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By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Perfumer and “fragrance expert” Sue …read more Source: Natural News     
World War Two was a total war, and the Allies had to mobilize their whole economies to produce the weapons and supplies needed to fight it. That restricted what was left for the civilian population, and rationing was introduced to make sure everyone got a fair share of scarce resources.   In the US, rationing was fairly mild; gasoline was rationed, and so were some “luxuries” like coffee and sugar, but most foods were still easily available.   However, in Britain, it was very different. Because the UK imports a lot of its food, and this was a lot more [More]
By Hesh Goldstein Most of the people in the America are doing their best to lose weight. They go on diets, eat low carbs, take diet pills, buy diet books, and join fitness clubs or work out as best as they can. Guess what? They still put on more weight and obesity rules! Years and years ago we were advised to follow the four basic food groups: meat, dairy, grains and fruits and vegetables. Maybe if the first two were eliminated people would lose lots of weight. What’s interesting is that these food groups were sponsored by the American Dairy [More]
05/05/21   A new interpretation of American history is being pushed in schools. A lot of it is based on the 1619 Project, and that interpretation is being used as the framework for a broader restructuring of American society. But much of it is based on false narratives. To learn more about this, we sat down for an interview with Dr. Mary Grabar, author of “Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America.”   Watch: American History Is Being Falsified for Political Narratives—Interview With Dr. Mary Grabar
By everybodysfit Remember when quirky Aunt Sally used to say, “My knees are hurting, must be a storm coming”?? In our adult lives, we now might relate to her wives’ tale. There may actually be truth to her statement. When barometric pressure changes in our body, weather forecasting becomes our new super power. Feeling increased pain before the weather changes is actually quite common in people with arthritis and chronic pain. Knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists are the popular trouble zones. When mother nature cries, so too can our joints. There are a couple theories that might explain this. Barometric [More]
By Arsenio Toledo (Natural News) Maintaining a homestead requires a …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Huw Richards This video is of Tim and Maddy Harland’s beautiful no dig permaculture kitchen garden in Hapmshire UK. Tim and Maddy are the founders of the fantastic @Permaculture Magazine?… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to the latest statistics, just under 30 percent of the United States population (or about 94.8 million people) have now received their full doses of the experimental COVID injections, including the Pfizer COVID shot. Yet as mainstream media, social media influencers, and even private companies continue to try to get people to line up for the jab, concerning reports of post-shot paralysis and other health problems continue to trickle into the headlines. These health problems (those that are being reported, at least) must be thoroughly investigated before we can know for sure …read [More]
Mushrooms have recently gained popularity in culinary circles, but their far-reaching therapeutic properties should get your attention for a longer and healthier life Although mushrooms have been part of the healer’s toolbox since ancient times, the medicinal power of mushrooms is gaining momentum in evidence-based journals. Medicinal mushrooms come in a wide variety and shapes such as white button, reishi, maitake, shiitake, oyster, cordyceps, cauliflower, tiger tail and lion’s mane, and most have health benefits that range from fighting cancer and boosting your immunity and memory to preventing diseases like diabetes and arthritis. …read more Source: Sott health news feed [More]
A Texas nurse says she was harassed and fired for refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine.   Michelle Fuentes told KRIV-TV that she was a nurse at Houston Methodist for 10 years until she was terminated for declining the Covid-19 vaccine. “I knew that the date was looming over my head of me to get the vaccine and we were constantly being pressured and pressured,” Michelle Fuentes said.   Read More: “We Were Constantly Being Pressured” – Texas Nurse Says She Was Harassed and Fired For Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine (VIDEO)
By Michael By Neenah Payne Dr. Zach Bush points out that we are in the Sixth Great Extinction now and human survival depends on the urgent restoration of our soils to provide the nutritious foods we need…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael I normally don’t post stories about surveys because data can be twisted and misrepresented to reinforce certain narratives. However, I do find this study interesting as it’s backed by the Rockefeller… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Julia Conley The environmental law organization Earthjustice celebrated a “huge victory” for farmworkers and children on Thursday after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
A highly-rated nonprofit vaccine safety charity has been censored by Facebook on behalf of pharmaceutical industry interests in a purge of vaccine safety information. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) had maintained a Facebook page since 2008. The organization was started 39-years ago. Co-founder and president is Barbara Loe Fisher. Fisher became a vaccine safety advocate after her two-and-a-half-year-old son suffered a severe neurological reaction to DPT vaccine in 1980. He was left with multiple learning disabilities that required him to remain in a special education classroom throughout his public school education. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
05/03/21   “Another reason not to be a liberal!” Admin   A Pew Research Center study shows that 56.3% of young white liberal women have been diagnosed with a mental illness — about twice the rate of their conservative counterparts.   Watch: HALF-MAD: Pew Study Shows 56.3% of Young White Liberal Women Diagnosed with Mental Illness – Investment Watch
“This is scary folks! The Salk study showed that the Covid spike protein by itself can damage vascular cells. Since the vaccines contain mRNA code which gets inserted into cells in the body causing them to produce these spike proteins will these altered cells also cause damage to the vascular system, this is the big question that needs an answer. You can read the Salk study on their website here.” Admin The Salk Institute came out with a study on April 30th saying the actual spike protein (key part of COVID vaccines) is a driver of disease. Also, COVID is [More]
05/02/21 “Some excellent videos of her talking about the horrible things she witnessed while at this facility.”  Admin   ‘The very first day [at Elmhurst] I was shocked. It was something I’ve never seen before. Patients were alone in the rooms on ventilators [with] no family allowed in [to advocate for them]. People were just dying from gross negligence, medical malpractice, [and] mismanagement.’   Erin Maria Olzewski, the whistleblower nurse who made headlines last year documenting “fraud, negligence, and greed” that “led to unnecessary deaths” during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, sat down with LifeSiteNews during the Health & [More]
By Michael By Elias Marat Over 27,000 barrels of the toxic insecticide DDT have been found so far on the seafloor about 12 miles off the coast of Los Angeles, in what could be one of the greatest examples of… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) From sea to shining sea, America is riddled with industrial wastelands. Manufacturing plants, ship channels, abandoned mines, smelters, landfills, illicit dumps – all of these places fall under an umbrella term: Superfund sites. There are more than 1,300 Superfund sites in the U.S., toxic wastelands so contaminated with hazardous waste and toxic chemicals that the federal government has designated them a national priority to clean up. But what is it like to actually live near one of these contaminated sites? According to a new, first-of-its-kind study published in Nature Communications, living in a …read [More]
By Michael By Daisy Luther I love growing my own vegetable garden. I’ve spent many fulfilling hours outside every summer, tending to my plants, nurturing my soil, and babying things along, with the birds for… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) Banana chips are a sweet …read more Source: Natural News     
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The Clean Water Act passed in 1972, promising access to safe drinking water for all Americans. Today, almost 50 years later, millions of people continue to face serious water quality problems because of contaminants, old and deteriorating infrastructure, and poor treatment at water plants. Can you hear it? That tap, tap, tap isn’t just the sound of a broken water faucet; it’s the sound of America’s broken water system, and like Edgar Allan Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart, a guilty reminder that the government’s Clean Water Act was just that, an act. So, just how bad [More]
‘People are trying to scare us from taking ivermectin,’ Dr. Benigno Agbayani declared. ‘It’s one of the safest drugs in the world.’   A doctor from the Philippines strongly defended the use of ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19, pointing to “80 clinical studies” which support his arguments, and alluding to “bias” and conflicts of interest, which have led medical bodies to be reluctant about promoting the drug.   Read More: Doctor Defends ‘80 Clinical Studies’ Showing Ivermectin Is ‘89% Effective’ At Preventing COVID | SGT Report
By Michael By The Corbett Report Today on #SolutionsWatch James talks to Jack Spirko of The Survival Podcast about how to choose the best chicken breed for your back yard or homestead and what such a seemingly… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Fabian Ommar by Fabian Ommar The developed world, accustomed to safety, convenience, and comfort, is facing a slow-burning SHTF called Thirdworldization by some. Each time humankind faces some tribulation like the one … Read the rest The post Thirdworldization: The Slow Burning SHTF of America appeared first on The Organic Prepper. …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
The diapers most of us are wearing on our face most of the time apparently have no effect at stopping Covid-19. This explains a lot. Did you hear about the peer-reviewed study done by Stanford University that demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that face masks have absolutely zero chance of preventing the spread of Covid-19? No? It was posted on the the National Center for Biological Information government website. The NCBI is a branch of the National Institute for Health, so one would think such a study would be widely reported by mainstream media and embraced by the “science-loving” folks [More]
By Damon Hines, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Bill Gates, the all-powerful sultan of software, has an alter ego: “Farmer Bill.” At age 65, the former co-founder and CEO of Microsoft is swapping ones and zeroes for sod and soil, rebranding himself as a 21st-century gentleman farmer. However, there’s nothing gentlemanly or regenerative about his technocrat’s vision for the future of food in America. The third richest man in the world has finally discovered what the British aristocracy has understood for thousands of years: Land is power. According to the Land Report, Bill Gates is the largest private owner of …read more [More]