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By Michael By Patricia Burke In Part 1 of the conclusion of Memorial Day article series, we questioned why civilian reports of injuries similar to those reported by embassy and diplomatic personnel are not… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Patricia Burke This week, the New Yorker on-line published an article “Are U.S. Officials Under Silent Attack? The Havana Syndrome first affected spies and diplomats in Cuba. Now it has spread to… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Tyler Durden The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has just quietly given American companies the green light to to do whatever it takes to “incentivize” American workers to… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
The first-ever genetically modified salmon will soon appear on dinner plates in the US after it was cleared for consumption, according to the biotech company that developed the product.   The salmon will head to restaurants and take-away dining services in the Midwest and East Coast and will not be labeled as genetically modified, AquaBounty Technologies CEO Sylvia Wulf, the company behind it, said.   So far, the only customer to announce it is selling the salmon is Samuels and Son Seafood, a Philadelphia-based seafood distributor.   Major US retailers such as Costco, Kroger, Walmart and Whole Foods have said [More]
By Joven Gray (Natural News) Researchers from China have found …read more Source: Natural News     
The controversial herbicide glyphosate has been dominating the news cycle lately, but much of the news actually seems to be promising, for a change. Glyphosate is one of the most evil chemicals ever created by mankind, linked to cancers of the bone, colon, kidney, liver, melanoma, pancreas and thyroid, as well as interfering with the gut microbiome, having a detrimental effect on the liver and has even been implicated in autism. The big news is that there have recently been some successful lawsuits against glyphosate’s creators, Monsanto (Bayer) for causing Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer of the lymphatic system. [More]
Many mainstream media outlets have been reporting on the dropping vaccination rates across the US, with unused vaccines piling up across the country. They, of course, blame Republicans, and specifically Trump for this “vaccine hesitancy”, as it does appear that the red states have lower vaccination rates overall. But could it be that once those in care homes and hospitals were vaccinated and the Covid True Believers who were chomping at the bit to get their shots were dealt with, there simply aren’t that many people anxious to get this experimental medical procedure? Could it be that those still able [More]
“As the article notes you only have until June 23rd to opt out.” Admin   NHS patients’ GP records are the most detailed and sensitive medical records that exist, containing the history of events in an individual’s lifetime impacting their physical and mental health.   But, from 1 July, NHS Digital has announced that “data may be shared from the GP medical records about… any living patient registered at a GP practice in England when the collection started”.   NHS Digital – the health and social care system’s information and technology partner – will be able to take the following [More]
“Fascinating article which mainly focuses on the remarkable story of autistic piano prodigy Jacob Velazquez and the dramatic improvement he experienced after using the LDN treatment (Low Dose Naltrexone).” Admin   Underestimated — The Autism Miracle tells the remarkable story of Jamison Handley who, with his father JB, wrote Underestimated: An Autism Miracle. Jamison now wants to make a film documenting the Spelling to Communicate (S2C) program that allowed him at age 17 to “speak” using first a letter board and now a keyboard with voice output.   Jamie began his S2C journey with Elizabeth Vosseller, Director of the Growing [More]
“You can watch all the videos from the conference online for FREE! Details in the article.” Admin   The topic of the National Vaccine Information Center’s (NVIC) Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination was Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century. The initially pay-for-view conference was held online with more than 50 speakers presenting information on vaccine science, policy, law and civil liberties.   “Following the conference, NVIC was targeted by political operatives and global non-governmental organizations and corporations that are working with governments to silence criticism of vaccine safety and one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies and laws,” NVIC said [More]
India has been suffering horrendously from COVID of late, and the complete death toll may never be known. But in the capital city of Delhi, mass distribution of ivermectin began and the results have been stunning.   Stephen McIntyre of Climate Audit posted a Twitter thread that includes this remarkable graph:   Read More: Number of COVID cases in Delhi crashes after mass distribution of ivermectin – American Thinker
05/29/21   “It will be interesting to see what’s in the government report on UFOs that will be released next month. It will also be interesting how all this eventually fits into the timing of the last days.” Admin   The filmmaker who leaked footage of UFOs harassing a warship off the coast of California in 2019 released new radar footage Thursday that purportedly shows the USS Omaha being swarmed by unidentified aerial phenomena. Jeremy Corbell claims the video was filmed in the combat information center of the ship on July 15, 2019. Earlier this month, he introduced footage, taken [More]
“This may be the first attack of its kind but I doubt it’s the last. This probably is just the beginning of a new and more sinister way of killing people.” Admin   A Teminator-style AI drone successfully “hunted down” and liquidated human targets on its own initiative, a UN report reveals. The disturbing revelation has raised concerns about swarms of marauding killer weapons on the loose in war zones, which are no longer under any human control.   A recent investigation by the UN Panel of Experts on Libya found a Turkish-made autonomous weapon — the STM Kargu-2 drone [More]
The popular weed killer Roundup might be linked to liver disease, a new study suggests. A group of patients suffering from liver disease had elevated urine levels of glyphosate, the primary weed-killing ingredient in Roundup, according to researchers at the University of California, San Diego. “We found those patients who had more severe disease had higher levels of [glyphosate] excretion, which means they had higher levels of exposure, presumably through their diet,” said lead researcher Paul Mills. He is director of UCSD’s Center of Excellence for Research and Training in Integrative Health. …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
By Julie Fidler Saturated fat is evil! No, it’s not! It’s good for you! Talk about a mixed bag of science. You probably heard growing up that saturated fat was the conduit to heart attacks and stroke, but in recent years, research has found that saturated fat might not be the heart-destroyer it was once believed to be. You can enjoy dairy products without fear of the saturated fats contained within them. Go ahead and spread some butter on that roll. The study comes from researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. The authors found “no [More]
By REALdeal Source: Study Finds Dandelion Root Extract Kills Leukemia Cells, Prostate Cancer Cells, and Chemo-Resistant Melanoma For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. They might not be welcome in your yard, but it turns out that dandelions have tremendous potential when it comes to helping people who are suffering from cancer. Chemo-resistant melanoma is now the most common type of cancer affecting Americans aged 25 to 29. The only option doctors can presently offer these patients is surgery […] Source: Study Finds Dandelion Root Extract Kills Leukemia Cells, Prostate Cancer Cells, and Chemo-Resistant Melanoma Learn more at …read more [More]
By Mike Barrett People relax on sofas and walk across their kitchen floors without giving it a second thought, but a study shows that toxic chemicals used in furniture and vinyl flooring to make them fire-resistant could be poisoning children. [1] The problem is most prevalent in public housing where scientists say children have toxin levels in their blood and urine up to 15 times higher than those who aren’t exposed. The flame-retardant chemicals, called PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers), are linked to neurodevelopmental delays, obesity, endocrine and thyroid disruption, cancer, and other diseases. Flame Retardants: 5 Dangerous Facts About These [More]
By Julie Fidler E-cigarettes may be an effective way of helping people to quit smoking regular cigarettes, but studies show that vaping is far from safe. According to the research, people who vape are more likely to suffer heart attacks, strokes, and depression. Using the National Health Interview Survey, researchers compared people who reported vaping to with those not reporting any e-cigarette use and found that e-cigarette users had a: 55% greater risk of having a heart attack 44% greater risk of circulatory problems 30% higher risk of having a stroke 10% higher risk of coronary artery disease The risks [More]
By Michael By Ken Roseboro While U.S. agribusiness groups are trying to pressure Mexico into abandoning their announced bans on glyphosate herbicide and imports of genetically modified corn by 2024, U.S…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Organic meat is far less likely to be adulterated with multi-drug resistant bacteria (MDRB) than conventional meat, according to a study published earlier this month in Environmental Health Perspectives. The research by experts at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is the latest news on the health and safety benefits of choosing organic, which prohibits the regular use of risky antibiotics, for one’s food purchases.   Scientists indicate that contaminated foods pose serious dangers for consumers, public health and the economy at large. “The presence of pathogenic bacteria is worrisome in and of itself, considering the possible increased risk [More]
“in the US the exact opposite has occurred, our corrupt government has done nothing but downplay and ignore simple, inexpensive alternative treatments like this. Instead they relentlessly push an experimental shot with unknown long term consequences. Of course Big Pharma loves it since they are making billions of dollars from this.” Admin   A city-wide initiative in Mexico’s bustling capital to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 positive patients has resulted in a 52–76 percent reduction in hospitalizations, according to research by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation (DAPI), Mexico’s Ministry of Health, and the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).   [More]
A Canadian family doctor says he has been punished by his local health authority because he raised concerns about side effects he observed in some of those who had received the Moderna COVID-19 jab within his community.   “I am no longer allowed to work in the ER,” British Columbia Dr. Charles Hoffe said, according to a True North News report.   Hoffe added that his suspension from the ER came at the end of April, after his local health authority “suspended” his clinical privileges “for the crime of causing ‘vaccine hesitancy,’ for speaking out about my vaccine injured patients.” [More]
Summer is just around the corner, and the warm weather means the mosquitoes are about to come out as well. It is difficult to keep these pests away from your home, especially without the use of chemicals.   Fortunately, certain plants have qualities that mosquitoes find very repellant. Here are five of those plants.   Read More: 5 Plants that can keep mosquitoes away from your home
By Michael By Dylan Charles It is very tempting to want to believe that the response to covid is rooted in altruism, logic, cool-headedness and reason. After all, who wants to believe that they are being… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Janine Mendes-Franco On May 20, the world marks the fourth annual World Bee Day via a virtual event hosted by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, guided by the theme “Bee… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Tyler Durden Beekeeping is an ancient cultural practice that dates back 9,000 years and has recently seen a resurgence in popularity over concerns about biodiversity and food security. Taking a… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Among the many health disparities characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic, one that’s received particular attention is the difference in outcomes between men and women. As early as February last year, researchers observed that, although men and women were contracting COVID-19 at similar rates, men seemed far more likely to die from the disease. Evidence of the gap has continued to emerge as COVID-19 datasets have expanded. For instance, data aggregated by The Sex, Gender and COVID-19 Project indicate that, although statistics vary substantially among countries around the world, men with the disease are around 20 percent more likely to be hospitalized [More]