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03/22/22   In 2004, Hollywood maverick Mel Gibson released what was then the biggest Biblical film of all time, The Passion of the Christ.   In fact, The Passion is one of the highest grossing R-rated films of all time.   After 2023, however, that fact may no longer be true. According to industry rumors and news reports, its sequel may soon eclipse that record.   The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection is rumored to cover the three day period between Christ’s death and resurrection and will likely include depictions of hell, according to a recent preview by MovieWeb.   “It’s going to be the biggest film in world history,” starring [More]
By Michael By Fabian Ommar Street smarts are an asset, and even more so in volatile and turbulent times. “You’re a born innocent, JeeBee. Until you learn this is a different world nowadays, that you’re either… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Even if you have had COVID, and some restrictions in your area have been lifted at least temporarily, life is definitely not normal, especially in medicine. We live under an increasingly authoritarian regime that falsely claims to “follow the science,” but is really based on fear.   Warning: Much of what follows is “anecdotal,” scorned by the “evidence-based medicine” establishment. We can no longer believe our eyes and ears. Of course, a single or a few observations must be replicated before we change medical practice or societal policy – unless they support a politically correct objective. But what to do [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to a fact-checking organization called Health Feedback, COVID-19 deaths have not been overcounted; rather, they’ve been undercounted. As “evidence,” they cite a study from India, which concluded that they’ve undercounted cases Health Feedback is part of a World Health Organization project called Vaccine Safety Net, and is a fact-checking service under the umbrella of Science Feedback. Partners and funders of Science Feedback include Facebook and the Google News Initiative Health Feedback relies on semantics to debunk my statement that “most early COVID patients were killed from ventilator malpractice.” The article I cited did [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE March 3, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky answered questions at Washington University, revealing she learned of the Pfizer shot efficacy data from CNN, which was a republished press release from the pharmaceutical company Walensky was unaware that the virus may mutate, or that the vaccine would not be effective against mutations, which was a question a financial analyst was astute enough to ask Pfizer Many of the talking points from the CDC originated from the same company that did President Biden’s polling in the 2020 election, which indicates that at least some of [More]
On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane welcomes Dr. Sam Sigoloff, one of the 3 DOD whistleblowers that exposed the stunning numbers of deaths and diseases caused by the bioweapon shots falsely called vaccines, among our military and suspended by the U.S. Army for writing exemptions to troops.
03/21/22 As Congress openly funds the cartel ridden government of Ukraine, it held the Trump administration back from protecting our borders against Mexican cartels, powerful enough to topple and dominate local governments. Walter West joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to discuss the pitiful condition of our Southern border, the infiltration of cartel criminals into America, and the compliance of the courts. West confirmed that cartels are funding a war on our Southern border, as they armor-up to invade U.S. sovereign soil.
By Guest Contributor When you are preparing for a disaster scenario, you should better plan all steps beforehand for your successful escape. One of the most important characteristics of a good escape project is the location of the retreat: your bug-out location. There are several types of areas where you can spend time while the situation outside is an emergency. Most likely, you would prefer to stay away from dangerous spots like big communities and save yourself and your family from possible dangers. To be prepared to the full, you can find extensive articles at <span …read more Source: Organic [More]
By Wendy Miller, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Have you ever taken a good hard look at the children’s menus your children choose from when you take them out to eat? Most of the choices would be a “heart attack on a plate” for an adult. So, why are we continuing to serve these unhealthy foods to our children? Part of the reason is that the kids love them. Another reason is that they have been considered acceptable since the 1890s. Just because a doctor created and encouraged the use of these menus, it doesn’t mean we should blindly use …read more [More]
By Michael By Aden Tate Did Will Smith’s I Am Legend teach us nothing? It seems as if we can’t get away from scientists who want to modify the genetic code of all the world around us, producing more and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Everyone needs to start paying attention to this crisis, because America’s rapidly growing bird flu pandemic is going to deeply affect all of us at the grocery store.  This pandemic began on February 8th when a confirmed case of HPAI was confirmed in a domestic flock, and on March 9th I published an article that discussed the fact that nearly 2.8 million birds (mostly chickens and turkeys) had already died.  If the pandemic had fizzled out after that first month, it wouldn’t have ultimately been a major deal.  But instead, this pandemic has escalated dramatically here in the second month.  If cases [More]
Jeff & microbiologist Erica – Two Different Kinds Of Blood Clots … The Spike Clots And Normal Clots With Ryan Cole, Shedding Plus The Amazing Claim Of 35% Blood Saturation. Listen here
The spike protein pokes holes in cell membranes at concentrations much lower than those achieved with vaccination, contributing to COVID-like illness and mitochondrial damage. But is the J&J immune? …read more Source: Sott health news feed     
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Last year, women who noticed changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving a COVID shot were silenced and gaslighted by MD influencers and the media. They were told that there was no way the shots could do that – that it was probably just “stress.” But it wasn’t long before research confirmed that the mRNA jabs can affect menstruation (at this time, the National Institutes of Health says that these menstrual changes are small, temporary, and “within the range of normal variation” – we certainly hope this is true). Now, there may be <a [More]
By Michael By Matt Agorist In January, we reported on multiple military doctors who came forward and blew the whistle alleging that the DoD medical data showed alarming increases in cancer, miscarriages,… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
03/20/22   “Good article by Scott Lively previewing the totalitarian society the globalists have planned for us.” Admin   Many years ago when I was a teenage pothead, I wrote my first short story, called “The Perfect Citizen” about a young man, Justin, living in a totalitarian society where every spoken word was scripted by the state and deviation from the script was absolutely forbidden. It opened at the family breakfast table where the four members of his family (Dad, Mom, Justin and younger sister) first pulled their scripts from the wall-mounted printer and then carried on a typical conversation [More]
By Susan Patterson As spring wears off and summer heat picks up, most gardeners find it rather tiring to work in the garden. That’s why you need to look for flowering plants––both annuals and perennials––that bloom profusely throughout the season without much pampering from you. Fortunately, you have a wide selection of summer bloomers to choose from. Petunia Petunias grown as annuals have one of the longest flowering seasons, right from mid-spring to late fall. Hybrid petunias with the trailing habit, commonly known as Purple Wave petunias, are extremely …read more Source: Natural Living Ideas     
By Michael By GreenMedInfo Research Group Get acquainted with the unique ways that chestnuts aid in wellness, from protecting against memory loss to potentially fighting tumors and various chronic diseases…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM What did randomized controlled human trials find about the ways we may—or may not—benefit from eating onions? …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org     
By Michael By Joanne Bower, University of East Anglia Instead of lying awake worrying, we’re often told to “sleep on it” when making decisions both big and small. And there’s actually a scientific basis for… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) Vegetarian and vegan lifestyles have grown increasingly popular as people tout the associated health benefits. Still, regardless of the data, many people can’t turn away from their carnivorous nature. The numbers don’t lie, though. There does seem to be some merit to eating plant-based foods. Lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers are just a few of the perks. But even that isn’t enough to convince many to make a move to eating less meat. The question is, should they have to? When it comes to …read more Source: Natural Health [More]
By Edit Lang, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Although it may seem distant past, most of us still remember the day the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first gave emergency use authorization (EUA) to the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 injection, on December 10th, 2020. A few days later, Moderna’s injection also received the FDA’s blessing to help end the pandemic. If you recall, the very moment the jabs got rolled out, the lying media and social media channels were ready to begin bombarding the American population with their non-stop promotional messaging about how “safe and effective” these experimental jabs were. While some …read [More]
By Michael By Tyler Durden Abnormally dry to exceptional drought conditions are expected to persist across 60% of the continental U.S. as spring in the Northern Hemisphere begins. Forecasters expect little to… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) Engineered foods are becoming more and more prevalent as scientists seek to make our whole, natural fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats into substances that vaguely resemble the original product. They claim to be doing it all in the name of better health, but is it really? Japanese startup, Sanatech, is behind the launch of the CRISPR gene-edited tomato, the first of its kind in the world. The engineered fruit contains higher levels of the sedative Gamma-AminoButyric Acid or GABA. It is garnering a mixed reception, with some experts touting its supposed …read more Source: Natural Health [More]
By everybodysfit There are three types of skin growths called warts. All are caused by the human papillomavious virus (HPV). Most of the time, warts are found on the fingers or nails on the skin’s outer layer. There are actually more than 60 kinds of HPV, and some of course case warts on the skin. Warts are caused by direct contact with HPV, which means they are in fact contagious. They can be spread from person to person as well or by directly touching an object that has been exposed. They can even spread on the person’s own body when [More]
03/19/22 “A sobering look at what some of the long term consequences will be of this economic war being waged against Russia. Better get ready for some very volatile and dangerous times ahead if this economic war continues to escalate.” Admin The U.S. and its allies in the EU and others around the world have imposed the harshest economic sanctions on Russia that have ever been used. In the past, even nations directly at war with each other would continue to pay the debts they owed each other. Since this war is in Ukraine, let’s look at another war that [More]
03/19/22   “Once you read this you’ll know why our starting a major war with Russia or China now would be a catastrophic decision for us.” Admin   Russia has reportedly used hypersonic missiles in combat against Ukraine last week, marking the first known use of the new superweapons in combat by any military.   “US officials confirmed to CNN that Russia launched hypersonic missiles against Ukraine last week, the first known use of such missiles in combat,” CNN reported. “The launches were likely intended to test the weapons and send a message to the West about Russian capabilities.”   Read [More]