” page. “We have a passion to see the United Kingdom return to the Christian faith. Our nation has been shaped and defined by this faith for hundreds of years. Yet in the last few decades, the nation has [More]
People everywhere are dropping dead from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), we are told, and the only solution is to get an “Operation Warp Speed” vaccine – except this is not the only solution. A much safer and more effective alternative remedy is to simply take vitamin D.   The latest scientific research shows that nine out of 10 “COVID-19 deaths” could have been prevented if only the victims had supplemented with vitamin D3 or gotten out in the sun more rather than listening to Anthony Fauci and panicking.   Vitamin D deficiency, it turns out, significantly increases a person’s risk [More]
For many months now I have been warning that the design behind the pandemic lockdowns is a perpetual one; meaning, the lockdowns are MEANT to last forever.   We can see this in the very commentary of the establishment elites that are pushing for the mandates; their most frequent argument being that the pandemic restrictions are the “new normal”.   This assertion is outlined by globalists like Gideon Lichfield of MIT in his article ‘We’re Not Going Back To Normal’. In it he states:   “Ultimately, however, I predict that we’ll restore the ability to socialize safely by developing more [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Curious about how to clean your home in the most effective way possible? And, more importantly, why you should do it? Keep reading for perhaps a surprising reason linked to your immune system. While there are more ways than one to get the job done, the important takeaway is to actually do it. It turns out that the cleanliness of your living space could have a much greater effect on your physical and mental health than you may realize. Research, including a 2013 study published in Psychological Science, reveals some incredible insights regarding the [More]
By Michael By Jeffrey A. Tucker Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on? Same. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. Coronavirus lived on surfaces until it didn’t. Masks didn’t work until they… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
“So It seems if this current “pandemic” does not create enough chaos and fear for them to implement their Great Reset i.e. NWO then another even worse “pandemic” will make its appearance to finish the job.” Admin   The World Health Organisation has warned that a worse pandemic than COVID could be around the corner and that what we’ve seen so far in 2020 is “not necessarily the big one”.   With global lockdowns, international stripping of freedoms, and the decimation of small businesses and the economy on the whole, it is difficult to imagine how it could get any worse. [More]
12/29/20   “What she is saying is there is no certain evidence that the vaccine works to prevent infection and transmission but get it anyways plus continue with the mask and social distancing routine. So you can forget about any return to normalcy under this scenario. How absurd can you get.” Admin   Once again, the WHO has stepped in to offer some confusing comments about the coronavirus vaccine, warning that there is “no evidence to be confident shots prevent transmission” and that people who receive the vaccine should continue wearing masks and following all social distancing and travel guidelines. [More]
Politicians and “public health experts” around the world are using faulty models on a new variant of the novel coronavirus in order to cover for their failures in stopping its spread, while simultaneously leveraging the issue to demand renewed lockdowns and other punishing restrictions.   Not much is known about the so-called “new strain” of the virus, but that hasn’t stopped the ruling class from using it to their advantage. The latest narrative, which is being used as a vector for endless amounts of COVID-19 panic and fear mongering, is related to the claim that there is a new mutation [More]
“A better name for this guy is Dr. Fraudci.” Admin   One of the top health advisers who has been setting the agenda for America’s fight against coronavirus has been accused of lying about what is needed.   The reason?   To “trick” Americans into “doing the right thing.”   The accusation comes from Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who said, according to a report from Fox, that Fauci, the top U.S. epidemiologist, “lied about masks in March … has been distorting the level of vaccination need for herd immunity.”   Read More: Fauci ‘lied’: Senator rips doctor for ‘tricking’ Americans [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM Dr. Greger whips up some matcha ice cream inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
12/29/20 Guess who made this astute observation on the decline of W. civilization in the US and Europe. He has a much better grasp of the dangerous path we are headed down than most people and politicians in the West do. “Many Euro-Atlantic states deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization. In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural, and even gender identities are being denied or relativized. There, politics treats a family with many children as juridically equal to a [More]
By Brian-Admin Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, geriatric oncologist at Boston Medical Center. Image source. by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News We are finishing up the second week of the Pfizer mRNA experimental COVID vaccine being injected into healthcare workers in the U.S., and the end of the first week of the Moderna mRNA experimental COVID vaccine also being injected into U.S. healthcare workers. The pharma-funded corporate media is reporting two more injuries due to these experimental vaccines. According to the New York Times, Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a geriatric oncologist at Boston Medical Center, “experienced …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Michael By Tyler Durden All is not going according to plan in the global rollout of what is arguably the most important vaccine in a century; and it is not just growing mistrust in the covid injection effort… …read more Source: Natural Blaze