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By Michael By Cap Allon At the risk of writing the most redundant statement on the web: Today’s scientific establishment has been utterly corrupted. Those ‘scientists’ at the higher echelons, the ones… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Andrea Germanos A new congressional report released Wednesday revealing the baby food industry has failed to keep products with heavy metals off the shelves spurred calls for federal authorities… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Patricia Burke “We can’t use technology to clean up the mess technology has created. The solution must come from a deeper source. Years ago Rachel Carson said, ‘We have to love nature before… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE August 25, 2021, Delta Air Lines announced that unvaccinated employees who are on the company health plan will have a $200 monthly surcharge added A number of federal statutes — including the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) — prohibit group health plans and insurers from discriminating against individuals based on health factors However, by making COVID-19 injections a requirement of the company’s wellness program, Delta may be able to skirt legal issues It’s possible that Delta’s decision to penalize people for [More]
Stew Peters sat down with Dr. Zev Zelenko for a candid, extended interview packed with the truth about COVID-19, the spiritual war of good vs evil, the “vaccines” and the lies being fed to global citizens to force an inoculation that will forever change mankind, unless we stop it.
A group of international transport organizations issued a chilling warning of the potential collapse of supply chains in the coming months, and they’re asking world leaders to do something to avert what could be a catastrophe. Global experts in trade logistics, who know more about getting things from point A to point B than President Joe Biden does about ice cream, are asking authorities to simply let them do their jobs unrestrained after almost two years of coronavirus red tape. In an open letter released this week, they spelled out the stakes of continued delays caused by pandemic protocols. They asked the UN, [More]
Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters to reveal what’s REALLY inside the “booster shots” being pushed in the face of every American.
“Watch the interview of nurse O’Malley on Project Veritas site.” Admin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse who works for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Indian Health Services branch in Phoenix, Arizona, is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries A DHHS emergency room physician admits no one is reporting COVID jab injuries, even though it’s required for emergency use medications According to media reports, unvaccinated COVID patients are causing health care systems to be overwhelmed. Health care systems in Idaho, Alaska and Montana have started rationing health care based on probability [More]
By News Editors …read more Source: Natural News     
DeAnna Lorraine tells Stew Peters “smart toilets” will monitor your poop for any “viruses”, and send the results to big tech!
Stew Peters interview: Ali Shultz is an attorney and active patient advocate who was first-hand witness to the tyranny she’s been fighting against regarding her father-in-law. What an AMAZING story!
Dr. Jane Ruby joined Stew Peters for the weekly “Ask Dr. Jane” segment, and answered VERY important questions about the new branding of an Ivermectin-like product by Pfizer, spontaneous abortions, percentages of placebo shots, Flu shots for kids and SHEDDING!
“Scary! The pictures shown of what’s in these vaccines are truly frightening. What these things are doing inside the body is anyone’s guess but it’s certainly not good.” Admin  Dr. Carrie Madej joined Stew Peters today and appeared obviously shook by what she had seen after examining Moderna and J&J “vaccine” vials.
A whistleblower has provided government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, according to medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz.   The announcement Saturday was made by the Ohio-based attorney, who remains involved in several major cases brought against federal agencies relating to fraud and violations of medical freedom rights.   In his presentation, Renz expressed his appreciation for whistleblowers who were coming forward to provide the public with such important information from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS). He described the CMS database as the largest available in the U.S. for the study of [More]
A tenth of prescription medicines doled out by GPs are unnecessary, pushing the NHS drugs bill to more than £9 billion, a landmark review has found. Patients are routinely being harmed by a “culture” of overprescribing, the investigation found, with a fifth of hospital admissions among pensioners caused by adverse effects of medication. The Government-ordered review identifies “very significant” waste across the system, saying that too often patients felt unable to question medics who did not look up from their keyboards. It found that an average of 20 prescriptions are now issued per head of population annually, a doubling in [More]
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM What we eat determines what kind of bacteria we foster the growth of in our gut, which can increase or decrease our risk of some of our leading killer diseases. …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The FDA ignored warnings before the vaccine was distributed that it would likely cause organ damage; data published before and after the program was initiated showed it was the spike protein that damaged the microvasculature An analysis of 789 professional athletes with COVID-19 showed no adverse cardiac events in health individuals; however, the VAERS shows 11,793 people who had a heart attack or diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after the jab Data from a patient group treated by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko showed none of the 3,000 patients he treated within the first five [More]
Now that at least one employer in the health-care field – Michigan’s Spectrum Health – has decided to accept proof of natural immunity from prior infection as reason to waive its vaccination mandate for all employees, legal expert (and the reporters who love to quote them) are wondering: will the legality of proving natural immunity potentially win out in court?   The answer to that question, they say, will depend – as all things COVID-related do – on “the science”, that nebulous and frequently shifting concept of how prior infection impacts immunity to new variants (and whether vaccine’s do as well).   According to [More]
09/30/21   “No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.”—Albert Speer, Nuremberg Trials It’s no longer a question of whether the government will lock up Americans for defying its mandates but when.   This is what we know: the government has the means, the muscle and the motivation to detain individuals who resist its orders and do not comply with its mandates in a vast array of prisons, detention centers, and FEMA concentration camps paid for with taxpayer dollars.   It’s just a matter of time.   It no longer matters what the hot-button issue might be (vaccine mandates, [More]
Dr. Lee Merritt tells Alan Keyes during his program “Let’s Talk America” on Brighteon.TV that the people need to have a situational awareness with what’s happening in the world right now.   “We need to realize the situation. This is a war, it’s not just a virus,” Merritt says. “If you think you’re fighting a virus, then you’re going to be a victim.”   War is brewing a long time ago   Merritt, a renowned surgeon, says their predecessors at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) have seen this coming a long time ago. In 1943, a number of physicians and [More]
09/30/21 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda includes the dictum that you will “own nothing and be happy.” The unstated implication is that the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocratic elite, and you’ll have to pay for the temporary use of everything The WEF’s 2030 agenda is part of what is now advertised as The Great Reset Also part of The Great Reset is the transition from shareholder capitalism to “stakeholder capitalism,” which world leaders claim will provide “equity” for all In reality, stakeholder capitalism destroys freedom and shifts power [More]
“Powerful, very in-depth whistleblower interview lasting over an hour.” Admin   According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), healthcare providers are required to report certain adverse events (AEs) that occur after COVID-19 injections to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  What adverse events, you might ask?  Severe AEs, such as death, inpatient hospitalization, and persistent or significant incapacity, are examples of post-jab injuries that doctors must report.   Apparently, the term “required” has become synonymous with “optional” – at least for COVID injection-related adverse events – as the obligation to report such injuries accurately is [More]
DeAnna Lorraine joined “The Stew Peters Show” to reveal how the tyrannical overtaking of Australia is spreading throughout Western Civilization, and is the prototype for what’s to come to America.
“You notice there is never any mention of the much superior natural immunity which those who have recovered from a Covid infection possess. There is only the incessant push for everyone to get “The Jab” which clearly shows that another agenda is driving all of this that has nothing to do with science.” Admin   Joe Biden said Monday that 97-98% of the population must be vaccinated before we “get back to normal.” “How many need to be vaccinated for us to get back to normal?” a journo asked Biden while he was purportedly receiving a third Pfizer booster shot. [More]
Harvard Business School is moving all all first-year and some second-year MBA students to online classes after learning that breakthrough cases are spiking amongst students and staff, despite stringent mask rules, frequent invasive testing, and one of the highest vaccination rates in the country.   “In recent days, we’ve seen a steady rise in breakthrough infections among our student population, despite high vaccination rates and frequent testing,” HBS spokesperson Mark Cautela told Poets&Quants. “Contact tracers who have worked with positive cases highlight that transmission is not occurring in classrooms or other academic settings on campus   Read More: Harvard Business School Moves [More]
Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show with a FIRST LOOK at what’s really going on in the bodies of “vaccine” recipients! These people are DEAD, and autopsies show what appears to be a war inside their anatomy!
Dr. Wesley Granger has been practicing medicine for more than thirty years, and now he’s become the face of the anti-forced vaccination movement there. Literally: He’s put his face on a billboard there, protesting against vax mandates. In a recent interview with a local news source, Granger said that, quote, “It is a God-given right to control what goes into our bodies and if we can’t, then we are no longer free.” Dr. Granger says that in 32 years of medicine, he’s never seen such a sudden surge of heart attacks, strokes, and neurological issues from patients who never showed [More]