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By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The FDA and CDC have admitted for quite some time now that the COVID-19 vaccines are causing heart disease in young people, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis. And yet they continue recommending injecting children with these deadly shots, stating that these cases are “rare,” and that the risk for these young people dying from COVID-19 is greater. This is their most recent official statement published on the CDC website as of yesterday, February 25th: Myocarditis and pericarditis after …read more Source: Health Impact News     
You can find many testimonials of the vax injured online. Go to GiveSendGo.com or GoFundMe.com and type vaccine injury in the search box. You’ll see a lot of them.” Admin More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Self-Proclaimed Vaccine Advocate Relates His Pfizer Shot Reactions BREAKING — New Information on Jab Injuries Is an ‘Alarming Signal’ Romania’s Football Team Bans VACCINATED Players Two Teenage Boys Die in Their Sleep After COVID Shot Woman’s Post-Moderna Booster Produces Full-Body Rash This Woman Just Wants Her Normal Life Back After COVID Shot 51-Year-old Woman [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Recent data analysis shows the COVID jab is deadlier than COVID-19 itself for anyone under the age of 80. For younger adults and children, there’s no benefit, only risk All age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of dying after receiving a COVID jab than an unvaccinated person is at risk of dying from COVID-19 For those under 18, the COVID jab increases their risk of dying from COVID-19. They’re also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID if not vaccinated Only [More]
By Michael By Amy Allen With the price of food rising and availability dicey, boosting food production in any way possible can only help. There’s nothing cheaper or more available than the food you grow… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The vast majority, 95%, of the melatonin your body produces is made inside your mitochondria in response to near-infrared radiation from the sun. Only 5% of melatonin is produced in your pineal gland at night During the day, near-infrared rays from the sun penetrate deep into your body and activate cytochrome c oxidase, which in turn stimulates the production of melatonin inside your mitochondria Your mitochondria produce ATP, the energy currency of your body. A byproduct of this ATP production is reactive oxidative species (ROS), which are responsible for oxidative stress Excessive amounts of [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers found omega-3 fatty acids derived from krill oil could reduce triglyceride levels and help reduce cardiovascular risk, the No. 1 cause of death in men and women in the U.S. The omega-3 fats in krill oil may be more bioavailable as they are bound in a phospholipid. Omega-3 is naturally found in fatty fish, but steer clear of farmed salmon that has only half the omega-3, more omega-6 and 25% of the vitamin D found in wild salmon Omega-3 fat is also beneficial in the treatment of depression, reducing inflammation, improving metabolic syndrome [More]
How to treat VAIDS   Spike proteins are a pathogen which attacks and penetrates everything in your body it touches. The lethal agent in Covid-19 is not the 88.5% of the virus proteins which cause the flu. It is the 12.5% of the proteins in the spike which facilitates the infection. People do not in general die from the coronavirus flu which the body defeats within 7 days. They die from day 8 onwards at which point the flu has mainly gone and the body is left defending itself against spike protein allergy and spike protein mediated vascular endotheliitis. This begs the question: [More]
The New Zealand Ministry of Health are presenting Covid-19 data in a way that misleadingly suggests the Covid-19 injections are extremely effective, and they are deceivingly doing their upmost to ensure you cannot prove otherwise.   But as is always the case here at The Expose, where there is a will, there is a way, and we have managed to uncover the true nature of the current Covid-19 situation in New Zealand according to the Ministry of Health’s buried statistics, and the data strongly suggests the fully vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).   Read More: Official NZ Ministry [More]
02/28/22   “The lies from government and the fake news media are endless. Look how we’ve been lied to about Covid, the “safe and effective” deadly vaccines, how HCQ and Ivermectin don’t work in treating Covid and more. How anyone can have any trust in what the government says about anything is a mystery to me.” Admin   For the past hundred years, the public has been warned of an existential threat that the Arctic ice would soon be gone and coastal cities would be devastated.   This is from 1922 in the Washington Post by the Associated Press.   The [More]
? 02/28/22 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A key concern that vaccine passports bring to the fore is related to privacy. If implemented, they will strip us of most of the privacy we’re used to, as they are a precursor to digital identity and a far more invasive digital surveillance apparatus Another key concern is that vaccine passports and digital IDs can force compliance in any area of life The vaccine passport is a platform to which they can add a digital ID and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). This would give them near-total control over your life, as [More]
“The people pushing these vaccines are insane! Who wants their cells DNA changed to be a spike protein factory forever. Madness.” Admin   A Swedish study published on Friday demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrate cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA.  The study was conducted in vitro, in other words outside the living body and in an artificial environment.   A previous study published in October 2021 from Sweden found the spike protein enters into our cells’ nuclei and impairs the mechanism our cells have to repair [More]
? 02/28/22 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE February 21, 2022, the Canadian Parliament approved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the peaceful trucker protest against vaccine mandates Under the Act, Canadian banks can seize the personal bank accounts of anyone suspected of participating in or supporting the protest, and these financial surveillance powers are intended to become permanent February 14, 2022, Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland said the government was using the Emergencies Act to broaden Canada’s anti-money-laundering and terrorist financing rules to cover crowdfunding platforms and their payment service providers. The [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended women who experience bleeding early in pregnancy and have had a miscarriage be offered progesterone to reduce the risk of losing another pregnancy The guidance is based on research evidence that shows progesterone may prevent 8,450 miscarriages each year. There are different types of progesterone, including vaginal suppositories, gel, insert, oral capsule or injection Women may experience some side effects, including abnormal vaginal bleeding, chest pain, flu-like symptoms, unusual fatigue, and fluid retention Pregnant women have added challenges during the pandemic including exposure [More]
02/27/22 “I copied this from an email sent by Scott Lively in which he gives a different take on what is going on in Ukraine both from a geo-political and spiritual viewpoint. I’m just putting this out there as food for thought. As the Bible says: “God is not mocked whatever a man sows he also reaps”. This applies to nations as well.” Admin   IS GOD USING RUSSIA TO PUNISH UKRAINE? Before I get to the spiritual, let me recount the political realities. In my last WND article I explained how Biden/Obama and the globalists set up Putin with a reverse [More]
By Michael By Sayer Ji With the public’s growing awareness of the deadly side effects associated with the regular use of synthetic painkillers like ibuprofen, the need for natural, evidence-based… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Stew Peters Show: Canada and Australia have officially adopted what we have all been predicting for the past two years: Communism. And with it, the Stalinist regimes have created their own version of the NKVD secret police. On Friday, former NSA analyst Karen Stewart joined the show to talk about the deadly surveillance matrix that has formed around the two massive protests for medical freedom.
By Wendy Miller, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) For years, many of the most well-known baby food companies, BeechNut and Gerber included, have been selling products known to have higher than normal levels of toxic heavy metals. What makes the situation even worse is that the FDA and other groups have known the entire time and stood idly by while our babies were being systematically poisoned by the same companies we have trusted to produce quality baby food. How many childhood cancers and other devastating illnesses these toxic baby foods may be responsible for? How long have manufacturers been hiding …read more [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Last month, the European Medicines Agency went on record stating that receiving a COVID shot booster repeatedly – third, fourth, perhaps fifth doses of the mRNA jabs as frequently as every four months or so – could weaken jab recipients’ immune responses. According to EMA’s head of biological threats vaccine strategy, repeated boosters are “not something that we can think should be repeated constantly.” But let’s even set aside the third, fourth, or fifth dose for a moment and look at other world data. Is there evidence suggesting that even just one or two [More]
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, a big segment with Dr. Zandre Botha, the South African medical provider who first brought forth the discovery of the graphene black discs in the Pfizer vials, now here to share with Dr. Jane’s audience Natural and Innovative options for people who took the mRNA injections and are now suffering, and how she has been able to treat and support them, and in the last segment, Dr Jane goes into an exploration of Natural Medicine, Naturopathy….Let’s get back to our roots, literally!
By Brian-Admin By Katy Grimes California Globe “Dr. Richard Pan Introduces Measure to Keep Schools Open and Safe,” reads the headline on Sen. Richard Pan’s official Senate website. And then the truth comes next: “Bill Would Close Personal Exemption Loophole for COVID-19 School Vaccinations, Builds on Success of SB 277 Law.” California lawmakers also are mandating all businesses to require their employees and independent contractors receive the COVID-19 vaccine under legislation announced February 10th by State Democrats. State employees and legislative staffers are …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Michael By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath A November 2021 abstract was published in the Journal Circulation titled, Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data show a cost-effective means of reducing weight, improving your immune system, lowering inflammation and supporting antiaging processes is caloric restriction by 14% of your normal daily intake Fasting is one way to lower your calorie intake and experience the additional benefits of stimulating your metabolism, lowering blood pressure and helping to prevent or eliminate Type 2 diabetes There are simple hacks that help make fasting easier, which include increasing your ketones to shift your hunger hormones and structuring water so it can be immediately used for energy Adding enough prebiotic fiber to your [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Food addiction is defined as an “eating behavior involving the overconsumption of specific foods in an addiction-like manner.” Up to 20% of the general population may have food addiction Research has repeatedly demonstrated that food addiction is virtually indistinguishable from the addiction to drugs Sugar consumption triggers release of natural opioids and dopamine in your brain, lowering availability of those receptors. This is a protective mechanism designed to protect your brain from damage due to overstimulation. The drawback is that you now need a higher dose of the substance to get the same pleasure [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Data show that just two disinfection byproducts offered compelling evidence that a cumulative risk assessment would reveal health damage from contaminants found in drinking water The Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database is the most complete source of information compiled from data in nearly 50,000 systems users can search by zip code; the guide relies on current science and not legal limits set by regulatory agencies The textile industry is a significant contributor to water pollution, dumping nearly 20% of dyes and fixative agents used to set colors down the drain, often at high [More]
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE Vaccine mandates and passports are a prelude to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Internet of Bodies The topic of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is thoroughly documented on government websites and in other official sources We might have a better chance at getting through to our conspiracy denialist friends by pointing them in the direction of policy papers that openly talk about the Fourth Industrial Revolution vs. by trying to talk to them about the harms of vaccines We may also point them in the direction of the “conspiracy theories” of the past that came [More]
“How many places will eventually require that you have a QR code they can scan for your vax info?” Admin   Vaccine and mask mandates are being dropped precipitously across the United States, as the campaigning for this fall’s midterm elections heats up.   Also, the number of deaths and the number of COVID cases is dropping rapidly.   Some might say the U.S. is returning to normalcy.   But a new report in Forbes suggests that new norm will include digital vaccine passports.   Read More: New national vaccine pass quietly being implemented
Watch interview This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Peter Breggin, author of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. A Harvard-trained psychiatrist, Dr. Breggin is among the world’s most experienced medical experts in landmark legal cases in psychiatry and neurosurgery, and now in COVID-19. Visit him at Breggin.com. Dr. Peter Breggin discusses Freedom in the World is at Stake Now, and he asks: Will we devote our lives to saving America? Don’t miss it!