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Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Fear of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causing a nuclear incident has resulted in Europeans stockpiling iodine. In the case of a serious nuclear accident, radioactive iodine can be released into the air, increasing your risk of thyroid cancer and acute radiation sickness when inhaled Non-radioactive iodine supplements help to prevent the radioactive iodine from concentrating in your thyroid gland, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid cancer The conventional recommendation to ward off some of the health dangers of radiation exposure is to take supplemental potassium iodide. In addition to potassium iodide tablets, you could [More]
Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage was the associate medical director of the health department in Louisville, Kentucky. She was also “the face of the LouVax site” at the Kentucky Exposition Center and became known for pushing the COVID-19 vaccine.   Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer said that Hartlage “took command of an amazing team of city workers and volunteers to vaccinate tens of thousands of people in a previously unthinkably short amount of time.” Earlier this month, without apparent cause, the 36-year-old died.   All Louisville Chief Health Strategist Sarah Moyer had to say was that it was “sudden and expected” but could not explain the [More]
Ben Armstrong show: This is a must see! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich exposes all the lies of the globalists! Watch the video if you want the truth.      
 For Dane Donaldson, father of eight-year-old Tanner, saving his son from terminal kidney disease is the least he can do. However, despite being the perfect kidney donor, the Cleveland Clinic turned him down simply because he was not vaccinated, and they mandate that everyone who goes under the knife should be.   In the March 25 episode of “The HighWire,” host Del Bigtree discussed Tanner’s situation.   Read More: Cleveland Clinic denies father right to donate a kidney to his terminally ill son because he is unvaccinated – NaturalNews.com
The Covid vaccines were supposed to protect those who got inoculated, but that is not what’s happening. In fact, instead of the pandemic of the unvaccinated that we were warned about, many of the sick and dying had gotten vaccinated. In this episode of “Beyond the Cover,” host Gary Benoit interviews Rebecca Terrell about her article “The Jab Jinx” that was published in The New American magazine’s April 11, 2022 “Covid Special Report.” Terrell, who is a senior editor of The New American, discusses the mounting evidence showing that the adverse effects of the vaccines are doing far more harm [More]
04/01/22 “Anyone thinking that we will someday get back to normal (pre 2020 days) is in for a rude awakening with what the globalists have planned for us. This is just a sample of what’s to come if they are allowed to usher us into their Great Reset tyranny.” Admin  Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Evidence that The Great Reset is rapidly approaching can be seen in the recent decision by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ban real meat, and if history is any indication, the same decision may be taken by other countries as well. The [More]
04/01/22   “Total depravity characterizes the fraudulent Biden regime. Wanting to foist this radical sexual agenda on grade schoolers should convince any sane parent to get their kid(s) out of public school.”  Admin   President Biden published a direct message to “transgender Americans of all ages” on social media Thursday to mark “Transgender Day of Visibility” in the United States.   “To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your President sees you. Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees you for who you are,” said Biden from the White House.   Watch: BIDEN: I’m [More]
Jeff & Erica – The Alarming Unfolding Novavax Story The EVIL Spike Protein Creating AIDS In The Vaxed Update On The Spike CJD Prion Horror Explosion and personality changes Listen here
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In the first large-scale trial to evaluate the long-term effects of cocoa flavanols on heart disease, notable benefits were uncovered Those who received cocoa flavanols had a 27% reduction in death from cardiovascular disease, and incidence of three cardiovascular events — heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular deaths — was also significantly reduced Among those who took the cocoa flavanol supplement regularly, there was a 15% reduction in total cardiovascular events and a 39% reduction in death from cardiovascular disease Cocoa flavanols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and hypolipidemic effects, with research showing that even short-term [More]
More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Attorney Dies From Vaccine-Related Heart Attack Watch This Man’s Uncontrollable Spasms After Getting the Vaccine Australian Man Develops Pericarditis After Getting the Pfizer Shot Bayer Chief: mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy Woman Develops Autoimmune Disorder After Pfizer Shot AstraZeneca Injury Victim Still Awaiting Compensation Man Gets Pericarditis After COVID-19 Booster Woman Struggles With Sores Months After Moderna Shot COVID Jab Messed Up This Woman’s Menstrual Cycle Moderna to Seek Emergency Use COVID Shot for Children Under 6 Once-Healthy and Active 6-Year-Old Boy Suffers After [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A March 2022 study shows a link between artificial sweeteners and cancer, even after controlling for factors known to contribute to cancer, including age, weight gain, physical activity and family history of cancer Artificial sweeteners are commonly found in diet and low-calorie foods. However, they are also found in foods that you may have thought were either sweetened with sugar or not sweetened at all, such as bread, Pedialyte, Greek yogurt, granola cereal, non-diet ginger ale and microwave kettle popcorn Evidence suggests that artificial sweeteners also trigger beneficial bacteria to become pathogenic, lower the [More]
Five items for this article:   FDA authorizes 5 doses of the COVID vaccine?!? We thought it was four. Ron DeSantis is suing to end the transportation mask mandate. Joomi’s vax story Amputation after vaccination Does the flu shot reduce mortality? Nobody wants to know.   Read More: FDA authorizes five doses, DeSantis mask lawsuit, Joomi’s vax story, leg amputations, flu vaccine
Jeff & Erica – The Incredible Diversity Of Death Caused By The Spike Protein Listen here They refer to an article they put together detailing the ways the spike protein can kill you. Here’s the link to that article.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE COVID-19 booster shots lose effectiveness rapidly, with protection plummeting by the fourth month post-shot Within four to five months post-booster, protection against COVID-19-related emergency department and urgent care visits decreased to 66%, then fell to just 31% after five months or more post-booster Regulators are already hinting that a fourth COVID-19 shot may be necessary Moderna, Pfizer and other vaccine makers have begun clinical trials for COVID-19 shots that target the Omicron variant specifically, but studies have failed to show any advantage to the new shots Artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated booster shots [More]
“This is a very important show to watch! Check out the links below and search on DuckDuckGo for Andreas Klacker who is mentioned in the video to find his site and much more information.” Admin Stew Peters Show: Retired Veteran David Oates, who served for nearly 25 years, cured his asthma, acid reflux, ringing ears, and COVID – 19 using small dosages of chlorine dioxide. Oates’ mother contracted the bioweapon, and her body began shutting down rapidly, dropping her oxygen levels to 73. Oates gave her small amounts of the chlorine dioxide – within days, she sprung back to health. [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The globalist cabal wants to monopolize health systems worldwide, and a stealth attack is already underway in the form of an international pandemic treaty, proposed by the World Health Organization The treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and would erode democracy everywhere. Not only would the treaty empower the WHO to mandate COVID jabs and vaccine passports globally, it could potentially also expand the WHO’s power to dictate all health care policy worldwide The treaty would also give the WHO the power to [More]
The researchers behind an ambitious and far-reaching new university study on COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy hope to collect responses from 2.5 million people worldwide.   The principal investigator of the PROVES (People’s Response to COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy and Safety) study is Aditi Bhargava, Ph.D., a professor in the department of Ob/Gyn and the Center for Reproductive Sciences at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).   Bhargava, who has a background in molecular and developmental biology, was involved in the development in 1990 of one of the first PCR diagnostic kits for the detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis.   Her co-investigator, Sabra Inslicht, Ph.D., is also [More]
Check out this video, even if you just listen to the first 3 minutes.   He points out that:   He went from a respected expert to censorship and cancellation, There is no evidence that the vaccines reduce all-cause mortality, Even if the claims of harm from COVID were true and the vaccines were as safe and effective as claimed, it still doesn’t justify the lockdowns, vaccine passports, and mandates. And that’s just in the first 2 minutes (after the one minute intro). In the rest of the video he goes into detail and shows you how they trick you [More]
Media outlets mass-produce propaganda to control society, silencing those who dare to disrupt their narratives. Award winning journalist and ex-CBS Detroit employee, April Moss joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to expose Big Tech and Big Pharma’s collusion to kill the unvaccinated, the compliance of the nurses, and more. Moss’s upcoming documentary, ‘Bad Medicine’ exposes how the media is killing thousands with the help Big Pharma, and the damage done so far. Visit FreedomMed.org to find clinics and doctors near you that prescribe ivermectin and effective treatments against the plandemic.
A new peer-reviewed study shows more than two-thirds of adolescents with COVID-19 vaccine-related myopericarditis had persistent heart abnormalities months after their initial diagnosis, raising concerns for potential long-term effects.   The findings, published March 25 in the Journal of Pediatrics, challenge the position of U.S. health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which claim heart inflammation associated with the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines is “mild.”   Read More: Heart Damage Found in Teens Months After Second Pfizer Shot, Study Shows • Children’s Health Defense
“I wonder what the reason is for such hasty approval? Could it be this?” Admin Two top FDA scientists resigned last year after charging the agency was allowing politics to compromise its vaccine-approval process, and now the FDA has expanded emergency use authorization for a fourth booster shot without a vote of its expert panel. The FDA on Tuesday said people age 50 and older are allowed to get a second Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 booster – a fourth shot – four months after their first booster. Dr. Marty Makary, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, condemned the move in [More]
Stew Peters Show: W.H.O. experts claimed that Remdesivir was not to be used in treating covid, and doctors acknowledged its dangers towards patients – now, unvaxxed discrimination is taking a new extreme as the narrative remains, “it’s all about safety”. Scott Rose joined the show Tuesday to expose the discrimination he faced as an unvaxxed patient, the fear tactics used, and more. Rose was knowingly placed on Remdesivir, isolated, and is facing chronic kidney failure and continuous lung collapsing.
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane reveals the worldwide agenda behind the forced injections after numerous intel briefings from military and scientific experts, and then she shows you how CRSPR Technology is used to change your God-given genetic code…disrupting centuries of your familial and human lineage. She shows a number of pictures of graphene objects appearing in various Covid vaccines.
03/30/22   “It’s not just here but many of the governments in the West are corrupt as well and are leading their citizens to the globalists Great Reset tyranny.” Admin   Most Americans realize that there is corruption in Washington, but very few understand how deep it really goes.  If the general population really did grasp how corrupt our politicians have truly become, there would be endless protests in the streets of Washington starting tomorrow.  Unfortunately, most of us are still convinced that one of the major political parties will ultimately vanquish the other party and restore integrity to our [More]
03/30/22 “Disney is certainly circling the drain. So they have an exec with a pansexual child! I would keep my kids as far away from Disney “entertainment” as possible.” Admin In a virtual meeting of Disney executives in response to Florida’s controversial parental rights bill, an executive producer for the iconic entertainment giant disclosed that her team has implemented her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.”   Latoya Raveneau said she and her colleagues are regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.   The video was publicized exclusively by Christopher Rufo, whose research on Critical Race Theory in K-12 public schools has prompted parental [More]
By Michael This editor has demonstrated for 45 years that the global elite are uniformly boastful in laying out their timeline for the future of their strategies to conquer the world. They are not hard to find… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Michael By Sammy Cartagena With inflation at a forty-year high, it is the topic on everyone’s mind. US core inflation has reached 7.5 percent year over year, and the prices of certain goods, such as used… …read more Source: Natural Blaze